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To confirm the quantitative accuracy of PIXE analysis instruments, we measured NIST SRM air particles on filter media using different types of PIXE analysis instrument: in-air micro-PIXE, in-air PIXE, in-vacuum PIXE, and in-vacuum micro-PIXE. Then, we compared the measured values with certified values and reference values of NIST SRM. We found that the quantitative values of the NIST SRM filter media measured with each PIXE instrument were within 90% to 110% of the NIST-certified and reference values for most elements. In particular, the quantitative values of major elements ranged from 90% to 110% for the in-air PIXE (Kyoto University), the in-vacuum PIXE, and the in-vacuum micro-PIXE at Tohoku University, and the relative errors are also small. These results will aid in determining the quantitative values of atmospheric particles on filter samples.
It has been reported that edible mushrooms are able to enrich the concentrations of several heavy metals. The Cd has especially drawn attention due to its high toxicity. By using PIXE analysis for the determination of the heavy metals it is possible to obtain a screening of the content of a wide number of elements. By analysing different species it is shown that one or a few elements may be characteristic for a single species. It is especially remarkable that several species of the family Agaricaceae are enriching Ag to a very high degree (up to 200 ppm).
As part of the study of trace elemental analysis of ancient Indian coins, twenty-five coins belonging to medieval period (11th-14th century A.D) and fifty-nine coins belonging to Kusanas (78-250 A.D) from India have been analysed using Proton Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) technique. The elements S, Ca, Fe, Cu, Ag, Sn, Pb were detected in 11th-14th century A.D. coins while elements namely S, Cl, K, Ca, Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, As and Zn were detected in most of the Kusanas coins. Based on the elemental analysis different hypotheses put forward in the earlier literature were examined. The presence of Pb determined in medieval period coins does not rule out the utilization of local source of silver extracted from argentiferous galena instead of the Faranjal mines of Afghanistan as normally accepted. From the consistent concentration of Ag in these coins despite the change of Kingdoms it is confirmed that beside the rulers the commercial communities had a great influence in the currency of medieval period. This is the first attempt where reasonable number of ancient coins belonging to different periods were analysed by modern non destructive multi-elemental technique such as PIXE and has put the importance of the elemental analysis of ancient Indian coins in the proper perspective.
Analysis of trace and toxic metals in untreated rainwater has been carried out using nondestructive proton induced X-ray emission (PIXE) in combination with pre-concentration technique. The pre-concentration technique used for this purpose was carried out by evaporation of the rainwater samples at 50°C under atmospheric pressure. Untreated rainwater samples were collected from 10 different locations across Baghdad city, Iraq. The mean concentration values of the elements (Al, Ca, Co, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Zn, Br, Rb and Sr) in rainwater samples were determined simultaneously at the parts per billion (ppb) levels. The rainwater samples and certified reference materials (CRMs) were irradiated with 2.0 MeV proton beam from Van de Graaff accelerator. The accuracy of the results was proved by using certified reference materials (GSP-2). The results were compared with the published data, Iraqi standards (IRQ), European standards (EU), and World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines for drinking water quality. The purpose of this work was to obtain the total elemental compositions of rainwater in Iraq.
To characterize the chemical composition of aircraft exhaust particles, we developed a treatment method of jet fuel for an elemental analysis by an in-vacuum PIXE system. Eleven elements (Si, S, Cl, K, Ca, Cr, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, and Pb) were identified from each sample. The concentrations of S from five JET A-1 fuel samples collected on different days ranged from 30.4 to 440 wt.-ppm. The concentration level of S agreed well with the measurement results obtained by an in-air PIXE analysis, which we have previously performed to determine the major content elements and their concentration levels. Nine elements out of the identified 11 elements (Si, Cl, K, Ca, Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, and Pb), which were not detected by the in-air PIXE analysis, were detected in all the JET A-1 fuel samples measured. Among these elements, Si, Ni, Cu, Zn, and Pb were found to be the major components. It is suggested that particles emitted from aircraft jet engines, which are generally in the size range smaller than 100 nm (ultrafine particles: UFPs), may contain Si, Ni, Cu, Zn, and Pb. These findings provide useful insights into the source apportionment of UFPs in and around airports.
This paper presents both historical and current research regarding the application of PIXE to agriculture. These applications are particularly important because of the necessity to produce food in an environment with deteriorating water and soil quality. The research presented has application to understanding transport of materials and nutrient uptake in plants. Given the critical nature of the problems facing this area, it is imperative that all avenues be approached including PIXE. PIXE has many advantages ranging from the simultaneous detection of many elements to the ability to scan materials with a small beam spot. Examples of these advantages are discussed.
Despite intensive investigation, normal and abnormal calcification mechanisms are still poorly understood.
In our study we measured the change of main and trace element concentrations across the calcification area of the mandibular cartilage of domestic pigs of different age.
