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Eco-friendly, nontoxic and high-energy storage materials are very important for flexible electrode materials. Bi4Ti3O12 lead-free, perovskite phase may prove suitable as filler in composites for electrode materials because of its large spontaneous polarization. We have synthesized Bi4Ti3O12/polystyrene (BTO/PS) composites and carried out their structural, morphological and bonding studies with the help of X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), in that order. Dielectric measurements in the broad frequency range of synthesized composites determined by Impedance analyzer. We observed that the dielectric constant of composites increased with filler concentration and decreased with applied field frequency. Bi4Ti3O12/PS composites can be good electrode materials.
This study investigates the performance of vinyl ester composites reinforced with areca fruit fiber, microcrystalline cellulose, and silane coupling-grafted recycled PET bottle waste foam under conditions of water and heat-accelerated aging. The reinforcement, areca fiber and recycled PET foam were surface-modified using 3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane (3-APTMS) to enhance interfacial bonding. The composites were fabricated using a manual hand layup process and subjected to aging tests. According to results the APS2 composite had enhanced heat conductivity at 0.17W/mk and decreased flame propagation speed at 10.99mm/min after being exposed to saltwater. Similarly, after being exposed to rainwater, the ARP2 composite developed a temperature conductivity of 0.16W/mk, a flexural strength of 80.3MPa, a tensile strength of 37.4MPa, and a flame propagation speed of 10.97mm/min. SEM analysis of silane-treated vinyl ester composites reinforced with areca fibers and microcrystalline cellulose reveals improved interfacial bonding and filler dispersion, enhancing the composite’s mechanical integrity. These findings confirm that the application of silane coupling agents significantly enhances the thermal stability, water resistance, and overall durability of the composites, making them suitable for demanding applications requiring high mechanical strength, effective thermal management, and robust fire resistance, particularly under challenging environmental conditions.
This study investigates the mechanical, fatigue, water absorption, and flammability properties of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) core-pineapple fiber sandwich composites reinforced with silane-treated neem fruit husk (NFH) biosilica additives. The novel approach includes modifying the fiber’s surface and incorporating biosilica to enhance environmental resistance. The composites were prepared using a hand layup method, followed by silane treatment of the biosilica, pineapple fiber, PET core and vinyl ester resin. Subsequently, to evaluate environmental impacts on composite’s performance, sandwich composites were subjected to temperature aging at 40∘C and 60∘C in a hot oven for 30 days and warm water aging at the same temperatures in tap water with pH 7.4. According to the results, adding 1%, 3%, and 5 vol.% silane-treated biosilica significantly improved the mechanical properties. The composite with 3% biosilica (L2) showed a tensile strength of 120.8MPa, flexural strength of 194.4MPa, compression strength of 182.4MPa, rail shear strength of 20.21MPa, ILSS of 23.14MPa, hardness of 85 Shore-D, and Izod impact strength of 6.56 J. Even under temperature and water aging conditions, the composites showed only minimal reductions in properties, highlighting the efficacy of the silane treatment. The temperature-aged L2 composite had a tensile strength of 104MPa, flexural strength of 172.8 MPa, compression strength of 164MPa, and ILSS of 22.5MPa, while the water-aged L2 composite exhibited a tensile strength of 96MPa, flexural strength of 152.8MPa, compression strength of 146.4MPa, and ILSS of 21.4MPa. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis confirmed uniform dispersion of biosilica particles, critical for improved performance, though higher concentrations led to agglomeration and stress points. The composites also demonstrated excellent flame retardancy, maintaining a UL-94 V-0 rating with decreased flame propagation speeds, specifically 9.05mm/min for L2. These findings underscore the potential of silane-treated biosilica as a reinforcing additive to enhance the durability and performance of composites in adverse conditions.
We apply THz imaging technology to evaluate fire damage to a variety of carbon fiber composite samples. The majority of carbon fiber materials have polarization-dependent reflectivities in the THz frequency range, and we show how the polarization dependence changes versus the burn damage level. Additionally, time domain information acquired through a THz time-domain spectroscopy (TDS) system provides further information with which to characterize the damage. The technology is discussed in terms of non-destructive testing applications to the defense and aerospace industries.
