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  • articleNo Access

    Exploring the Impact Mechanism of Digital Transformation in Chinese Pharmaceutical Firms: The Mediating Role of Digital Innovation

    The swift advancement of digital technology has rendered the digital transformation of firms a crucial element propelling innovation and growth within the pharmaceutical industry. This study seeks to explore the influence of digital technology, digital strategy, digital leadership, and digital innovation on the digital transformation of Chinese pharmaceutical firms, along with a detailed analysis of digital innovation’s role in this process. The study background demonstrates that digital transformation substantially influences the operational efficiency and market competitiveness of pharmaceutical firms. This study proposes the following research questions: How do digital technology, digital strategy, and digital leadership affect the digital transformation of Chinese pharmaceutical firms? What role does digital innovation play in this process? Quantitative methods are employed to perform statistical analysis on the gathered data by developing structural equation models to validate research hypotheses. Research indicates that digital technology, digital strategy, and digital leadership significantly enhance the digital transformation of pharmaceutical firms, with digital innovation serving a mediating role. This study indicates that digital innovation is a crucial catalyst for the digital transformation of Chinese pharmaceutical firms. Firms must prioritize the use of digital technology, the development of digital strategies, and the enhancement of digital leadership to facilitate digital transformation. This study holds both theoretical and practical significance for advancing the digital transformation of Chinese pharmaceutical firms.

  • articleNo Access


    In the current digital age, technological innovation is rapidly transforming work methods and employee expectations for work–family balance. This study aims to explore how digital innovation, through Green Human Resource Practices (GHRPs) and Leader–Member Exchange (LMX), promotes sustainable transformation in small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) while effectively supporting employees’ work–family balance. Using empirical analysis on 357 employees from 10 digitized SMEs, the study constructs a comprehensive model based on Resource Dependence Theory (RDT), Social Exchange Theory (SET) and Planned Change Theory (PCT). The findings reveal that digital innovation plays a critical role in adjusting work–family boundaries and enhancing employee satisfaction and organizational performance, with GHRPs and LMX serving as important mediators in this process. Additionally, the study emphasizes the key role of effective change management strategies in achieving sustainable organizational growth. This research provides a framework and strategies for SMEs to implement GHRPs in the digital context, helping to improve organizational performance and facilitate sustainable organizational transformation.

  • articleFree Access

    The Roles of Green Entrepreneurial Concerns and Sustainable Management of Supply Chains Post COVID-19

    Scholars have begun to pay more attention to green entrepreneurial concerns (GEC) and sustainable management of supply chain (SMSC) practices, but the impact of these factors on a firm’s competitive performance (FCP) remains unclear, especially post COVID-19. Although previous studies have examined GEC and SMSC practices, they have mainly focused on assessing their effects on general firm performance, not specifically on FCP and the post-COVID-19 perspective. Therefore, this study investigates the direct links between GEC and SMSC, and between SMSC and FCP from a COVID-19 standpoint. This paper also examines the mediating effect of SMSC on the GEC–FCP relationship, and the moderating effect of digital technologies on the GEC–SMSC correlation. This study is a survey-based empirical research. The survey forms or questionnaires were distributed to 330 companies in Yemen with a response rate of 83.9%. The conceptual framework was assessed with structural equation modeling. The analysis outcomes indicate that GEC significantly affects SMSC and then FCP. The outcomes also unveil that SMSC mediates the GEC–FCP relation. Furthermore, digital technologies (e.g. artificial intelligence and big data analytics) significantly moderate the relationship between GEC and SMSC. This paper contributes to the existing literature by (i) expanding the limited findings of previous SMSC works by delivering a novel factor of GEC to boost the FCP via SMSC post the pandemic; and (ii) increasing knowledge about the effect of digital technologies on advancing SMSC and later FCP post the pandemic. Different from other academic works that have observed SMSC as a direct predicting factor for firm performance, the research offers novel insights about the capability of SMSC to mediate the relationship between GEC and FCP, and digital technologies can support the incorporation of GEC and SMSC for companies’ internal operations, particularly in the era of uncertainty such as in the post-pandemic times.

  • articleNo Access


      NUS Researchers Create Palm-Size Device for Quick, Effective Treatment of Common Hearing Disorder.

      World Asthma Day: Managing and Living with Asthma.

      DARZALEX® (daratumumab) Available in Singapore, Following Accelerated Approval by the Health Sciences Authority.

      Managing Liver Cancer as a Global Health Problem.

