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The four volumes of the proceedings of MG14 give a broad view of all aspects of gravitational physics and astrophysics, from mathematical issues to recent observations and experiments. The scientific program of the meeting included 35 morning plenary talks over 6 days, 6 evening popular talks and 100 parallel sessions on 84 topics over 4 afternoons.
Volume A contains plenary and review talks ranging from the mathematical foundations of classical and quantum gravitational theories including recent developments in string theory, to precision tests of general relativity including progress towards the detection of gravitational waves, and from supernova cosmology to relativistic astrophysics, including topics such as gamma ray bursts, black hole physics both in our galaxy and in active galactic nuclei in other galaxies, and neutron star, pulsar and white dwarf astrophysics.
The remaining volumes include parallel sessions which touch on dark matter, neutrinos, X-ray sources, astrophysical black holes, neutron stars, white dwarfs, binary systems, radiative transfer, accretion disks, quasars, gamma ray bursts, supernovas, alternative gravitational theories, perturbations of collapsed objects, analog models, black hole thermodynamics, numerical relativity, gravitational lensing, large scale structure, observational cosmology, early universe models and cosmic microwave background anisotropies, inhomogeneous cosmology, inflation, global structure, singularities, chaos, Einstein-Maxwell systems, wormholes, exact solutions of Einstein's equations, gravitational waves, gravitational wave detectors and data analysis, precision gravitational measurements, quantum gravity and loop quantum gravity, quantum cosmology, strings and branes, self-gravitating systems, gamma ray astronomy, cosmic rays and the history of general relativity.
The following sections are included:
Note from Publisher: This chapter consists of photographs only.
The black hole information problem and the firewall problem can be addressed by assuming an extra local symmetry: conformal invariance. It must be an exact symmetry, spontaneously broken by the vacuum, in a way similar to the Brout–Englert–Higgs (BEH) mechanism. We note how this symmetry formally removes the horizon and the singularity inside black holes. For the Standard Model this symmetry is severely restrictive, demanding all coupling constants, masses and even the cosmological constant to be computable, in principle. Finally, this symmetry suggests that the Weyl action (the square of the Weyl curvature) should be added to the Einstein–Hilbert action. The ensuing indefinite metric states are briefly studied, and we conclude with some remarks concerning the interpretation of quantum mechanics.
Perturbative algebraic quantum field theory (pAQFT) is a mathematically rigorous framework that allows to construct models of quantum field theories (QFTs) on a general class of Lorentzian manifolds. Recently, this idea has been applied also to perturbative quantum gravity (QG), treated as an effective theory. The difficulty was to find the right notion of observables that would in an appropriate sense be diffeomorphism invariant. In this paper, I will outline a general framework that allows to quantize theories with local symmetries (this includes infinitesimal diffeomorphism transformations) with the use of the Batalin–Vilkovisky (BV) formalism. This approach has been successfully applied to effective QG in a recent paper by Brunetti, Fredenhagen and myself. In the same paper, we also proved perturbative background independence of the quantized theory, which is going to be discussed in the present work as well.
Theories with elementary scalar degrees of freedom seem nowadays required for simple descriptions of the Standard Model and of the Early Universe. It is then natural to embed theories of inflation in supergravity, also in view of their possible ultraviolet completion in String Theory. After some general remarks on inflation in supergravity, we describe examples of minimal inflaton dynamics which are compatible with recent observations, including higher-curvature ones inspired by the Starobinsky model. We also discuss different scenarios for supersymmetry breaking during and after inflation, which include a revived role for non-linear realizations. In this spirit, we conclude with a discussion of the link, in four dimensions, between “brane supersymmetry breaking” and the super-Higgs effect in supergravity.
The plethora of recent and forthcoming data on the cosmic microwave background (CMB) data are stimulating a new wave of inflationary model-building. Naturalness suggests that the appropriate framework for models of inflation is supersymmetry. This should be combined with gravity in a supergravity theory, whose specific no-scale version has much to commend it, e.g. its derivation from string theory and the flat directions in its effective potential. Simple no-scale supergravity models yield predictions similar to those of the Starobinsky R + R2 model, though some string-motivated versions make alternative predictions. Data are beginning to provide interesting constraints on the rate of inflaton decay into Standard Model particles. In parallel, LHC and other data provide significant constraints on no-scale supergravity models, which suggest that some sparticles might have masses close to present experimental limits.
The information paradox results from the traditional picture of a black hole, where all the matter is pulled to the centeral position r = 0. The paradox is resolved in string theory by the fuzzball paradigm: microstates in string theory are fuzzballs with no horizon or singularity, and radiate from their surface just like normal bodies. One can then ask the question: what happens when an object falls onto the fuzzball surface? The conjecture of fuzzball complementarity shows how the dynamics of this surface can have a dual description where the object appears to approximately fall through empty space. The firewall argument attempts to rule out such a free infall description, but the argument starts with contradictory postulates: it assumes that information comes out of the hole, yet its postulates do not allow this unless we violate causality.
Radio-loud neutron stars known as pulsars allow a wide range of experimental tests for fundamental physics, ranging from the study of super-dense matter to tests of General Relativity (GR) and its alternatives. As a result, pulsars provide strong-field tests of gravity, they allow for the direct detection of gravitational waves in a “pulsar timing array” (PTA), and they promise the future study of black hole properties. This contribution gives an overview of the on-going experiments and recent results.
High energy transients make up a diverse and exotic class of objects, from terrestrial lightning to γ-ray bursts at cosmological distances. In this review, we provide a detailed look at some of the more exciting transients observed over the last few years by Swift and other high energy missions.
Until the discovery of gamma-ray bursts, supernovae were the most powerful explosions known in the universe. Supernovae have a long history in the astronomy community with both detailed observational and theoretical studies focused on pinning down the engines to these cosmic explosions. Gamma-ray bursts are more exotic (associated with a short burst of gamma-rays) and rare (1,000-10,000 times less frequent than supernovae) than supernovae. Discovered in the late 1970s, the exotic nature of these bursts led to a rapidly growing list of proposed models (in the hundreds) to explain the engine powering them. How do we determine which of these engines is correct? Here we take lessons learned from the search for the supernova engine and apply them to the gamma-ray bursts phenomenon.
After the big bang, production of heavy elements in the early universe takes place starting from the formation of the first (Pop III) stars, their evolution, and explosion. The Pop III supernova (SN) explosions have strong dynamical, thermal, and chemical feedback on the formation of subsequent stars and evolution of galaxies. However, the nature of Pop III stars/supernovae (SNe) have not been well-understood. The signature of nucleosynthesis yields of the first SN can be seen in the elemental abundance patterns observed in extremely metal-poor (EMP) stars. We show that the abundance patterns of EMP stars, e.g. the excess of C, Co, Zn relative to Fe, are in better agreement with the yields of hyper-energetic explosions (Hypernovae, (HNe)) rather than normal supernovae. We note the large variation of the abundance patterns of EMP stars propose that such a variation is related to the diversity of the GRB-SNe and posssibly superluminous supernovae (SLSNe). For example, the carbon-enhanced metal-poor (CEMP) stars may be related to the faint SNe (or dark HNe), which could be the explosions induced by relativistic jets. Finally, we examine the various mechanisms of SLSNe.
We start with a brief introduction to the historical background in the early pioneering days when the first neutron star thermal evolution calculations predicted the presence of neutron stars hot enough to be observable. We then report on the first detection of neutron star temperatures by ROSAT X-ray satellite, which vindicated the earlier prediction of hot neutron stars. We proceed to present subsequent developments, both in theory and observation, up to today. We then discuss the current status and the future prospect, which will offer useful insight to the understanding of basic properties of ultra-high density matter beyond the nuclear density, such as the possible presence of such exotic particles as pion condensates.
By transforming a cubic kilometer of natural Antarctic ice into a neutrino detector, the IceCube project created the opportunity to observe cosmic neutrinos. We describe the experiment and the complementary methods presently used to study the flux of the recently discovered cosmic neutrinos. In one method, events are selected in which neutrinos interacted inside the instrumented volume of the detector, yielding a sample of events dominated by neutrinos of electron and tau flavor. Alternatively, another method detects secondary muons produced by neutrinos selected for having traveled through the Earth to reach the detector, providing a pure sample of muon neutrinos. We will summarize the results obtained with the enlarged data set collected since the initial discovery and appraise the current status of high-energy neutrino astronomy. The large extragalactic neutrino flux observed points to a nonthermal universe with comparable energy in neutrinos, gamma rays and cosmic rays. Continued observations may be closing in on the source candidates. In this context, we highlight the potential of multimessenger analyses as well as the compelling case for constructing a next-generation detector larger in volume by one order of magnitude.
Nearly a century of experimental observations and theoretical arguments have pointed out that a large fraction of the Universe is composed by dark matter particles. Many possibilities are open on the nature and interaction types of such relic particles. Moreover, the poor knowledge of many fundamental astrophysical, nuclear and particle physics aspects as well as of some experimental and theoretical parameters, the different used approaches and target materials, etc. make it challenging to understand the implication of some different experimental efforts. Some general arguments are addressed here. Future perspectives are mentioned.
In this centenary year for general relativity, this paper presents a brief review of some key developments that have rendered the theory pivotal to our understanding of cosmic X-ray sources, galactic nuclei and cosmology — a complete transformation from the time when the 50th anniversary of the theory was celebrated The paper ends with a few speculative comments on possible future developments.
The Cherenkov telescope array (CTA) is a next-generation observatory for very high energy (VHE) gamma-ray astronomy. With one array of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes each in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, CTA will provide full-sky coverage, enhance flux sensitivity by one order of magnitude compared to current instruments, cover gamma-ray energies from 20 GeV to 300 GeV, and provide a wide field of view with angular resolution of a few arc-minutes.
Science themes to be addressed by the CTA observatory include (i) understanding the origin of relativistic cosmic particles, and the role these play in the evolution of star forming systems and galaxies, (ii) probing extreme environments such as neutron stars and black holes, but also the cosmic voids, and (iii) exploring frontiers in physics such as the nature of dark matter. With its superior performance, the prospects for CTA combine guaranteed science — the in-depth understanding of known objects and mechanisms — with anticipated detection of new classes of gamma-ray emitters and new phenomena, and a very significant potential for fundamentally new discoveries.
After four years of uninterrupted cryogenic operation the ESA Planck satellite has produced a set of high-signal-to-noise maps of the microwave and submillimetre sky, both in temperature and polarisation, with a powerful combination of angular resolution (θFWHM ∼ 33’-5’), sensitivity (ΔT/T ∼ 2 × 10−6), frequency range (25 to 1000 GHz), sky coverage (100%), calibration accuracy (∼ 0.1%), and control of systematic effects. The use of two instruments based on different technologies ensures the required wide spectral range and provides a unique opportunity for testing internal consistency. The Planck multi-frequency observations allow for an accurate separation of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) from Galactic and extragalactic foregrounds components. The 2015 Planck full-mission data set leads to an exquisite measurement of the CMB temperature power spectrum up to the 8th acoustic peak (2 < ℓ < 2500), and to unprecedented measurements of the EE and TE power spectra (2 < ℓ < 2000). The overall Planck results, combining temperature and polarisation with lensing likelihoods, are in excellent agreement with the standard six-parameter ΛCDM model. The Planck polarisation data at large scales and independent estimates from Planck lensing indicate a reionization redshift lower than in previous estimates. The Planck 2015 cosmological parameters using both temperature and polarization data are in very good agreement with those from the 2013 release, but with significantly improved precision.
Our concept of induced gravitational collapse (IGC paradigm) starting from a supernova occurring with a companion neutron star, has unlocked the understanding of seven different families of gamma ray bursts (GRBs), indicating a path for the formation of black holes in the universe. An authentic laboratory of relativistic astrophysics has been unveiled in which new paradigms have been introduced in order to advance knowledge of the most energetic, distant and complex systems in our universe. A novel cosmic matrix paradigm has been introduced at a relativistic cosmic level, which parallels the concept of an S-matrix introduced by Feynmann, Wheeler and Heisenberg in the quantum world of microphysics. Here the “in” states are represented by a neutron star and a supernova, while the “out” states, generated within less than a second, are a new neutron star and a black hole. This novel field of research needs very powerful technological observations in all wavelengths ranging from radio through optical, X-ray and gamma ray radiation all the way up to ultra-high-energy cosmic rays.
Short and long-duration gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) have been recently sub-classified into seven families according to the binary nature of their progenitors. For short GRBs, mergers of neutron star binaries (NS–NS) or neutron star-black hole binaries (NS-BH) are proposed. For long GRBs, the induced gravitational collapse (IGC) paradigm proposes a tight binary system composed of a carbon–oxygen core (COcore) and a NS companion. The explosion of the COcore as supernova (SN) triggers a hypercritical accretion process onto the NS companion which might reach the critical mass for the gravitational collapse to a BH. Thus, this process can lead either to a NS-BH or to NS–NS depending on whether or not the accretion is sufficient to induce the collapse of the NS into a BH. We shall discuss for the above compact object binaries: (1) the role of the NS structure and the equation-of-state on their final fate; (2) their occurrence rates as inferred from the X and gamma-ray observations; (3) the expected number of detections of their gravitational wave (GW) emission by the Advanced LIGO interferometer.
Over the past few decades, a consensus picture has emerged in which roughly a quarter of the universe consists of dark matter. I begin with a review of the observational evidence for the existence of dark matter: rotation curves of galaxies, gravitational lensing measurements, hot gas in clusters, galaxy formation, primordial nucleosynthesis and Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) observations. Then, I discuss a number of anomalous signals in a variety of data sets that may point to discovery, though all of them are controversial. The annual modulation in the DAMA detector and/or the gamma-ray excess seen in the Fermi Gamma Ray Space Telescope from the Galactic Center could be due to WIMPs; a 3.5 keV X-ray line from multiple sources could be due to sterile neutrinos; or the 511 keV line in INTEGRAL data could be due to MeV dark matter. All of these would require further confirmation in other experiments or data sets to be proven correct. In addition, a new line of research on dark stars is presented, which suggests that the first stars to exist in the universe were powered by dark matter heating rather than by fusion: the observational possibility of discovering dark matter in this way is discussed.
We present a classical conformal field theory on an arbitrary two-dimensional spacetime background. The dynamical object is a space-filling string, and the evolution may be thought as occurring on the manifold of the conformal group. The theory is a “descendant” of the theory of gravitation in two-dimensional spacetime. The discussion is based on the relation of the deformations of the space-filling string with conformal transformations. The realization of the conformal algebra in terms of surface deformations possesses a classical central charge. The action principle, the conformal and Weyl invariances of the action, and the equations of motion are studied. The energy-momentum tensor, the coupling to Liouville matter, and the cancellation of anomalies are analyzed. The quantum theory is not discussed.
An accretion flow around a black hole has a saddle type sonic point just outside the event horizon to guarantee that the flow enters the black hole supersonically. This feature exclusively present in the strong gravity limit makes its marks in every observation of black hole candidates. Another physical sonic point is present (as in a Bondi flow) even in weak gravity. Every aspect of spectral or temporal properties of every black hole can be understood using this transonic or advective flow having more than one saddle type points. This most well known and generalized solution with viscosity and radiative transfer has been verified by numerical simulations also. Spectra, computed for various combinations of the standard Keplerian, and advective sub-Keplerian components match accurately with those from satellite observations. Standing, oscillating and propagatory oscillating shocks are produced due to centrifugal barrier of the advective component. The post-shock region acts as the Compton cloud producing the power-law spectra. Jets and outflows are also produced from this post-shock region, commonly known as the CENtrifugal barrier supported BOundary Layer or CENBOL. In soft states, the CENBOL is cooled down by soft photons from the Keplerian disk, and thus the outflow is absent. Type-C and Type-B QPOs are generated respectively due to strong and weak resonance oscillations of the CENBOL. Away from resonance, oscillation may be triggered when Rankine-Hugoniot conditions are not satisfied and Type-A QPOs could be seen.
This contribution is a review of some talks presented at the session “MHD processes near compact objects” of the Fourteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting MG14. We discuss the contemporary developments of MHD processes that occur near black holes and neutron stars. The influence of magneto-plasma processes on the structure of the compact objects and accretion processes is considered.
We consider the possibility of multiply-connected spacetimes, ranging from the Flamm–Einstein–Rosen bridge, geons, and the modern renaissance of traversable wormholes. A fundamental property in wormhole physics is the flaring-out condition of the throat, which through the Einstein field equation entails the violation of the null energy condition (NEC). In the context of modified theories of gravity, it has also been shown that the normal matter can be imposed to satisfy the energy conditions, and it is the higher order curvature terms, interpreted as a gravitational fluid, that sustain these nonstandard wormhole geometries, fundamentally different from their counterparts in general relativity (GR). We explore interesting features of these geometries, in particular, the physical properties and characteristics of these ‘exotic spacetimes’.
An overview of the AT4 session on localized self-gravitating field systems in the Einstein and alternatives theories of gravity of the 14th Marcel Grossmann meeting is given. The focus will be on recent progress on massive gravity.
We report on the Parallel Session BH4 “Gravitational fields with sources: From compact objects to black holes” of the 14th Marcel Grossmann Meeting held at Sapienza University of Rome in 2015.
In this summary, we present the main topics of the talks presented in the parallel session “Black holes - 5” of the 14th Marcel Grossmann Meeting held in Rome, Italy in July 2015. We first present a short review of the main approaches used to understand thermodynamics by using differential geometry. Then, we present a brief summary of each presentation, including some general remarks and comments.
This is a rapporteur article of the parallel session “Regular and analogue black holes” which took place within the 14th Marcel Grossmann Meeting.
The last three years have again seen new exciting developments in the area of higher dimensional black objects. For black objects with noncompact higher dimensions, the solution space was exlored further within the blackfold approach and with numerical schemes, yielding a large variety of new families of solutions, while limiting procedures created so-called super-entropic black holes. Concerning compact extra dimensions, the sequences of static nonuniform black strings in five and six dimensions were extended to impressively large values of the nonuniformity parameter with extreme numerical precision, showing that an oscillating pattern arises for the mass, the area or the temperature, while approaching the conjectured double-cone merger solution. Besides the presentation of interesting new types of higherdimensional solutions, also their physical properties were addressed in this session. While the main focus was on Einstein gravity, a significant number of talks also covered Lovelock theories.
Natures of progenitors of type Ia Supernovae (SNe Ia) have not yet been clarified. There has been long and intensive discussion on whether the so-called single degenerate (SD) scenario or the double degenerate (DD) scenario, or anything else, could explain a major population of SNe Ia, but the conclusion has not yet been reached. With rapidly increasing observational data and new theoretical ideas, the field of studying the SN Ia progenitors has been quickly developing, and various new insights have been obtained in recent years. This paper aims at providing a summary of the current situation regarding the SN Ia progenitors, both in theory and observations. It seems difficult to explain the emerging diversity seen in observations of SNe Ia by a single population, and we emphasize that it is important to clarify links between different progenitor scenarios and different sub-classes of SNe Ia.
In this parallel session recent work concerning the analysis of boson star properties as well as boson star representations in specific spacetimes is considered. This includes e.g. all issues related to the global structure and the physical interpretation of these objects. Furthermore, presentations of work within the framework of black hole mimickers (e.g. wormholes and gravastars) are of great interest within this framework.
In this review paper we revisit the main ideas concerning the role played by scalar fields in Cosmology, in particular as candidate for dark matter. Moreover, we include some information from the plenary talks and proceedings of the BS2 session of the MG14: The origin of scalar fields and their roles in Cosmology by Kei–ichi Maeda, Composite Dark Energy particle derived from Dark Gauge Group by Axel de la Macorra, Scalar Fields (Bose–Einstein Condensates) as the Dark Matter of the Universe by Tonatiuh Matos, and Quasistationary solutions of selfgravitating scalar fields around black holes by Nicolas Sanchis–Gual.
Recent cosmic microwave background (CMB) data in temperature and polarization have reached high precision in estimating all the parameters that describe the current socalled standard cosmological model. Recent results about the integrated Sachs–Wolfe (ISW) effect from CMB anisotropies, galaxy surveys, and their cross-correlations are presented. Looking at fine signatures in the CMB, such as the lack of power at low multipoles, the primordial power spectrum (PPS) and the bounds on non-Gaussianities, complemented by galaxy surveys, we discuss inflationary physics and the generation of primordial perturbations in the early universe. Three important topics in particle physics, the bounds on neutrinos masses and parameters, on thermal axion mass and on the neutron lifetime derived from cosmological data are reviewed, with attention to the comparison with laboratory experiment results. Recent results from cosmic polarization rotation (CPR) analyses aimed at testing the Einstein equivalence principle (EEP) are presented. Finally, we discuss the perspectives of next radio facilities for the improvement of the analysis of future CMB spectral distortion experiments.
In recent years, significant progress has been made in building new galaxy clusters samples, at low and high redshifts, from wide-area surveys, particularly exploiting the Sunyaev–Zel’dovich (SZ) effect. A large effort is underway to identify and characterize these new systems with optical/NIR and X-ray facilities, thus opening new avenues to constraint cosmological models using structure growth and geometrical tests. A census of galaxy clusters sets constraints on reionization mechanisms and epochs, which need to be reconciled with recent limits on the reionization optical depth from cosmic microwave background (CMB) experiments. Future advances in SZ effect measurements will include the possibility to (unambiguously) measure directly the kinematic SZ effect, to build an even larger catalogue of galaxy clusters able to study the high redshift universe, and to make (spatially-)resolved galaxy cluster maps with even spectral capability to (spectrally-)resolve the relativistic corrections of the SZ effect.
Astronomical observations reveal hierarchical structures in the universe, from galaxies, groups of galaxies, clusters and superclusters, to filaments and voids. On the largest scales, it seems that some kind of statistical homogeneity can be observed. As a result, modern cosmological models are based on spatially homogeneous and isotropic solutions of the Einstein equations, and the evolution of the universe is approximated by the Friedmann equations. In parallel to standard homogeneous cosmology, the field of inhomogeneous cosmology and backreaction is being developed. This field investigates whether small scale inhomogeneities via nonlinear effects can backreact and alter the properties of the universe on its largest scales, leading to a non-Friedmannian evolution. This paper presents the current status of inhomogeneous cosmology and backreaction. It also discusses future prospects of the field of inhomogeneous cosmology, which is based on a survey of 50 academics working in the field of inhomogeneous cosmology.
In this paper, we summarize some of the main observational challenges for the standard Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker (FLRW) cosmological model and describe how results recently presented in the parallel session “Large-scale Structure and Statistics” (DE3) at the “Fourteenth Marcel Grossman Meeting on General Relativity” are related to these challenges.
Self-interacting dark matter (SIDM) is a hypothetical form of dark matter (DM), characterized by relatively strong (compared to the weak interaction strength) self-interactions (SIs), which has been proposed to resolve a number of issues concerning tensions between simulations and observations at the galactic or smaller scales. We review here some recent developments discussed at the 14th Marcel Grossmann Meeting (MG14), paying particular attention to restrictions on the SIDM (total) cross-section from using novel observables in merging galactic structures, as well as the rôle of SIDM on the Milky Way halo and its central region. We report on some interesting particle-physics inspired SIDM models that were discussed at MG14, namely the glueball DM, and a right-handed neutrino DM (with mass of a few tens of keV, that may exist in minimal extensions of the standard model (SM)), interacting among themselves via vector bosons mediators in the dark sector. A detailed phenomenology of the latter model on galactic scales, as well as the potential role of the right handed neutrinos in alleviating some of the small-scale cosmology problems, namely the discrepancies between observations and numerical simulations within standard ΛNCDM and ΛNWDM cosmologies are reported.
The last two decades have witnessed a steady advancement of techniques for particle and radiation detection. From very large detectors (such as neutrino telescopes (ANTARES, Ice-Cube) and LHC-detectors (Atlas, CMS) through medical imagers (MRI, CT) to everyday integrated sensors such as charge-coupled devices (CCDs) for imaging, progress has been impressive. However, research efforts have focused on detection of charged particles or electromagnetic radiation. Technological advances towards detection of neutral particles were much slower. We are developing a new class of detectors for neutral and weakly interacting particles such as neutrons, neutrinos, and dark-matter candidates. The detection is based on the interaction of the particles with the nuclei of detector by means of room-temperature bolometry. Small amounts of energy deposited into nano-scale grains trigger a release of chemical energy, leading to a “nano-explosion”. We used combined electromagnetic pulse, acoustic and optical read-out techniques for read-out of such RT-bolometers. A “nano-explosion” generates an overpressure, sonic boom, which can be detected acoustically and detectable burst of photons. We are interested in very rare events and the coincidence detection of at least two quantities has been used to reject artefacts. This paper describes the read-out schemes developed for such chemically amplified detectors aka RT-bolometers. The proposed RT-bolometers can find important applications in a broad range of fields, including the detection of neutrons for research studies in solid-state physics and biochemistry (e.g., neutron detectors for spallation sources, neutron microscopy); detection of neutrons for homeland security, detection of neutrinos at reactors and detection of Dark Matter candidates. Geo-neutrino detection will provide valuable geological information and will enable Neutrino Geology.
The dark matter (DM) parallel session DM2 of the 14th Marcel Grossmann Meeting was enriched by several contributions about the results and the strategies in the study and in the detection of DM particles in the Galactic halo. In the following, an overview of the latest results in this field will be summarized. A particular care will be given to the results obtained by exploiting the model independent DM annual modulation signature for the presence of DM particles in the galactic halo. Results from the other experiments using different procedures, different techniques and different target materials will be shortly addressed as well as implications and experimental perspectives.
We analyze structural parameters of the globular clusters belonging to the Milky Way system which were listed in the latest edition of the Harris Catalogue. We search for observational evidences of the effect of tidal forces induced by the Galaxy on the dynamical and thermodynamical evolution of a globular cluster. The behavior for the W0 distribution exhibited by the globular cluster population seems to be in contrast with theoretical results in literature about gravothermal instability, and suggest a new limit value smaller than the previous one.
