Cosmological and astrophysical surveys in various wavebands, in particular from the radio to the far-infrared, offer a unique view of the universe’s properties and the formation and evolution of its structures. After a preamble on the so-called tension problem, which occurs when different types of data are used to determine cosmological parameters, we discuss the role of fast radio bursts in cosmology, in particular for the missing baryon Bologna, Italy problem, and the perspectives from the analysis of the 21 cm redshifted line from neutral hydrogen. We then describe the Planck Legacy Archive, its wealth of scientific information and next developments, and the promising perspectives expected from higher resolution observations, in particular for the analysis of the thermal Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect. Three cosmological results of the Planck mission are presented next: the implications of the map of Comptonization fluctuations, the dipole analysis from cross-correlating cosmic microwave background anisotropy and Comptonization fluctuation maps, and the constraints on the primordial tensor-to-scalar perturbation ratio. Finally, we discuss some future perspectives and alternative scenarios in cosmology, such as the study of the Lorentz invariance violation with the cosmic microwave background polarization, the introduction of new gravitational degrees of freedom to solve the dark matter problem, and the exploitation of the magnification bias with high-redshift sub-millimeter galaxies to constrain cosmological parameters.