In this paper, we study zero divisors in the Hurwitz series rings and the Hurwitz polynomial rings over general non-commutative rings. We first construct Armendariz rings that are not Armendariz of the Hurwitz series type and find various properties of (the Hurwitz series) Armendariz rings. We show that for a semiprime Armendariz of the Hurwitz series type (so reduced) ring RR with a.c.c.a.c.c. on annihilator ideals, HR (the Hurwitz series ring with coefficients over RR) has finitely many minimal prime ideals, say B1,…,BmB1,…,Bm such that B1⋅…⋅Bm=0B1⋅…⋅Bm=0 and Bi=HAiBi=HAi for some minimal prime ideal AiAi of RR for all ii, where A1,…,AmA1,…,Am are all minimal prime ideals of RR. Additionally, we construct various types of (the Hurwitz series) Armendariz rings and demonstrate that the polynomial ring extension preserves the Armendarizness of the Hurwitz series as the Armendarizness.