Microwave absorption properties (MAP) of manganese soft spinel ferrite (MnFe2O4) nanoparticles (MSF NPs) mixed with multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) and molded as toroid-shaped pellets were experimentally studied using a coaxial line technique in the frequency range of 2-18 GHz. We used the coaxial line technique because of the smaller sample size, a wider frequency range, and a uniform cross section. The MAP were derived from the measured constitutive parameters, according to the transmission line theory. The results indicate that MWCNTs blended with ferrite nanoparticles represent a promising choice for broadband microwave absorbing materials.
We analyze a random resistor–inductor–capacitor (RLC) lattice model of two-dimensional metal–insulator composites. The results are compared with Bruggeman's and Landauer's Effective Medium Approximations where a discrepancy was observed for some frequency zones. Such a discrepancy is mainly caused by the strong conductivity fluctuations. Indeed, a two-branches distribution is observed for low frequencies. We show also by increasing the system size that at pc the so-called Drude peak vanishes; it increases for vanishing losses.
The purpose of this investigation was to prepare and evaluate the feasibility and biocompatibility of a new composite as a large defect bone substitute. The new GTGG was mainly composed of tricalcium phosphate ceramic particles and glutaraldehyde crosslinked gelatin in which Gui-Lu-Jiao was added (a mixture of Cervi Colla Cornus and Colla Plastri Testudinis). In the in vitro study, rat's calvaria osteoblasts were used to study bone characteristics upon exposure to different concentrations of the Gui-Lu-Jiao solution. In the in vivo study, GTGG composites were implanted into the defects of calvarial bones in mature New Zealand rabbits to test their osteogenerative characteristics. As a result, we found that Gui-Lu-Jiao added to the culture could promote the proliferation of osteoblasts. In addition, GTGG could induce a large amount of new bone growth in the rabbit's calvarial bone defect. Therefore, the GTGG composite might be a potential bone substitute.
Classical percolation theory is concerned with the onset of geometrical connectivity and the accompanied onset of electrical connectivity in disordered systems. It was found, however, that in many systems, such as various composites, the geometrical and electrical onsets of the connectivity are not simultaneous and the correlation between them depends on physical processes such as tunneling. The difference between the above two types of systems and the consequences for the electrical transport properties of the latter composites have been largely ignored in the past. The application of scanning local probe microscopies and some recent theoretical developments have enabled a better understanding of the latter systems and their sometimes "strange" behavior as bona fide percolation systems. In this review we consider the above issues and their manifestation in three types of systems: Carbon Black–Polymer composites, metal–insulator cermets and hydrogenated microcrystalline silicon.
The TiAl3/Al2O3 metal-ceramic composite was synthesized using high energy ball milling, powder compaction and thermal treatment. Micron sized powders of titanium oxide (TiO2) and aluminum were subjected to high energy ball milling under an argon protected atmosphere. Milling of this powder mixture although reduced crystallites sizes to a nano scale, did not result in a reaction between the reactants. Further compaction of the milled powder and annealing, paved the way to a reduction reaction and led to the formation of an ultrafine grained composite structure. The reaction appeared to proceed through two-steps. Titanium oxide was first reduced to TiO and later on, TiO was reduced to Ti. The resulting Ti was alloyed with extra Al to produce TiAl3 intermetallic in which alumina particles were dispersed. Also, mechanical activation was found to reduce the reaction temperature between Al and TiO2. The morphology and phase composition of the milling products were evaluated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis.
Mg-Cu-Zn ultrafine eutectic composites with different length scale heterogeneity, consisting of micrometer size dendrites and/or ultrafine scale bimodal eutectics, exhibit high yield strength as well as good plasticity at room temperature compression. Among these alloys, micron-scale α-Mg dendrites reinforced ultrafine eutectic composites exhibit high yield strength of 310 ~ 420 MPa and large plasticity of 7 ~ 12%. Meanwhile, a Mg72Cu5Zn23 alloy comprising a bimodal eutectic structure without the micron-scale α-Mg dendrites shows the optimized mechanical properties the highest yield strength of 455 MPa combined with a considerable plastic strain of ~5%.
