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Based on the elasto-/hydro-dynamic model the dynamic properties of the five-fold symmetry quasicrystals with point groups 5, are investigated, by using the finite difference method. The problems including dynamic initiation of crack growth and fast crack propagation of this material are studied. The results show that the phonon–phason coupling effect plays an important role to the dynamic properties of the quasicrystals.
The thermodynamic model of viscoelastic deformable magnetic materials at finite strains is formulated in a fully Eulerian way in rates. The Landau theory applied to a ferro-to-paramagnetic phase transition, the gradient theory (due to an exchange energy) for magnetization with general mechanically dependent coefficient, hysteresis in magnetization evolution by the Gilbert equation involving an objective corotational time derivative of magnetization, and the demagnetizing field are considered in the model. The Kelvin–Voigt viscoelastic rheology with a higher-order viscosity (exploiting the concept of multipolar materials) is used, allowing for physically relevant frame-indifferent stored energies and for local invertibility of deformation. The model complies with energy conservation and Clausius–Duhem entropy inequality. An existence and a certain regularity of weak solutions are proved by a Faedo–Galerkin semi-discretization and a suitable regularization.
A new high-order local Absorbing Boundary Condition (ABC) has been recently proposed for use on an artificial boundary for time-dependent elastic waves in unbounded domains, in two dimensions. It is based on the stress–velocity formulation of the elastodynamics problem, and on the general Complete Radiation Boundary Condition (CRBC) approach, originally devised by Hagstrom and Warburton in 2009. The work presented here is a sequel to previous work that concentrated on the stability of the scheme; this is the first known high-order ABC for elastodynamics which is long-time stable. Stability was established both theoretically and numerically. The present paper focuses on the accuracy of the scheme. In particular, two accuracy-related issues are investigated. First, the reflection coefficients associated with the new CRBC for different types of incident and reflected elastic waves are analyzed. Second, various choices of computational parameters for the CRBC, and their effect on the accuracy, are discussed. These choices include the optimal coefficients proposed by Hagstrom and Warburton for the acoustic case, and a simplified formula for these coefficients. A finite difference discretization is employed in space and time. Numerical examples are used to experiment with the scheme and demonstrate the above-mentioned accuracy issues.
Within the framework of linear two-dimensional elastodynamics, stress wave intensity attenuators are studied under material and boundary condition discontinuities collectively. The influence of various parameters on the efficiency of stress wave attenuators is investigated thoroughly and a comprehensive understanding of the response is developed under dynamic loadings for a wide range of frequencies. In particular, the effect of in-plane and out-of-plane dimensions, incident wave frequencies (wavelength), rigidity of the host structure, and impedance mismatch between different layers have been examined. The dependence of stress wave attenuator efficiency and robustness are found to be a complex function of all relevant parameters, and performance is observed to vary significantly for various combinations. To illustrate the significance of combined effects of various parameters on the potential efficiency of the stress wave intensity attenuators, an optimization problem is solved. An optimal material set-up of a 12-layered structure, subjected to transient loadings with varying durations and wide range of frequency contents, is presented. A coupled genetic algorithm-finite element methodology is developed specifically for the optimal design of layered structures. This methodology is highly suitable for investigating the solution space that is too large to be explored by an exhaustive parametric study. The results of the optimal designs evidently show that the efficiency of the stress wave attenuators depends significantly on the duration of transient loading, and high efficiency can be attained for short durations.
This study develops an adaptive time-stepping procedure of Newmark integration scheme for transient elastodynamic problems, based on the semi-analytical scaled boundary finite element method (SBFEM). In each time step, a posteriori local error estimator based on the linear distributed acceleration is employed to estimate the error caused by the time discretization. The total energy of the domain, consisting of the kinetic energy and the strain energy, is calculated semi-analytically. The time increment is automatically adjusted according to a simple criterion. Three examples with stress wave propagation were modeled. The numerical results show that the developed method is capable of limiting the local error estimator within specified targets by using an optimal time increment in each time step.