Boost modes Ψϰ(x) are eigenfunctions of the Lorentz transformations generator in two-dimensional (2D) Minkowski space (MS). We demonstrate and discuss deep interrelation between the boost modes and the field correlators, also known as Wightman functions. In the case of a massive scalar field, the boost modes, as functions of the spectral parameter ϰ, contain the Dirac delta-function singularity δ(ϰ) at the light cone. The zero boost mode coincides up to a constant factor with the Wightman function. The light cone singularity of boost modes for a fermion field is stronger. For this case, they contain the Gelfand δ-function of complex argument δ(ϰ ± i/2), while the Wightman function components coincide with analytical continuation of the boost modes set towards the spectral values ϰ = ∓i/2. We argue that due to the discovered properties of the boost modes the so-called Unruh modes, which are at the core of the Unruh effect derivation, do not constitute a complete set in MS and thus cannot be used for quantization of neither scalar, nor fermion field. Finally, we discuss boost modes for the case of the constant electric background and rederive the well-known result for spontaneous pair creation rate. Solution of this problem in the boost modes representation reveals distinctions between the Unruh problem and the effect of pair creation by an electric field in vacuum.
This work summarises recent progress obtained by the mini-superpspace quantization of N = 1, d = 4 supergravity, formulated in the framework of the Bianchi IX cosmological model. The emphasis is put on three main results: the completeness of the solution space obtained, the elements suggesting a hidden Kac-Moody structure of the theory and those leading to conjecture an avoidance of the cosmological singularity by some branches of the wave function of the Universe.
We review recent developments in the field of string cosmology with particular emphasis on open problems having to do mainly with geometric asymptotics and singularities. We discuss outstanding issues in a variety of currently popular themes, such as tree-level string cosmology asymptotics, higher-order string correction effects, M-theory cosmology, braneworlds, and finally ambient cosmology.
We briefly introduce the disadvantages for Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) as standard candles to measure the universe, and suggest Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) can serve as a powerful tool for probing the properties of high redshift universe. We use GRBs as distance indicators in constructing the Hubble diagram at redshifts beyond the current reach of SNe Ia observations. Since the progenitors of long GRBs (LGRBs) are confirmed to be massive stars, they are deemed as an effective approach to study the cosmic star formation rate (SFR). A detailed representation of how to measure high-z SFR using GRBs is presented. Moreover, first stars can form only in structures that are suitably dense, which can be parametrized by defining the minimum dark matter halo mass Mmin. Mmin must play a crucial role in star formation. The association of LGRBs with the collapses of massive stars also indicates that the GRB data can be applied to constrain the minimum halo mass Mmin and to investigate star formation in dark matter halos.
It is recognized that very likely the correlation between peak energy Ep and bolometric intensity is intrinsic to GRBs. However its physical origin is still debated. In this paper we will discuss a possible interpretation of the correlation in the light of a GRB prompt emission spectral model, GRBCOMP, proposed in Ref. 1. GRBCOMP is essentially a photospheric model for the prompt emission of GRBs. Its main ingredients are a thermal bath of soft seed photons and a subrelativistically expanding outflow plasma, consequence of the star explosion. The emerging spectrum is the result of two phases: first, up to the photospheric radius, Comptonization of a subrelativistic electron outflow with thermal bath of soft photons, then, convolution of the Comptonized photons in the first phase with a Green function. The result of this convolution is consistent with different physical processes, in particular Inverse Compton. GRBCOMP has been successfully tested using a significant sample of GRB time resolved spectra in the broad energy band from 2 keV to 2 MeV.
A major breakthrough in our understanding of gamma-ray bursts (GRB) prompt emission physics occurred in the last few years, with the realization that a thermal component accompanies the over-all nonthermal prompt spectra. This thermal part is important by itself, as it provides direct probe of the physics in the innermost outflow regions. It further has an indirect importance, as a source of seed photons for inverse-Compton scattering, thereby it contributes to the nonthermal part as well. In this short review, we highlight some key recent developments. Observationally, although so far it was clearly identified only in a minority of bursts, there is indirect evidence that a thermal component exists in a very large fraction of GRBs, possibly close to 100%. Theoretically, the existence of a thermal component has a large number of implications as a probe of underlying GRB physics. Some surprising implications include its use as a probe of the jet dynamics, geometry and magnetization.
This article is a rapporteur review of selected talks presented at the session ‘Gravitational lensing: theory and numerical modeling’ of the Fourteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting (MG14) as well as discussion of general ideas of related topics. We consider the influence of plasma on various gravitational lensing effects, including strong lensing systems and black hole shadows. We discuss recent developments in gravitational lensing beyond the small deflection regime, as well as some other aspects of this field. New results in modeling strong lensing systems and microlensing are presented.
Einstein’s General theory of relativity (GR) successfully describes gravity. Although GR has been accurately tested in weak gravitational fields, it remains largely untested in the general strong field cases. One of the most fundamental predictions of GR is the existence of black holes (BHs). After the recent direct detection of gravitational waves by LIGO, there is now near conclusive evidence for the existence of stellar-mass BHs. In spite of this exciting discovery, there is not yet direct evidence of the existence of BHs using astronomical observations in the electromagnetic spectrum. Are BHs observable astrophysical objects? Does GR hold in its most extreme limit or are alternatives needed? The prime target to address these fundamental questions is in the center of our own Milky Way, which hosts the closest and best-constrained supermassive BH candidate in the universe, Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*). Three different types of experiments hold the promise to test GR in a strong-field regime using observations of Sgr A* with newgeneration instruments. The first experiment consists of making a standard astronomical image of the synchrotron emission from the relativistic plasma accreting onto Sgr A*. This emission forms a “shadow” around the event horizon cast against the background, whose predicted size (∽50 μas) can now be resolved by upcoming very long baseline radio interferometry experiments at mm-waves such as the event horizon telescope (EHT). The second experiment aims to monitor stars orbiting Sgr A* with the next-generation near-infrared (NIR) interferometer GRAVITY at the very large telescope (VLT). The third experiment aims to detect and study a radio pulsar in tight orbit about Sgr A* using radio telescopes (including the Atacama large millimeter array or ALMA). The BlackHoleCam project exploits the synergy between these three different techniques and contributes directly to them at different levels. These efforts will eventually enable us to measure fundamental BH parameters (mass, spin, and quadrupole moment) with sufficiently high precision to provide fundamental tests of GR (e.g. testing the no-hair theorem) and probe the spacetime around a BH in any metric theory of gravity. Here, we review our current knowledge of the physical properties of Sgr A* as well as the current status of such experimental efforts towards imaging the event horizon, measuring stellar orbits, and timing pulsars around Sgr A*. We conclude that the Galactic center provides a unique fundamental-physics laboratory for experimental tests of BH accretion and theories of gravity in their most extreme limits.
Parallel session NS3 was devoted to review and discuss various aspects of the QCD phase diagram, ranging from matter at low temperatures and high densities as the one present in compact objects to matter at high temperatures and low densities, as the one obtained in heavy ion collisions. Different aspects of the phase transition, as the possible existence of a critical end point, the onset of deconfinement and the effects of strong magnetic fields on the phase diagram were discussed during this parallel session and outlined in this text. The complete discussions are presented separately in the texts prepared by the speakers and by the Rapporteur.
We investigate the quark deconfinement phase transition in cold (T = 0) and hot β-stable hadronic matter. Assuming a first-order phase transition, we calculate and compare the nucleation rate and the nucleation time due to quantum and thermal nucleation mechanisms. We show that above a threshold value of the central pressure a pure hadronic star (HS) (i.e. a compact star with no fraction of deconfined quark matter (QM)) is metastable to the conversion to a quark star (QS) (i.e. a hybrid star or a strange star). This process liberates a huge amount of energy, of the order of 1053 erg, which produces a powerful neutrino burst, likely accompanied by intense gravitational waves emission, and possibly by a second delayed (with respect to the supernova explosion forming the HS) explosion which could be the energy source of a powerful gamma-ray burst (GRB). This stellar conversion process populates the QS branch of compact stars, thus one has in the universe two coexisting families of compact stars: HSs and QSs. We introduce the concept of critical mass Mcr for cold HSs and proto-hadronic stars (PHSs), and the concept of limiting conversion temperature for PHSs. We show that PHSs with a mass M < Mcr could survive the early stages of their evolution without decaying to QSs. Finally, we discuss the possible evolutionary paths of PHSs.
100 years after the invention of General Relativity (GR) and 110 years after the development of Special Relativity (SR) we have to state that until now no single experiment or observation allows any doubt about the validity of these theories within the accuracy of the available data. Tests of GR can be divided into three categories: (i) test of the foundations of GR, (ii) tests of the consequences of GR, and (iii) test of the interplay between GR and quantum mechanics. In the first category, we have tests of the Einstein Equivalence Principle and the structure of the Newton axioms, in the second category we have effects like the gravitational redshift, light defection, gravitational time delay, the perihelion shift, the gravitomagnetic effects as the Lense–Thirring and Schiff effect, and gravitational waves. Tests of the effects of gravity on quantum systems are a first step towards experiments searching for a quantum gravity theory. In this paper, we also highlight practical applications in positioning, geodesy, and the International Atomic Time. After 100 years, GR can now definitely be regarded also as practical and applied science.
The framework of locally covariant quantum field theory (QFT), an axiomatic approach to QFT in curved spacetime (CST), is reviewed. As a specific focus, the connection between spin and statistics is examined in this context. A new approach is given, which allows for a more operational description of theories with spin and for the derivation of a more general version of the spin–statistics connection in CSTs than previously available. This part of the text is based on [C. J. Fewster, arXiv:1503.05797.] and a forthcoming publication; the emphasis here is on the fundamental ideas and motivation.
In this talk I discuss recent developments in moduli stabilisation, SUSY breaking and chiral D-brane models together with several interesting features of cosmological models built in the framework of type IIB string compactifications. I show that a non-trivial pre-inflationary dynamics can give rise to a power loss at large angular scales for which there have been mounting observational hints from both WMAP and Planck. I then describe different stringy embeddings of inflationary models which yield large or small tensor modes. I finally argue that reheating is generically driven by the decay of the lightest modulus which can produce, together with Standard Model particles, also non-thermal dark matter and light hidden sector degrees of freedom that behave as dark radiation.
Isolated magnetic white dwarfs have field strengths ranging from 103G to 109 G, and constitute an interesting class of objects. The origin of the magnetic field is still the subject of a hot debate. Whether these fields are fossil, hence the remnants of original weak magnetic fields amplified during the course of the evolution of the progenitor of white dwarfs, or on the contrary, are the result of binary interactions or, finally, other physical mechanisms that could produce such large magnetic fields during the evolution of the white dwarf itself, remains to be elucidated. In this work, we review the current status and paradigms of magnetic fields in white dwarfs, from both the theoretical and observational points of view.
I discuss the progress in the numerical modeling of accretion flows made possible after solving the general relativistic radiation-hydrodynamics equations through the moment formalism and with Godunov-type methods. I first present the necessary numerical tools for coping with the stiffness of the source terms in the equations and for treating the intermediate regime between the optically thick and the optically thin. Then, I show some applications to spherical accretion and to supersonic Bondi-Hoyle accretion onto a black hole, discussing its astrophysical relevance.
To understand accretion flow dynamics around black hole candidates (BHCs) one needs to study spectral as well as temporal features in details. After the inclusion of Chakrabarti-Titarchuk two Component Advective Flow (TCAF) model into HEASARC’s spectral analysis package XSPEC as a local additive table model, we found that it is quite capable of fitting spectra from different phases of few transient black hole candidates (TBHCs) during their X-ray outbursts. From spectral fits with TCAF model, one can directly extract physical flow parameters, such as two types of accretion (Keplerian disk and sub-Keplerian halo) rates and shock parameters (location and strength of the shock). A much better understanding of spectral and timing properties is achieved by studying evolution of these physical flow parameters during the outbursts of TBHCs. One can also predict frequency of primary dominating QPOs from TCAF fitted shock parameters. Based on a comparison of halo to disk accretion rate ratio (ARR) with quasi-periodic oscillation (QPOs; if present) frequencies, a physical understanding of the classification of the entire outburst phase of the BHCs into different spectral states emerges. We conclude that TCAF in XSPEC, provides us with a better tool to understand accretion flow dynamics during the outbursts of TBHCs.
The origin of Ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs) in external galaxies whose X-ray luminosities exceed those of the brightest black holes in our Galaxy by hundreds and thousands of times is mysterious. The most popular models for the ULXs involve either intermediate mass black holes (IMBHs) or stellar-mass black holes accreting at super-Eddington rates. Here we review the ULX properties, their X-ray spectra indicate a presence of hot winds in their accretion disks supposing the supercritical accretion. However, the strongest evidences come from optical spectroscopy. The spectra of the ULX counterparts are very similar to that of SS 433, the only known supercritical accretor in our Galaxy.
We study time variability properties of black hole transients densely monitored by the RXTE instruments. We systematically study the time/phase lag at QPO frequency. We find hard lag, intregated over Quasi Periodic Oscillation (QPO) frequency for the low inclination source (such as GX 339-4). The hard lag monotonically decrease and become negative (i.e., soft lag happens) close to 3.0 Hz for the high inclination sources (e.g., XTE J1550-564). Thus we find two different behaviours for the high inclination and the low inclination systems. We also find that the evolution properties of low-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) do not depend on the orbital inclination though the amplitude of low-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) depends on the orbital inclination. We conclude these evolutions could be due to the systematic movement of the Comptonizing region itself confirming the propagatory shock oscillation model.
In the case of no-horizon regular spacetimes there exist a region close to origin where the spacetime is “flattened”. Existence of such a region leads to presence of so called “ghost” images of accretion discs orbiting in the spacetimes. We show how the presence of the ghost images influences distribution of photons in the profiles of spectral lines generated by Keplerian disks.
We study transient Galatic black hole candidate MAXI J1836-194 during its 2011 outburst using RXTE/PCA archival data. 2.5-25 keV spectra are fitted with Two Component Advective Flow (TCAF) model fits file as an additive table local model in XSPEC. From TCAF model spectral fits, physical parameters such as Keplerian disk rate, sub-Keplerian halo rate, shock location and compression ratio are extracted directly for better understanding of accretion processes around the BHC during this outburst. Low frequency quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO) are observed sporadically during the entire epoch of the outburst, with a general trend of increasing frequency during rising and decreasing frequency during declining phases of the outburst, as in other transient BHCs. The nature of the variation of the accretion rate ratio (ratio of halo and disk rates) and QPOs (if observed), allows us to properly classify entire epoch of the outburst into following two spectral state, such as hard (HS), hard-intermediate (HIMS). These states are observed in the sequence of HS (Ris.) → HIMS (Ris.) → HIMS (Dec.) → HS (Dec.). This outburst of MAXI J1836-194 could be termed as ‘failed’ outburst, since no observation of soft (SS) and soft-intermediate (SIMS) spectral state are found during the entire outburst.
Transient black hole candidate MAXI J1659-152 showed rapid spectral and temporal evolution during its very first outburst. Our understanding about accretion flow dynamics around black hole candidates has improved much more after the inclusion of Chakrabarti-Titarchuk Two Component Advective Flow (TCAF) model as an additive table model in XSPEC. In this paper we make a detail study of temporal and spectral properties of black hole candidate MAXI J1659-152 during its 2010 outburst with TCAF and POS model. From our fit, we extract accretion flow parameters (Keplerian disk and sub-Keplerian halo rates, shock location, shock strength). We find mass of the object to be 4.17-7.74 M⊙.
Dynamics of charged matter in the oblique black hole magnetosphere is investigated. In particular, we adopt a model consisting of a rotating black hole embedded in the external large-scale magnetic field that is inclined arbitrarily with respect to the rotation axis. Breaking the axial symmetry appears to have profound consequences regarding the dynamics of particles and it also poses some methodological difficulties. In this contribution we discuss the applicability of the method of effective potential for the non-axisymmetric model and show that it may only be applied in the appropriate reference frame.
The inner region of a transient source is cooled down by the inverse Comptonization of soft photons from the Keplerian disk component. The reduction of pressure forces the outer boundary of the Compton cloud, namely, the centrifugal pressure supported shock to move inward slowly in order to satisfy Rankine-Hugoniot conditions. We consider the transient source H1743-322 to study this movement of the shock. The presence of cooling changes the geometry of the Compton cloud gradually. We also see how the flow parameters of this source change day by day during a complete outburst. As the shock-oscillation could also modulate harder X-rays, we want to resolve the question: are QPOs originated from shock oscillations and can the time variation of the QPO frequency be explained by this slow propagation of the shock? For that we solve the Rankine-Hugoniot conditions and derive the condition of shock formation in presence of Compton cooling. We also compute inward velocity of the shock Compton cloud to be a few meters per second, which agrees well with earlier observational results.
We use α prescription of viscosity and study steady state solutions of an accretion flow, in presence of dissipative shocks. The flow solutions depend on four initial parameters namely, εin, lH, α and f. We study all such solutions possible and divide the parameter space into regions which allow the formation of such shock waves and which do not. Then, we follow a similar study in presence of outflows. From the analysis of the resultant parameter space, we find that the dissipative shocks can still form for the values of α as high as 0.27 in small regions of the flow parameter space in absence of outflows. This value reduces to 0.2 in presence of outflows. The typical values of αappear in the range 0.01 − 0.15. The values of α reported from numerical simulations are always lower than 0.1. This signifies that viscosity parameter in accretion flows is low enough to form dissipative shocks, both in presence and absence of outflows. This supports our claim that shocks could be omnipresent. It was also found that a dissipation factor of f ≻ 0.3 does not produce shocks in significant region of the flow parameter space and hence, these values are not physically relevant. Likewise, at the maximum, ∼ 13% of inflowing matter can be ejected as outflows at the CENBOL.
Nature of photon trajectories in a curved spacetime around black holes are studied without constraining their motion to any plane. Impacts of photon bending are separately scrutinized for Keplerian and CENBOL components of Two Component Advective Flow (TCAF) model. Parameters like Red shift, Bolometric Flux, temperature profile and time of arrival of photons are also computed.
Variability classes in the enigmatic black hole candidate GRS 1915+105 are known to be correlated with the variation of the Comptonizing Efficiency (CE) which is defined to be the ratio between the number of power-law (hard) photons and seed (soft) photons injected into the Compton cloud. Similarities of light curves of several variability classes of GRS 1915+105 and IGR J17091-3624, some of which are already reported in the literature, motivated us to compute CE for IGR J17091-3624 as well. We find that they are similar to what were reported earlier for GRS 1915+105, even though masses of these objects could be different.
Two radiation regimes are considered. The first one is provided by electrons moving in a magnetic field in circles with non-relativistic velocity (Cyclotron radiation). The second one is provided by electrons moving in a magnetic field on a helix with ultra-relativistic longitudinal and non-relativistic transverse velocity components. The applicability of these models is considered by the example of the object Hercules X-1. The test based on polarization observations is suggested to distinguish between the cyclotron and relativistic dipole origin of features observed in X-ray spectra of X-ray sources.
Using numerical MHD simulations, we investigated the motion of a magnetized neutron star through a non-uniform interstellar medium (ISM), the interaction of the magnetosphere with the ISM and the influence of ISM density on the shape of the magnetosphere tail.
We investigate the back-reaction of magnetic enhancement due to a plasma in orbit about a Kerr black hole. While previous work had shown that the enhancement diverges at some point outside the horizon, we see that the back-reaction reduces the enhancement to some extent. The first order correction is seen to be valid in ranges of spin and r together.
We perform two dimensional MHD Cellular Automata simulations for a two-dimensional model of a magnetized flux tube with a background flow. Self Organized Criticality is reached by the system. The lifetime distribution and energy emission as a function of time are discussed regarding an application of the model to X-Ray emission of Gamma Ray Bursts.
The solution of the system of Boltzmann equation for plasma in magnetic field, with arbitrary degenerate electrons and nondegenerate nuclei, is obtained by Chapman-Enskog method. Three functions, generalising Sonin polynomials are used for obtaining an approximal solution. Fully ionized plasma is considered. For nondegenerate and strongly degenerate plasma the asymptotic analytic formulae are obtained, which are compared with different results of previous authors. Due to kinetic approach, our results are more exact than usually used coefficients, obtained by a simplified approach for the thermal conductivity in a plasma of a neutron star crust.
We show that the removal of angular momentum is possible in the presence of large scale magnetic stresses, arisen by fields much stronger than that required for magnetorotational instability, in geometrically thick, advective, sub-Keplerian accretion flows around black holes in steady-state, in the complete absence of alpha-viscosity. The efficiency of such angular momentum transfer via Maxwell stress, with the field well below its equipartition value, could be equivalent to that of alpha-viscosity, arisen via Reynolds stress, with α = 0.01 − 0.08. We find in our simpler vertically averaged advective disk model that stronger the magnetic field and/or larger the vertical-gradient of azimuthal component of magnetic field, stronger the rate of angular momentum transfer is, which in turn may lead to a faster rate of outflowing matter, which has important implications to describe the hard spectral states of black hole sources. When the generic origin of alpha-viscosity is still being explored, mechanism of efficient angular momentum transfer via magnetic stresses alone is very interesting.
The important result of the iron core collapse simulation is the formation of the convectively unstable regions in the center and in the region of the accretion. The large region near the center suitable for the convective insatiability exists during 10 ms. In the frame of 3D hydrodynamic simulations with taking into account self-gravity I illustrate the possibility of the developing of the large-scale convection during such short time. Another important result from the viewpoint supernova explosion is the huge neutrino energy in the degenerate convective bubble about 100 MeV in compare with the thermal neutrino 10 MeV from the neutrino-sphere. Large neutrino energy is important for the explanation of the supernova explosion.
We investigate the evolution of hydromagnetic perturbations in a small section of accretion disks. It is known that molecular viscosity is negligible in accretion disks. Hence, it has been argued that Magnetorotational Instability (MRI) is responsible for transporting matter in the presence of weak magnetic field. However, there are some shortcomings, which question effectiveness of MRI. Now the question arises, whether other hydromagnetic effects, e.g. transient growth (TG), can play an important role to bring nonlinearity in the system, even at weak magnetic fields. Otherwise, whether MRI or TG, which is primarily responsible to reveal nonlinearity to make the flow turbulent? Our results prove explicitly that the flows with high Reynolds number (Re), which is the case of realistic astrophysical accretion disks, exhibit nonlinearity by best TG of perturbation modes faster than that by best modes producing MRI. For a fixed wavevector, MRI dominates over transient effects, only at low Re, lower than its value expected to be in astrophysical accretion disks, and low magnetic fields. This seriously questions (overall) persuasiveness of MRI in astrophysical accretion disks.
General relativity and quantum theory are believed to be incompatible, but are they? Here it is revealed that there is a logical way for these theories to be extended to a unified theory. In a fresh approach, the graviton is defined as the quantum field particle that produces the dimensions of time and space, whereby gravitational effects are one consequence of this role. The concept is explained and evidence is revealed which supports the new direction. The approach leads to the derivation of the Einstein equation of general relativity and the unification equation, which predicts that the frequency of gravitons in the void is fX0=1.48 × 1042 s−1. Thus the graviton is a high-energy particle, quite the opposite to expectations of current particle theory, but in keeping with its role of producing: the dimensions of time and space, vacuum energy, expansion of the Universe, and gravitational effects. The predicted frequency is accurately supported by empirical data from cosmological measurements. Observations that have been attributed to dark matter and vacuum energy, are now explained by scattering of gravitons and diffraction patterns of gravitons. Diffraction minima have reduced energy density, thus producing microscopic regions of curvature of spacetime in galactic haloes. Based of these diffraction patterns, equations are derived which accurately predict the rapid speed of orbiting bodies and explain the flatness of rotation curves. The evidence supports the extension of quantum theory and general relativity to a general quantum theory.
We investigate the cosmological implications of a class of modified gravity based on torsion. Starting from the Teleparallel Equivalent of General Relativity (TEGR), in which the gravitational field is described by the torsion tensor instead of the curvature one, we extend the Lagrangian to arbitrary functions of the torsion scalar. In such a scenario the torsional modification can describe the inflationary evolution, as well as the late-time acceleration. The whole discussion can be enlightening as to what roads one could follow in order to modify the gravitational interaction.
Cosmological inflation is discussed in the framework of F(R, G) gravity where F is a generic function of the curvature scalar R and the Gauss-Bonnet topological invariant G. The main feature that emerges in this analysis is the fact that this kind of theory can exhaust all the curvature budget related to curvature invariants without considering derivatives of R, Rμν, Rλσμν etc. in the action. Cosmological dynamics results driven by two effective masses (lenghts) related to the R scalaron and the G scalaron working respectively at early and very early epochs of cosmic evolution. In this sense, a double inflationary scenario naturally emerges.
Higher-derivative gravity, i.e. the system defined by General Relativity’s Lagrangian augmented by curvature-squared terms, is a renormalizable gravity model, along with its matter couplings. This model has two free parameters, α and β, which couple the higher-order terms R2 and R2μν, respectively. In this work we study the bending of light in the framework of higher-derivative gravity utilizing both classical and semiclassical approaches. We show that the Ricci-squared sector is associated to a repulsive interaction and, at the tree-level, yields dispersive propagation of photons yet in first order. Also, a comparison between the predicted results and experimental data allows us to set an upper bound on the coupling constant β.
We review modified gravity models which provide the unification of inflation with dark energy era. Special attention is paid to F(R) gravity. Universality of gravitational alternative for accelerated expansion is indicated, as the corresponding unification maybe achieved also in modified Gauss-Bonnet gravity, non-local gravity or modified gravity with extra scalars. The occurrence of finite-time singularities at dark energy and/or inflation era is discussed. The possibility of bouncing cosmology from extended gravity is also shown. Finally, dark matter may naturally enter this scenario as third party of unification, for instance, in mimetic generalization of modified gravity.
The place and physical significance of Poincaré gauge theory of gravity (PGTG) as necessary generalization of metric gravitation theory in the framework of gauge approach to gravitation is discussed. Isotropic cosmology built in the framework of PGTG based on general expression of gravitational Lagrangian including both a scalar curvature and quadratic in the curvature and torsion invariants with indefinite parameters is considered. The most important physical consequences connected with the change of gravitational interaction, with possible existence of limiting energy density and gravitational repulsion at extreme conditions, and also with the vacuum repulsion effect are discussed. The solution of the problem of cosmological singularity and dark energy problem in the frame of isotropic cosmology built on the base of PGTG is given.
We study a cosmological model where the Einstein tensor is non-minimally coupled to the dynamics of free scalar field. Using FRW metric, we find the behavior of scale factor for vacuum, matter and dark energy dominated eras, and focus on the inflationary behavior at early universe. We study the perturbation analysis to confront the inflation under consideration with observational results.