Ultrafine eutectic alloys have been developed in Ti-Ni, Ti-Fe and Ti-(Ni, Fe)-Sn alloys. The Ti76Ni24 and (Ti74Ni26)97Sn3 ultrafine eutectic alloys consist of a mixture of α-Ti and Ti2Ni phases, and β-Ti(Sn) and Ti2Ni phases, respectively, whereas the Ti70.5Fe29.5 and (Ti70.5Fe29.5)97Sn3 alloys are composed by a mixture of β-Ti(Sn) and FeTi phases with relatively spherical colony. The compression tests of Ti76Ni24, (Ti74Ni26)97Sn3 and Ti70.5Fe29.5 ultrafine eutectic alloys reveal a strength of 1400 ~ 1800 MPa with very limited plastic strain of 0.1 ~ 1%. On the contrary, a (Ti70.5Fe29.5)97Sn3 alloy exhibits high strength of 2270 MPa with enhanced plastic strain of 3.1%. Based on these results, it is feasible to suggest that the eutectic morphology and interfacial coherency between the Ti solid solution and intermetallic phases influence to control the macroscopic plasticity of the Ti-Ni and Ti-Fe ultrafine eutectic alloys.
A new kind of composite with a bi-continuous structure was produced by pressure infiltrating melt Zr41.2Ti13.8Cu12.5Ni10Be22.5 into porous SiC which was made by powder metallurgy. Microstructure investigations of the composite show that the melt alloy was fully infiltrated into the voids of porous SiC and quenched into amorphous state. Both the amorphous alloy and the porous SiC exhibit a three-dimensional interconnected net structure. The study of thermal properties reveals that the addition of porous SiC reduces the width of supercooled liquid region of the composite. The bi-continuous composite presents 2% plastic strain and ultimate strength of 1250MPa.
Porous Si3N4-SiO2-BN composites were prepared by adding starch as both pore former and consolidator. Bruggeman effective-medium model, Maxwell-Garnett model and logarithmic model were used to describe and predict the dielectric constant of porous Si3N4-SiO2-BN ceramics. Relative dielectric constant of porous Si3N4-SiO2-BN composites decreases with the increase of apparent porosity within limits, and these models can forecast the change of the dielectric constant of the porous ceramics quite well. The minimum relative dielectric constant is 2.5 at the apparent porosity of 0.555 at room-temperature. The relationship between dielectric constant and temperature were investigated. It was found dielectric constant varied a lot with the increase of temperature, and Debye relaxation theory was employed to explain the variation of the dielectric constant with temperature increment. But the Debye relaxation theory can not explain the reason of variation of dielectric constant at the temperature range from 300°C to 900°C. To ascertain the cause of changes of dielectric constant at this temperature region, differential scanning calorimentry (DSC) measurement was performed. In this temperature region, phase transition behavior occurs at nearly 300°C in the porous composites. The new phase probably has a tidy large dielectric constant, and the dielectric constant increases sharply.
The superconductors Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox (Bi2212 ) and Ag/Bi2212 composites samples were prepared by the powder metallurgy method. The frictional behaviors of Bi2212 pins in contact with stainless steel plate were examined from -196 to 20°C on friction and wear tester. When the temperature was lower than the superconducting transition temperature, the friction coefficient of Bi2212 dropped sharply, and it kept 0.11 with increase of the test time. The microstructure and morphology of Ag/Bi2212 composites were investigated by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electronic microscope (TEM) and high resolution transmission electronic microscope (HRTEM). The elemental compositions of the worn surfaces of Ag/Bi2212 composites were determined by using energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDXA). The results showed that the superconducting structure of Bi2212 was not changed and Ag was distributed in the Bi2212 matrix. Ag doping improved the toughness of oxide ceramics Bi2212. The friction test results of Ag/Bi2212 composites showed the tribological properties were improved at room temperature. The friction coefficient of 10%Ag/Bi2212 against stainless steel showed a lower value (0.2) and the wear rate of 15%Ag/Bi2212 was minimum (9.5×10-5 mm3·(N·m)-1 ). The lubrication of soft metallic film and load of hard matrix were the mechanism of decreased friction and anti-wear of Ag/Bi2212 composites.
