According to the heavy-quark flavor symmetry, the B→π, K transition form-factors could be related to the corresponding ones of D-meson decays near the zero recoil point. With the recent precisely measured exclusive semileptonic decays D →πℓν and D→K ℓν, we perform a phenomenological study of B →π, K transition form-factors based on this symmetry. Using BK, BZ and Series Expansion parametrizations of the form-factor slope, we extrapolate B →π, K transition form-factors from
to q2 = 0. It is found that, although being consistent with each other within error bars, the central values of our results for B →π, K form-factors at q2 = 0,
, are smaller than predictions of the QCD light-cone sum rules, but are in good agreements with the ones extracted from hadronic B-meson decays within the SCET framework. Moreover, smaller form-factors are also favored by the QCD factorization approach for hadronic B-meson decays.