The excess events reported by the ATLAS collaboration in the WZ-final state, and by the CMS collaboration in the e+e−jj, Wh and jj-final states, may be induced by the decays of a heavy boson W′ in the 1.8–2 TeV mass range, here modeled via the larger local group SU(2)L × SU(2)R × U(1)B−L in a nonlinear dynamical Higgs scenario. The W′-production cross-section at the 13 TeV LHC is around 700–1200 fb. This framework also predicts a heavy Z′ boson with a mass of 2.5–4 TeV, and some decay channels testable in the LHC Run II. We determine the cross-section times branching fractions for the dijet, dilepton and top-pair Z′-decay channels at the 13 TeV LHC around 2.3, 7.1, 70.2 fb, respectively, for MZ′ = 2.5 TeV, while one/two orders of magnitude smaller for the dijet/dilepton and top-pair modes at MZ′ = 4 TeV. Nonzero contributions from the effective operators, and the underlying Higgs sector of the model, will induce sizeable enhancement in the W+W− and Zh-final states that could be probed in the future LHC Run II.