Considering the new issues human society faces now, environmental issues, and climate change is one of the primary and most essential phenomena which have been caused by the unsustainable lifestyle of men over the last two centuries. Power and energy are some of the leading role players of today’s human lifestyle and one of the most effective in which the environment is affected. This article represents the results of research over the possibility of recovering waste heat and determination of design parameters of a waste heat steam generator for medium speed set of diesel generators, with the rated 42MW capacity and are used for power generation. The main goals of this study are to manage the waste heat of the engines and to help the severe water leakage of the power plant. In this paper, for managing the waste heat, a combined steam cycle is being designed for this process. This system added 19MW the overall electricity generation, and the exergy and energy efficiencies of the system are being increased by 29.2% and 32.8%. Moreover, finally, a geothermal condensing system (GCS) is designed to control the water shortages of the steam power unit condensing system. The GCS condensing system developed in this paper helps to reduce the water evaporation losses in the cooling water by more than 79% compared to the wet cooling towers.