It is shown that the replacement of a part of sulfur atoms with selenium atoms in a TlInS2 single crystal stimulates the formation of a single-phase state with a monoclinic structure (space group C2C2/c)c) in TlInSxxSe2−x2−x (x=1x=1). Irradiation with 2 MeV electrons and a fluence of 2×10172×1017 electron/cm2 of powder TlInSxxSe2−x2−x (x=1x=1) leads to an increase in the crystallite size from 56.5 nm to 65 nm, which is most likely associated with a decrease in the interface.
The difference between the surface morphology of the synthesized TlInSxxSe2−x2−x (x=1x=1) single crystal and the surface morphology of the TlInS2 single crystal is established, which consists in a decrease in the height and width of the roughness in TlInSxxSe2−x2−x (x=1x=1). Irradiation of a TlInSxxSe2−x2−x (x=1x=1) single crystal with electrons with a fluence of 2×10172×1017 electron/cm2 does not lead to a change in the height of the tubercle on its surface, and the average value of its width increases more than ten-fold.
The identity of the peaks in the Raman spectra of the TlInSxxSe2−x2−x (x=1x=1) single crystal before and after its irradiation with electrons with an energy of 2 MeV and upto a fluence of 2×10172×1017 electron/cm2, along with the absence of a shift of the peaks, indicates the radiation resistance of the TlInSxxSe2−x2−x (x=1x=1) single crystal.