For n,m∈ℕ, let Hn,m be the dual of the Radford algebra of dimension n2m. We present new finite-dimensional Nichols algebras arising from the study of simple Yetter–Drinfeld modules over Hn,m. Along the way, we describe the simple objects in Hn,mHn,m𝒴𝒟 and their projective envelopes. Then we determine those simple modules that give rise to finite-dimensional Nichols algebras for the case n=2. There are 18 possible cases. We present by generators and relations, the corresponding Nichols algebras on five of these eighteen cases. As an application, we characterize finite-dimensional Nichols algebras over indecomposable modules for n=2=m and n=2, m=3, which recovers some results of the second and third author in the former case, and of Xiong in the latter.
Cualquier destino, por largo y complicado que sea, consta en realidad de un solo momento: el momento en que el hombre sabe para siempre quién es.
Jorge Luis Borges