We construct new explicit vacuum solutions of quadratic metric-affine gravity. The approach of metric-affine gravity in using an independent affine connection produces a theory with 10+64 unknowns, which implies admitting torsion and possible nonmetricity. Our spacetimes are generalisations of classical pp-waves, four-dimensional Lorentzian spacetimes which admit a nonvanishing parallel spinor field. We generalize this definition to metric compatible spacetimes with pp-metric and purely axial torsion. It has been suggested that one can interpret that the axial component of torsion as the Hodge dual of the electromagnetic vector potential. We compare these solutions with our previous results and other solutions of classical models describing the interaction of gravitational and neutrino fields.
We briefly summarize our recent results on type N and III universal spacetimes.
The aim of this talk is to demonstrate that the Hamiltonian formalism of bigravity with de Rham, Gabadadze, Tolley (dRGT) potential reduced to minisuperspace is a flexible and powerful method to invent and to study cosmological models. We discuss here only the effective coupling of matter, i.e. the minimal interaction of it to a special combination of two dynamical metrics. It is shown that all the observables can be expressed as functions of the ratio of the two scale factors.
We give a brief summary of the formalism of invariants in general scalar-tensor and multiscalar-tensor gravities without derivative couplings. By rescaling of the metric and reparametrization of the scalar fields, the theory can be presented in different conformal frames and parametrizations. Due to this freedom in transformations, the scalar fields themselves do not carry independent physical meaning (in a generic parametrization). However, there are functions of the scalar fields and their derivatives which remain invariant under the transformations, providing a set of physical variables for the theory. We indicate how to construct such invariants and show how the observables like parametrized post-Newtonian parameters and characteristics of Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker cosmology can be neatly expressed in terms of the invariants.
We review a class of weakly non-local higher derivative theories of gravity as a step forward with Einstein’s general relativity. These theories are unitary (ghost-free) and UV-finite at quantum level in even and odd dimensions. In D = 4 the beta functions have been explicitly evaluated showing quantum scale-invariance (all the beta functions vanish). It is trivial to show finiteness in odd dimensions. Moreover these results can be easily extended to any even dimension and it is possible, that the higher-dimensional theory can be made finite too. Therefore, we have the possibility for finite and UV-complete quantum gravity in any dimension.
An interesting cosmological history was proposed by Prigogine et al. who considered the Universe as a thermodynamically open system. This scenario is characterized by a process of matter creation, which corresponds to an irreversible energy flow from the gravitational field to the pressureless matter fluid. Here, we show that the gravitationally induced particle production may arise from a nonminimal curvature-matter coupling. By considering the equivalent scalar-tensor theory, the cosmological implications of the model are discussed. As all known natural systems tend to a state of thermodynamic equilibrium, and assuming the universe is not different in this respect, we also discuss the conditions to attain the equilibrium state.
In the context of Horndeski cosmologies, we consider a dynamical adjustment mechanism able to screen any value of the vacuum energy of the matter fields leading to a fixed de Sitter geometry. Thus, we present the most general scalar-tensor cosmological models without higher than second order derivatives in the field equation that have a fixed spatially flat de Sitter critical point for any kind of material content or vacuum energy. These models allow us to understand the current accelerated expansion of the universe as the result of the evolution towards the critical point when it is an attractor.
The Born-Infeld gravity is a modified gravity motivated by the quantum gravity, which has the ability to get rid of the big bang and other singularities. We consider the Palatini formalism of the Born-Infeld gravity and investigate the FRW cosmology by using an effective potential. It is shown that the big bang singularity does not always emerge but the scale factor can be bounced. Based on this result, we also study the black hole formation for spherical dust collapse, and find that the dust ball does not always collapse into a singularity.
The detection of gravitational waves and the corresponding determination of polarization modes is a powerful tool to discriminate between general relativity and alternative theories of gravity as for instance f(R) theories. Within the framework of the linearized approach, we investigate the polarization of gravitational waves in f(R) theories in the metric formalism. Besides the usual two transverse-traceless tensor modes present in general relativity, there are in general two additional scalar ones: a massive longitudinal mode and a massless transverse mode (the so-called breathing mode). This last mode has often been overlooked in the literature, and we show why it is in general not possible to impose a traceless condition on the wave solutions. Our findings are in agreement with the results found using the Newman-Penrose formalism, thus clarifying the inconsistencies in the literature.
Observations of several peculiar, under- and over-luminous type Ia supernovae (SNeIa) argue for exploding masses widely different from the Chandrasekhar-limit. We explore the modification to Einstein’s gravity in white dwarfs for the first time in the literature, which shows that depending on the (density dependent) modified gravity parameter α, chosen for the present purpose of representation, limiting mass of white dwarfs could be significantly sub- as well as super-Chandrasekhar. Hence, this unifies the apparently disjoint classes of SNeIa, establishing the importance of modified Einstein’s gravity in white dwarfs. Our discovery questions both the global validity of Einstein’s gravity and the uniqueness of Chandrasekhar’s limit.
We discuss the most general Finsler spacetime geometry obeying the cosmological symmetry group SO(4). On this background geometry we derive the equations of motion for the most general kinetic fluid obeying the same cosmological symmetry. For this purpose we propose a set of coordinates on the tangent bundle of the spacetime manifold which greatly simplifies the cosmological symmetry generators.
A brief summary of the anholonomic frame deformation method, AFDM, for generating exact solutions with generic off–diagonal metrics and generalized nonlinear connections in modified gravity theories, MGTs, is presented. We generalize the method to systems of nonlinear partial differential equations, PDEs, for constructing solutions describing generalized (effective) Einstein-Yang-Mills-Higgs, EYMH, interactions in two measure, f(R) and massive gravity theories. Finally, we speculate on possible applications of such generalized anisotropic and inhomogeneous solutions in modern acceleration cosmology.
Here, we present preliminary results from our studies of the variation of different facets of the speed of light in the local inertial frame in Palatini formalism. In these theories, different aspects of the speed of light such as cST (the space-time causal structure constant) and cEM (the electromagnetic wave velocity), do not coincide in the local inertial frame and modify standard ΛCDM model coming from General Relativity. We apply our model to available data such as Union II or Planck 2013. For instance, we can fit the SN Ia distance modulus and CMB shift parameter in the absence of Dark Energy. Also we apply our model to the comoving Hubble radius and find that our favourable model leads to a larger particle horizon at higher redshifts and hence, can solve the horizon problem without the need for inflation.
Cosmological hysteresis has interesting and vivid implications in the scenario of a cyclic bouncy universe. This, purely thermodynamical in nature, is caused by the asymmetry in the equation of state parameter during expansion and contraction phase of the universe, due to the presence of a single scalar field. When applied to variants of modified gravity models this phenomenon leads to the increase in amplitude of the consecutive cycles of the universe, provided we have physical mechanisms to make the universe bounce and turnaround. This also shows that the conditions which creates a universe with an ever increasing expansion, depend on the signature of ∮ pdV and on model parameters.
When using Einstein’s equations, there exist a number of techniques for embedding nonlinear structures in cosmological backgrounds. These include Swiss cheese models, in which spherically symmetric vacua are patched onto Friedmann solutions, and lattice models, in which weak-field regions are joined together directly. In this talk we will consider how these methods work in f(R) theories of gravity. We will show that their existence places constraints on the large-scale expansion of the universe, and that it may not always be possible to consider the Friedmann solutions and weak-field solutions of a theory independently from each other.
Current acceleration of the cosmic expansion leads to coincidence as well as fine-tuning issues in the framework of general relativity. Dynamical scalar fields have been introduced in response of these problems, some of them invoking screening mechanisms for passing local tests of gravity. Recent lab experiments based on atom interferometry in a vacuum chamber have been proposed for testing modified gravity models. So far only analytical computations have been used to provide forecasts. We derive numerical solutions for chameleon models that take into account the effect of the vacuum chamber wall and its environment. With this realistic profile of the chameleon field in the chamber, we refine the forecasts that were derived analytically. We finally highlight specific effects due to the vacuum chamber that are potentially interesting for future experiments.
We show that pure quadratic gravity with quantum loop corrections yields a viable inflationary scenario. We also show that a large family of models in the Jordan frame, with softly-broken scale invariance, corresponds to the same theory with linear inflaton potential in the Einstein frame. It follows that all these quasi scale-invariant models have the same relation between the tensor-to-scalar ratio and the scalar spectral index, which is also consistent with the current data. Thus, they form a family of attractors, which is sharply distinct from the recently discovered α-attractors of Kallosh, Linde et al.
We study the propagation of a null fluid under the modified dynamics provided by the Palatini formulation of the Born-Infeld theory of gravity. Working in a Cartesian coordinate system, we obtain exact analytical solutions for the metric tensor, which describes the gravitational wave produced by the null fluid. The result is compared with the prediction of general relativity.
We develop the parameterized post-Keplerian approach for class of analytic f(R)-gravity models. Using the double binary pulsar system PSR J0737-3039 data we obtain restrictions on the parameters of this class of f(R)-models and show that f(R)-gravity is not ruled out by the observations in strong field regime.
A fundamental problem of general relativity is its conflict with quantum physics, i.e., the difficulty putting it into the quantum shoes. On its solution we see light shed by the cosmological constant problem, which we read as a low-energy manifestation of the conflict and a signpost to the reconciliation. We expect the reconciliation between gravity and quantum physics can solve the cosmological constant problem: The former should give a low-energy or an energy-independent solution to the latter, since the latter is not only a high-energy but also a low-energy problem. This requirement provides a physical criterion for evaluating possible solutions of the reconciliation, especially at low energies. Thus, we further expect the keys to the reconciliation can be found in the well-known low-energy physics rather than hiding in unconfirmed physics beyond our reach. Along this line of thought, we discuss possible keys to the reconciliation, such as the quantum treatment of the constrained degrees of freedom of gravity, the timeless problem, and a potential mismatch between average curvature and average metric.
Effective gravitational field theories with background fields break local Lorentz symmetry and diffeomorphism invariance. Examples include Chern-Simons gravity, massive gravity, and the Standard-Model Extension (SME). The physical properties and behavior of these theories depend greatly on whether the spacetime symmetry breaking is explicit or spontaneous. With explicit breaking, the background fields are fixed and nondynamical, and the resulting theories are fundamentally different from Einstein’s General Relativity (GR). However, when the symmetry breaking is spontaneous, the background fields are dynamical in origin, and many of the usual features of Einstein’s GR still apply.
We consider singularities of static spherically symmetric objects in minimal dilatonic gravity. They are only partially studied and purely understood even in the simplest models of extended gravity. We introduce the proper form of the structure equations and derive a set of all singularities, which turn to form several types of sub-manifolds of the phase space. We also introduce for the first time the Lyapunov function for the corresponding system, its equation, and its basic properties. The dependence on the mass of the dark scalar is discussed.
The one-loop long distance quantum corrections to the Newtonian potential imply tiny but observable effects in the restricted three-body problem of celestial mechanics, i.e., both at the Lagrangian points of stable equilibrium and at those of unstable equilibrium the Newtonian values of planetoid’s coordinates are changed by a few millimetres in the Earth-Moon system. First, we find that the equations governing the position of both noncollinear and collinear quantum libration points are algebraic fifth degree and ninth degree equations, respectively. Second, we discuss the prospects to measure, with the help of laser ranging, the above departure from the equilateral triangle picture, which is a challenging task. On the other hand, a modern version of the planetoid is the solar sail, and much progress has been made, in recent years, on the displaced periodic orbits of solar sails at all libration points. By taking into account the quantum corrections to the Newtonian potential, displaced periodic orbits of the solar sail at libration points are again found to exist.
An assessment is made of recent attempts to evaluate how quantum gravity may affect the anisotropy spectrum of the cosmic microwave background. A perturbative scheme for the solution of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation has been found to allow for enhancement of power at large scales, whereas the alternative predicts a suppression of power at large scales. Both effects are corrections which, although conceptually interesting, turn out to be too small to be detected. Another scheme relies upon a Born-Oppenheimer analysis: by using a perturbative approach to the nonlinear ordinary differential equation obeyed by the two-point function for scalar fluctuations, a new family of power spectra has been obtained and studied by the authors.
The existence and stability of the Einstein static solution have been built in the Einstein-Cartan gravity. We show that this solution in the presence of perfect fluid with spin density satisfying the Weyssenhoff restriction is cyclically stable around a center equilibrium point. Thus, study of this solution is interesting because it supports non-singular emergent cosmological models in which the early universe oscillates indeterminately about an initial Einstein static solution and is thus past eternal.
In this paper I present the most recent developments in the formulation of a tomographic approach to quantum and classical cosmology. I introduce quantum tomography, in order to show how the quantum tomographical techniques can be applied to reconstruct a quantum state, then I discuss these techniques can be applied to quantum and classical cosmology. It follows that the information about the initial state of the universe should be obtained by analyzing the local deviations from the Hubble law, but more realistically one should analyse the spectrum of cosmological perturbations and the recent maps of the cosmical background radiation.
In this paper we consider the Gauss-Bonnet action in Weyl-Cartan geometry. The role of Gauss-Bonnet action in Weyl and also Cartan gravity is known for decades and we know that this combinations lead to a gravity theory plus some gauge fields. We first show that the Weyl-Cartan theory gives rise to a gravitational theory minimally coupled to two vector fields, one of which is massless and the other is massive. The parameters will be then constraint to have a healthy theory. By generalizing the action through introducing a scalar filed coupled to Gauss-Bonnet action we will show that the axion inflation model can be produced in this model. The theory predicts a coupling between the axion field and the canonical vector kinetic term as well as the usual axion-vector field coupling. We will also consider the cosmological implications of the axion model.
We modify the Galileon theory minimally coupled to general relativity by breaking the Lorentz invariance of the theory. To break the Lorentz invariance, we use the Lagrange multiplier method. The new term in the action implies that the gradient of the Galileon field is time-like, with unit norm. The theory can also be considered as an extension of the mimetic dark matter theory, by adding some derivative self interactions to the action, which keeps the equation of motion at most second order in time derivatives. Also the theory is similar to scalar Einstein-aether theory with healthy scalar aether self interactions. For pressure-less baryonic matter, we show that the universe experiences a decelerated expanding phase followed by a late time acceleration. The cosmological implications of a special coupling between the scalar field and the trace of the energy-momentum tensor are also explored.
Massive gravitational modes in effective field theories can be recovered by extending general relativity and taking into account generic functions of the curvature invariants, not necessarily linear in the Ricci scalar R. In particular, adopting the minimal extension of f(R) gravity, an effective field theory with massive modes is straightforwardly recovered. This approach allows to evade shortcomings like ghosts and discontinuities if a suitable choice of expansion parameters is performed.
Fourth-derivative gravity has two free parameters, α and β, which couple the curvature-squared terms R2 and R2μν. Relativistic effects and short-range laboratory experiments can be used to provide upper limits to these constants. In this work we briefly review both types of experimental results in the context of higher-derivative gravity. The strictest limit follows from the second kind of test. Interestingly enough, the bound on β due to semiclassical light deflection at the solar limb is only one order of magnitude larger.
We consider generalised pp-waves with purely axial torsion, which we previously showed to be new vacuum solutions of quadratic metric-affine gravity. Our analysis shows that classical pp-waves of parallel Ricci curvature should not be viewed on their own. They are a particular representation of a wider class of solutions, namely generalised pp-waves of parallel Ricci curvature. We compare our pp-waves with purely axial torsion to solutions of Einstein-Weyl theory, the classical model describing the interaction of gravitational and massless neutrino fields.
New soliton solutions for thick branes in 4 + 1 dimensions are considered in this article. In particular, brane models based on the sine-Gordon (SG), φ4 and φ6 scalar fields are investigated; in some cases Z2 symmetry is broken. Besides, these soliton solutions are responsible for supporting and stabilizing the thick branes. In these models, the origin of the symmetry breaking resides in the fact that the modified scalar field potential may have non-degenerate vacuua and these non-degenerate vacuua determine the cosmological constant on both sides of the brane. At last, in order to explore the particle motion in the neighborhood of the brane, the geodesic equations along the fifth dimension are studied.
Galilean Genesis is one of the alternative inflation models and originally constructed from the Galileon theory. This model has an interesting feature that our universe started from the Minkowski universe. We generalized Galilean Genesis models by using Horndeski theory. We studied the evolution of background and perturbations. We find this model solve the problems that inflation model solved in the same way. We can make a flat power spectrum of scalar perturbation by choosing the specific value of introduced parameter in this model. I will talk above and recent results.
We shall discuss equivalence of frames in Palatini f(ℛ)-theories at action level. A Palatini formulation of Brans-Dicke theories (equivalent to the purely metric ones) will also be discussed.
Cosmological rotation of linear polarization (cosmic birefringence or cosmic polarization rotation) provides an excellent probe to study new physics. We derived stringent limits on selected extensions of the Standard Model looking at the cosmological rotation of linear polarization for several datasets (Cosmic Microwave Background, Radio Galaxies, Radio Sources, Crab Nebula and Gamma-ray Bursts) corresponding at different energies for the photons and different distances of the sources.
We consider the construction of a transgression field theory invariant under the Poincare supergroup P5, modulo boundary terms. The transgression action is constructed from the lagrangian for five dimensional Chern–Simons supergravity through the introduction of two 1-forms gauge connections valuated in the corresponding Lie superalgebra. These conections are associated to linear and nonlinear realizations of the Poincaré supergroup. From a dimensional reduction of the transgression field theory we get a four dimensional gauged Wess–Zumino–Witten action whose fields are the original gauge fields of the Chern–Simons theory plus the set of tensorial and spinorials functions relating the gauge conections corresponding to the parameterized coordinates of the coset space P5/SO(1,4) in the adjoint representation. The resulting action and its equations of motion are studied.
In this proceedings (based on Ref. 1), I will consider quantum aspects of a non-local, infinite-derivative scalar field theory - a toy model depiction of a covariant infinite-derivative, non-local extension of Einstein’s general relativity which has previously been shown to be free from ghosts around the Minkowski background. The graviton propagator in this theory gets an exponential suppression making it asymptotically free, thus providing strong prospects of resolving various classical and quantum divergences. In particular, I will find that at 1-loop, the 2-point function is still divergent, but once this amplitude is renormalized by adding appropriate counter terms, the ultraviolet (UV) behavior of all other 1-loop diagrams as well as the 2-loop, 2-point function remains well under control. I will go on to discuss how one may be able to generalize our computations and arguments to arbitrary loops.
Wormhole, domain wall, and boson star solutions supported by two ghost scalar fields are investigated within the framework of general relativity. Families of solutions are constructed numerically, depending on central values of the scalar fields. For such solutions we find masses of the objects under consideration and show the profiles of the scalar fields and of their energy density distributions.
Using exactly solvable models, it is shown that black hole singularities in different electrically charged configurations can be cured. Our solutions describe black hole space-times with a wormhole giving structure to the otherwise point-like singularity. We show that geodesic completeness is satisfied despite the existence of curvature divergences at the wormhole throat. In some cases, physical observers can go through the wormhole and in other cases the throat lies at an infinite affine distance.
In this proceedings we review a method for generating rotating wormhole solutions of the Einstein equations with ghost (phantom) matter. One of the solutions contains a ring singularity only on the south hemisphere. We analyze the geodesic motion around this solution and show that there is no geodesics touching the ring singularity of the wormhole in any way. This leads us to the famous Penrose’s cosmic censorship conjecture.
While General Relativity (GR) ranks undoubtedly among the best physics theories ever developed, it is also among those with the most striking implications. In particular, GR admits solutions which allow faster than light motion and consequently time travel. Here we shall consider a “pre-emptive” chronology protection mechanism that destabilises superluminal warp drives via quantum matter back-reaction and hence forbids even the conceptual possibility to use these solutions for building a time machine. This result will be considered both in standard quantum field theory in curved spacetime as well as in the case of a quantum field theory with Lorentz invariance breakdown at high energies. Some lessons and future perspectives will be finally discuss.
A spherically symmetric wormhole in Newtonian gravitation in curved space, enhanced with a connection between the mass density and the Ricci scalar, is presented. The wormhole inhabits a spherically symmetric curved space. The gravitational potential, gravitational field and the pressure that supports the fluid that permeates the Newtonian wormhole are computed. Particle dynamics and tidal effects in this geometry are studied.
Wormholes may arise as solutions of extensions of General Relativity without violation of the energy conditions. Working in a Palatini approach we consider classical geometries supporting such wormholes. It is shown that the resulting space-times represent explicit realizations of the concept of geon introduced by Wheeler, interpreted as self-consistent bodies generated by an electromagnetic field without sources.
We study the process of quantum tunnelling in self-interacting scalar field theories with non-minimal coupling to gravity. In these theories gravitational instantons can develop a neck – a feature prohibited in theories with minimal coupling, and describing the nucleation of geometries containing a wormhole. We also clarify the relationship of neck geometries to violations of the null energy condition.
We consider static spherically symmetric solutions in the scalar-tensor theory of gravity with a scalar field possessing the nonminimal kinetic coupling to the curvature. The lagrangian of the theory contains the term (εgμν+ηGμν)ϕ,μϕ,ν and represents a particular case of the general Horndeski lagrangian, which leads to second-order equations of motion. We use the Rinaldi approach to construct analytical solutions describing wormholes with nonminimal kinetic coupling. It is shown that wormholes exist only if ε = −1 (phantom case) and η > 0. The wormhole throat connects two anti-de Sitter spacetimes. The wormhole metric has a coordinate singularity at the throat. However, since all curvature invariants are regular, there is no curvature singularity there.
We find general parameterizations for generic off-diagonal spacetime metrics and matter sources in general relativity (GR) and two measure/bi-metric modified gravity theories, MGTs, when the field equations decouple with respect to nonholonomic frames of reference. This allows us to construct various classes of exact solutions when the coefficients of the fundamental geometric/physical objects depend on all spacetime coordinates via corresponding classes of generating and integration functions and/or constants. Such (modified) spacetimes display Killing and non-Killing symmetries, describe nonlinear vacuum configurations and effective polarizations of cosmological and interaction constants. Certain examples of exact locally anisotropic wormhole and generic off-diagonal cosmological solutions are analysed for MGTs of massive and/or modified f(R,T) gravity, two measure theory etc. We conclude that considering generic off-diagonal nonlinear parametric interactions in GR it is possible to mimic various effects in massive and/or modified gravity, or to distinguish certain classes of generic modified gravity solutions which cannot be encoded in GR.
We consider the characteristics of nonlinear energy conditions and of quantum extensions of these and the usual energy conditions. We show that they are satisfied by some quantum vacuum states that violate the usual energy conditions.
In the context of Gravity’s Rainbow, we compute the graviton one-loop contribution to a classical energy in a traversable wormhole background, by considering the equation of state pr = ωρ. The investigation is evaluated by means of a variational approach with Gaussian trial wave functionals. However, instead of using a regularization/renormalization process, we use the distortion induced by Gravity’s Rainbow to handle the divergences.
We discuss rotating wormhole solutions in Einstein gravity in four and five dimensions, supported by a phantom scalar field. These solutions evolve from the corresponding static wormhole, when the throat attains a finite rotational velocity. With increasing rotational velocity the throat deforms. At a maximal value of the rotational velocity, an extremal black hole solution is encountered. The rotating Ellis wormholes acquire a finite mass. In four dimensions they possess bound orbits. In five dimensions, with both angular momenta set equal, a stability analysis shows that the unstable mode of the static wormholes solutions vanishes when the angular momentum exceeds a critical value.
So-called “Buchert averaging” is actually a coarse-graining procedure, where fine detail is “smeared out” due to limited spatio-temporal resolution. For technical reasons, (to be explained herein), “averaging” is not really an appropriate term, and I shall consistently describe the process as a “coarse-graining”. Because Einstein gravity is nonlinear the coarse-grained Einstein tensor is typically not equal to the Einstein tensor of the coarse-grained spacetime geometry. The discrepancy can be viewed as an “effective” stress-energy, and this “effective” stress-energy often violates the classical energy conditions. To keep otherwise messy technical issues firmly under control, I shall work with conformal-FLRW (CFLRW) cosmologies. These CFLRW-based models are particularly tractable, and are also particularly attractive observationally: the CMB is not distorted. In this CFLRW context one can prove some rigorous theorems regarding the interplay between Buchert coarse-graining, tracelessness of the effective stress-energy, and the classical energy conditions.
We investigate negative tension branes as stable thin shell wormholes in Reissner-Nordström-(anti) de Sitter spacetimes in d dimensional Einstein gravity. Imposing Z2 symmetry, we construct and classify traversable static thin shell wormholes in spherical, planar (or cylindrical) and hyperbolic symmetries. In spherical geometry, we find the higher dimensional counterpart of Barceló and Visser’s wormholes, which are stable against spherically symmetric perturbations. We also find the classes of thin shell wormholes in planar and hyperbolic symmetries with a negative cosmological constant, which are stable against perturbations preserving symmetries. In most cases, stable wormholes are found with the combination of an electric charge and a negative cosmological constant. However, as special cases, we find stable wormholes even with vanishing cosmological constant in spherical symmetry and with vanishing electric charge in hyperbolic symmetry.
Gravitational and electromagnetic (EM) field of the Dirac electron is described by an ultra-extreme Kerr-Newman (KN) black hole (BH) solution which has the naked singular ring and two-sheeted topology. This space is regulated by the formation of a solitonic source which shares much in common with the known MIT- and SLAC-bag models, but has the important advantage, of being in accordance with gravitational and electromagnetic field of the external KN solution. The used field model is supersymmetric LG model based on three chiral fields forming a domain wall bubble interpolating between the external exact KN solution and a flat supersymmetric core, which regulates singular zone of the Kerr-Newman solution. We reduce Hamiltonian to a Bogomolnyi form and obtain the regular BPS-saturated solution as an oscillon with quantized angular momentum. The main features of the soliton indicate its similarity to the bag models.
We suggest a new scenario in which the Universe starts its evolution with a fractal topological structure. This structure is described by a gas of cosmological wormholes. It is shown that the polarization of such a gas in external fields possesses the spatial dispersion, which results in a modification of the Newton’s law. The dependence on scales is determined by the distribution of distances between throat ends. The observed in galaxies logarithmic correction confirms that the distribution has fractal properties. We also discus the possibility of restoring such a distribution from observations.
