On the basis of Xu’s interfacial wave theory, the stability of dendritic growth in a convective binary alloy melt with buoyancy effect is studied using the asymptotic method. The resulting asymptotic solution of equations reveals that the stability mechanism of dendritic growth in the binary alloy melt with buoyancy-driven convection is similar to that in a pure melt. Dendritic growth is stable above and unstable below a critical stability number 𝜀∗, which is determined by the quantization condition. In particular, there is a critical morphological number in the binary alloy melt. When the morphological number is less than the critical morphological number, the tip growth velocity increases, the tip curvature radius and oscillation frequency decrease, and the interface becomes thinner and smooth. When the morphological number is larger than the critical morphological number, the tip growth velocity decreases, the tip curvature radius and oscillation frequency increase, and the interface becomes fatter and rough. The result demonstrates that in a microgravity environment, there is a critical initial concentration such that below it thermal diffusion dominates, the tip growth velocity increases, the tip curvature radius and oscillation frequency decrease, and the interface becomes thinner and smooth; above it, solute diffusion dominates, the tip growth velocity decreases, the tip curvature radius and oscillation frequency increase, and the interface becomes fatter and rough.