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We analyze the inelastic scattering of the α+12C system leading to the state in 12C at incident energies of Eα=139 MeV ~ 240 MeV using α condensate model wave function, and investigate the affection of the large nuclear radius of
on the inelastic angular distribution. It is found that the oscillation pattern in inelastic angular distribution is sensitive to the extent of transition density rather than the nuclear radius of the excited state.
We analyze the anomalous quartic gauge boson couplings WWγγ and ZZγγ, described by dimension-six effective quartic Lagrangian at the LHC. The sensitivities to anomalous quartic gauge couplings by examining the two different photon-induced processes pp → pγp → pWγqX and pp → pγp → pZZqX with W and Z's decaying leptonically are investigated. We show that γp mode of photon-induced reactions at the LHC are able to probe these couplings to the order of 10-6–10-7GeV-2 at 95% confidence level (C.L.) with
and for proton–proton luminosities in the range of 30–200 fb-1.
The pre-existing literature on phenomena at the mesoscopic scale concern among other things phase coherent transport. Phase coherent transport dominates at very low temperatures. With increasing in temperature, as the system size becomes comparable to the inelastic mean free path phase incoherence sets in. This incoherence further leads to dephasing, and as a consequence purely quantum effects in electron transport give way to classical macroscopic behavior. In this work we consider two distinct phenomenological models of incoherent transport, the Coherent Absorption and Wave Attenuation models. We reveal some physical problems in the Coherent Absorption model as opposed to the Wave Attenuation model. We also compare our proposed model with experiments in case of the much studied peak to valley ratios in resonant tunneling diodes, magneto-conductance oscillations and Fano resonances in case of Aharonov–Bohm rings.
We have measured the differential cross-sections for the elastic and inelastic scattering of α-particles on 13C target at the isochronous cyclotron U-150 M INP Republic of Kazakhstan. The beam energies of α-particles were 29MeV and 50MeV. As a result of research we obtained new experimental data for the α + 13C elastic scattering and inelastic one leading to the 3.68 (3/2−), 6.86 (5/2+) and 7.5 (5/2−)MeV excited states of 13C nucleus. The experimental results on elastic scattering were analyzed within the framework of the optical model using Woods–Saxon potential and the double folding one. The theoretical calculations for the concerned excited states were performed using the coupled channel (CC) method. The optimal deformation parameters for the excited states of 13C nucleus were extracted.
We have measured the differential cross-sections for the elastic as well as inelastic scattering populating the 2.43MeV (5/2−) excited state in 9Be using 3He beams at energies of 30, 40 and 47MeV on a 9Be target. The experimental results for the elastic scattering were analyzed within the framework of the optical model using the Woods–Saxon and double-folding potentials. The theoretical calculations for the concerned excited states were performed using the coupled-channel method. The optimal deformation parameters for the excited states of 9Be nucleus were extracted.
The state-to-state and state-to-all reaction probabilities for He+CO(v,j)→He+CO(v',j') reaction at zero total angular momentum have been calculated by using a time-dependent quantum wave packet method. The time-dependent method used is based on Fourier Grid and Discrete Variable Representation (DVR) techniques. The time-dependent propagation of the wave packet is accomplished by an expansion in terms of modified complex chebyshev polynomials. The results show that the He+CO reaction is not reactive in the studied energy range.
In this paper, we report the results of three dimensional time dependent quantum wave packet calculations carried out for He+Li2 inelastic reaction in the collision energy range 0.43–1.18 eV. A three dimensional potential energy surface (PES) computed by Varandas was used for the dynamical calculations.1 The state to state and state to all transition probabilities for total angular momentum J = 0 have been calculated in a broad range of collision energies. Integral cross-sections and rate constants have been calculated from the wave packet transition probabilities by means of J-shifting approximation based on a capture model and a uniform J-shifting method for J > 0.
A kinematical simulation of inelastic scattering of deuterons from 9Be nucleus has been performed. The simulation results showed a possibility of determining the structure of 9Be excited states in the exclusive experiment with registration of both the scattered deuteron and the particle (neutron or alpha particle) from the breakup of the excited state. The preliminary results obtained in a test inclusive 9Be(d,d′) experiment are presented.