On a warped five-dimensional Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker(FLRW) spacetime, dark energy can be induced by a U(1) scalar-gauge field on the brane. The standard model fields interact via the bulk Weyl tensor and causes brane fluctuations. Due to the warp factor, disturbances don’t fade away during the expansion of the universe, as is the case in 4D counterpart models. As a result, the late-time behavior could be significant deviate from the standard evolution of the universe. The effect is triggered by the time-dependent part of the warp factor with two branches. It turns out that one of the metric components becomes singular at the moment the warp factor develops a extremum. This behavior could have influence on the possibility of a transition from acceleration to deceleration or vice versa. The U(1) scalar gauge field, or self-gravitating cosmic string, builds up a huge mass per unit length in the bulk and can induce massive KK-modes felt on the brane. We find no conical residue in the late-time behavior of the space time, as is found in the 4D models.
Although the linear massive spin-2 theory is not restored to general relativity (GR) even in a massless limit, Vainshtein proposed the discontinuity can be resolved by taking into account nonlinear interactions. We consider whether the nonlinear ghost-free bigravity theory can be restored to GR both in the cosmological background and in the strong gravitational field based on a spherically symmetric configuration. In the cosmological background, the scalar graviton is stabilized by nonlinear interactions in the early stage of the Universe, thus the bigravity has the GR limit with neither a ghost instability nor a gradient instability. On the other hand, the bigravity cannot describe a static compact object beyond a critical value of gravitational field strength for a parameter space of coupling constants, at which the scalar graviton shows a singular behaviour.
We construct new finite energy regular solutions in Einstein-Yang-Mills-SU(2) theory. They are static, axially symmetric and approach at infinity the anti-de Sitter spacetime background. These configurations are characterized by a pair of integers (m, n), where m is related to the polar angle and n to the azimuthal angle, being related to the known flat space monopole-antimonopole chains and vortex rings. Generically, they describe composite configurations with several individual components, possesing a nonzero magnetic charge, even in the absence of a Higgs field. Such Yang-Mills configurations exist already in the probe limit, the AdS geometry supplying the attractive force needed to balance the repulsive force of Yang-Mills gauge interactions. The gravitating solutions are constructed by numerically solving the elliptic Einstein-DeTurck–Yang-Mills equations. The variation of the gravitational coupling constant α reveals the existence of two branches of gravitating solutions which bifurcate at some critical value of α. The lower energy branch connects to the solutions in the global AdS spacetime, while the upper branch is linked to the generalized Bartnik-McKinnon solutions in asymptotically flat spacetime.
I calculate the energy within the spherically symmetric sector of the ghost-free massive gravity theory by explicitly resolving the constraints. The energy is found to be positive for globally regular and asymptotically flat deformations of the flat space. It can also be negative and even unbounded from below, however, the corresponding solutions of the constraint equations are either not globally regular or not asymptotically flat. Therefore, the negative energy states cannot affect the positive energy sector.
We outline a geometric method of constructing generic off–diagonal and diagonal cosmological solutions of effective Einstein equations modeling modified gravity theories with two non–Riemannian volume forms and associated bimetric and/or biconnection geometric structures. Such solutions are determined by generating functions, effective sources and integration constants and characterized by nonholonomic frame torsion effects. In the physical Einstein frame, the constructions involve: (i) nonlinear re–parametrization symmetries of the generating functions and effective sources; (ii) effective potentials for the scalar field with possible two flat regions which allows unified description of locally anisotropic and/or isotropic early universe inflation related to acceleration cosmology and dark energy; (iii) there are “emergent universes” described by off–diagonal and diagonal solutions for certain nonholonomic phases and parametric cosmological evolution resulting in various inflationary phases; (iv) we can reproduce in two measure theories massive gravity effects.
Four-dimensional Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton theory admits asymptotically flat extremal dyonic solutions for an infinite discrete sequence of the coupling constant values. The quantization condition arises as consequence of regularity of the dilaton function at the event horizon. These dyons satisfy the no-force condition and have flat reduced three spaces like true BPS configurations, but no supersymmetric embeddings are known except for some cases of lower values of the coupling sequence.
Now there are two basic observational techniques to investigate a gravitational potential at the Galactic Center, namely, a) monitoring the orbits of bright stars near the Galactic Center to reconstruct a gravitational potential; b) measuring a size and a shape of shadows around black hole giving an alternative possibility to evaluate black hole parameters in mm-band with VLBI-technique. At the moment one can use a small relativistic correction approach for stellar orbit analysis (however, in the future the approximation will not be not precise enough due to enormous progress of observational facilities) while now for smallest structure analysis in VLBI observations one really needs a strong gravitational field approximation. We discuss results of observations, their conventional interpretations, tensions between observations and models and possible hints for a new physics from the observational data and tensions between observations and interpretations. We will discuss an opportunity to use a Schwarzschild metric for data interpretation or we have to use more exotic models such as Yukawa potential, Reissner–Nordstrom or Schwarzschild–de-Sitter metrics for better fits.
We analyse archival XMM-Newton and Chandra observations of some dwarf MW satellites and characterized the X-ray source population by cross-correlating with available databases. We also investigate if intermediate-mass black holes are hosted in the center of these galaxies. In the most interesting case of UMI dwarf, we put an upper limit to the central compact object luminosity of ≃ 4 × 1033 erg s−1. As the target correlates in position also with a radio source, we estimated a black hole mass of ≃ 2.76+32.00−2.54 × 106M⊙.
The origin of high velocity stars observed in the halo of our Galaxy is still unclear. In this work we test the hypothesis, raised by results of recent high precision N-body simulations, of strong acceleration of stars belonging to a massive globular cluster orbitally decayed in the central region of the host galaxy, where it suffers of a close interaction with a super massive black hole, which, for these test cases, we assumed 108 M⊙ in mass.
Among the sources of gravitational waves worth modelling there are Extreme Mass Ratio binaries. In order to understand the dynamics during their coalescence, we describe a special class of ballistic geodesics in Schwarzschild space-time. These orbits are in 1-1 correspondence with stable circular orbits. From these special orbits we derive analytic expressions for the source terms in the Regge-Wheeler radiative equations for a point-particle, and compute the gravitational waves emitted during the infall in an Extreme Mass Ratio black-hole binary coalescence. Results of these calculations and the waveforms obtained are then discussed, showing limits and applicability of the method, among which the recognition of a universal geodetic behaviour in the last phase of plunge.
Astrophysical black hole candidates are thought to be the Kerr black holes of general relativity, but the actual nature of these objects has still to be confirmed. The continuum-fitting and the iron line methods are currently the only available techniques to probe the spacetime geometry around these bodies and test the Kerr black hole paradigm. The continuum-fitting method is a robust approach, but the shape of the disk’s thermal spectrum is in general too simple to measure the spin and to constrain possible deviations from the Kerr solution at the same time. The iron line analysis is potentially a powerful technique, but at the moment we do not have high quality data and a robust astrophysical model.
Regular black holes are found among the exact solutions of general relativity coupled to Maxwell’s electromagnetism and electrically charged matter given by Guilfoyle. Some properties of the corresponding spacetimes are investigated.
We study non-perturbatively and self-consitently neutron and strange stars in f(R) theory of gravity, with f(R) = R + aR2, the so-called R-squared gravity. Slowly rotating models as well as f-mode oscillations are thoroughly investigated. The results are compared to the general relativistic ones and the differences in the results are discussed. A high degree of equation of state independence and insensitivity to the gravitational theory of the adopted asteroseismology relations is observed.
We investigate the thermodynamic equilibrium states of a rotating thin shell, i.e., a ring, in the (2 + 1)-dimensional spacetime with a negative cosmological constant. The inner and outer regions with respect to the shell are given by pure anti-de Sitter (AdS) and the Bañados-Teitelbom-Zanelli (BTZ) spacetimes, respectively. The first law of thermodynamics of the thin shell, together with three equations of state for the pressure, the local inverse temperature and the thermodynamic angular velocity of the shell, yields the entropy of the shell, which is shown to depend only on its gravitational radii. When the shell is pushed to its own gravitational radius and its temperature is taken to be the Hawking temperature of the corresponding black hole, the entropy of the shell coincides with the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy.
We focus on Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld gravity as a modified theory of gravity, and consider the prospect for observational discriminant of it from general relativity. We are successful to show that the coupling constant in the theory can be determined in principle via the terrestrial measurements of the neutron skin thickness of 208Pb together with the astronomical observations of the radii of 0.5M⊙ neutron stars.
The equilibrium and stability of anisotropic strange stars is analyzed. For this purpose, we consider that the anisotropy factor follows the equation σ = k pr(1 − e−λ); being k a constant, pr the radial pressure and e−λ a metric function. We found that the anisotropy yields considerable changes in some macroscopic properties of strange stars. Despite this, such as is determined in isotropic strange stars, the onset of the instability is marked by the maximum mass point. This indicates that stable and unstable equilibrium configurations can be recognize through the conditions dM/dρc > 0 and dM/dρc < 0, respectively.
Rapidly rotating compact objects are considered laboratories to test general relativity and theories beyond. We determined observables such as the mass, the angular momentum, the moment of inertia, or the quadrupole moment for neutron stars and black holes in dilatonic Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet theory, a theory motivated by string theory. We used several equations of state (EOS) for the neutron matter and considered the dependence of the observables on the EOS and on the Gauss-Bonnet coupling constant. While there is a considerable EOS dependence for the observables themselves, the relation between the scaled moments of inertia and the scaled quadrupole moments is almost independent of the EOS, when the scaled angular momentum is held fixed.
The Buchdahl bound states that the radius to mass ratio of a star is equal or greater than 9/4, on the assumption that the star is made of a perfect fluid, the density is a nonincreasing function of the radius and the exterior is the Schwarzschild solution. The bound is saturated by the infinite central pressure Schwarzschild interior solution. A generalization of this bound to electrically charged stars has been given by Andréasson. This Buchdahl-Andréasson bound is found through the assumption that the radial pressure plus twice the tangential pressure of the matter is less than the energy density. For zero electric charge one recovers the Buchdahl bound. A class of configurations that saturate the electrically charged Buchdahl-Andréasson bound are electrically charged shells. Another class of configurations is found here. Indeed, Guilfoyle’s electrically charged stars which have a very stiff equation of state, the Cooperstock-de la Cruz-Florides equation of state, also saturate the bound. When the electric charge is zero Guilfoyle’s stars reduce to the Schwarzschild incompressible stars.
We give a short review on recent progress in the theory of tidal deformability of a slowly spinning compact object. A rotating object immersed in a quadrupolar, electric tidal field can acquire some induced mass, spin, quadrupole, octupole and hexadecapole moments to second order in the spin. Angular momentum introduces couplings between electric and magnetic distortions and new classes of spin-induced, tidal Love numbers emerge. All tidal Love numbers of a Kerr black hole were proved to be exactly zero to first order in the spin and also to second order in the spin, at least in the axisymmetric case. The tidal Love numbers of a neutron star depend strongly on the equation of state. Spin-tidal couplings deteriorate some approximate universal relations that exist for neutron stars in the static case. For a binary system close to the merger, various components of the tidal field become relevant. Preliminary results suggest that spin-tidal couplings can introduce important corrections to the gravitational waveforms of spinning neutron-star binaries approaching the merger.
We argue that the formation of a Schwarzschild black hole via Datt-Oppenheimer-Snyder type gravitational collapse must be accompanied by a change in topology upon formation of the event horizon which physically separates matter in the interior from that of the exterior. While it is true that collapsing matter crossing the event horizon continues to fall towards the singularity of the Schwarzschild interior, this region does not in fact contain the matter originally responsible for the collapse. Rather, the latter occupies a distinct internal spacetime region with its own independent evolution. The existence of this additional component of the simplest black hole has a number of profound implications - Schwarzschild black holes are stable with constant mass; they each contain a self-contained mini-universe within their event horizons; and they live within a spacetime that is inherently double-sheeted.
New analytic solutions of the Lane-Emden equation in the presence of an anisotropic factor are derived.
A novel framework is presented that can be adapted to a wide class of generic spherically symmetric thin-shell wormholes. By using the Darmois–Israel formalism, we analyze the stability of arbitrary spherically symmetric thin-shell wormholes to linearized perturbations around static solutions. We demonstrate in full generality that the stability of the wormhole is equivalent to choosing suitable properties for the exotic material residing on the wormhole throat. As an application, we consider the thin-shell variant of the Ellis wormhole for the cases of a vanishing momentum flux and non-zero external fluxes.
A (d-1)-dimensional thin matter shell immersed in a d-dimensional Schwarzschild spacetime is studied from a thermodynamic point of view. By requiring the shell to be static and to have a well-defined local temperature, one can established final formulas for the the first law of thermodynamics. One can then choose a definite expression for the shell’s temperature. In the case the shell has the Hawking temperature and it is put at its own gravitational radius, it implies that it has the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of a d-dimensional Schwarzschild black hole.
In this paper we study static spherically symmetric fluids by taking the anisotropic pressure into consideration. Then we obtain one new class of exact solutions for Lane-Emden equations.
The generalized McVittie solution, representing a central time-dependent mass in an expanding cosmological background, has been shown to be an exact solution of a self-gravitating subset of the Horndeski class of scalar field actions, and constitutes an important example of an analytic solution for hairy black holes. Following the analysis performed on its fixed-mass counterpart, we demonstrate that a time-dependent central mass may have a significant impact on the overall causal structure of the spacetime. The metric always has an event horizon at future cosmological time infinity in the appropriate limits, but the character of the horizon depends on the accretion and cosmological histories in the bulk. The possible limits are a black-hole horizon, a pair of black- and white-hole horizons separated by a bifurcating 2-sphere, or an entirely white-hole horizon. The last case is only possible if there is accretion onto the central mass.
We obtain exact scattering coefficients of linear field perturbations around black holes from monodromy data of the associated radial wave equation. We apply the method to Kerr-NUT-(A)dS black holes, whose wave equation is always separable, and apply the isomonodromic approach recently described by the authors in the literature. The non-trivial monodromy can be calculated by appropriate initial conditions on the isomonodromic τ-function.
We analyze the quasi-normal mode spectrum of realistic neutron stars by studying axial and polar modes. We consider different equations of state satisfying the 2M⊙ constraint, most of them containing exotic matter. New phenomenological relations between the frequency and damping time of the modes are obtained. These new relations are independent of the equation of state and relate the quasi-normal mode spectrum to the global properties of the star. Hence they could be used to constrain the equation-of-state of neutron stars. Also, We present new universal relations between quasi-normal modes and I-LOVE-Q parameters for neutron stars including exotic mater.
A number of recent studies has focused on the implications of new physics at the Planck scale on the equilibrium of compact astrophysical objects such as white dwarf and neutron stars. Here we analyze the modification of the equilibrium configurations induced by the so-called Gravity’s Rainbow that account for Planck scale deformation of the space-time.
The junction of an interior Minkowski with an exterior non-extremal Reissner-Nordström spacetime separated by an electrical perfect fluid thin shell is studied. Using the Israel junction formalism, the properties of a perfect fluid static thin shell separating an interior Minkowski outside Reissner-Nordström spacetime are studied and the cases of pressure and tension static shells of matter appear naturally depending on the sub-region where the shell is considered.
The angular and frequency characteristics of the gravitational radiation emitted in collisions of massless particles is studied perturbatively in the context of classical General Relativity for small values of the ratio α ≡ 2rS/b of the Schwarzschild radius over the impact parameter. The particles are described with their trajectories, while the contribution of the leading nonlinear terms of the gravitational action is also taken into account. The old quantum results are reproduced in the zero frequency limit ω ≪ 1/b. The radiation efficiency ∊ ≡ Erad/2E outside a narrow cone of angle α in the forward and backward directions with respect to the initial particle trajectories is given by ∊ ~ α2 and is dominated by radiation with characteristic frequency ω ~ O(1/rS). The comparison with previous works and the known literature is presented.
Based on a recent proposal for the gravitational entropy of free gravitational fields, we investigate the thermodynamic properties of black hole formation through gravitational collapse in the framework of the semitetrad 1+1+2 covariant formalism. In the simplest case of an Oppenheimer-Snyder-Datt collapse we prove that the change in gravitational entropy outside a collapsing body is related to the variation of the surface area of the body itself, even before the formation of horizons. As a result, we are able to relate the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of the black hole endstate to the variation of the vacuum gravitational entropy outside the collapsing body.
Finite-time thermodynamics provides the means to revisit ideal thermodynamic equilibrium processes in the light of reality and investigate the energetic “price of haste”, i.e. the consequences of carrying out a process in finite time, when perfect equilibrium cannot be awaited due to economic reasons or the nature of the process. Employing the formalism of geometric thermodynamics, a lower bound on the energy dissipated during a process is derived from the thermodynamic length of that process. The notion of length is hereby defined via a metric structure on the space of equilibrium thermodynamics, spanned by a set of thermodynamic variables describing the system. Since the aim of finite-time thermodynamics is to obtain realistic limitations on idealized scenarios, it is a useful tool to reassess the efficiency of thermodynamic processes. We examine its implications for black hole thermodynamics, in particular scenarios inspired by the Penrose process, a thought experiment by which work can be extracted from a rotating black hole. We consider a Kerr black hole which, by some mechanism, is losing mass and angular momentum. Thermodynamically speaking, such a process is described in the equilibrium phase space of the black hole, but in reality, it is neither reversible nor infinitely slow. We thus calculate the dissipated energy due to non-ideal finite-time effects.
Energy quantization of a black hole is usually done by the implementation of an area quantization scheme after expressing the energy as a function of area. However, this method fails to yield consistent results for local and asymptotic observers simultaneously. Here, we adopt a counter-intuitive top-down approach to construct the energy operator and its spectrum for equilibrium black hole horizons. The surface gravity appears as a parameter in the energy spectrum, rather than being quantized as a function of area. The energy spectrum explains both the observations of local and asymptotic observers. The analysis is performed on the basis of the quantum theory of black hole horizon within the realms of loop quantum gravity.
This short article reviews the recent theoretical and experimental activity on the realization of analog black holes using quantum fluids of light and the on-going quest for signatures of Hawking radiation in these systems. A brief comparison to other optical and condensed-matter analog models is made.
We discuss the main features and our ongoing of work in the field on analogue gravity in photon fluids.
We discuss the quantization of a spherical dust shell in a rigorous manner. Classically, the shell can collapse to form a black hole with a singularity. In the quantum theory, we construct a well-defined self-adjoint extension for the Hamilton operator. As a result, the evolution is unitary and the singularity is avoided. If we represent the shell initially by a narrow wave packet, it will first contract until it reaches the region where classically a black hole would form, but then re-expands to infinity. In a way, the state can be interpreted as a superposition of a black hole with a white hole.
We summarize recent results by the authors in Refs. 1, 2, 3 on the extraction of scattering amplitudes for scalar fields in Kerr/Kerr-de Sitter backgrounds. Analytical, closed forms are found in terms of the Painlevé V and VI transcendents for generic values of the physical parameters.
In this work we present an overview on the absorption features of Bardeen regular black holes In particular, we compute the absorption cross section of planar massless scalar waves – for arbitrary frequencies – showing that it approaches the area of the black hole in the small-frequency regime and the capture cross section in the high-frequency regime. We also compare with the case of Reissner-Nordström black holes.
An exact correspondence is shown between a new moving mirror trajectory in (1+1)D and a spacetime in (1+1)D in which a black hole forms from the collapse of a null shell. It is shown that the Bogolubov coefficients between the “in” and “out” states are identical and the exact Bogolubov coefficients are displayed. Generalization to the (3+1)D black hole case is discussed.
There is an exact correspondence between the most simple solution to Einstein’s equations describing the formation of a black hole and a particular moving mirror trajectory. In both cases the Bogolubov coefficients in 1+1 dimensions are identical and can be computed analytically. Particle creation is investigated by using wave packets. The entire particle creation history is computed, incorporating the early-time non-thermal emission due to the formation of the black hole (or the early-time acceleration of the moving mirror) and the evolution to a Planckian spectrum.
We reexamine the scattering coefficients of shallow water waves blocked by a stationary counter current over an obstacle. By considering series of background flows, we show that the most relevant parameter is Fmax, the maximal value of the ratio of the flow velocity over the speed of low frequency waves. For subcritical flows, i.e., Fmax < 1, there is no analogue Killing horizon and the mode amplification is strongly suppressed. Instead, when Fmax ≿ 1.1, the amplification is enhanced at low frequency and the spectrum closely follows Hawking’s prediction. We further study subcritical flows close to that used in the Vancouver experiment. Our numerical analysis suggests that their observation of the “thermal nature of the mode conversion” is due to the relatively steep slope on the upstream side and the narrowness of the obstacle.
Current proposals for regularizing the classical singularity of black holes present long-lived trapping horizons, with enormous inaccessible evaporation lifetimes. We propose an alternative regularization model, inspired in condensed matter gravitational analogues, in which the collapse of a stellar object would result in a genuine time-symmetric bounce. In geometrical terms this amounts to the connection of a black-hole geometry with a white-hole geometry in a regular manner. The complete bouncing geometry is a solution of standard classical general relativity everywhere except in a transient region that necessarily extends beyond the gravitational radius. The duration of the bounce as seen by external observers is very brief. This motivates the search for new forms of stellar equilibrium.
It is (or should be) well-known that the Hawking flux that reaches spatial infinity is extremely sparse, and extremely thin, with the Hawking quanta, one-by-one, slowly dribbling out of the black hole. The typical time between quanta reaching infinity is much larger than the timescale set by the energy of the quanta. Among other things, this means that the Hawking evaporation of a black hole should be viewed as a sequential cascade of 2-body decays.
We discuss the imprints of the initial quantum state, describing a matter chunk thrown into a black hole, contained in the the black hole radiation. We show that such a matter, described through non vacuum states in QFT, leads to distortions of the Hawking radiation from being exactly thermal. Using these distortions, we can uncover a specific amount of information about the initial state apart from its classical charges. For a large class of initial states, some specific observables defined in the initial Hilbert space are completely determined from the resulting final spectrum. We identify the class of instates which can be fully reconstructed from the information contained in the distortions at the semiclassical level.
This work shows that the homogeneous black string and black p-branes of Gauss-Bonnet theory in ten dimensions are unstable. The perturbation that we consider is spherically symmetric and it is characterized by a total momentum k along the extended directions. There is a critical wavelength above which the instability is triggered, as it is the case for black strings and black p-branes in General Relativity. The master equation is solved by power series. We observe that the critical wavelength increases with the number of extended directions p, while the maximum exponential growth decreases as p increases.
We wish to universalize the kinematic property of Einstein gravity in 3 dimension for all odd dimensions. This uniquely picks out pure Lovelock gravitational equation involving only one Nth order term. This we do by defining a Lovelock analogues of Riemann and Ricci curvatures and then show that in all odd critical, d = 2N +1 dimensions, Lovelock Riemann is entirely given in terms of Ricci.
We study the generalization of the Kerr-Newmann black hole in 5D Einstein-Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory with free Chern-Simons coupling parameter. These black holes possess equal magnitude angular momenta and an event horizon of spherical topology. We focus on the extremal case with zero temperature. We find that, when the Chern-Simons coupling is greater than two times the supergravity case, new branches of black holes are found which violate uniqueness. In particular, a sequence of these black holes are non-static radially excited solutions with vanishing angular momentum. They approach the Reissner-Nordström solution as the excitation level increases.
We summarize results about Robinson–Trautman spacetimes in the presence of an aligned p-form Maxwell field and an arbitrary cosmological constant in n ≥ 4 dimensions. While in odd dimensions the solutions reduce to static black holes dressed with an electric and a magnetic field (with an Einstein space horizon), in even dimensions 2p = n they may also describe black holes gaining (or losing) mass by receiving (or emitting) electromagnetic radiation. The Weyl type of the spacetimes is also briefly discussed in all the possible cases.
We obtain a new exact solution to the 5D Einstein equations in vacuum representing a distorted Myers-Perry black hole. Technically, it is constructed by means of a 2-fold Bäcklund transformation. The solution is interpreted as describing the near-horizon region of the Myers-Perry black hole situated in a stationary and axisymmetric distribution of external matter. It can be relevant for understanding the properties of certain astrophysical systems, such as equilibrium configurations of black holes and matter moving in a quasi-stationary state. The properties of the solution are investigated and compared to those of the isolated Myers-Perry black hole.
We investigate possible end-points of the superradiant instability for a charged black hole with a reflecting mirror. By considering a fully coupled system of gravity and a charged scalar field, hairy black hole solutions are obtained. The linear stability of these black hole solutions is studied.
We discuss a new class of solutions of Einstein equations reported recently in the literature – the black ringoids. These asymptotically flat black objects have an Sn+1 × S2k+1 horizon topology, being supported against collapse by rotation, with k + 1 equal magnitude angular momenta and no singularity on and outside the horizon.
This is a brief summary of the most important hairy black hole solutions in 3+1 spacetime dimensions discovered over the last 25 years. These were first of all the Einstein-Yang-Mills black holes and their various generalizations including the Higgs field, the dilaton and the curvature corrections, and also the Skyrme black holes. More recently, these were black holes supporting a scalar field violating the energy conditions or non-minimally coupled to gravity, and also spinning black holes with massive complex scalar hair. Finally, these were black holes with massive graviton hair.
We construct numerically static non-uniform black string solutions in six dimensions by using pseudo-spectral methods. An appropriately designed adaptation of the methods in regard of the specific behaviour of the field quantities in the vicinity of our numerical boundaries provides us with extremely accurate results, that allows us to get solutions with an unprecedented deformation of the black string horizon. Consequently, we are able to investigate in detail a critical regime within a suitable parameter diagram. In particular, we observe a clearly pronounced maximum in the mass curve, which is in accordance with the results of Kleihaus, Kunz and Radu from 2006. Interestingly, by looking at extremely distorted black strings, we find two further turning points of the mass, resulting in a spiral curve in the black string’s phase diagram.
We analyze spherical and odd-parity linear perturbations of hairy black holes with a minimally coupled scalar field.
Greybody factors of rotating cohomogeneity-1 black holes in higher odd dimensions are studied for the cases in which the cosmological constant is zero, positive, or negative. Attention is given to the main superradiant modes. It is shown that the increase of the intensity of the cosmological constant can have diverse effects on the maximum amplification obtained. In the case of de Sitter (dS) black holes, maximum amplification is enhanced for higher values of the cosmological constant. In the case of Anti-de Sitter (AdS) black holes, the increase of the absolute value of the cosmological constant has the effect of suppressing the maximum amplification initially, but eventually this behavior reverses and we observe growth. This phenomenon can be interpreted as contributions from amplification peaks of distinct origin that become dominant in different regimes.
