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  • articleNo Access


    We prove existence and pathwise uniqueness results for four different types of stochastic differential equations (SDEs) perturbed by the past maximum process and/or the local time at zero. Along the first three studies, the coefficients are no longer Lipschitz. The first type is the equation

    The second type is the equation
    The third type is the equation
    We end the paper by establishing the existence of strong solution and pathwise uniqueness, under Lipschitz condition, for the SDE

  • chapterNo Access


    We study three stochastic differential games. In each game, two players control a process X = {Xt, 0 ≤ t < ∞} which takes values in the interval I = (0,1), is absorbed at the endpoints of I, and satisfies a stochastic differential equation

    The control functions α(·) and β(·) are chosen by players 𝔄 and 𝔅, respectively.

    In the first of our games, which is zero-sum, player 𝔄 has a continuous reward function u : [0,1] → ℝ. In addition to α(·), player 𝔄 chooses a stopping rule τ and seeks to maximize the expectation of u(Xτ); whereas player 𝔅 chooses β(·) and aims to minimize this expectation.

    In the second game, players 𝔄 and 𝔅 each have continuous reward functions u(·) and v(·), choose stopping rules τ and ρ, and seek to maximize the expectations of u(Xτ) and v(Xρ), respectively.

    In the third game the two players again have continuous reward functions u(·) and v(·), now assumed to be unimodal, and choose stopping rules τ and ρ. This game terminates at the minimum τ∧ρ the stopping rules τ and ρ, and players 𝔄, 𝔅 want to maximize the expectations of u(Xτ∧ρ) and ν(Xτ∧ρ), respectively.

    Under mild technical assumptions we show that the first game has a value, and find a saddle point of optimal strategies for the players. The other two games are not zero-sum, in general, and for them we construct Nash equilibria.

  • chapterNo Access

    On Dufresne's Perpetuity, Translated and Reflected

    Let B(µ) denote a Brownian motion with drift µ. In this paper we study two perpetual integral functionals of B(µ). The first one, introduced and investigated by Dufresne in [5], is

    It is known that this functional is identical in law with the first hitting time of 0 for a Bessel process with index µ. In particular, we analyze the following reflected (or one-sided) variants of Dufresne's functional
    We shall show in this paper how these functionals can also be connected to hitting times. Our second functional, which we call Dufresne's translated functional, is
    where c and ν are positive. This functional has all its moments finite, in contrast to Dufresne's functional which has only some finite moments. We compute explicitly the Laplace transform of formula in the case ν = 1/2 (other parameter values do not seem to allow explicit solutions) and connect this variable, as well as its reflected variants, to hitting times.

  • articleNo Access

    The quadratic covariation for a weighted fractional Brownian motion

    Let Ba,b be a weighted fractional Brownian motion with indices a and b satisfying a>1,1<b<0,|b|<1+a. In this paper, motivated by the asymptotic property

    for all s>0, we consider the generalized quadratic covariation [f(Ba,b),Ba,b](a,b) defined by
    provided the limit exists uniformly in probability. We construct a Banach space of measurable functions such that the generalized quadratic covariation exists in L2(Ω) and the generalized Bouleau–Yor identity
    holds for all f, where a,b(x,t)=t0δ(Ba,bsx)ds1+a+b is the weighted local time of Ba,b and 𝔹(,) is the Beta function.

  • chapterNo Access


    We derive alternative representations of the McKean equation for the value of the American put option. Our main result decomposes the value of an American put option into the corresponding European put price and the early exercise premium. We then represent the European put price in a new manner. This representation allows us to alternatively decompose the price of an American put option into its intrinsic value and time value, and to demonstrate the equivalence of our results to the McKean equation.

  • articleNo Access


    We study the optimal timing strategies for trading a mean-reverting price process with a finite deadline to enter and a separate finite deadline to exit the market. The price process is modeled by a diffusion with an affine drift that encapsulates a number of well-known models, including the Ornstein–Uhlenbeck (OU) model, Cox–Ingersoll–Ross (CIR) model, Jacobi model, and inhomogeneous geometric Brownian motion (IGBM) model. We analyze three types of trading strategies: (i) the long–short (long to open, short to close) strategy; (ii) the short–long (short to open, long to close) strategy, and (iii) the chooser strategy whereby the trader has the added flexibility to enter the market by taking either a long or short position, and subsequently close the position. For each strategy, we solve an optimal double stopping problem with sequential deadlines, and determine the optimal timing of trades. Our solution methodology utilizes the local time-space calculus of [Peskir (2005) A change-of-variable formula with local time on curves, Journal of Theoretical Probability18, 499–535] to derive nonlinear integral equations of Volterra-type that uniquely characterize the trading boundaries. The numerical implementation of the integral equations provides examples of the optimal trading boundaries.

  • articleNo Access


    Let formula denote the local time of Brownian motion. Our main result is to show that for each fixed t

    as h → 0, where η is a normal random variable with mean zero and variance one, that is independent of formula. This generalizes our previous result for the second moment. We also explain why our approach will not work for higher moments.

  • articleNo Access

    On limit theorems of some extensions of fractional Brownian motion and their additive functionals

    This paper is divided into two parts. The first deals with some limit theorems to certain extensions of fractional Brownian motion like: bifractional Brownian motion, subfractional Brownian motion and weighted fractional Brownian motion. In the second part we give the similar results of their continuous additive functionals; more precisely, local time and its fractional derivatives involving slowly varying function.

  • articleNo Access

    High Frequency Asymptotics for the Limit Order Book

    We study the one-sided limit order book corresponding to limit sell orders and model it as a measure-valued process. Limit orders arrive to the book according to a Poisson process and are placed on the book according to a distribution which varies depending on the current best price. Market orders to buy periodically arrive to the book according to a second, independent Poisson process and remove from the book the order corresponding to the current best price. We consider the above described limit order book in a high frequency regime in which the rate of incoming limit and market orders is large and traders place their limit sell orders close to the current best price. Our first set of results provide weak limits for the unscaled price process and the properly scaled measure-valued limit order book process in the high frequency regime. In particular, we characterize the limiting measure-valued limit order book process as the solution to a measure-valued stochastic differential equation. We then provide an analysis of both the transient and long-run behavior of the limiting limit order book process.