For the (3+1)-dimensional nonlinear evolution equation in a plasma, crystal or fluid, the Pfaffian solutions are obtained via the Bell polynomials, symbolic computation and Hirota method. Amplitudes and velocities of the solitons are discussed, respectively, as well as the conditions on whether the collisions are overtaking or head-on in the fluid/plasma/crystal. If the product of four wave numbers is greater than 0, collisions are overtaking, or else, head-on. For the (2+1)-dimensional Sawada–Kotera equation in a liquid, we discuss that amplitudes and velocities of the solitons, as well as the conditions of solitonic collisions. Hereby, there only exist the overtaking collisions between the solitons in such a liquid because the sign of l1+l2 is the same as l31+l32, where l1 and l2 are the wave numbers in the liquid. Figures showing the overtaking and head-on collisions for the two and three solitons in the fluid/plasma/crystal are also presented.