      Bayer and NUS Enterprise Announce Winners of Grants4Apps® Singapore Open Innovation Challenge.

      Exclusive Interviews with the Grants4Apps® winners: I. EyeDEA, Singapore, II. GlycoLeap by Holmusk, Singapore and III. PillPocket, Thailand.

    • articleNo Access

      Inside Industry

        The following topics are under this section:

        • Australian cancer care provider expands to Asia Pacific as part of its mission to reduce global cancer burden
        • Strategic partnership to aid Real World Evidence (RWE) studies in ASEAN
        • BC Platforms establishes new entity in Singapore to spearhead activities in Asia Pacific region.
        • Digital therapeutics reaching new heights, efforts put forward by Biofourmis
        • Nine winners honoured for their contributions to the Singapore research Community
        • Launch of Digital Ecosystem of Model Factories Initiative
        • Inaugural ELDEX Asia medical conference showcases international suppliers of the silver economy
        • SFF x SWITCH closes successfully with more than 60,000 participants after a week-long event
        • Ground-breaking technologies and opportunities for businesses for exponential growth
        • Spotlight on advancements in cancer preventions, treatment and care at the ESMO Asia Congress 2019
        • Ageing and Health Conference for Policymakers and Researchers in Asia
        • Using deep technology to change the way healthcare is delivered

      • articleFree Access

        An Integrated Framework for Examining Innovation Alignment in Organizations

        Innovation has been promoted as a panacea to solve the long-standing problem of how organizations deal with complexities associated with uncertainty and instability in ever changing environments. information systems (IS) research focusing on innovation has adopted several perspectives to reveal a rich context in which the innovation surfaces as a phenomenon. Examination of a rich context may contribute to a better understanding of an extent to which uncertainty and instability can affect or be affected by innovation strategies that require various innovation efforts in an organization. In this regard, one of the most critical issues is to ensure that these innovation efforts can achieve a successful outcome via their strategic and structural alignment. In this research, we propose an integrated framework that addresses an innovation alignment issue by employing three high-level notions (strategic dimensions, structural characteristics, strategizing acts). The integrated framework has been used rigorously in two cases for an explorative purpose. Our interpretation of the evidence suggests that strategizing act, as a high-level notion has an explanatory power to articulate the associations between strategic dimensions and structural characteristics. Among other findings, we have observed that the closed, incremental and process-oriented innovation strategy is particularly relevant to the corporate level whereas radical, product-oriented, and partially open innovation strategy is associated with a more exclusive innovation structure.

      • articleNo Access

        Digital Innovation in Incumbent Firms: An Exploratory Analysis of Value Creation

        Incumbent firms’ competitiveness largely depends on the ability to develop digital innovation as novel combination of digital and physical components. This paper provides a better understanding of value creation through digital innovation, focussing on market offerings from incumbent firms. Based on the insights of an exploratory multiple case study with seven cases from the automotive, machine engineering, and consumer goods industries in Germany, we explain the multi-sided changes required for the development and management of digital innovations. Afterwards, we contribute to the further theorization of digital innovation. According to our empirical findings, we decided to discuss the applicability of the resource-based and competence-based approach.

      • articleNo Access

        Building Blocks of Successful Digital Transformation: Complementing Technology and Market Issues

        Strategic transformation is the primary reason why digitalization, artificial intelligence and related changes are on the top of most corporate agendas. Currently, many firms have completed the stage of strategy formulation for their digital transformation and are in the phase of strategy implementation. Here, many firms face major difficulties, which often result from an emphasis on technology issues at the expense of market-related issues. Following the innovation-based view and a conceptual framework of technology push and market pull effects, this conceptual paper presents important building blocks of successful digital transformation. On this basis, it illustrates the typical focus of most firms at present and highlights the limitations of these approaches. To overcome these limitations, several implementation steps are presented. As such, this paper contributes to research into digital transformation and artificial intelligence as well as into managing strategic renewal in light of technological change.

      • articleNo Access

        The Digital Platform as Digital Innovation: A Study from the Perspective of Dynamic Capabilities

        The objective of this study is to examine how digital platforms digitally innovate companies and organizations, using the business model for dynamic capacity in three Brazilian companies. To achieve the proposed objective, a case study research method was used, with theoretical models of digital platforms, digital innovation and dynamic capabilities. The empirical research results proved that the three companies have a digital platform for business transactions as their main component, and that this model connects customers and suppliers through services.

