Attribute reduction has the ability to identify essential features, reduce feature dimensions, and improve the classification of learning models. The study of attribute reduction methods for ordered decision systems, which are data with preferred order relations, is a popular research topic. In this chapter, a heuristic attribute reduction method based on self-information is proposed by improving the computation of the approximation set. First, by choosing the triangular matrix form, we cleverly optimize the matrix computation process, which facilitates the storage of relations among multiple objects and saves time effectively at the same time. Second, we introduce a more efficient method to compute the approximation set, which further improves the computational efficiency of the algorithm. The adoption of self-information as the uncertainty measure considers both deterministic information and possible categorization information. Finally, the validation practice on multiple datasets fully proves the effectiveness of the algorithm. From the experimental results, the algorithm in this chapter can effectively remove irrelevant or redundant attributes, and at the same time, it is also more efficient compared to other algorithms due to the improved approximation set calculation method.