The PIXE method was employed for the analysis of the cartilage samples, using a proton beam with an energy of 1700 keV.
Concentration values of the elements P, S, Cl, K, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Br, Rb, and Sr were evaluated from the measured spectra.
Significant changes of elemental contents across the calcification area could be observed.
The recent methodological developments and particularly the recent applications of nuclear analytical techniques (mainly PIXE and INAA) for measuring minor and trace elements in various types of environmental samples are reviewed. The sample types covered range from atmospheric aerosols over miscellaneous air topics (e.g., emissions, wet and dry deposition) to various solid environmental materials and samples from the aqueous environment. A fairly comprehensive overview is given of the research on atmospheric aerosols. For the other sample types, the trends in the research are indicated and selected examples of applications are presented. It is shown that the nuclear analytical techniques are very valuable for the multielement analysis of solid environmental samples. Furthermore, PIXE is particularly suitable for analyzing atmospheric aerosol samples.
Studies of particle induced X-ray emission (PIXE) have been widespread and detailed in recent years and despite the fact that most data obtained are from low energy 1–3 MeV experiments, the value of higher energy proton work with its emphasis on K X-ray emission has become more marked as time has progressed. The purpose of this review paper is to outline the history of analysis using high energy protons and to compare and contrast the results obtained with those from lower energy analysis using more firmly established analytical techniques. The work described will concentrate exclusively on proton induced processes and will attempt to outline the rationale for selecting an energy, greater than 20 and up to 70 MeV protons for initiating particles. The relative ease and accuracy of the measurements obtained will be addressed. Clearly such X-ray studies should be seen as complementing low energy work in many instances rather than competing directly with them. However, it will be demonstrated that above a Z value of approximately 20, K X-ray analysis using high energy protons is the only way to go in this type of analysis.
Constitutional elements of head hair of mouse (Mus musculus) were investigated by Particle-Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) analysis. The high peaks of S, K and Ca, and the low peaks of several other elements were observed in PIXE spectra of all the specimens from the used strains. The result clearly indicates that the ratios of these elemental contents are different among the coat colors of mice. Further, we observed strain difference even in the same color.
We have constructed a vertical beam line for in situ liquid analysis. Details of this beam line, the analytical results of milk and tea, and the detection limits of this beam line for 8-MeV He+ ion beam are described.
A method of transferring suspended particulate matter (SPM) from the used filter of a beta-absorption mass monitor to a polycarbonate filter for subsequent PIXE analysis has been developed. The method allows determination of the relative elemental composition of SPM. It was demonstrated that PIXE analysis can detect S, Cl, Fe and Zn in SPM sampled over a one-hour period.
This paper reports the chemical compositions of chicken-blood stone Ji Xue Shi measured by Proton Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE). The experimental result show that for the red portion of chicken-blood stone, the concentration of Hg is as high as 20 wt%, and the concentration of S can be above 10 wt%. For the non-red portion the main chemical compositions are Al2O3 and SiO2. The obtained chemical compositions are close to those of kaolinite for Balin chicken-blood stone, and of pyrophyllite for Changhua chicken-blood stone, respectively. So far many Changhua chicken-blood stones and Balin chicken-blood stones were found in China, the PIXE method can be used to explore the provenance of available chicken-blood stones.
Six types of samples including urushi, urushi tree and black coating films taken from ancient Buddha images were examined by analyses of PIXE, organic element and FT-IR to identify with urushi another material. Based on the results of three analytical experiments above mentioned, the coating materials aging over hundreds of years were identified with weathered urushi films mixed with other material. Further investigation may reveal the urushi coating techniques used in the past.
Through elemental analysis, laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS), a quick and effective analytical method, has enormous potential to advance agriculture. In this context, our study intends to better the fertilizer sector by utilizing LIBS’s capabilities. The main objective is to make it possible to rapidly and accurately analyze the elements in frequently used fertilizers such as nitrophos (NP), diammonium phosphate (DAP), and single super phosphate (SSP). We identify all elements contained in the fertilizers using qualitative and semi-quantitative analysis utilizing a single LIBS shot by noting their matching spectral lines and peak positions. This identification is validated more thoroughly by matching peak positions to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) database. Phosphorus (P), potassium (K), iron (Fe), calcium (Ca), nickel (Ni), and aluminum (Al) are effectively recognized due to their distinct spectral fingerprints. Our findings highlight the vital need to precisely characterize fertilizer content in order to maximize agricultural yield. Furthermore, our approach presents an efficient means for rapid and precise analysis of fertilizers, offering the advantage of minimal sample requirements.
The paper presents the method and numerical program along with graphical user interface for finding the probable composition of Schiff base complexes based on elemental analysis data. The applied algorithm uses sorting procedure of possible variations of number of groups under condition of electrical neutrality. The program was tested for a few examples and its usefulness was discussed.