We study rotating Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton black holes in odd dimensions. We analyze the domain of existence of these black holes, concentrating on its boundary, constituted by extremal black holes. These extremal black holes show a series of surprising properties. For instance, their horizon area is proportional to their angular momentum, while for pure extremal Einstein-Maxwell black holes two types of behaviors (branches) are possible. Moreover, we find an analogy between the extremal rotating EMd black holes and the static ones, that relates the angular momentum and the horizon angular velocity of the former to the area and the surface gravity of the latter, respectively.
The application of the blackfold effective theory to the perturbative construction of black holes in higher-dimensions is reviewed. Several solutions with non-trivial horizon geometry and topology are described, such as black helicoidal branes and helicoidal black rings. This hints into a very rich phase diagram for higher-dimensional neutral asymptotically flat black holes.
A rotating black hole threaded by an infinitely long cosmic string is studied in the framework of the Abelian Higgs model. We show that contrary to a common belief in the presence of rotation the backreaction of the string does not induce a simple conical deficit. This leads to new distinct features of the Kerr–string system such as modified ISCO or shifted ergosphere, though these effects are most likely outside the range of observational precision. For an extremal rotating black hole, the system exhibits a first-order phase transition for the gravitational Meissner effect: small black holes exhibit a flux-expelled solution, with the gauge and scalar field remaining identically in their false vacuum state on the event horizon, whereas the horizon of large black holes is pierced by the vortex.
It is well known that vacuum equation of arbitrary Lovelock order for static spacetime ultimately reduces to a single algebraic equation, we report the results in showing that the same continues to hold true for pure Lovelock gravity of arbitrary order N for topology S(n) × S(n). Thermodynamical stability of black hole discerns between odd and even N, and consequently between negative and positive Λ and it favors the former while rejecting the latter.
A background of nanohertz gravitational waves from supermassive black hole binaries could soon be detected by pulsar timing arrays, which measure the times-of-arrival of radio pulses from millisecond pulsars with very high precision. The European Pulsar Timing Array uses five large European radio telescopes to monitor high-precision millisecond pulsars, imposing in this way strong constraints on a gravitational wave background. To achieve the necessary precision needed to detect gravitational waves, the Large European Array for Pulsars (LEAP) performs simultaneous observations of pulsars with all five telescopes, which allows us to coherently add the radio pulses, maximize the signal-to-noise of pulsar signals and increase the precision of times-of-arrival. We report on the progress made and results obtained by the LEAP collaboration, and in particular on the addition of the Sardinia Radio Telescope to the LEAP observations during its scientific validation phase. In addition, we discuss how LEAP can be used to monitor strong-gravity systems such as double neutron star systems and impose strong constraints on post-keplerian parameters.
The following sections are included:
The dynamics of binary pulsars can be used to test different aspects of gravitation. This is particularly important to constrain alternatives to general relativity in regimes which are not probed by other methods. In this short contribution, I will describe the case of theories of gravity without Lorentz invariance. The latter are important in the context of quantum gravity and modify the laws of gravity at basically all scales.
The Double Pulsar system PSR J0737-3039A/B has proven to be an excellent laboratory for high precision tests of general relativity. With additional years of timing measurements and new telescopes like the Square Kilometre Array (SKA), the precision of these tests will increase and new effects like the Lense-Thirring precession of the orbit will become measurable. Here, we discuss the prospects of measuring the Lense-Thirring effect and thereby constraining the equations of state at supra-nuclear densities in neutron stars using the Double Pulsar.
Based on a large number of numerical-relativity simulations of merging neutron star binaries, the differential rotation profiles of the hypermassive neutron stars (HMNS) have been analyzed. The simulations have been performed in full general relativity using the Whisky code for the general-relativistic hydrodynamic equations. The time evolution of the HMNS rotation profiles show a structural uniqueness in respect to a variation of the equation of state (EOS) and initial neutron star (NS) mass. By using a particular kind of time average, the differential rotation profiles of the various simulations have been compared and several dependencies with characteristic EOS-properties have been found. In particular, a strong correlation of the maximum value of the averaged rotation profile Ω* with the Ω2-peak of the emitted gravitational wave spectrum have been found.
The explosive transition of a massive neutron star to a quark star (the Quark-Nova; QN) releases in excess of ∼ 1052 erg in kinetic energy which can drastically impact the surrounding environment of the QN. A QN is triggered when a neutron star gains enough mass to reach the critical value for quark deconfinement to happen in the core. In binaries, a neutron star has access to mass reservoirs (e.g. accretion from a companion or from a Common Envelope; CE). We explain observed light-curves of hydrogen-poor superluminous Supernovae (SLSNe Ia) in the context of a QN occurring in the second CE phase of a massive binary. In particular this model gives good fits to light-curves of SLSNe with double-humped light-curves. Our model suggests the QN as a mechanism for CE ejection and that they be taken into account during binary evolution. In a short period binary with a white dwarf companion, the neutron star can quickly grow in mass and experience a QN event. Part of the QN ejecta collides with the white dwarf; shocking, compressing; and heating it to driving a thermonuclear runaway producing a SN Ia impostor (a QN-Ia). Unlike “normal” Type Ia supernovae where no compact remnant is formed, a QN-Ia produces a quark star undergoing rapid spin-down providing additional power along with the 56Ni decay energy. Type Ia SNe are used as standard candles and contamination of this data by QNe-Ia can infer an incorrect cosmology.
In this review I briefly describe the nature of the three kinds of High-Mass X-ray Binaries (HMXBs), accreting through: (i) Be circumstellar disc, (ii) supergiant stellar wind, and (iii) Roche lobe filling supergiants. A previously unknown population of HMXBs hosting supergiant stars has been revealed in the last years, with multi-wavelength campaigns including high energy (INTEGRAL, Swift, XMM, Chandra) and optical/infrared (mainly ESO) observations. This population is divided between obscured supergiant HMXBs, and supergiant fast X-ray transients (SFXTs), characterized by short and intense X-ray flares. I discuss the characteristics of these types of supergiant HMXBs, propose a scenario describing the properties of these high-energy sources, and finally show how the observations can constrain the accretion models (e.g. clumpy winds, magneto-centrifugal barrier, transitory accretion disc, etc). Because they are the likely progenitors of Luminous Blue Variables (LBVs), and also of double neutron star systems, related to short/hard gamma-ray bursts, the knowledge of the formation and evolution of this HMXB population is of prime importance.
The evolution of close-orbit progenitor binaries of double neutron star (DNS) systems leads to supernova (SN) explosions of ultra-stripped stars. The amount of SN ejecta mass is very limited from such, more or less, naked metal cores with envelope masses of only 0.01 - 0.2 M⊙. The combination of little SN ejecta mass and the associated possibility of small NS kicks is quite important for the characteristics of the resulting DNS systems left behind. Here, we discuss theoretical predictions for DNS systems, based on Case BB Roche-lobe overflow prior to ultra-stripped SNe, and briefly compare with observations.
Despite their importance, we still do not know exactly which stellar systems produce Type Ia supernovae. However, we do know the physical mechanism that powers the explosion. Type Ia supernovae originate from the explosion of carbon-oxygen white dwarfs. Whether this is due to accretion from a non-degenerate companion, to the merger of two white dwarfs or the core of a red giant and a white dwarf shortly after the common envelope phase or, finally, as a consequence of the collision of two white dwarfs in the dense cores of globular clusters or nuclei of galaxies, still remains to be elucidated. In this work we review the recent advances on the later scenario, the so-called white dwarf collision channel.
Spectral modeling of the intermediate polars (IPs) and its application are introduced. The thermal X-ray spectral model is constructed with integrating the single temperature plasma emission along the post-shock accretion column (PSAC). The physical quantities distributions in the PSAC are calculated with hydrodynamics. The latest thermal model includes various physical effects and especially takes into account the difference of the specific accretion rate and the dipolar geometry of the PSAC. The reflection, another main component in the IPs spectrum, is modeled with Monte-Carlo simulation. In the simulation, the PSAC irradiates a cool and spherical WD with the various spectra determined by its position calculated in the thermal spectral modeling. Coherent and incoherent scatterings, photoelectric absorption and Kα and Kβ reemissions of Fe and Ni are assumed to occur at the WD surface. The constructed spectral model were applied to EX Hya and V1223 Sgr observed by Suzaku and their WD masses are estimated at 0.65+0.11−0.12 M⊙ and 0.91+0.08−0.03 M⊙, respectively.
Understanding the circumstellar (CS) environment around type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) is important in two respects. (1) It should reflect the mass loss history of an yet-unresolved progenitor star, and (2) it may be related to the non-standard extinction property toward SNe Ia. Especially, it has been suggested that multiple scatterings of SN photons by CS dust (created by the progenitor mass loss) may explain the non-standard extinction law. In this paper, we suggest that it is possible to obtain strong constraints on the CS environment through multi-epoch monitoring observations of SNe Ia in the infrared (IR) wavelengths, and demonstrate a power of such diagnostics using available observational data. The idea relies on the effect of re-emission of photons by CS dust in the IR wavelength regime, i.e., the so-called echo emission. For most intensively observed SNe Ia, we place an upper limit of ˙M<˜10-8−10-7M⊙yr-1 (for the wind velocity of ∼ 10 km s−1) for a mass loss rate from a progenitor up to ∼ 0.01 pc, and ˙M<˜10-7−10-6M⊙yr-1 up to ∼ 0.1 pc. Our results show that the CS dust scattering model is encountered by a difficulty to be a general explanation of the non-standard extinction law toward SNe Ia, while it may still apply to a sub-sample of highly reddened SNe Ia.
We have analyzed XMM-Newton, Chandra, and Suzaku observations of three young Type Ia supernova remnants (SNRs), i.e., Kepler’s SNR, Tycho’s SNR, and SNR 0509-67.5 in the LMC, to investigate the properties of both the SN ejecta and the circumstellar medium (CSM). By simply comparing the X-ray spectra, we find that line intensity ratios of iron-group elements (IGE) to intermediate-mass elements (IME) for Kepler’s SNR and SNR 0509-67.5 are much higher than those for Tycho’s SNR. We therefore argue that Kepler is the product of an overluminous Type Ia SN. This inference is supported by our spectral modeling, which reveals the IGE and IME masses respectively to be 0.95 (0.58–1.29) M⊙ and 0.12 (0.07–0.31) M⊙ (Kepler’s SNR), 0.75 (0.6–1.26) M⊙ and 0.34 (0.09–0.42) M⊙ (SNR 0509–67.5), and 0.35 (0.2–0.9) M⊙ and 0.70 (0.42–0.82) M⊙ (Tycho’s SNR). On the other hand, there are a number of dense, N-rich CSM knots in Kepler’s SNR, which were found by optical observations and are now confirmed by our X-ray observations. Their optical proper motions as well as X-ray measured ionization states indicate that they were located a few pc away from the progenitor system at the SN explosion. Therefore, we argue that Kepler’s SN was an overluminous event that started to interact with massive CSM a few hundred years after the explosion, which supports the possible link between overluminous SNe and the so-called “Ia-CSM” SNe.
The theory of General Relativity deals with very accurate measurements that show significant divergences from Newtonian predictions only with speed near to the velocity of light. The photometry of the radiation from collapsing star’s shells like novae and supernovae is a starting point for relativistic cosmic phenomena. The visual observations described in this paper provided the needed photometrical and timing accuracy to follow these phenomena. More than 1200 observations of variable stars, included the type 1a SN2014J, Nova DEL 2013, Nova CEN 2013 and Nova SGR 2015 no. 2 have been sent to the AAVSO by the author, with SGQ code, during the period 1998-2015, and contributed also to IAU and HST observational campaigns; they have been analyzed to evaluate the photometric accuracy, in the context of the International Year of Light 2015.
Most stars in the Universe end their lives by ejecting and shaping their outer envelope into a beautiful cloud of gas known as a planetary nebula. A few of the remaining white dwarfs happen to be part of binary systems with the right conditions to die again as a type Ia supernovae, following a theoretical path known as the single-degenerate scenario. But this does not seem to be the only way a white dwarf can actually produce a supernova. I present the case of Henize 2–428, where both stars have already ejected their planetary nebulae and are destined to merge in ∼700 million years. This is the first double-degenerate system which has, without any ambiguity, a total mass above the Chandrasekhar mass (1.76 M⊙), thus supporting the theoretical double-degenerate path of formation of type Ia supernovae.
SN2014J has provided an opportunity for unprecedented observational coverage in many astronomical bands, and also was sufficiently nearby so that gamma rays were able to contribute to such investigations. This is important, as the primary source of the supernova light is the radioactive energy from about 0.5 M⊙ of 56Ni produced in the explosion, and the supernova light shining for months is the result of complex radiation transport physics. The INTEGRAL gamma-ray observatory of ESA has followed the supernova emission for almost 5 months. The characteristic gamma ray lines from the 56Ni decay chain through 56Co to 56Fe have been measured clearly, and for the first time in a supernova Ia. As a general result, these confirm the presence of the 56Ni energy source in about the expected magnitude, as well as its Doppler broadening signature of exploding material. Upon a closer look, interesting details are remarkable, and need to be understood. The 56Co gamma ray lines seem to appear more irregular than expected from a homologous and spherically-symmetric explosion. Even more striking is the presence of 56Ni gamma ray lines early after the explosion, when the 56Ni created in a central explosion of a white dwarf still should be embedded in material opaque to these gamma-rays. We discuss the significance of those results, and some suggestions to understand the gamma ray anomalies.
We study the occurrence of delayed Type Ia supernovae in the single degenerate (SD) scenario. We assume that a massive carbon-oxygen (CO) white dwarf (WD) accretes matter coming from a companion star, making it to spin at the critical rate. We assume uniform rotation due to magnetic field coupling. The carbon ignition mass for nonrotating WDs is MNRig≈1.38 M⊙; while for the case of uniformly rotating WDs it is few percents larger (MRig≈1.43 M⊙). When accretion rate decreases, the WD begins to lose angular momentum, shrinks and spins up; however it does not overflow its critical rotation rate, avoiding mass shedding. Thus, angular momentum losses can lead the CO WD interior to compression and carbon ignition, which would induce a Type Ia supernova. The delay, largely due to angular momentum losses timescale, may be large enough to allow the companion star to evolve to a He WD, becoming undetectable at the moment of explosion. This scenario supports the occurrence of delayed SNe Ia if the final COWD mass is 1.38 M⊙ < M < 1.43 M⊙. We also find that if the delay is longer than ∼ 3 Gyr, the WD would become too cold to explode, rather undergo collapse.
Extreme mass ratio inspirals (EMRIs) show a strong separation of timescales, with the time characterizing inspiral, Ti, much longer than any time To characterizing orbital motions. The ratio of these timescales (which is essentially an EMRI’s mass ratio) can be regarded as a parameter that controls a perturbative expansion. Here we describe the value and limitations of an “adiabatic” description of these binaries, which uses only the leading terms arising from such a two-timescale expansion. An adiabatic approach breaks down when orbits evolve through resonances, with important dynamical and observational consequences. We describe the shortfalls of an approach that only includes the adiabatic contributions to EMRI evolution, and outline what must be done to evolve these systems through resonance and to improve our ability to model EMRI systems more generally.
The motion of a stellar compact object around a supermassive black hole can be approximated by the motion of a spinning test particle. The equations of motion describing such systems are in general non-integrable, and therefore, chaotic motion should be expected. This article discusses the integrability issue of the spinning particle for the cases of Schwarzschild and Kerr spacetime, and then it focuses on a canonical Hamiltonian formalism where the spin of the particle is included only up to the linear order.
The motion of spinning test-masses in curved space-time is described with a covariant hamiltonian formalism. A large class of hamiltonians can be used with the model-independent Poisson-Dirac brackets, to obtain equations of motion. Here we apply it to the minimal hamiltonian and also to a non-minimal hamiltonian, describing the gravitational Stern-Gerlach force. And a note on ISCO has been added.
We discuss the effect of orbital resonances on small mass-ratio inspirals. As an inspiral evolves through an orbital resonance effects that normally average away can suddenly build up over an extended period of time. We distinguish several types of resonance based on which frequencies exhibit rational ratios. Resonances between the radial and polar frequencies lead jumps in the adiabatic constants of motion of the inspiral, whereas resonances involving the azimuthal frequency lead to enhanced linear momentum emission and associated recoil. In the most extreme case of a very eccentric inspiral around a rapidly spinning black hole, the generated kick can reach 30,000 km/s times m/M)3/2.
Gravitational waveforms radiated during the inspiral, plunge and merger stages of a small body moving in the equatorial plane of a Kerr black hole can be exploited to get unique, physical information on the strong-field regime. Such waveforms are constructed by numerically solving the Teukolsky equation in the time domain. When building the source term for the gravitational perturbations, one models the dissipation of orbital energy using the Teukolsky frequency-domain gravitational-wave flux for circular, equatorial orbits, down to the light-ring. The merger features of the Teukolsky waveforms have proven to be instrumental to extending the effective-one-body model of spinning, nonprecessing black-hole binaries, from the comparable-mass to the test-particle limit.
The backreaction to the Schwarzschild metric induced by a test particle moving on a circular equatorial orbit is computed and expressed in terms of the Detweiler gauge-invariant quantity. The associated physical information is transcribed in the Effective-One-Body formalism.
Compact binaries are the most promising source for the advanced gravitational wave detectors, which will start operating this year. The influence of spin on the binary evolution is an important consequence of general relativity and can be large. It is argued that the spin supplementary condition, which is related to the observer dependence of the center, gives rise to a gauge symmetry in the action principle of spinning point-particles. These spinning point-particles serve as an analytic model for extended bodies. The internal structure can be modelled by augmenting the point-particle with higher-order multipole moments. Consequences of the recently discovered universal (equation of state independent) relations between the multipole moments of neutron stars are discussed.
Recent general-relativistic extensions of Newtonian rotation laws for self-gravitating stationary fluids allow one to rederive, in the first post-Newtonian approximation, the well known geometric dragging of frames, and two new weak-field effects within rotating tori. These are the recently discovered anti-dragging and a new effect that measures the deviation from the Keplerian motion and/or the contribution of the fluids self-gravity. They can be applied to the study of the existence of the (post-)Newtonian limits of solutions and in investigations of inequalities relating parameters of rotating black holes.
Techniques of effective field theory assist in finding previously unknown terms in the radiation-reaction effective action and self-force. We employ such methods to the analysis of gravitational waves emitted by and reacting on a binary system, in analogy to simpler systems. We present results for general dimensions to leading and +1PN, and discuss non-linear interactions.
We study the gravitational radiation produced by a point particle binary system of unequal masses and in eccentric orbits in the linear regime of the outgoing characteristic formulation of general relativity. We generalise recent previous studies found in the literature in which the binary system in circular orbits is considered. We find the power emitted in gravitational waves by the binary system by using the News Bondi’s function. Our result is in total agreement with the calculation performed by Peters and Mathews in the 1960s decade.
The inference of binary parameters from gravitational waves (GW) is one of the key science goals of the collaboration operating the advanced ground-based LIGO-Virgo detector network. We employ reduced order quadratures (ROQs) to substantially reduce the size of large inner products arising in Bayesian parameter estimation (PE) and thus enable studies of the GWs emitted by coalescences of spinning stellar mass black hole binaries approaching the full design sensitivity of these detectors. We build the first ROQs that include the inspiral, merger and ringdown parts of the GWs for a single-spin precessing phenomenological waveform model (IMRPhenomP) and for an aligned-spin effective-one-body model (SEOBNRv2). The ROQs for SEOBNRv2 use a separate reduced order model (ROM) as a proxy. The ROQs we have constructed are suitable for any power spectrum density function of ground-based GW detector noise. We find speedups in the calculation of inner products and the likelihood function of up to several hundreds, reducing to days analyses which could otherwise take up to a year to complete.
We expose two different methods for including the next-to-leading order spin-spin Hamiltonian in Arnowitt-Deser-Misner (ADM) coordinates into an effective-one-body (EOB) Hamiltonian. The first method introduces a subleading-order modification of the effective squared spin in the EOB Hamiltonian. A spin-spin gauge transformation can be exploited in order to reduce the number of coefficients from 25 (as in the ADM case) to only 12. A disadvantage of the first approach is the rather complicated momentum structure, that sharply deviates from the relatively simple structure of the Kerr Hamiltonian. In the second approach, the idea is, instead, to separately modify different sectors in the Hamiltonian according to their dependence on the momenta. As a result, we could obtain a much simpler effective Hamiltonian, having the same fundamental momentum structure of the Kerr Hamiltonian. Moreover, with the second approach, we found that only 9 independent EOB parameters are sufficient to reproduce the whole NLO spin-spin coupling.
We address the hyperboloidal initial value problem in the context of Numerical Relativity, motivated by its evolution on hyperboloidal slices: smooth spacelike slices that reach future null infinity, the “location” in spacetime where radiation is to be extracted. Our approach uses the BSSN and Z4 formulations and a time-independent conformal factor. The resulting system of PDEs includes formally diverging terms at null infinity. Here we discuss a regularized numerical scheme in spherical symmetry. A critical ingredient are the gauge conditions, which control the treatment of future null infinity. Stable numerical evolutions have been performed with regular and black hole initial data on a hyperboloidal slice. A sufficiently large scalar field perturbation will create a black hole, whose final stationary state is different from the trumpet initial data derived here.
We develop an extremely general and robust framework that can be adapted to wide classes of generic spherically symmetric thin-shell gravastars. The thin shell (transition layer) will be permitted to move freely in the bulk spacetimes, permitting a fully dynamic analysis. This will then allow us to perform a general stability analysis, where it is explicitly shown that the gravastar stability is related to the properties of the matter residing in the thin-shell transition layer.
Boson stars coupled to Einsteins general relativity possess some features similar to gravastars, such as the anisotropy in principal pressures and relatively large compactness (μmax = 0.32). However, no matter how large the self-interaction is, the ordinary boson star cannot obtain arbitrarily large compression and as such does not represent a good black hole mimicker. When the boson star is nonminimally coupled to gravity, the resulting configurations resemble more the dark energy stars then the ordinary boson stars, with compactness significantly larger then that in ordinary boson stars (if matter is not constrained with the energy conditions). The gravitationally bound system of a boson star and a global monopole represents a good black hole mimicker.
We study the ground state and the first three radially excited states of a self-gravitating Bose-Einstein-Condensate with respect to the influence of two parameters, the total mass and the strength of interactions between particles. For this we use the so-called Gross- Pitaevskii-Newton system. Stability properties of the computed radially excited states and the ground state are examined by applying arguments of the catastrophe theory.
Recent high-quality observations of dwarf and low surface brightness (LSB) galaxies have shown that their dark matter (DM) halos prefer flat central density profiles. On the other hand the standard cold dark matter model simulations predict a more cuspy behavior. Feedback from star formation has been widely used to reconcile simulations with observations, this might be successful in field dwarf galaxies but its success in low mass galaxies remains uncertain. One model that have received much attention is the scalar field dark matter model. Here the dark matter is a self-interacting ultra light scalar field that forms a cosmological Bose-Einstein condensate, a mass of 10−22eV/c2 is consistent with flat density profiles in the centers of dwarf spheroidal galaxies, reduces the abundance of small halos, might account for the rotation curves even to large radii in spiral galaxies and has an early galaxy formation. The next generation of telescopes will provide better constraints to the model that will help to distinguish this particular alternative to the standard model of cosmology shedding light into the nature of the mysterious dark matter.
We derive the fluid equations governing the evolution of a cosmic scalar field (e.g. an axion field) described by the Klein-Gordon-Einstein equations in an expanding universe. We consider the nonrelativistic limit where the Klein-Gordon-Einstein equations reduce to the Schrödinger-Poisson or to the Gross-Pitaevskii-Poisson equations. Our quantum hydrodynamic equations generalize the classical hydrodynamic equations of the cold dark matter model by including a quantum force and a pressure force due to the self-interaction of the scalar field. We derive the equation for the density contrast, solve it in the linear regime of small perturbations, and discuss the differences with the cold dark matter model.
Euclid is the second Medium Class mission of the Cosmic Vision programme of the European Space Agency, foreseen to be launched in late 2020. The mission is optimised to measure two complementary cosmological probes: weak lensing and galaxy clustering. To achieve its scientific goals, Euclid, during its nominal duration of 6.5 years, will survey 15000 deg2 of extra-galactic sky in the visual and near-infrared domains with a 1.2 meter Korsh telescope, providing sub-arcsec resolution images of extremely high quality to meet the stringent weak-lensing requirements. Euclid will carry out near-infrared slitless spectroscopy of the same survey area, to investigate galaxy clustering. This proceeding gives an overview of the mission, from its scientific requirements down to the instruments and spacecraft design and development.
The following sections are included:
BICEP2, the Keck Array, and BICEP3 are part of an ongoing program of Cosmic Microwave Background polarimeters operating from the South Pole. These instruments make sensitive measurements of the B-mode polarization in an effort to constrain theories of inflation. In these proceedings, we review the BICEP2 detection of degree-scale B modes, our current attempts to clean out foreground contributions to this signal, and future plans for improved multi-frequency observations.
The E and B Experiment (EBEX) is a balloon-borne polarimeter designed to measure the polarization of the cosmic microwave background radiation and to characterize the polarization of galactic dust. EBEX was launched December 29, 2012 and circumnavigated Antarctica observing ∼6,000 square degrees of sky during 11 days at three frequency bands centered around 150, 250 and 410 GHz. EBEX was the first experiment to operate a kilo-pixel array of transition-edge sensor bolometers and a continuously rotating achromatic half-wave plate aboard a balloon platform. It also pioneered the use of detector readout based on digital frequency domain multiplexing.
We describe the temperature calibration of the experiment. The gain response of the experiment is calibrated using a two-step iterative process. We use signals measured on passes across the Galactic plane to convert from readout-system counts to power. The effective smoothing scale of the EBEX optics and the star camera-to-detector offset angles are determined through x2 minimization using the compact HII region RCW 38. This two-step process is initially performed with parameters measured before the EBEX 2013 flight and then repeated until the calibration factor and parameters converge.
The Planck Collaboration has recently released full sky maps of the microwave sky in intensity and polarisation with unprecedented sensitivity and angular resolution. Planck cosmology results confirm that the ΛCDM model is a very good description of our Universe, and the basic cosmological parameters are now determined with percent and subpercent precision. in this paper we highlight some of the tests that have been carried out on this amazing dataset by the Planck Collaboration to demonstrate that Planck results are not only precise, but also very accurate.