The effects of impurities on the generation of voids in composites fabricated by vacuum-assisted resin transfer molding was investigated to help reduce mechanical weakening in large structures. Impurities were intentionally inserted into laminates, which were then observed optically. Internal voids were generated in specimens with impurities of 2 – 3mm thickness. The voids grew as the impurities' thicknesses increased to 4 – 5 mm. The voids' diameters were proportional to the thickness of the impurity. Void generation was shown to depend on the thickness of impurities. Environmental control during vacuum-assisted resin transfer molding was shown to be important for ensuring the quality of the resulting composites.
The purpose of this study is to determine the correct estimation of the concept design for high strength composites applied to the intermediate shaft of a ship. Recently, the application of composites has increased in the ship industry area for weight reduction and marine environmental protection. Carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) has characteristics of high strength, high elasticity and high corrosion resistance. Therefore, it is a suitable material for reducing the weight of the ship. So, weight reduction and high fuel efficiency can be expected. However, little research has been carried out on the technology development of a composites shaft for ships. In this study, analysis is carried out on the application of a high-strength CFRP shaft.
The purpose of this study is to determine the correct estimation of laminate patterns for high-strength composites applied to a ship. Recently, the need for developing a ship component has been increasing to improve the capability of maritime operations. Composites with excellent specific strength and specific stiffness are emerging as next-generation materials. In the composite material, the mechanical properties vary depending on the laminated pattern of the reinforcing material. Therefore, in this study, the properties of the composite materials were calculated using the computer simulation program. The ply calibration performance results show that the initial values of the mechanical properties of the carbon/epoxy composites in the E11 direction are higher than the calculated values, and the remaining values are the same. The laminate mechanics results show that the tensile strength in the S11T direction was 1515 MPa, which is almost the same as the initial value of 1500 MPa.
In order to overcome the weak bonding force between the interface of the composite materials, research for improving the interfacial bonding force by adding nanoparticles has been actively conducted. However, despite the improvement of characteristics through the addition of nanoparticles, it is not widely used because the particles are relatively expensive and it is difficult to control the aggregation between the particles. In this study, we compared the mechanical properties of relatively low-cost halloysite nanotube (HNT) nanoparticles with micro-sized milled carbon. Based on the similar mechanical properties of the composites with two particles added, we found that milled carbon could replace HNT particles. In addition, if the cohesion of HNT is reduced based on the strengthening effect of milled carbon having a relatively low cohesive strength, it is expected that the strengthening effect can be obtained more than that found in the existing studies.
Copper matrix composites reinforced with graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs) were prepared by vacuum hot pressing of ball milled mixtures of powders. Two grades of GNPs were used; one with average thickness of 2 nm and average lateral size of 6 μm and another with much larger lateral size of 80 μm. Microstructure and properties of as-prepared composites containing 10 vol.% GNPs were studied. The GNPs sheets are uniformly distributed and well aligned in the Cu matrix. The microstructure observation shows that the GNPs-2–6 exhibits a better dispersion in the Cu matrix than GNPs-2–80. The addition of fine GNPs-2–6 lead to ∼31% higher tensile strength and approximately same electrical conductivity of the Cu matrix, while the GNPs-2–80/Cu composite only shows a ∼15% increase of tensile strength and a lower electrical conductivity than the Cu matrix.
The purpose of this study is to develop a lightweight design model for an 18ft leisure boat. The existing leisure boat is manufactured using glass fiber-reinforced plastics (GFRP) material and the hand lay-up process. Carbon fiber-reinforced plastics (CFRP) was applied to the new design to reduce the boat’s weight, while an automated tape laying machine was applied to the lightweight boat’s manufacturing process to increase boat manufacturing productivity. The newly designed CFRP model is 25% lighter than the existing GFRP model. It was confirmed that the newly designed lightweight hull has sufficient structural integrity compared to the existing hull through the structural integrity evaluation by the FEA.