Catholicism, a global religion, has been blended with local cultures and customs over a long period during the spread of the religion. Our Lady of China has become a bridge between Catholicism and local cultures, as faith communities change and integrate with local cultures. The Diocese of Tainan is located in southwestern Taiwan. Features of Chinese and Western cultures have been merged into the architecture of Our Lady Queen of China of Cathedral Tainan Diocese. Its decoration and murals are historical, local, and unique with obvious ethnic features. Historical and field study has been adopted as the method of this study. We also analyzed religious images in an iconological analysis method. Religious images have been analyzed, described, interpreted, and compared in terms of their symbolic meanings by using the Our Lady Queen of China Cathedral Tainan Diocese as the study object. Our analysis reveals that the religious images are a fusion of representative religious images of Chinese and Western culture and presented with decorative themes such as figures, costumes, bible stories, geometrical patterns, and abstract patterns. The Our Lady Queen of China Cathedral Tainan Diocese adopts the local culture to highlight the characteristics of the sacred space of the church. Through the spread of beliefs and the transition between geographic regions and the cultures which were originally in conflict with each other merge and deliver the beliefs of Jesus Christ.