In this paper, we investigate, in the framework of the theory of open quantum systems, based on completely positive dynamical semigroups, the Markovian dynamics of Gaussian Rényi-2 correlations — quantum entanglement, quantum discord, mutual information and classical correlations in a system composed of two bosonic modes, interacting with a squeezed thermal bath. We show that the time evolution of the Rényi-2 correlations strongly depends on the parameters of the initial Gaussian squeezed thermal state of the considered system and on the parameters characterizing the squeezed thermal bath. It is shown that while Gaussian Rényi-2 entanglement is suppressed in a finite time, due to the interaction with the squeezed thermal bath, the correlations beyond entanglement — Gaussian Rényi-2 discord, classical correlations and mutual information undergo a freezing-like behavior, namely they decay only asymptotically, in the limit of large times. We also illustrate a fundamental hierarchy for bipartite Gaussian correlations.