The Integrated Sachs-Wolfe (ISW) effect predicts the production of additional anisotropies in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) due to time variation of the gravitational potentials when the expansion of the universe is not matter dominated. The early ISW is generated after recombination (since the energy density of relativistic matter is still considerable at that time): it adds in phase with the Sachs- Wolfe primary anisotropy, increasing the height of the first acoustic peaks. The late ISW effect is active at more recent times, when dark energy dominates the expansion. Deviations from the standard picture can be parametrized by AeISW and AlISW, which rescale the overall amplitude of the early and late ISW effects (the standard scenario being AeISW and AlISW equal to 1). Analyzing the most recent CMB temperature spectra from the Planck 2015 release we find an evidence for the early ISW of AeISW = 1.06 ± 0.04 at 68% c.l., while the inclusion of the recent polarization data from the Planck experiment erases such 1σ evidence for AeISW different from 1. We find that CMB data alone provide an upper limit for the late ISW of AlISW < 1.1 at 95% c.l.: when combined with recent detections of the late ISW from correlations between CMB temperature anisotropies and weak lensing we find that the overall amplitude is AlISW = 0.85 ± 0.21 at 68% c.l., roughly a 4σ detection.
Are CMB anomalies related to fundamental mechanisms in the early Universe? We argue that the lack of power exhibited by cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies at large angular scales might be linked to the onset of inflation.
In this work we present preliminary results of cosmological constraints on a class of inflationary models with departures from the nearly-scale-invariant power law spectrum. We combine the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) data from the Planck Collaboration with measurements of the galaxy clustering obtained from the eleventh data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS DR11) to investigate observable signatures of this class of models in the CMB anisotropy and the matter power spectra. In order to discuss the observational viability of such scenarios we also perform a Bayesian comparison with the standard, nearly-scale-invariant power law spectrum model.
We perform a joint analysis of current data from cosmology and laboratory experiments to constrain the neutrino mass parameters in the framework of bayesian statistics, also accounting for uncertainties in nuclear modeling, relevant for neutrinoless double β decay (0v2β) searches. We find that a combination of current oscillation, cosmological and 0v2β data provides results that are dominated by the cosmological and oscillation data, so they are not affected by uncertainties related to the interpretation of 0v2β data, like nuclear modeling, or the exact particle physics mechanism underlying the process. We then perform forecasts for forthcoming and next-generation experiments, and find that in the case of normal hierarchy, and given a total mass of 0.1 eV, it will be possible to measure the total mass itself, the effective Majorana mass and the effective electron mass with an accuracy at 95% C.L.. This assumes that neutrinos are Majorana particles. We argue that more precise nuclear modeling will be crucial to improve these sensitivities.
In this work we present cosmological bounds on three active neutrino masses and on steriles neutrino species in an extended cosmological scenario in which the primordial power spectrum of scalar perturbations differs from the usual power-law shape predicted by the simplest inflationary models. The power spectrum is instead modeled by means of a piecewise cubic Hermite interpolating polynomial (PCHIP). Our analyses consider different cosmological data sets combined with the new full Planck mission data, which include polarization measurements. When using Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) measurements the constraints on massive neutrinos are degrades, while the addition of a prior on the Hubble constant and of the Barion Acoustic Oscillation (BAO) data displace the bound to lower values in agreement with the standard power-law PPS case. Moreover there is no preference fore a non-zero active and sterile neutrino masses if a scenario with ΔNeff massive steriles neutrino species is also considered.
We present cosmological bounds on the thermal axion mass in an extended cosmological scenario in which the primordial power spectrum of scalar perturbations differs from the usual power-law shape, and is modeled by means of a ’piecewise cubic Hermite interpolating polynomial” (PCHIP).
We derive new constraints on the neutron lifetime based on the recent Planck 2015 observations of temperature and polarization anisotropies of the CMB. Under the assumption of standard Big Bang Nucleosynthesis, we show that Planck data constrain the neutron lifetime to τn = (907 ± 69) [s] at 68% c.l.. Moreover, by including the direct measurements of primordial Helium abundance of Aver et al. (2015) and Izotov et al. (2014), we show that cosmological data provide the stringent constraints τn = (875±19) [s] and τn = (921±11) [s] respectively. The latter appears to be in tension with neutron lifetime value quoted by the Particle Data Group (τn = (880.3 ± 1.1) [s]). Future CMB surveys as COrE+, in combination with a weak lensing survey as EUCLID, could constrain the neutron lifetime up to a ~ 6 s precision.
The cosmic polarization rotation is introduced as a test of the Einstein equivalence principle, on which general relativity is based. The astrophysical tests of cosmic polarization rotation, which have been made in the past 25 years using the polarization of radio galaxies and of the cosmic microwave background, are briefly reviewed. Current problems and future prospects for cosmic polarization rotation measurements are described.
The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) is a new technology (large array) radio-telescope that, owing to its extremely high sensitivity and resolution, will allow to investigate different cosmological and astrophysical topics. In this work, we discuss the possible contribution of the SKA in combination with future cosmic microwave background experiments in probing various types of dissipation processes relevant at different cosmic epochs.
We present cluster counts and cosmological constraints corresponding to the full Planck mission data set. Our catalogue consists of 439 clusters detected through their Sunyaev-Zel’dovich (SZ) effect and selected with a signal-to-noise cut of 6. Under some modeling assumptions that will be described, we constrain cosmological parameters with a two-dimensional likelihood from the distribution of counts in redshift and signal-to-noise. Cluster model relies on the mass measurement, represented by a mass bias parameter 1 − b. We use priors on 1 − b with mass estimates obtained from gravitational lensing of background galaxies by Planck clusters, and by CMB temperature lensing. We find varying degrees of tension on the present-day amplitude of matter fluctuations with respect to Planck analysis of CMB temperature fluctuations. We also combine CMB and SZ likelihoods to examine constraints on extensions to the base flat ∧CDM model.
The Planck 2015 model predictions do not match the observed Sunyaev-Zel’dovich cluster counts well. The discrepancy increasing towards lower signal-to-noise thresholds suggests that the data favor a steeper slope. The question is whether this behavior could be in better agreement with an alternative Planck microwave background mathematically composed of redshifted radiation from homogeneous 'dark' matter within a stationary universe. The SZE amplitude would appear continuously reduced to higher values of z due to an absorption constant k = 2 [/RH]. In any hot-gas cluster the modified effect should stay present due to full local CMB, while a gradual shift of the spectral profile to lower frequencies seems ruled out, though only if based on ∧CDM priors. In contrast to historical attempts, now with redshift taken into account, the hDM radiation discussed here seems to provide the only arguable alternative describing a CMB origin within the universe.
Current models of structure formation suggest that the first galaxies formed at z > 10 when the universe was < 500 Myr old. The detection and characterization of galaxies at these early epochs is therefore critical to estimate the star formation rate density and their contribution to the reionization. The CLASH project (Cluster Lensing And Supernova survey with Hubble) combines an HST Treasury program to obtain panchromatic (ACS + WFC3) imaging of 25 carefully selected massive clusters, with other multi-wavelength observations, including a large spectroscopic campaign with VLT/VIMOS. Gravitational lensing, which is particularly powerful in several CLASH clusters, boost the efficiency of finding low-luminosity (i.e. L < L*) galaxies, which are thought to play a critical role in reionizing the Universe beyond z ∼ 10. In this letter, we will give some highlights of the construction of a sample of ∼ 200 magnified lensed galaxies at 2 < z < 7, collected as part of the CLASH-VLT project, whose spectro-photometric data can be used to characterize the physical properties of the low-luminosity galaxy population at high-z.
The problem of scattering of CMB radiation on wormholes is considered. It is shown that a static gas of wormholes does not perturb the spectrum of CMB. In the first order by v/c the presence of peculiar velocities gives rise to the dipole contribution in ΔT/T, which corresponds to the well-known kinetic Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect. In next orders there appears a more complicated dependence of the perturbed CMB spectrum on peculiar velocities. We also discuss some peculiar features of the scattering on a single wormhole.
I comment on the different choices of time parameter that are employed to calculate proper co-moving distance in the FLWR metric. I argue that redshift is used by more authors in recentyears due to a series of advantages from the observational point of view. I therefore present a geometric redshift distortion test, that has recently been used as a probe for cosmology, in the same terms and note the simplicity and symmetry of the expression. I also present the FLRW metric in terms of the redshift and the Hubble function, and show how the later replaces the spatial scaling function by time scaling.
On a warped five-dimensional Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker(FLRW) spacetime, dark energy can be induced by a U(1) scalar-gauge field on the brane. We consider a zero effective cosmological constant, i.e., the Randall-Sundrum(RS) fine-tuning and no bulk matter fields. The standard model fields interact via the bulk Weyl tensor and cause brane fluctuations. Due to the warp factor, disturbances don’t fade away during the expansion of the universe. The late-time behavior could be significant deviate from the standard evolution of the universe. The effect is triggered by the time-dependent part of the warp factor. The self-gravitating cosmic string builds up a huge mass per unit length in the bulk and can induce massive KK-modes felt on the brane. From a nonlinear perturbation analysis it is found that the effective Einstein equations contain a ”back-reaction” term on the righthand side caused by the projected 5D Weyl tensor and can act as a dark energy term. The propagation equations to first order for the metric components and scalar-gauge fields show explicit φ-dependency
We investigate the validity of the Cosmological Principle by constraining the cosmological parameters H0 and q0 through the celestial sphere. Our analyses are performed in a low-redshift regime in order to follow a model independent approach, using both Union2.1 and JLA Type Ia Supernovae (SNe) compilations. We find that the preferred direction of the H0 parameter in the sky is consistent with the bulk flow motion of our local Universe in the Union2.1 case, while the q0 directional analysis seem to be anti-correlated with the H0 for both data sets. Furthermore, we test the consistency of these results with Monte Carlo (MC) realisations, finding that the anisotropy on both parameters are significant within 2−3σ confidence level, albeit we find a significant correlation between the H0 and q0 mapping with the angular distribution of SNe from the JLA compilation. Therefore, we conclude that the detected anisotropies are either of local origin, or induced by the non-uniform celestial coverage of the SNe data set.
The discovery of apparent cosmological acceleration has spawned a huge number of dark energy and modified gravity theories. The f (ℛ) models of gravity are obtained when one replaces the Ricci scalar in the Einstein-Hilbert action by an arbitrary function f (ℛ),
We provide the procedure to reconstruct the inflaton potential V (φ) from a given ns(N). We find that for ns − 1 = −2/N, V (φ) is either tanh2(γφ/2) (“T-model”) or φ2 (chaotic inflation) to the leading order in the slow-roll approximation. γ is the ratio of 1/V at N → ∞ to the slope of 1/V at a finite N and is related to “α” in the α-attractors by γ2 = 2/3α. We also derive formulas for ns − 1 = −p/N. Although r depends on a parameter, the running of the spectral index is independent of it, which can be used as a consistency check of the assumed relation of ns(N).
In this paper we present a model for accelerated expansion of the universe, both during inflation and the present stage of the expansion, from four dimensional 𝒩 = 1 supergravity. We evaluate the tensor-to-scalar ratio (r ≈ 0.00034), the scalar spectral index (ns ≈ 0.970) and the running spetral index (dns/dk ≈ −6 × 10−5), and we notice that these parameters are in agreement with Planck+WP+lensing data and with BICEP2/Keck and Planck joint analysis, at 95% CL. The number of e-folds is 50 or higher. The reheating period has an associated temperature TR ˜ 1012 GeV, which agrees with the one required by thermal leptogenesis. Regarding the scalar field as dark energy, the autonomous system for it in the presence of a barotropic fluid provides a stable fixed point that leads to a late-time accelerated expansion of the universe, with an equation of state that mimics the cosmological constant (ωΦ ≈ −0.997).
In this paper, we have discussed the cosmological features of a fourth order model of gravity, having a free length parameter (constant or time dependent), and no cosmological constant or dark energy. By making a suitable choice for the present Hubble parameter and value of third derivative of the scale factor (the jerk), we have shown that the model can explain several cosmological features (like the late time cosmic acceleration) of the present universe to the same degree of accuracy as the standard concordance model. The equation of state and the redshift drift, also studied in this context, serve to discriminate our model from the standard model.
Recently, observational data and high precision mapping of the local velocity field of Local Group and Virgo cluster have revealed a linear velocity-distance relation of the outermost galaxies, properly referred to as Local Hubble Flow. By means of direct N-body method, we performed several simulations in which a galaxy cluster undergoes the action of the Dark Energy force and of the gravitational one induced by the gas. We reproduced the so-called Hubble diagrams, to highlight the outflow of the galaxies lying in the external region of the cluster. Our preliminary results suggest that the observed outflow of galaxies is likely due to the local effect of Dark Energy. Furthermore, the accuracy of the N-body method used, allows us to follow the merging process among some galaxies with the aim to reproduce the formation of a single compact object in the centre of the cluster.
We consider dark fluid as a medium, which acts indirectly on cosmic electromagnetic fields of all types. We develop mathematical models for dark analogs of pyromagnetic, piezomagnetic and dynamo-optical effects, magnetostriction and optical activity in minimal and nonminimal versions.
Horndeski models with a de Sitter critical point for any kind of material content may provide a mechanism to alleviate the cosmological constant problem. We study the cosmological evolution of two classes of families - the linear models and the non-linear models with shift symmetry. We conclude that the latter models can deliver a background dynamics compatible with the latest observational data.
Since the number of dark energy models have rapidly increased over the last years, some model-independent methods have been developed in order to analyse the cosmological evolution in a phenomenological way. In this manuscript, we analyse some of these approaches and their shortcomings to provide reliable information.
We propose a nonlinear massive gravitational theory which includes F(R) modifications. This construction inherits the benefits of the dRGT model and is free of the Boulware-Deser ghost due to the existence of a Hamiltonian constraint accompanied by a nontrivial secondary one. However, the advantage is that the scalar perturbations in a cosmological background can be stabilized at linear level in an FRW universe by tuning the F(R) form. Finally, due to the combined contribution of the F(R) and graviton-mass sectors, the proposed theory allows for a huge class of cosmological evolutions, such as the simultaneous and unified description of inflation and late-time acceleration.
In this paper we review the dynamical analysis for a model of coupled tachyonic dark energy with dark matter. The tachyonic field ϕ is considered in the presence of barothropic fluids (matter and radiation) and the autonomous system due to the evolution equations is studied. The three cosmological eras (radiation, matter and dark energy) are described through the critical points, for a generic potential V (ϕ).
We present a general, albeit brief review of the recent works on stability of tensor modes in the fourth and higher derivative models of quantum gravity. There are some indications that the presence of Planck-mass ghost does not imply an instability of the classical cosmological solutions with respect to metric perturbations if the initial frequency of such perturbation is far below the Planck scale. The situation is different for a tachyonic ghost, where there is no Planck-mass threshold.
Most of cosmological observables are light-propagated. I will present coordinates adapted to the propagation of null-like signals as observed by a geodesic observer. These “geodesic light-cone (GLC) coordinates” are general, adapted to calculations in inhomogeneous geometries, and their properties make them useful for a large spectrum of applications, from the estimation of the distance-redshift relation, the average on our past light cone, the effect of the large-scale structure on the Hubble diagram, to weak lensing calculations.
When do the relativistic, nonlinear corrections to the large-scale effective stress energy tensor matter in general relativity? I present two exact examples in which the corrections turn out to be important: the first one, in which the matter is distributed in the form of a collection of very compact objects, and the second one, where a continuous distribution of dust contains perturbations in the form of nested voids and overdense regions extending over many scales. I discuss the magnitude of nonlinear corrections to the coarse-grained energy density and show that they are large when the matter tends to cluster on the small scales.
We study effects on the luminosity distance of a local inhomogeneity seeded by primordial curvature perturbations of the type predicted by the inflationary scenario and constrained by the cosmic microwave background radiation. We find that a local underdensity originated from a one, two or three standard deviations peaks of the primordial curvature perturbations field can induce corrections to the value of a cosmological constant of the order of 0.6%,1%, 1.5% respectively. These effects cannot be neglected in the precision cosmology era in which we are entering. Our results can be considered an upper bound for the effect of the monopole component of the local non linear structure which can arise from primordial curvature perturbations and requires a fully non perturbative relativistic treatment.
Almost all models of the universe start by assuming that matter fields can be modelled as dust. In the real universe, however, matter is clumped into dense objects that are separated by regions of space that are almost empty. If we are to treat such a distribution of matter as being modelled as a fluid, in some average or coarse-grained sense, then there a number of questions that must be answered. One of the most fundamental of these is whether or not the interaction energy between masses should gravitate. If it does, then a dust-like description may not be sufficient. We would then need to ask how interaction energies should be calculated in cosmology, and how they should appear in the Friedmann-like equations that govern the large-scale behaviour of the universe. I will discuss some recent results that may shed light on these questions.
We construct a framework to probe the effect of non-linear structure formation on the large-scale expansion of the universe. We take a bottom-up approach to cosmological modelling by splitting our universe into cells. The matter content within each cell is described by the post-Newtonian formalism. We assume that most of the cell is in the vicinity of weak gravitational fields, so that it can be described using a perturbed Minkowski metric. Our cells are patched together using the Israel junction conditions. We impose reflection symmetry across the boundary of these cells. This allows us to calculate the equation of motion for the boundary of the cell and, hence, the expansion rate of the universe. At Newtonian order, we recover the standard Friedmann-like equations. At post-Newtonian orders, we obtain a correction to the large-scale expansion of the universe. Our framework does not depend on the process of averaging in cosmology. As an example, we use this framework to investigate the cosmological evolution of a large number of regularly arranged point-like masses. At Newtonian order, the Friedmann-like equations take the form of dust and spatial curvature. At post-Newtonian orders, we get corrections to the dust term and we get an additional term that takes the same form as radiation. The radiation-like term is a result of the non-linearity of Einstein’s equations, and is due to the inhomogeneity present in our model.
We give an outline of an algorithm designed to reconstruct the background cosmological metric within the class of spherically symmetric dust universes that may include a cosmological constant. Luminosity and age data are used to derive constraints on the geometry of the universe up to a redshift of z = 1.75. It is shown that simple radially inhomogeneous void models that are sometimes used as alternative explanations for the apparent acceleration of the late time Universe cannot be ruled out by these data alone.
Backreaction in the cosmological context is a longstanding problem that is especially important in the present era of precise cosmology. The standard model of a homogeneous background plus density perturbations is most probably oversimplified and is expected to fail to fully account for the near-future observations of sub-percent precision. From a theoretical point of view, the problem of backreaction is very complicated and deserves careful examination. Recently, Green and Wald claimed in a series of papers to have developed a formalism to properly describe the influence of density inhomogeneities on average properties of the Universe, i.e., the backreaction effect. A brief discussion of this framework is presented, focussing on its drawbacks and on misconceptions that have arisen during the “backreaction debate”.
The characteristic formalism uses outgoing null cones to define coordinates, and is well-developed in numerical relativity for gravitational wave extraction. The formalism is well-suited to cosmology, since cosmological data are observed on past null cones. In the case of spherical symmetry, density and radial velocity data on an initial null cone define a well-posed evolution problem leading to the past behaviour of the universe. Observationally, the data can be obtained from galactic number counts or age data, and the distance red-shift relation. When red-shift drift data becomes available, constraints on the theory of gravity, such as the cosmological constant, will become feasible.
We discuss numerical investigations of the effects of cosmological inhomogeneities on light propagation. A new algorithm directly integrating the geodesics equations has been developed and has been run on very large scale cosmological simulations up to a redshift of z = 30. Comparisons have been made for several dark energy models and for several observers, revealing percent-level discrepancies between the angular diameter distance interpreted in a friedmannian background, and the angular diameter distance computed from geodesics integration. Here, we focus on the methodology that has been deployed to obtain quantitative results in cosmological simulations.
We consider the simplest model of modulation of the 3D Gaussian field in k-space by a non-uniformly oscillating function f1(k) that imitates the baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO), and a model function f2(k) reproducing the smoothed power spectrum of a galaxy clustering. This model is applied to statistical simulations of radial (shell-like) distributions with calculations of 1D power spectra and auto-correlation functions. It is shown that the radial distributions simulated relatively to different centres in a region of study include quasi-periodical components with a characteristic (BAO) scale 2π/k ∼ 100 h−1 Mpc which can appear with rather high probability depending on a sampling length LR and an amplitude Am of the modulation. The averaging of a number of 1D correlation functions built from different centres of radial distributions leads to the mean 1D correlation function, which is qualitatively consistent with the standard 3D correlation function. Both the functions are characterized by a single wide peak at the BAO scale. We apply 1D statistical procedures to the sample of spectroscopic redshifts of the brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) and show that the results turn out to be consistent with those obtained in our model simulations.
Cosmic voids, the emptiest regions of the universe are a promising tool to constrain cosmological models. In this paper I introduce the use of voids for cosmology and focus on one of the main systematic effects undermining the optimal extraction of cosmological information from the under-dense regions: peculiar velocities. I present guidelines reduce the impact of peculiar velocities by performing optimal cuts on void catalogues. Additionally I discuss the considerable increase in void statistics to be expected from future surveys and present an estimate of the number of voids to be obtained from two upcoming surveys: the ESA-lead Euclid survey and the NASA-lead WFIRST mission.
After recalling the standard description of the nonlinear growth of structure, based on the study of the cold-dark-matter component, I present an attempt to extend its scope of application to the study of relativistic species (such as massive neutrinos).
For about a decade, the baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) peak at about 105h−1 Mpc has provided a standard ruler test of the ΛCDM cosmological model, a member of the Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker (FLRW) family of cosmological models— according to which comoving space is rigid. However, general relativity does not require comoving space to be rigid. During the virialisation epoch, when the most massive structures form by gravitational collapse, it should be expected that comoving space evolves inhomogeneous curvature as structure grows. The BAO peak standard ruler should also follow this inhomogeneous evolution if the comoving rigidity assumption is false. This “standard” ruler has now been detected to be flexible, as expected under general relativity.
The general relativistic description of cosmological structure formation is an important challenge from both the theoretical and the numerical point of views. In this paper we present a brief prescription for a general relativistic treatment of structure formation and a resulting mass function on galaxy cluster scales in a highly generic scenario. To obtain this we use an exact scalar averaging scheme together with the relativistic generalization of Zel’dovich’s approximation (RZA) that serves as a closure condition for the averaged equations.
The backreaction of inhomogeneities describes the effect of inhomogeneous structure on average properties of the Universe. We investigate this approach by testing the consistency of cosmological N-body simulations as non-linear structure evolves. Using the Delaunay Tessellation Field Estimator (DTFE), we calculate the kinematical backreaction Q from simulations on different scales in order to measure how much N-body simulations should be corrected for this effect. This is the first step towards creating fully relativistic and inhomogeneous N-body simulations. In this paper we compare the interpolation techniques available in DTFE and illustrate the statistical dependence of Q as a function of length scale.
In the framework of Lagrangian perturbation theory in general relativity we discuss the possibility to split the Einstein equations, written in terms of spatial Cartan coframes within a 3 + 1 foliation of spacetime, into gravitoelectric and gravitomagnetic parts. While the former reproduces the full hierarchy of the Newtonian perturbation solutions, the latter contains non–Newtonian aspects like gravitational waves. This split can be understood and made unique through the Hodge decomposition of Cartan coframe fields.
The understanding of the cosmic acceleration led to the introduction of the cosmological constant behind the standard ΛCDM model. However, there are many hints of the possibility of more complex Dark Energy which could be understand, at first order, as a Dark Fluid with constant equation of state pDE = w × ρDE. It could also results from a modification of the essence of Gravity such as described in modified gravity models.
In this work we show that it is possible to constraint those models using the large scale density profiles surrounding extrema in the density field such as Dark Matter (DM) Halos or their symmetric, Cosmic Voids. Those profiles can be parametrized in such a way that they conserve, whatever the underlying dynamics, some properties in their evolution. Using this property we are able to reconstruct the profile from its analytical expectation from the Gaussian Random Field statistics.
“We could regard matter as being made up of regions of space in which the field is extremely intense… There would be no place in this new physics for both field and matter, for the field would be the only reality”. By following this 1938 statement of Einstein, space is the very material plenum inferred by Aristotle and declared by Descartes. General Relativity can quantitatively relate local mass-energy densities of such a continuous material space to sources of gravitation. Observable particles are, in fact, abrupt radial distributions of continuous mass-energy rather than delta-function densities in nonphysical empty space. The global overlap of different radial densities, observed in practice as localized particles, is accompanied by unobservable interference (or dark) energies. The latter conserve constant energies of the many body material space despite of Newtonian weak field attractions. Computations for strong fields results in gravitational repulsion of continuous radial elements of the dense material space and its expansion with acceleration.
I briefly review the excellent phenomenological status of a class of dynamical vacuum models in which the vacuum energy density, ρΛ, evolves either through its interaction with dark matter or through the accompanying running of the gravitational coupling G. These models incorporate into a single vacuum structure the rapid stage of inflation, followed by the standard radiation and cold dark matter epochs all the way down until the dark energy era. Remarkably, they render an outstanding phenomenological description of the main cosmological data at a level that is currently challenging the concordance ΛCDM model, thereby implying that present observations seem to clearly point to a running vacuum rather than to a rigid cosmological constant Λ in our Universe.
We review the theory of geometric flows on nonholonomic manifolds and tangent bundles and self-similar configurations resulting in generalized Ricci solitons and Einstein-Finsler equations. There are provided new classes of exact solutions on Finsler-Lagrange f(R,F,L)-modifications of general relativity and discussed possible implications in acceleration cosmology.
We discuss two aspects of the scenario in which dark matter possesses (fundamental or effective) viscosity: a) Large shear viscosity can induce the acceleration of the average expansion through the backreaction of fluctuations. b) Treating dark matter at large scales as an effectively viscous fluid provides an improved framework for the calculation of the matter power spectrum. We use intuition from the Wilsonian renormalization group in order to make this framework concrete, and review results that demonstrate that it improves the convergence of cosmological perturbation theory.
