We obtained the solutions of Einstein’s Field Equations (EFEs) for locally rotationally symmetric (LRS) Bianchi type-I perfect fluid spacetimes through the concircular vector fields (CCVFs) in f(T) gravity. It is shown that such metrics admit CCVFs of 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 15 dimensions. We also calculated the energy density, fluid pressure, torsion scalar T and the form of the function f(T). We did not specify the form of f(T) for the solution of EFEs but found a particular form of f(T) during the process of finding the CCVFs. It is observed that energy density and fluid pressure of some solutions are related as p=−ρ, which means that the universe represented by these spacetime metrics behaves like dark energy models. For other solutions, it is observed that the fluid pressure and energy density can remain positive for particular choices of the constants involved. Thus, in these cases the rate of expansion can slow down due to positive attractive effect. We also calculated the Hubble’s parameter (H), scalar expansion (𝜃), shear scalar (σ2), anisotropy parameter (Am) and the deceleration parameter (q) associated with each of the obtained exact LRS Bianchi type-I solutions. It is observed that the physical behavior of the spacetime changes with the number of admitting CCVFs. A constant anisotropic behavior for 15-dimensional CCVFs is observed to change to isotropic nature for seven-dimensional CCVFs.