First-principles full-potential linearized augmented plane-wave method based on density functional theory is used to investigate the structural, electronic and magnetic properties of KX (X=S, Se and Te) binary alkali–metal chalcogenides compounds. These compounds in different crystalline phases, NaCl (B1), CsCl (B2), ZB (B3), NiAs (B81), WZ (B4) and Pnma, were calculated within the generalized gradient approximation (GGA-PBE) and the modified Becke–Johnson approach (mBJ-GGA-PBE) for the exchange–correlation energy and potential. We found that the most stable phase for the KX binary compounds is the nonmagnetic Pnma phase. The calculated lattice parameters, bulk moduli, their first-pressure derivatives and internal parameters are in good agreement with the other theoretical data. The electronic band structure and density of states show that half-metallic and magnetic character arises, which can be attributed to the presence of spin-polarized p orbitals in the group VI elements. KX (X=S, Se and Te) compounds, except for KSe and KTe in the CsCl and NiAs phases, show HM character in all phases, with an integer magnetic moment of 1μB per formula unit and HM gaps.