An adaptive polygonal scaled boundary finite element method (APSBFEM) is developed for elastodynamics. Flexible polygonal meshes are generated from background Delaunay triangular meshes and used to calculate structure’s dynamic responses. In each time step, a posteriori-type energy error estimator is employed to locate the polygonal subdomains with exceeding spatial discretization error, then edge midpoints of the corresponding triangles are inserted into the background. A new Delaunay triangular mesh and a polygonal mesh are regenerated successively. The state variables, including displacement, velocity and acceleration are mapped from the old polygonal mesh to the new one by a simple algorithm. A benchmark elastodynamic problem is modeled to validate the developed method. The results show that the adaptive meshes are capable of capturing the steep stress regions, and the dynamic responses agree well with those from the adaptive finite element method and the polygonal scaled boundary finite element method without adaptivity using fine meshes.
We construct approximate solutions of the initial value problem for dynamical phase transition problems via a variational scheme in one space dimension. First, we deal with a local model of phase transition dynamics which contains second and third order spatial derivatives modeling the effects of viscosity and surface tension. Assuming that the initial data are periodic, we prove the convergence of approximate solutions to a weak solution which satisfies the natural dissipation inequality. We note that this result still holds for non-periodic initial data. Second, we consider a model of phase transition dynamics with only Lipschitz continuous stress–strain function which contains a non-local convolution term to take account of surface tension. We also establish the existence of weak solutions. In both cases the proof relies on implicit time discretization and the analysis of a minimization problem at each time step.
The authors consider the Euler equations for a compressible fluid in one space dimension when the equation of state of the fluid does not fulfill standard convexity assumption and viscosity and capillarity effects are taken into account. A typical example of nonconvex constitutive equation for fluids is Van der Waals' equation. The first order terms of these partial differential equations form a nonlinear system of mixed (hyperbolic -elliptic) type. For a class of nonconvex equations of state, an existence theorem of traveling waves solutions with arbitrary large amplitude is established here. The autors distinguish between classical (compressive) and nonclassical (undercompressive) traveling waves. The latter do not fulfill Lax shock inequalities, and are characterized by the so-called kinetic relation, whose properties are investigated in this paper.
The complex variable moving least-squares (CVMLS) approximation is discussed in this paper, and the mathematical and physical meaning of the complex functional in the CVMLS approximation is presented. With the CVMLS approximation, the trial function of a two-dimensional problem is formed with a one-dimensional basis function. Then combining the CVMLS approximation and the Galerkin weak form, we investigate the complex variable element-free Galerkin (CVEFG) method for two-dimensional elastodynamics problems. The penalty method is used to apply the essential boundary conditions, and the implicit time integration method, which is the Newmark method, is used for time history analysis. Then the corresponding formulae of the CVEFG method for two-dimensional elastodynamics problems are obtained. For the purposes of demonstration, some selected numerical examples are solved using the CVEFG method. Compared with the EFG method, the CVEFG method has greater precision.
The numerical solution of the elastodynamic problem with kinematic boundary conditions is considered using mixed finite elements for the space discretization and a staggered leap-frog scheme for the discretization in time. The stability of the numerical scheme is shown under the usual CFL condition. Using the general form of Robin-type boundary conditions some cases of debonding and the resulting acoustic emission are studied. The methodology presented finds applications to geophysics such as in seismic waves simulation with dynamic rupture and energy release. In this paper, we focus on problems of fracture occurring at the interface of composite materials. Our goal is to study both the mechanism of crack initiation and propagation, as well as the acoustic emission of the released structure-borne energy which may be used in structural health monitoring and prognosis applications.
The paper falls into the category of computational methods for inverse scattering techniques for the identification of scatterers. We consider a linear elastodynamic problem and compare two popular methods for identifying a scatterer in the domain. Finite elements are employed with each of the two methods for spatial discretization. One method considered is Full Waveform Inversion using a gradient-based optimization and the adjoint method. In the adjoint procedure for calculating the gradient, we use the variant of discretizing the unknown parameters from the outset while all other variables remain continuous. Gradient optimization is performed in the examples using a quasi-Newton method. The other method compared is the computational Time Reversal technique, which is used in combination with an augmentation procedure to enhance performance. advantages and limitations of the two methods are outlined, and their performance is compared through an example from geophysics.
A Bäcklund transformation is used to construct a class of model nonlinear stress-strain laws which admit an interior change of concavity. Application is made to analyse two–pulse interaction in the model nonlinear elastic materials.