A vast isothermal main part of homogeneously distributed dark matter of second kind (hDM) might exist instead of the ‘dark energy’ assumed today. The known smaller inhomogeneous part of first kind (iDM) is commonly accepted to exist in form of usual dark matter halos, whether or not bound to galaxies or clusters. The macroscopically non-lensing hDM can fill the gap between observable matter and critical density, the latter required by flat space solutions of Einstein’s original gravitational equations without cosmological constant. Dark matter of weakly interacting particles could be at least partially responsible for the observed cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation. It does not necessarily consist of only one fraction (various components may also include unseen macroscopic objects). In the framework of a stationary universe model (SUM) – and in accordance with the universal Supernova Ia data deduced there – an alternative Planck microwave background is mathematically shown to be composable of redshifted radiation emitted within the universe. Thus ‘dark’ matter may get rid of its mysterious lack of non-gravitational interaction.
We study a Dirac Dark Matter (DM) particle interacting with ordinary matter via a pseudo-scalar portal, and analyze its impact on direct detection experiments. This candidate can accommodate the long-standing DAMA modulated signal and yet be compatible with all exclusion limits at 99S% CL. This result holds for natural choices of the pseudo-scalar-quark couplings, and give rise to a significant enhancement of the DMproton coupling with respect to the coupling to neutrons. The model could be tested with measurements of rare meson decays, flavor changing processes, and searches for axion-like particles with mass in the MeV range.
The DAMA/LIBRA experiment — consisting of ∼ 250 kg of highly radio-pure NaI(Tl) — is in data taking in the underground Laboratory of Gran Sasso. The data collected in its first configuration (DAMA/LIBRA—phase1) together with the data of the former DAMA/NaI experiment (∼ 100 kg first generation highly radio-pure NaI(Tl)) correspond to 14 independent annual cycles, for a total exposure of 1.33 ton × yr and point out the presence of DM particle in the Galactic halo at 9.3 σ C.L. on the basis of the model-independent Dark Matter (DM) annual modulation signature. No systematic or side reaction able to mimic the exploited DM signature has been found or suggested by anyone. After an upgrade of the experiment DAMA/LIBRA is now running in its phase2 with increased sensitivity. Here, after briefly reporting the DAMA model independent results, the recent analysis in terms of Mirror Dark Matter candidate will be mentioned.
Direct dark matter search with liquid noble gases is reviewed.
The ANAIS (Annual modulation with NaI(Tl) Scintillators) experiment aims at the confirmation of the DAMA/LIBRA positive annual modulation signal using the same target and technique at the Canfranc Underground Laboratory (LSC). A first step, named ANAIS–25 (two 12.5 kg NaI(Tl) modules) taking data from December 2012 to February 2015, provided interesting outcomes: very high light collection efficiency, that could allow to lower the analysis energy threshold down to the level of 1 keVee, and a good understanding of the different background components, in particular the cosmogenic activated isotopes in the crystal bulk and other radioactive contaminations of the NaI crystal/powder. But those prototypes clearly pointed to the need for improved crystal radiopurity, in particular for 210Pb contamination. Since then, improvements in the purification and growing procedures in order to reduce background in the very low energy region have been implemented and a new 12.5 kg module has been constructed and installed between the former two crystals, forming the ANAIS–37 setup. Very preliminary results of this setup evidence the improvement on radiopurity of the new crystal and are presented here. In addition, background simulations and prospects for the full experiment are discussed.
We show that compatibility between the DAMA modulation result (as well as less statistically significant excesses such as the CDMS Silicon effect and the excess claimed by CRESST) with constraints from other experiments can be achieved by extending the analysis of direct detection data beyond the standard elastic scattering of a WIMP off nuclei with a spin–dependent or a spin–independent cross section and with a velocity distribution as predicted by the Isothermal Sphere model. To do so we discuss several new approaches for the analysis of Dark Matter direct detection data, with the goal to remove or reduce its dependence on specific theoretical assumptions, and to extend its scope: the factorization approach of astrophysics uncertainties, the classification and study of WIMP–nucleon interactions within non–relativistic field theory, inelastic scattering and isovector-coupling cancellations including subdominant two–nucleon NLO effects. Typically, combining two or more of these ingredients can lead to conclusions which are very different to what usually claimed in the literature. This shows that we are only starting now to scratch the surface of the most general WIMP direct detection parameter space.
Very light axions represent an excellent dark matter candidate, and may be detected by their resonant conversion to photons in a microwave cavity within a strong magnetic field. Current experiments are commencing searches for cosmic axions in the 1–100 μeV range constituting our galactic halo. The sensitivity of these experiments largely results from the development of quantum-limited amplifiers, such as SQUIDs and Josephson Parametric Amplifiers; future experiments may achieve even greater sensitivity by evading the standard quantum limit on noise temperature altogether.
Here we only present part of main results of a work in preparation.
The sterile neutrino is a viable dark matter candidate that can be produced in the early Universe with a highly non-thermal spectrum of primordial velocities, and would thus have an effect on the abundance of dwarf galaxies. We use sterile neutrino power spectra as an input for semi-analytic models of galaxy formation in order to predict the number of luminous satellite galaxies in a Milky Way-like halo. By assuming that the mass of the Milky Way halo must be no more than 2 × 1012M⊙ (the adopted upper bound based on current astronomical observations) we are able to constrain the value of L6 for Ms ≤ 5 keV. We also show that the range of L6 that is in best agreement with the 3.5 keV line (if produced by decays of 7 keV sterile neutrino) requires that the Milky Way halo has a mass no smaller than 1.2 × 1012M⊙.
We re-analyse high redshift and high resolution Lyman-α forest spectra from Ref. 1 seeking to constrain properties of warm dark matter particles. Compared to the previous work we consider a wider range on thermal histories of the intergalactic medium and find that both warm and cold dark matter models can explain the cut-off observed in the flux power spectra of high-resolution observations equally well. This implies, however, very different thermal histories and underlying re-ionisation models. We discuss how to remove this degeneracy
Using cosmological simulations, we show that the cosmic web of dwarf galaxies in a warm dark matter (WDM) universe, wherein low mass halo formation is heavily suppressed, is nearly indistinguishable to that of a cold dark matter (CDM) universe whose low mass halos are not seen because galaxy formation is suppressed below some threshold mass. Low mass warm dark matter halos are suppressed nearly equally in all environments. For example, WDM voids in the galaxy distribution are neither larger nor emptier than CDM voids, once normalized to the same total galaxy number density and assuming galaxy luminosity scales with halo mass. It is thus a challenge to find hints about the dark matter particle in the cosmic web of galaxies. However, if the scatter between dwarf galaxy luminosity and halo properties is large, low mass CDM halos would sometimes host bright galaxies thereby populating voids that would be empty in WDM. Future surveys that will capture the small scale clustering in the local volume could thus help determine whether the CDM problem of the over-abundance of small halos with respect to the number density of observed dwarf galaxies has a cosmological solution or an astrophysical solution.
We have explored the impact of sterile neutrino dark matter on core-collapse supernova explosions. We have included oscillations between electron neutrinos or mixed μ, τ neutrinos and right-handed sterile neutrinos into a supernova model. We have chosen sterile neutrino masses and mixing angles that are consistent with sterile neutrino dark matter candidates as indicated by recent x-ray flux measurements. Using these simulations, we have explored the impact of sterile neutrinos on the core bounce and shock reheating. We find that, for ranges of sterile neutrino mass and mixing angle consistent with most dark matter constraints, the shock energy can be significantly enhanced and even a model that does not explode can be made to explode. In addition, we have found that the presence of a sterile neutrino may lead to detectable changes in the observed neutrino luminosities.
We present results of a set of N-body simulations to model the future evolution of the 11 young massive clusters hosted in the central region of the dwarf starburst galaxy Henize 2-10, which contains at its center a massive black hole with a mass MBH ⋍ 2×106 M⊙. Nuclear star clusters are present in a great quantity of galaxies of mass similar to Henize 2-10. Our results show that the orbital decay and merging of the Henize 2-10 clusters will likely lead to the formation of a nuclear star cluster with mass MNSC ⋍ 4 − 6 × 106 M⊙ and effective radius rNSC ⋍ 4.1 pc. Additionally, we found that this mechanism can lead to the formation of disky structures with global properties similar to those of nuclear stellar disks, which reside in many “middle-weight” galaxies. This work confirms and enlarge recent results that indicate how nuclear star clusters and super massive black holes are only partially correlated, since the formation process of nuclear star clusters is poorly affected by a black hole of the size of that in Henize 2-10. A new result is that nuclear star clusters and nuclear stellar disks may share the same formation path.
The RAR model was obtained in a self-gravitating system of fermions “Inos”, to account for the dark matter (DM) distribution in galaxies, providing thus degenerated quantum cores of mpc sizes with constant densities and expected core halos of the order of kpc, both in agreement with astrophysical data. Based on this configuration, we compute the DM phase space density (PSD) for dwarf galaxies, where the maximum PSD is located now at the central region of the system (< 1pc) with its corresponding DM particle mass. This feature leads us to think that even the non linear matter power spectrum (NLPS) at subhalo scales could be slightly modified due to these DM quantum cores. Hence, we describe such possible effects according to the halo model of structures considering extra correlations between quantum cores of this DM configuration.
We consider the possibility that dark matter halos are made of massive neutrinos (e.g., sterile neutrinos) described by the fermionic King model. This model takes into account the Pauli exclusion principle and the escape of high energy particles. It has a finite mass. Dwarf halos are in a quantum (degenerate) condensed phase. Intermediate size halos are partially degenerate. Large halos are in a classical (nondegenerate) gaseous phase. Because of collisions and evaporation their central density increases until the gravothermal catastrophe sets in. The marginal King profile can be approximated by the modified Hubble profile which is similar to the Burkert profile that provides a good fit of dark matter halos. Some halos may undergo core collapse. For large halos, this leads to the formation of a central black hole. For small halos, the collapse is stopped by quantum degeneracy. This leads to a condensed object and to the expulsion of a massive atmosphere. We argue that large dark matter halos should not contain fermion balls because these nucleus-halo structures are saddle points of entropy.
In this paper we study nonrotating, spherical, gravitational equilibrium configurations of a semidegenerate collisionless Fermi gas, in a general relativistic framework. We consider a modified Fermi-Dirac distribution function, including an energy cutoff term to ensure solutions with finite mass and radius, as well as a second term taking into account the effect of the anisotropy with prevalence of transverse component of velocity. The problem of the dynamical stability is also considered in Newtonian regime by introducing a general criterion, for the anisotropic systems, in terms of adiabatic indexes.
Nuclear Star Clusters (NSCs) are dense stellar systems found at the center of a large fraction of galaxies and often hosting a massive black hole (MBH). The origin of NSCs is still unclear. Here we explore the dry merger scenario where massive and dense clusters decay and merge building up the NSC. By means of detailed N-body simulations we find that a NSC formed from infalling clusters shows many of the observed features of the Milky Way NSC. We show that the infall and merge of clusters could potentially leave many observational imprints on the NSC structure, in the form of age segregation. Finally, if intermediate mass black holes (IMBHs) are present at the center of the clusters, once decayed to the galactic center, they act as massive-perturbers accelerating the relaxation of the NSC, boosting the tidal disruption rate of stars up to a value larger than the observational estimates, therefore providing a cumulative constraint on the existence of IMBHs in NSCs.
We employed general relativity (GR) successfully to describe the galactic velocity profiles. In this work we present a mapping of the density contours of galaxies, achieving good concordance with observational data. In our Solar neighbourhood, we found a mass density and density fall-off fitting observational data satisfactorily. Galactic masses are consistently seen to be lower than those deduced from the approaches relying upon dark matter. Our results indicate that GR is the key to an explanation of the stars’ high velocities in galaxies. Mapping galactic density contours directly from the dynamics opens a new window for predicting galactic structure.
Since the pioneering work of Tremaine&Gunn in 1979 to the present, many attempts have been presented to constrain the dark matter particle mass from the phase-space density evolution until the approximate point of virialization of dark matter halos. In particular, recent numerical simulations of the evolution of the phase-space density of dwarf spheroidal dark matter halos revealed a strong tension between the obtained particle mass bound and the lower limit of few keV from other astrophysical constraints. We propose a novel approach to calculate the phase-space density distribution in dwarf galaxies, to show that such a discrepancy disappear if the dark matter distribution possesses a core in which quantum statistical effects are important, as in the case of the dark matter profiles of keV fermions recently introduced by Ruffini, Argüelles and Rueda (2015).
We develop models of globular clusters (GCs) with a different approach by applying thermodynamic principles to a Boltzmann distribution function, with an Hamiltonian function which contains an effective potential depending on the kinetic energy of the stars, due to the effect of tidal interactions induced by the hosting galaxy. The Hamiltonian function is solution of the Fokker-Planck equation solved in a different way with respect to the King approach. Interesting results implying a different critical point for the onset of gravothermal catastrophe are presented, as well numerical simulations confirming the presence and the predicted form of the effective potential.
This work deals with the consequences which follow from the construction of a selfconsistent thermodynamical model of globular cluster. In so doing we are driven by the necessity of a star cluster model with density and pressure vanishing in correspondence of the surface of the system, whose finite radius is determined by the tidal force of the Galaxy. Considering the evolution of the selfgravitating system like a sequence of infinite equilibrium states, driven by reversible transformations, lead us to the introduction of an effective potential term, in the single particle Hamiltonian, taking into account the presence of the kinetic cutoff energy. The influence of the effective potential on the virial theorem will be described, together with the related consequences on the gravothermal stability limits for star clusters, explored through the linear series method for the equilibrium configurations. The effective potential description of the equilibrium models leads to some observational features, which allow to test the predicted critical central potential depth for the insurgence of the thermodynamical instability.
The null-surface formulation of general relativity (NSF) focuses on families of null surfaces rather than on the metric. The NSF uses special spacetime coordinates, called intrinsic coordinates, which are naturally adapted to the surfaces. The three coupled, nonlinear, partial differential equations that arise in the NSF have so far proved extremely difficult to solve. The present paper gives a solution that depends on two of the four intrinsic coordinates and is not conformally flat.
The algebraic structure, given by a null alignment of the Weyl tensor, of expanding Robinson-Trautman and non-expanding Kundt geometries is analyzed in an arbitrary dimension. Conditions for all possible algebraic types are identified in closed form. Since the expansion parameter Θ is explicitly kept in all expressions, it can be simply set to zero to obtain results for the Kundt class. Usefulness of these general results obtained for all non-twisting and shear-free geometries in any metric theory of gravitation are demonstrated on specific vacuum solutions to the Einstein field equations.
We examine the dynamics of a Bianchi IX model with three scale factors in the framework of a braneworld formalism with a timelike extra dimension, with dust and an effective cosmological constant on the brane. Additional terms due to the bulk-brane interaction avoid the singularity, implementing nonsingular bounces in the dynamics. Einstein’s equations on the brane reduce to a 6-dim Hamiltonian system. The phase space of the model presents two critical points (one saddle-center-center and one center-center-center) in a finite region of the phase space and two asymptotic de Sitter critical points at infinity (one acting as an attractor to the dynamics). The critical points belong to a 2-dim invariant plane. Together they organize the dynamics of the phase space. The saddle-center-center engenders in the phase space the topology of stable and unstable 4-dim cylinders R × S3 where S3 is the center manifold of unstable periodic orbits, the latter being the nonlinear extension of the center-center sector. Both the stable and unstable cylinders separate the dynamics in the 5-dim energy surface in two dynamically disconnected parts. We show that the typical dynamical flow connected to the cylinders is an oscillatory mode about the orbits of the invariant plane. The stable and unstable cylinders, spanned by oscillatory orbits about the separatrices towards the bounce, have a first transversal intersection in the neighborhood of the bounce resulting in the homoclinic transversal intersections of the cylinders, as shown numerically. The homoclinic intersection manifold has the topology R × S2, consisting of homoclinic orbits biasymptotic to the center manifold S3. This behavior defines a chaotic saddle associated with S3, indicating that the intersection points of the cylinders have the nature of a Cantor set with a compact support S2. This is an invariant signature of chaos in the model. We discuss the possible connection between these properties of the dynamics, namely the oscillatory approach to the bounce together with its chaotic behavior, and analogous features present in the BKL conjecture in general relativity.
We briefly summarize our recent results on type II universal metrics of the Lorentzian signature. These metrics simultaneously solve all vacuum field equations of theories of gravity with the Lagrangian being a polynomial curvature invariant constructed from the metric, the Riemann tensor and its covariant derivatives of arbitrary order.
It turns out that the results critically depend on the dimensionality of the spacetime. While we discuss examples of type II universal metrics for all composite number dimensions, we have no examples for prime number dimensions. Furthermore, we have proven the non-existence of type II universal spacetimes in five dimensions.
Recently exact solutions for the interiors of neutral relativistic spherically symmetric stars were obtained in the Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity theory. We investigate the problem of finding spacetimes for perfect fluids in electric fields. In this regards, the Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet field equations are supplemented by the Maxwell’s equations. It turns out that the problem amounts to solving a system of four partial differential equations in six unknowns. Two of the geometrical or dynamical variables may be chosen a priori and the remaining four may be determined by integration. We are able to find exact models by utilising metric ansatze equivalent to the Schwarzschild interior metric as well as the Finch Skea metric for the standard Einstein gravity. Additional new solutions are reported for different choices of the electric field and gravitational potential. A study of such solutions is proceeding. In particular we investigate the role of the charge on the mass-radius relationship and consequently the equation of state if it can be explicitly found. The usual Einstein junction conditions are extrapolated to the EMGB case and we require the existence of a pressure free hypersurface to define the boundary of the star. The energy conditions are also examined as is the causality criterion.
We study at classical level two ranges of weakly nonlocal gravitational theories that are super-renormalizable or finite at quantum level. We explicitly prove that for one out of the two classes of theories all Ricci-flat spacetimes are exact vacuum solutions of the classical equations of motion (EOM). For the second class of theories the EOM are exactly solved by all these FRW spacetimes, which are sourced by a traceless energy tensor. Therefore, the Big-Bang singularity persists when the nonlocal gravity is coupled to radiation. We here prove the above statements in three simple theorems.
The exact solution of Einstein-Maxwell equations for a Schwarzschild black hole immersed in the static spatially homogeneous AdS2 × 𝕤2 space-time of Bertotti-Robinson magnetic universe is presented. In this solution, the black hole possesses a finite initial boost in the direction of the magnetic field and performs a “geodesic” oscillating motion interacting with the background gravitational and electromagnetic field
A p-form F is VSI (i.e., all its scalar invariants of arbitrary order vanish) in a n-dimensional spacetime if and only if it is of type N, its multiple null direction ℓ is “degenerate Kundt”, and £ℓF = 0. This recent result is reviewed in the present contribution and its main consequences are summarized. In particular, a subset of VSI Maxwell fields possesses a universal property, i.e., they also solve (virtually) any generalized (non-linear and with higher derivatives) electrodynamics, possibly also coupled to Einstein’s gravity.
We study geometric and algebraic properties of extended Kerr–Schild spacetimes (xKS) of any dimension, i.e. an extension of the Kerr–Schild (KS) ansatz where, in addition to the null KS vector, a spacelike vector field appears in the metric. In contrast to the KS case, it turns out that xKS spacetimes with a geodetic KS vector are not necessarily algebraically special and we obtain, in general, only a necessary condition under which the KS vector is geodetic. However, if we appropriately restrict the geometry of the null and spacelike vector fields, the condition becomes sufficient and such metrics are algebraically special provided the null KS vector has certain optical properties. Examples of xKS spacetimes belonging to the Kundt class and also expanding xKS spacetimes, namely the CCLP black hole, are given and briefly discussed.
The study of geodesic motion plays an important role in the study of the space-time geometry in any dimension. In this work we generalize the fourth classical of General Relativity, the Shapiro time delay effect, for d dimensions. We begin by calculating the general expression and we analyze it in the large d limit and assuming that the sending distance is way larger than the distance of closest approach.
The cylindrically symmetric static manifolds are classified for their Petrov types and metrics. This classification besides verifying the earlier result that such manifolds cannot be of petrov type II, III and N, gives a complete list of all static cylindrically symmetric metrics of Petrov type O. In the case of Petrov type D metrics, the results appear as three independent classes metrics.
We apply a new approach based on three relativistic groups (bradyon, tachyon and instanton) forming the ‘Lorentz groupoid’ which allows, in particular, to consider tachyons without introducing imaginary masses and negative energies (related, as known, to violation of causality and unitarity). This leads to effectively scalar conglomerate composed of tachyonic neutrino and antineutrino spinor wave functions as a viable model for stationary dark matter. We also briefly discuss a relevant early non-stationary high-energy stage of the universe evolution.
Starting from the Oliva–Tempo–Troncoso black hole, a solution of the Bergshoeff–Hohm– Townsend massive gravity, a class of the Vaidya-like exact vacuum solutions with torsion is constructed in the three-dimensional Poincaré gauge theory. A particular subclass of these solutions is shown to possess the asymptotic conformal symmetry.
We analyze the causal structure of some big-bang and black hole singularities. We find that the topology of the lightcones remains intact, despite the fact that the metric is singular. The topology of the lightcones allows spacelike foliations of the singularities, which are therefore compatible with global hyperbolicity and causality. The fact that the lightcones at different events have the same topology no matter whether the events are at or outside the singularities suggests that the causal structure is more universal and fundamental than the metric, which is very different at the singularities.
Gravitational potentials of the domain walls in the linearized gravity are growing with distance, so the particle scattering by the wall can not be described in terms of free asymptotic states. In the non-relativistic case this problem is solved using the concept of the potential energy. We show that in the relativistic case one is able to introduce gravitationally dressed momenta, the sum of which is conserved up to the momentum flux through the lateral surface of the world tube describing losses due to excitation of the branon waves.
In this paper we study the dynamics of the trapped region using a frame independent semi-tetrad covariant formalism for general Locally Rotationally Symmetric (LRS) class II spacetimes. We covariantly prove some important geometrical results for the apparent horizon, and state the necessary and sufficient conditions for a singularity to be locally naked. These conditions bring out, for the first time in a quantitative and transparent manner, the importance of the Weyl curvature in deforming and delaying the trapped region during continual gravitational collapse, making the central singularity locally visible.
A uniqueness theorem for static and asymptotically flat Einstein-Maxwell spacetimes with a photon sphere P3 is considered. To do this we first modify the definition of the photon sphere for electrically charged spacetimes by adding the property that the one-form ι ξ F is normal to the photon sphere. We then set the magnetic charge to zero and assume that the lapse function regularly foliates the spacetime outside the photon sphere. As an auxiliary (and important in itself) result we prove that P3 has constant mean and scalar curvatures. Then, after deriving a few more equations, we give a proof of the main uniqueness theorem, i. e. the static asymptotically flat Einstein-Maxwell spacetimes with a non-extremal photon sphere are isometric to the Reissner-Nordström one with mass M and electric charge Q subject to Q2M2≤98.
We argue that like velocity of light, Λ is a constant of spacetime, and these are the only two most fundamental constants of spacetime structure. Like gravitational field energy, vacuum energy must gravitate but not through a stress tensor instead more subtly in line with the former by enlarging spacetime framework. Unfortunately this enlargement would not become visible until there comes about a quantum theory of spacetime or gravity. The possible ways could be that it would be automatically taken care of when we quantize geometry, the left hand side of Einstein equation, as it happened for self interaction in GR or it gravitates through higher dimension. The important message that is that Λ has therefore nothing to do with vacuum energy and hence is free to have any value as determined by accelerating expansion of the Universe. The incorrigibly embarrassing number 10120 is therefore nothing but the statement that in terms of the Planck area, the Universe measures as much!
We use a linkage between gravitation and electrodynamics the author shared with Unnikrishnan. The first step will be to write up a Yukawa potential modification of gravity for the usual 1/r potential, and comparing it to fifth-force potentials. Details as to NLED and Unnishkhan’s theories are added for an electromagnetic flavor to fifth-force considerations. Leading to a first principle evaluation of the primordial graviton mass as linked to NLED.
In this short contribution we calculate the Bondi mass of asymptotically flat spacetimes with interacting electromagnetic and scalar fields. We present the system of coupled Einstein-Maxwell-Klein-Gordon equations in the spinor form and show final expressions for the Bondi mass and corresponding mass-loss formula. Details of the calculations, including the full set of the Newman-Penrose equations for the system considered, can be found in Ref. 11
This paper addresses what a fluctuation of a metric tensor leads to in pre-Planckian physics, namely δtΔE≥hδgtt≠h2. If so then, we pick the conditions for an equality, with a small δgtt, to come up with restraints on initial temperature, particle count and entropy affected by initial degrees of freedom in early universe cosmology. This leads to an open question as to the applicability of the Riemannian–Penrose inequality, in early-universe conditions, if the mass m, is a sum of prior-universe gravitons, and if the area A is due to either a quantum bounce or to the nonlinear electrodynamic scale factor being nonzero. Note that the Riemannian–Penrose inequality is for black-hole physics. Its application to our problem is solely due to a nonzero, but extremely small, initial scale factor. If the initial scale factor goes to zero, then, of course, this inequality no longer holds.
We consider the Einstein field equations with electromagnetic energy-momentum tensor. Expressing these equations in terms of the electromagnetic vector potential we show different coordinate conditions can lead to physically different solutions.
We analyze the invariance of the massless Dirac equation under disformal transformations depending on the propagating spinor field. Using the Weyl-Cartan formalism, we were able to construct a large class of disformal maps between different metric tensors, respecting the order of differentiability of the Dirac operator and satisfying the Clifford algebra in both metrics. Then, we have shown that there is a subclass of solutions of the Dirac equation, provided by a generalized Inomata’s condition, which keeps the Dirac operator invariant under the action of the disformal group.
I apply the prescription of Hamiltonian reduction first proposed by Arnowitt-Misner-Deser to general spacetimes of 4 dimensions in the (2+2) formalism and find privileged spacetime coordinates in which the physical Hamiltonian is expressed in terms of the conformal two metric and its conjugate momentum. Physical time is the area element of the spatial cross section of null hypersurfaces. I present the complete set of Einstein’s equations in the privileged spacetime coordinates in a constraint-free form.
We investigate the energy distribution of a black hole in various spacetimes as reckoned by a distant observer using the quasi-local energy approach. In each case the horizon mass of a black hole: neutral, charged or rotating, is found to be twice the irreducible mass observed at infinity. This is known as the Horizon Mass Theorem. As a consequence, the electrostatic energy and the rotational energy of a general black hole are all external quantities. Matter carrying charges and spins could only lie outside the horizon. This result could resolve several long-standing paradoxes related to known black hole properties; such as why entropy is proportional to area and not to volume, the information loss problem, the firewall problem, the internal structure and the thin shell model of a black hole.