      • articleNo Access

        How to Organize Digital Innovation? The Role of Involvement, Structure, and Technology

        Innovation, especially digital innovation, is indispensable for organizations that want to remain competitive. Employees play a crucial role in developing innovations, but the use of digital technologies for innovation methods that foster employee-driven innovation has rarely been researched. Using a sample of 215 participants and two innovation methods (i.e. digital, non-digital), we show that employees value a digital innovation more if they are involved in the digital innovation, the involvement follows a structured process, and the digital innovation process uses digital technologies. These results have implications for both practice and the innovation and information systems literatures.

      • articleNo Access

        Navigating the Digital Frontier: Emerging Trends in Digital Innovation Management for 2023 and Beyond

        Purpose: After the pandemic digital technologies have increasingly become the focus of companies’ innovation management processes. This trend has led to a rapid expansion of the field, with a growing number of research papers on various facets of this topic being published in academic journals. However, the proliferation of literature in the field has complicated the ease with which practitioners and academics can stay up to date with the latest developments and build on recent findings in their respective work. In order to succeed within the field of digital innovation management a strong grasp of the newest trends is required to not fall behind competitors, and to be able to develop cutting edge research. To address this challenge, this paper aims to answer the research question: What are the most common themes in post-pandemic digital innovation management literature? Design/methodology/approach: To answer this question, this study conducted a systematic literature review of 148 academic papers published between 2020 and 2023. The identified trends were subsequently organized into a framework that provides a comprehensive understanding of the field. Findings: The identified trends can be classified as either catalysts or new opportunities. Catalysts are trends that companies can implement to make their digital innovation management more efficient. The four identified catalysts are: the use of artificial intelligence as a vital part of innovating, educating leaders and employees, incorporating digital knowledge management practices, and collaborating with innovation networks. The articles also point to three trends classified as new opportunities that digital innovation management can enable, such as more sustainable initiatives, better foreign aid, and a transition to platformization. Originality: This study summarizes the research direction of digital innovation management and synthesizes important key developments leading up to the year 2023, which researchers and practitioners should be aware of.

      • articleNo Access


        The emergence of digital innovation in academia and practice has been established, and it is time to consider when and how it affects innovation performance. Before this background, we examine how innovation practices such as open innovation and dominant design impact innovation performance, particularly in the case of digital innovation. We develop a theoretical framework that is tested on a long panel of patent data for 788 technologies over 32 years. Open innovation has no impact on the innovative performance of technologies in general, but for digital innovation, we find a positive effect. In addition, dominant design has a stronger impact on the innovative performance for digital innovations than for other innovations. We conclude that the management of digital innovation is different from that of other innovations since both open innovation and dominant design are more important for innovative performance. Indeed, some of the benefits of openness may only apply to digital innovation.

      • articleNo Access


        Digital disruptions are substantially impacting businesses and reshaping our economy worldwide, attracting increasing attention in research and practice. However, research lacks theoretical framing and understanding of the emergence, development, and impact of digital disruption. This study analyses and structures the fragmented knowledge on digital disruption by means of a systematic literature review, identifying five relevant key dimensions, i.e., disruption characteristics, market factors, organisational factors, value constellation, and impact/outcomes. Based on this analysis and classic disruption theory, we develop a theory-informed integrative framework, proposing nine relevant layers of digital disruption and deriving corresponding theoretical propositions for future research. The study makes an initial contribution towards theory development and a comprehensive understanding of the digital disruption concept. It may serve as the starting point for further theory development and a guiding scheme for managers on how to create or deal with digital disruption.

      • articleOpen Access


        Digital technology continues to extend the co-creative role of users and user communities as sources of innovation-conducive knowledge. While the potential of user communities in this context is well established, little is known about the capabilities needed to successfully manage the interface with virtual user communities. The paper investigates User Community Sensing (UCS) capability as a measure of firms’ ability to anticipate changes and opportunities for innovation by interfacing with relevant user communities. Based on existing research and data from 173 product innovation projects, the study employs structural equation modelling to test the hypothesised effects of this capability on product innovation performance and product innovation speed. The results indicate that UCS capability affects performance positively and indirectly by increasing knowledge about users but has no significant effect on speed. As well as contributing to the literature on innovation management, the study has a number of implications for practitioners.

