Let S[n] be the Hilbert scheme of length n subschemes of a K3 surface S. H2(S[n],ℤ) is endowed with the Beauville–Bogomolov bilinear form. Denote by Mon the subgroup of GL[H*(S[n],ℤ)] generated by monodromy operators, and let Mon2 be its image in OH2(S[n],ℤ). We prove that Mon2 is the subgroup generated by reflections with respect to +2 and -2 classes (Theorem 1.2). Thus Mon2 does not surject onto OH2(S[n],ℤ)/(±1), when n - 1 is not a prime power.
As a consequence, we get counterexamples to a version of the weight 2 Torelli question for hyperKähler varieties X deformation equivalent to S[n]. The weight 2 Hodge structure on H2(X,ℤ) does not determine the bimeromorphic class of X, whenever n - 1 is not a prime power (the first case being n = 7). There are at least 2ρ(n - 1) - 1 distinct bimeromorphic classes of X with a given generic weight 2 Hodge structure, where ρ(n - 1) is the Euler number of n - 1.
The second main result states, that if a monodromy operator acts as the identity on H2(S[n],ℤ), then it acts as the identity on Hk(S[n],ℤ), 0 ≤ k ≤ n + 2 (Theorem 1.5). We conclude the injectivity of the restriction homomorphism Mon → Mon2, if n ≡ 0 or n ≡ 1 modulo 4 (Corollary 1.6).