This article gives an introduction to the principles and practices of high-resolution electron-beam-induced deposition (EBID). In EBID, a small focused electron beam is used to locally dissociate a precursor onto the surface of a substrate giving rise to a small deposit. Recently it has been discovered that the size of the deposited structure can be as small as one nanometer allowing EBID to be used to fabricate very small nanostructures of arbitrary shape. EBID provides an alternative to more traditional fabrication methods such as electron beam lithography (EBL) and ion beam induced deposition (IBID). EBID is a direct write technique requiring no pre-deposited resist or development and it can be applied to planar and nonplanar surfaces. This article reviews all aspects of the technique including instrumentation, gas-solid reactions, electron-beam specimen interaction, deposition parameters and deposit composition. Special attention is devoted to factors that must be understood and controlled in order to achieve a resolution of 1 nm. Examples of very small nanostructures fabricated by performing EBID with high-energy subnanometer focused electron beams (200 kV) are demonstrated. The chapter compares and contrasts EBID with other fabrication techniques and discusses current and future applications for the technique.
The 16O+α elastic and inelastic scattering data were analyzed by the modified diffraction model, which allowed us to determine for the first time the radii of the excited states, which values were estimated only by theoretical models. The main result concerns the 15.1-MeV 0+6 state of 16O, which is supposed to be analogue of the famous 7.65-MeV 0+2 Hoyle state of 12C. The 0+6 state of 16O is located 0.375 MeV above the 12C*(0+2) + α - emission threshold. The radius of this state proved to be similar to that of other 0+ states contrary to the predictions by α-condensate models, that this radius is twice the radius of the ground state.
We demonstrate that the radii of excited nuclear states can be estimated using the (3He, t) charge-exchange reaction and relying on the modified diffraction model. The radius of the 13N excited state with an excitation energy of E* = 2.37 MeV, which lies in a continuous spectrum, is determined. The radius of this state proves to be close to that of the mirror 3.09-MeV state of the 13C nucleus, which possesses a neutron halo but lies in a discrete spectrum. Thereby, we demonstrate that the 2.37-MeV state of the 13N nucleus has a proton halo. The analysis is based on published measurements of differential cross sections for relevant reactions.
Experimental data on inelastic scattering induced by 90-MeV α particles are analyzed. The 2.78-MeV excited state is shown to have spin–parity of Iπ = 1/2− in agreement with the existing data. For the 4.70-MeV excited state it is not possible to make an unambiguous choice between the previous value Iπ = 3/2+, and the proposed new Iπ = 1/2−.
The structure of 152Sm is investigated in search of the tetrahedral symmetry, which would represent a new quantum effect in the nucleus. The information for the existence of such exotic symmetry may reside in the transition matrix elements of the excited 152Sm nucleus, which are probed through a deuteron inelastic scattering experiment. The tetrahedral band candidates (low-lying negative-parity bands) are observed to be strongly populated, and preliminary coupled-channel calculations have been performed.
The characteristics of the new N = 16 shell gap at the neutron drip-line can be deduced from the neutron excitations of 24O. An experiment was carried out to investigate the unbound excited states of 24O using the proton elastic and inelastic proton scattering. It was performed in the BigRIPS line and combines the unique intensities of the RIBF 24O beam with the state-of-the-art particle detector array MUST2. The method is explained.
Differential cross-sections of the 11B + α inelastic scattering at E(α) = 65 leading to the most of the known 11B states at the excitation energies up to 14 MeV were measured. The data analysis was done by DWBA and in some cases by the modified diffraction model allowing determining the radii of the excited states. The radii of the states with excitation energies less than ~ 7 MeV with the accuracy not less than 0.1-0.15 fm coincide with the radius of the ground state. This result is consistent with the traditional view of the shell structure of the low-lying states in 11B. Most of the observed high-energy excited states are distributed among four rotational bands. The moments of inertia of band states are close to the moment of inertia of the Hoyle state of 12C. The calculated radii, related to these bands, are 0.7 - 1.0 fm larger than the radius of the ground state, and are close to the radius of the Hoyle state. These results are in agreement with existing predictions about various cluster structure of 11B at high excitation energies. The state with the excitation energy 12.56 MeV, Iπ = 1/2+, T = 1/2 and the root mean square radius R ~ 6 fm predicted in the frame of the alpha condensate hypothesis was not found. The observed level at 12.6 MeV really has T = 1/2, probably, Iπ = 3/2+ and the radius close to that of the ground state.
The analysis of the differential cross-sections of the elastic and inelastic 13C + α scattering at E (α) = 65 MeV was done. The experiment was carried out at the Cyclotron of the Jyväskylä University, Finland. The radii of the states: 8.86 (1/2−), 3.09 (1/2+) and 9.90 (3/2−) MeV were determined by the Modified diffraction model (MDM). The radii of the first two levels are enhanced relatively that of the ground state of 13C, confirming the suggestion that the 8.86 MeV state could be an analogue of the Hoyle state in 12C and the 3.09 MeV state has a neutron halo. Preliminary analysis shows that the predicted radius enhancement for the 9.90 MeV state does not take place.