      • articleOpen Access


        Digital innovation has become an important focus for corporations wishing to provide novel products and services to their customers. To achieve this, firms must maintain a disruptive organisational posture and promote risk-taking behaviours. In contrast, religious executives are generally seen in the literature as risk-averse and endorse conservative values, such as traditionalism, security, and conformity. In an analysis of large U.S. firms between 2010 and 2015 and using a novel measure for the religiosity of board directors, we find that companies with higher proportions of religious board directors file fewer digital patents and receive fewer citations on their digital patents. Moreover, this study establishes firms’ technological and religious environments as relevant boundary conditions. We contribute to the innovation management literature by introducing board religiosity as an antecedent to digital patenting activities in large firms and by establishing leisure activities as an indicator of the religiosity of executives. In addition, this study offers relevant organisational policy implications with respect to diversity initiatives and board decision-making.

      • articleOpen Access


        Aiming at fostering digital innovation for value creation, incumbent firms have largely adopted dedicated and separated structures for innovation and new business creation. While these structures have been successful in enabling exploration, bringing digital innovations to scale remains a challenge. By employing a qualitative case study of an incumbent bank, with individual projects as the unit of analysis, this study investigates the practices and challenges of transitioning digital innovations developed in separate structures to operationalisation or commercialisation in the core of the organisation, a shift essential for enabling innovations to reach scale. Our key contribution is in presenting a dual business-technology transition-to-scale model defined by the intensity of integration and explaining how innovation managers deviate from this model by adopting coping actions aimed at overcoming innovation and organisational transition challenges. With this, we further highlight the challenges of managing an aligned dual business-technology transition in the context of an incumbent firm undergoing digital transformation.

      • articleNo Access

        AI business models and its impact on business strategic framework

        Recently, a lot of research was done on how to evolve the artificial intelligence business model framework. However, one issue was still undeveloped, which was immature to understand. This has been vital for budding and progressive managers, policy decision makers, and academics alike, namely, how businesses transform and develop their AI business models framework to accomplish continuous value formation. Businesses, which achieve to make value over prolonged stages of time effectively, figure, acclimate and recommence their business models with AI technology to fuel such value formation. Sketch on verdicts from a research program on uninterruptedly budding businesses is given. This paper categorizes three perilous competences, namely, an alignment towards investigating with and manipulating innovative business openings, a well-adjusted use of properties, as well as attaining lucidity between management, ethos, and member of staff obligations, together they all decisive key maneuvering schedules. We conclude the paper by signifying the consequences for AI business model framework research and experts and by providing a tool for executives which permits them to reproduce and classify perilous problems relevant for shifting and emerging their business model to sustain value creation. In this paper, we try to explore the keys of Business Model Framework, which will revolutionize business market ecosystem.

      • articleNo Access

        Industry 5.0: Potential Applications in COVID-19

        Industry 5.0, the fifth industrial revolution, consists of smart digital information and manufacturing technologies. This industrial revolution generates effective processes and makes rapid improvement in industries and healthcare. Solutions to challenges posed by COVID-19 pandemic can be identified with the deployment of Industry 5.0-based technologies. It helps to provide personalized therapy and treatment processes to the COVID-19 patients if a detailed patient’s information is available. The aim of Industry 5.0 technologies is to create a smart healthcare environment with real-time capabilities. During the COVID-19 pandemic, these technologies can provide a remote monitoring system in healthcare. This paper identifies and studies major technologies of Industry 5.0 helpful for the COVID-19 pandemic. The supportive features of Industry 5.0 for the COVID-19 pandemic are discussed diagrammatically. Finally, we identified and studied significant challenges faced in the context of Industry 5.0 technologies for the COVID-19 pandemic. The literature revealed that this technological innovation allows a high personalization level to fulfill personal specific demands of the patient and doctors. These technologies play a significant role in making the life of doctors better. Further, doctors can use this technology to focus on critically infected patients and provide proper appropriate information regarding their better treatment. Moreover, Industry 5.0 technologies can help doctors and medical students for required medical training during this COVID-19 outbreak.

      • chapterNo Access

        Chapter 13: Building Blocks of Successful Digital Transformation: Complementing Technology and Market Issues

        Strategic transformation is the primary reason why digitalization, artificial intelligence and related changes are on the top of most corporate agendas. Currently, many firms have completed the stage of strategy formulation for their digital transformation and are in the phase of strategy implementation. Here, many firms face major difficulties, which often result from an emphasis on technology issues at the expense of market-related issues. Following the innovation-based view and a conceptual framework of technology push and market pull effects, this conceptual paper presents important building blocks of successful digital transformation. On this basis, it illustrates the typical focus of most firms at present and highlights the limitations of these approaches. To overcome these limitations, several implementation steps are presented. As such, this paper contributes to research into digital transformation and artificial intelligence as well as into managing strategic renewal in light of technological change.