We compute the self-energy of a static classical point-like charge (coupled with scalar or vector massless field), localized at the distance r ≫ rg outside the horizon of (n + 1)—dimensional Schwarzschild-Tangherlini black hole (n ≽ 3). We use the perturbation theory and obtain first orders for the static energy and corresponding self-force. Since the formal expression for self-energy diverges, for the computation we apply the dimensional-regularization technique, well-known in the quantum theory. In the lowest-dimensional cases the results are compared with those ones known in the literature. The difference between the odd and even dimensionalities is discussed as well.
Concept of relational statistical spacetime is considered. This model introduces an apparatus based on description of properties of physical clocks and rods. New equations lead to traditional physical equations according to the correspondence principle. A more general approach allows us to describe quantum effects (at microscopic level) and gravitational effects (at macroscopic level). In other words in the concept a common apparatus for quantum and gravitational physics is proposed. Some cosmological coincidences are described. A possibility of testing predicted gravitational effects is discussed.
Polysymplectic integrators are constructed as a discretization of the De Donder-Weyl Hamiltonian-like form of PDEs whose underlying structure in the case of n independent variables is the polysymplectic form of degree (n+1) generalizing the symplectic structure of Hamiltonian ODEs. We recall our recent results demonstrating the superiority of the polysymplectic integrator over other widely used numerical schemes using the example of the Short Pulse Equation in nonlinear optics. We discuss first steps of the construction of the polysymplectic integrator for the Einstein equations in general relativity
Generalized geometry provides the framework for a systematic approach to non-symmetric metric gravity theory and naturally leads to an Einstein-Kalb-Ramond gravity theory with totally anti-symmetric contortion. The approach is related to the study of the low-energy effective closed string gravity actions.
The ordinary Bondi–Metzner–Sachs (BMS) group B is the common asymptotic symmetry group of all radiating, asymptotically flat, Lorentzian space-times. As such, B is the best candidate for the universal symmetry group of General Relativity (G.R.). However, in studying quantum gravity, space–times with signatures other than the usual Lorentzian one, and complex space-times, are frequently considered. Generalisations of B appropriate to these other signatures have been defined earlier. In particular, the generalisation B(2, 2) appropriate to the ultrahyperbolic signature (+,+,−,−) has been described in detail, and the study of its irreducible unitary representations (IRs) of B(2, 2) has been initiated. We continue this programme by introducing a new group uHB(2, 2) in the group theoretical study of ultrahyperbolic G.R. which happens to be a proper subgroup of B(2, 2). In this paper we report on the first general results on the representation theory of uHB(2, 2). In particular the main general results are that the all little groups of uHB(2, 2) are compact and that the Wigner–Mackey’s inducing construction is exhaustive despite the fact that uHB(2, 2) is not locally compact in the employed Hilbert topology.
Klein-Gordon equation is the starting point of the scattering and gauge/gravity calculations for black holes. Thus, studying its separability and probing the residua associated with the black hole horizons are key issues that constitute the core of the calculations for the black hole internal structure. One can write the radial part of the Klein-Gordon equation in a specific form that reveals the pole structure of the horizon equation. The residua of the poles reflect the physical properties, namely surface gravities and angular velocities associated with respective horizons. We start with the Kerr black hole by showing the correspondence of the residua of the poles and the monodromy exponents. Then we study the cases of the most general nonextremal black hole solutions in four and five dimensional gauged supergravity.
We apply the ultrarelativistic boosting procedure to map the metric of Schwarzschild-de Sitter spacetime into a metric describing de Sitter spacetime plus a shock-wave singularity located on a null hypersurface, by exploiting the picture of the embedding of an hyperboloid in a five-dimensional Minkowski spacetime. After reverting to the usual four-dimensional formalism, we also solve the geodesic equation and evaluate the Riemann curvature tensor of the boosted Schwarzschild-de Sitter metric by means of numerical calculations, which make it possible to reach the ultrarelativistic regime gradually by letting the boost velocity approach the speed of light. Eventually, the analysis of the Kretschmann invariant (and of the geodesic equation) shows the global structure of spacetime, as we demonstrate the presence of a “scalar curvature singularity” within a 3-sphere and find that it is also possible to define what we have called “boosted horizon”, a sort of elastic wall where all particles are surprisingly pushed away. This seems to suggest that such “boosted geometries” are ruled by a sort of “antigravity effect” since all geodesics seem to refuse entering the “boosted horizon” and are “reflected” by it, even though their initial conditions are aimed at driving the particles towards the “boosted horizon” itself.
An exact model in Einstein-Maxwell gravity describing a magnetized galactic disk-halo system is presented. The description of properties of the stationary metric and its source are discussed. All the expressions are presented in terms of an Harmonic function. A “generalization” of the Kuzmin potential is used as a particular example. The solution obtained is asymptotically Minkowskian in general and turns out to be singularity free. All the relevant quantities show a reasonable physical behavior.
It is known that ultra-extreme Kerr-Newman (KN) solution (a >> m) produces the gravitational and EM fields of the electron and has a topological defect which may be regularized by a solitonic source, formed as a false-vacuum bubble filled by Higgs condensate in a supersymmetric superconducting state. Structure and stability of this source is determined by Bogomolnyi equations as a BPS-saturated soliton of the oscillon type. The Principal Null Congruences of the KN solution determine consistent embedding of the Dirac equation, which acquires the mass from the Higgs condensate inside the soliton, indicating that this soliton forms a bag model. Shape of this bag is unambiguously determined by BPS-bound. The bag turns out to be flexible and takes the form of a very thin disk, which is completed by a ring-string along its sharp boundary. The ring-string traveling waves generate extra deformations of the bag creating a circulating singular pole. Bag model of the KN source integrates the dressed and pointlike electron in a bag-string-quark system, which removes the conflict between the point-like electron of the Dirac theory and the required gravitational soliton model.
“Smooth Gowdy-symmetric generalized Taub-NUT solutions” are a class of inhomogeneous cosmological vacuum models with a past and a future Cauchy horizon. In this proceedings contribution, we present families of exact solutions within that class, which contain the Taub solution as a special case, and discuss their properties. In particular, we show that, for a special choice of the parameters, the solutions have a curvature singularity with direction l behaviour. For other parameter choices, the maximal globally hyperbolic region is singularity-free. We also construct extensions through the Cauchy horizons and analyse the causal structure of the solutions. Finally, we discuss the generalization from vacuum to electrovacuum and present an exact family of solutions for that case.
We study gravitational Stealths configurations, arising from a non-minimally coupled and self-interacting scalar field in a 2-dimensional dilatonic black hole background. This nontrivial scalar field has the quality of being gravitationally undetectable.
Let g be a pseudo–Riemanian metric on a manifold V with conventional n+n dimensional splitting, n ≥ 2, for a nonholonomic (non–integrable) distribution N and consider a correspondingly adapted linear metric compatible connection ˆD and its torsion ˆT, both completely determined by g. We prove that there are certain generalized frame and/or jet transforms and prolongations with (g,V) → (ˆg,ˆV) into explicit classes of solutions of some generalized Einstein equations ˆRic = Λˆg, Λ = const, encoding various types of (nonholonomic) Ricci soliton configurations and/or jet variables and symmetries, in particular, subject to the condition ˆT = 0. This allows us to construct in general form generic off–diagonal exact solutions depending on all space time coordinates on V and its jet prolongations, via generating and integration functions and various classes of constants and associated symmetries. We consider an example when exact solutions are constructed as nonholonomic jet prolongations of the Kerr metrics, with possible Ricci soliton deformations, and characterized by generalized connections.
For extremal black holes, one can construct simpler, limiting spacetimes that describe the geometry near degenerate horizons. Since these spacetimes are known to have enhanced symmetry, the limiting objects coincide for different solutions. We show that this occurs for strongly magnetised Kerr-Newman solution, and how this is related to the Meissner effect of expulsion of magnetic fields from extremal black holes.
A class of exact conformastatic solutions of the Einstein-Maxwell field equations is presented in which the gravitational and electromagnetic potentials are completely determined by a harmonic function only. The motion of test particles is investigated in the background of a space-time characterized by this class of solutions. We focus on the study of circular stable and unstable orbits obtained by taking account particular harmonic functions defining the gravitational potential. We show that is possible to have repulsive force generated by the charge distribution of the source. As the space-time here considered is singularity free we conclude that this phenomena is not exclusive to the case of naked singularities. Additionally, we obtain an expression for the perihelion advance of the test particles in a general magnetized conformastatic space-time.
Nonisentropic inflation models attempt to fully account for the quantum effects that other field degrees of freedom, other than the inflaton field, might cause on the inflaton dynamics. In particular, it is known that these quantum effects can produce both quantum and thermal stochastic noise and dissipation terms in the inflaton’s equation of motion. Here we analyze how these quantum and thermal effects can alter the possibility for producing eternal inflation in the context of different potentials for the inflaton. It is shown how these quantum generated terms can reduce the probability of the universe entering in a regime of eternal inflation and the resulting implications are discussed.
A brief summary of the application of coherent states in the examination of quantum dynamics of cosmological models is given. We discuss quantization maps, phase space probability distributions and semiclassical phase spaces. The implementation of coherent states based on the affine group resolves the hardest singularities, renders self-adjoint Hamiltonians without boundary conditions and provides a completely consistent semiclassical description of the involved quantum dynamics. We consider three examples: the closed Friedmann model, the anisotropic Bianchi Type I model and the deep quantum domain of the Bianchi Type IX model.
A crucial ingredient of success of inflationary paradigm rests on explaining the observed classicality of cosmological inhomogeneities despite their quantum origin. Although de-coherence provides a partial understanding of this issue, the question of single outcome motivates the analysis using quantum collapse models in cosmological context. We revisit one such recently proposed model of classicalization by spontaneous collapse (Continuous Spontaneous Localization, CSL) to look for possible modifications to tensor power spectra and their implications.
We study about the nucleation of Fubini type instanton in Einstein theory. Fubini instanton describes the decay of a vacuum state as a consequence of tunneling from the top of a tachyonic potential to an arbitrary state, instead of a rolling down on the potential. It corresponds to the tunneling without a barrier. We present Fubini type solutions in curved space.
This paper is to address what a fluctuation of a metric tensor becomes in early universe conditions. This metric fluctuation, in conjunction with Barbour’s work on emergent time, allows for a lower bound to a graviton mass, and this lower-bound mass for the graviton is contrasted with the NLED (nonlinear electrodynamic) calculations which may lead to an upper bound to a graviton mass. We show that the supposition of flat space uncertainty in energy is not supportable in initial phases of GR.
The Wheeler-DeWitt Equation represents a tool to study Quantum Gravity and Quantum Cosmology. Its solution in a very general context is, of course, impossible. To this purpose we consider some distortions of General Relativity like Gravity’s Rainbow, Varying Speed of Light Cosmology, Generalized Uncertainty Principle deformations and Hořava-Lifshitz gravity which could allow the calculation of some observables like the cosmological constant. For simplicity we consider only the Mini-Superspace approach related to a Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker space-time.
In this paper we study a quantum field theoretical approach, where a quantum probe is used to investigate the properties of generic non-flat FRLW space time. The fluctuations related to a massless conformal coupled scalar field defined on a space-time with horizon is identified with a probe and the procedure to measure the local temperature is presented.
We find exact general solutions to the Wheeler-DeWitt equation of a supersymmetric FRW cosmology with a scalar field. These solutions, which depend on the scalar superpotential and the scale factor, can be normalized if the superpotential satisfies suitable conditions. With this quantum state, we construct an effective theory for the scale factor of the universe where the scalar field is interpreted as an internal cosmological time. We present results of the general analysis and discussion of examples with specific superpotentials.
We summarize, in a brief manner, by means of a specific example, some of the basic essentials regarding recent results intertwining boundary conditions, the algebra of constraints and hidden symmetries in quantum cosmology. Herewith we point that if we identify integrability conditions, we can import features of supersymmetric quantum mechanics towards quantum cosmology. This opens a route towards connecting hidden symmetries, algebra of Dirac observables and boundary conditions (not ad hoc formulated) within an intrinsic supersymmetric framework. Furthermore, this endorses DeWitt’s conjecture that “the constraints are everything” and nothing else but the constraints should be needed.
Continuous Spontaneous Localisation (CSL) is a phenomenological model proposing a stochastic modification of the Schroödinger equation for solving the measurement problem. We suggest how a CSL-like stochastic modification of the Wheeler-deWitt equation can solve the problem of time and the quantum to classical transition in the vicinity of the Big Bang, while shedding light on preferred values for the cosmological constant.
We examine an Unruh-DeWitt particle detector which couples linearly to the scalar density of a massless Dirac field on the static cylindrical quotient of the (1+1)-dimensional Minkowski spacetime, allowing the detector’s motion to remain arbitrary and working to leading order in perturbation theory. We show that the detector’s response distinguishes the periodic and antiperiodic spin structures, and the zero mode that is present for periodic spinors contributes to the response by a state-dependent but well defined and controllable amount.
In this article we briefly discuss the adiabatic renormalization program for spin 1/2 fields in expanding universes. We introduce the method and provide explicit expressions for the renormalized vacuum expectation value of the stress-energy tensor. Then, we discuss its application to some cosmological scenario of physical interest. We end up sketching out the proof that adiabatic and DeWitt-Schwinger point-splitting schemes provide the same renormalized expectation values of the stress-energy tensor for Dirac fields.
We pursued the question of the influence of a strong gravitational field on the structure of the Higgs effective potential in the gauge-less top-Higgs sector of the Standard Model with an additional scalar singlet. To this end, we calculated the one-loop corrected effective potential in an arbitrary curved spacetime. We have found that the gravity induced terms in the effective potential may influence its behavior in both small and large field regions. This result indicated the necessity of a more careful investigation of the effect of high curvature in the problems concerning the stability of the Higgs effective potential in the full Standard Model.
We discuss a generalization of the Ehrenfest theorem to the recently proposed precanonical quantization of vielbein gravity which proceeds from a space-time symmetric generalization of the Hamiltonian formalism to field theory. Classical Einstein-Palatini equations are derived as the equations of expectation values of precanonical quantum operators. This is preceded by a consideration of an interacting scalar field theory in curved space-time, which shows how the classical field equations emerge from the results of precanonical quantization. It also allows us to identify the connection term in the covariant generalization of the precanonical Schrödinger equation with the spin connection.
Dirac fermions and electromagnetic fields are considered as the source of gravitation in the framework of standard Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) cosmology. It is shown that all solutions for the scale-factor a(t) are non-singular, provided the cosmological constant Λ is set to be less than the positive inverse of a quantum scale.
Kantowski-Sachs cosmological models sourced by a Skyrme field and a cosmological constant are considered in the framework of General Relativity. A qualitative analysis of the equations and some physically interesting features of the model are reviewed.
The gravitational interaction is expected to be modified for very short distances. This is particularly important in situations in which the curvature of spacetime is large in general, such as close to the initial cosmological singularity. The gravitational dynamics is then captured by the higher curvature terms in the action, making it difficult to reliably extrapolate any prediction of general relativity. In this note we review pure Lovelock equations for Kasner-type metrics. These equations correspond to a single Nth order Lovelock term in the action in d = 2N + 1, 2N + 2 dimensions, and they capture the relevant gravitational dynamics when aproaching the big-bang singularity within the Lovelock family of theories. These are classified in several isotropy types. Some of these families correspond to degenerate classes of solutions, such that their dynamics is not completely determined by the equations of pure Lovelock gravity. Instead, these Kasner solutions become sensitive to the subleading terms in the Lovelock series.
This article gives a review of a recent construction, the ambient cosmological metric, and its implications for the global geometry of the universe. According to this proposal, the universe is a bounding hypersurface carrying a conformal structure and lying at the (conformal) infinity of a new, 5-geometry which satisfies the Einstein equations with fluid sources. We discuss our main results about the implied topological nature of the conformal infinity of the ambient metric, the non-existence of spacetime singularities on the boundary, as well as the validity of cosmic censorship as a direct consequence of a new principle on the boundary.
We consider a gravitational theory that contains the Einstein term, a scalar field and the quadratic Gauss-Bonnet term. We focus on the early-universe dynamics, and demonstrate that the Ricci scalar does not affect the cosmological solutions at early times, when the curvature is strong. We then consider a pure scalar-GB theory with a quadratic coupling function: for a negative coupling parameter, we obtain solutions that contain always an inflationary, de Sitter phase, while for a positive coupling function, we find instead expanding singularity-free solutions.
Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) are apparently one-time, relatively bright radio pulses that have been observed in recent years. The origin of FRBs is currently unknown and many instruments are being built to detect more of these bursts to better characterize their physical properties and identify the source population. ALFABURST is one such instrument. ALFABURST takes advantage of the 7-beam Arecibo L-band Feed Array (ALFA) receiver on the 305-m Arecibo Radio Telescope in Puerto Rico, to detect FRBs in real-time at L-band (1.4 GHz). We present the results of recent on-sky tests and observations undertaken during the commissioning phase of the instrument. ALFABURST is now available for commensal observations with other ALFA projects.
Fast radio bursts (FRBs) constitute an emerging class of fast radio transient whose origin continues to be a mystery. Realizing the importance of increasing coverage of the search parameter space, we have designed, built, and deployed a realtime monitor for FRBs at the 305-m Arecibo radio telescope. Named ‘ALFABURST’, it is a commensal instrument that is triggered whenever the 1.4 GHz seven-beam Arecibo L-Band Feed Array (ALFA) receiver commences operation. The ongoing commensal survey we are conducting using ALFABURST has an instantaneous field of view of 0.02 sq. deg. within the FWHM of the beams, with the realtime software configurable to use up to 300 MHz of bandwidth. We search for FRBs with dispersion measure up to 2560 cm−3 pc and pulse widths ranging from 0.128 ms to 16.384 ms. Commissioning observations performed over the past few months have demonstrated the capability of the instrument in detecting single pulses from known pulsars. In this paper, I describe the instrument and the associated survey.
Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are millisecond-duration transient signals discovered over the past decade. Here we describe the scientific usefulness of FRBs, consider ongoing work at the Parkes telescope, and examine some relevant search sensitivity and completeness considerations. We also look ahead to the results from ongoing and future planned studies in the field.
Fast radio bursts (FRBs), short-duration radio pulses, are one of the most exciting topics in radio astronomy. They likely originate in other galaxies and possibly even at cosmologically significant distances. Their astrophysical origin is unknown, and progress on understanding their origins is currently focused on rapid follow-up at other wavelengths. Here we present the High Time Resolution Universe North survey underway at the Effelsberg 100-m radio telescope, which should discover a number of FRBs in the coming years. We are also working to enable realtime triggering of the Low Frequency Array, which could give us arcsec localization of FRBs detected by Effelsberg.
The association of long duration gamma-ray bursts with core-collapse supernovae has created the need to understand the dynamics of the jet propagation through the progenitor. Analytical and numerical studies have shown that said propagation has strong feedbacks on the properties of the propagating outflow as well as those of the progenitor star. In this paper, we review the progress of our understanding of the jet-star interaction and its consequences on the observed burst properties.
The analysis of 176 GRB afterglow plateaus observed by Swift with known redshifts revealed that the subsample of long GRBs associated with SNe (GRB-SNe), composed of 19 GRBs, presents a very high correlation coefficient between luminosity at the end of the plateau phase LX (Ta) = La and the end time of the plateau T*a, (hereafter LT correlation). Moreover, a category of GRBs with spectroscopically associated SNe (7 GRBs) show a higher LT correlation than any other analyzed sample, but with a steeper slope than the long GRBs for which no associated SN has been observed (hereafter GRBNO-SNe, 128 GRBs). The difference among the GRB-NO-SNe slope of 128 GRBs, and the one of the GRB-SNe (7 GRBs), which we have demonstrated through the Efron & Petrosian method18 not to be due to GRB instrumental selection bias, is statistical significant with P = 0.005. This possibly suggest that the GRB-SNe might not require a standard energy reservoir in the plateau phase unlike the GRB-NO-SNe. Furthermore, these SNe Ib/c associated with GRBs obey also the peak-magnitude stretch relation, similar to the one used to standardize the SNe Ia. Therefore, this analysis may open new perspective in future theoretical investigations of the GRBs with plateau emission and associated with SNe.
Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are cosmological explosions which carry valuable information from the distant past of the expanding universe. One of the greatest discoveries in modern cosmology is the finding of the accelerated expansion of the universe using Type Ia supernovae (SN Ia) as standard candles. However, due to the interstellar extinction SN Ia can be seen only up to a redshift z ∼ 1.5. GRBs are considered as the potential alternative to push this limit to as high as z ∼ 10, a redshift regime corresponding to an epoch when the universe just started to form the first structures. There exist several correlations between the energy and an observable of a GRB which can be used to derive luminosity distance. In recent works, we have studied spectral evolution within the individual pulses and obtained such correlations within the pulses. Here we summarize our results of the pulse-wise GRB correlation study. It is worth mentioning that all GRB correlations are still empirical, and we cannot use them in cosmology unless we understand the basic physics of GRBs. To this end, we need to investigate the prompt emission spectrum which is so far generally described by the empirical Band function. We shall discuss our current understanding of the radiation process particularly the finding of two blackbodies and a powerlaw (the 2BBPL model) as the generic spectral model and its implication. This is a work in progress and we expect to obtain the most fundamental GRB correlation based on our improved spectral model.
Gamma Ray Bursts are complicated phenomena in terms their physical origins, and several models have been proposed to depict the processes responsible for their emerging. Physical models are challenged by the spectral behavior of the prompt emission and the correlation between spectral peak energy and “intensity” (e.g., radiated energy, luminosity), which is also the most investigated “tool” to standardize GRBs in order to use them for cosmology. To understand the actual physical properties, selection effects and instrumental biases of such correlation, we have analyzed the Fermi/GBM spectra of GRBs with measured redshift as of end of 2014, resolving them in short time intervals. We provide short summary of the results, which confirms the robustness of the peak energy – intensity correlation in GRBs and put forward the time–resolved analysis as a potentially powerful tool for using GRBs to measure cosmological parameters.
There are several strong arguments for considering photospheric emission in GRBs. Here, we describe the two main appearances of the photospheric emission that are currently discussed. In the multi-component models the photosphere only contributes to a part of the spectrum, while the main part is due to optically-thin synchrotron emission. In the photospheric emission models the whole emission spectrum is from the photosphere: The emission spectrum has been altered due to subphotospheric dissipation and/or off-axis emission. In many cases, though, it is difficult to distinguish between these models on a purely statistical ground. Therefore, more detailed predictions from different physical scenarios should be tested on the observations.
Photospheric emission is an unavoidable component of the prompt emission of gamma-ray bursts. Its magnitude and spectral shape are, however, uncertain and depend on jet properties such as its magnetization and the dissipation mechanism and location. Some models call for a dominant role of photospheric emission in the prompt spectrum, while others only contain a small photospheric contribution. We present a review of numerical results on the properties of the photospheric emission in long-duration gamma-ray bursts, discussing the role of the photospheric component in the explanation of ensemble correlations and the origin of its non-thermal appearance.
The mechanism behind the prompt emission of GRBs is a longstanding mystery yet to be resolved. To tackle this issue, we present Monte Carlo simulations of a scattering dominated photon-lepton plasma. Initially in equilibrium, the photons and leptons are driven out of equilibrium by energy injection which mimics energy dissipation through shocks/magnetic reconnection. We discuss non-thermal spectral evolution (in agreement with the Band function) and how spectral correlations occur among the Band parameters, which future observations can verify. We then unveil an improved Monte Carlo code that dynamically evolves and tracks the positions and four-momenta of photons and leptons (which interact via Compton scattering) in an expanding relativistic jet. We discuss preliminary results and potential applications of this novel code.
It is now established that a thermal emission component plays a major role in shaping the prompt spectra of a non-negligible fraction of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). By studying the properties of this component in a sample of 47 GRBs, we deduce that the Lorentz factor is 102 ≲ Γ ≲ 103, with mean value 〈Γ〉 ≃ 370. The acceleration radius r0 span a wide range, 106.5 ≲ r0 ≲ 109.5 cm, with mean value 〈r0〉 ≃ 108 cm. This is higher than the gravitational radius of 10 M⊙ black hole by a factor of ≈ 30. We argue that this result provides an indirect evidence for jet propagation inside a massive star, and suggests the existence of recollimation shocks that take place at this radius. We further show that sub-photospheric dissipation of the jet kinetic energy provides a self-consistent, fully physically motivated model that can fit a wide range of GRB spectra. The leading radiative process is Comptonization of the thermal component, and synchrotron emission is sub-dominant. We create a DREAM (Dissipation with Radiative Emission as a Table Model) table model for XSPEC, and show how this model can describe different types of GRB spectra.
The induced gravitational collapse (IGC) paradigm explains a class of energetic, long-duration gamma-ray bursts associated with Ic supernovae, recently named binary-driven hypernovae. The progenitor is a tight binary system formed of a carbon-oxygen core and a neutron star companion (NS). The supernova ejecta triggers a hypercritical accretion process onto the NS, which reaches in a few seconds the critical mass, and gravitationally collapses to a black hole emitting a GRB. We here present the first estimates of the angular momentum transported by the supernova ejecta, and perform numerical simulations of the angular momentum transfer to the NS during the hypercritical accretion process in full general relativity. We show that the NS: i)reaches in a few seconds either mass-shedding limit or the secular axisymmetric instability depending on its initial mass; ii) reaches a maximum dimensionless angular momentum value, [cJ/(GM2)]max = 0.7; iii) can support less angular momentum than the one transported by supernova ejecta, hence there is an angular momentum excess which necessarily leads to jetted emission
It is widely known that the X-ray afterglows from long-duration gamma ray bursts (GRBs) are often associated with energetic Type Ic supernovae and that they approximately obey a universal scaling law. Here, we discuss a model for X-ray emission from accelerated relativistic electrons within an outgoing relativistic shock. We show that such a universal scaling imposes three constraints: 1) The shock energy is nearly the same for all bursts independently of when the shock arrives at the power-law regime, i.e. the energy in the outgoing shock (∼ 1051 ergs) is independent of the observed GRB luminosity; 2) In the power-law epoch, the shock propagates through an optically thin low-density (∼ 1 cm−3) medium; 3) The shock radiates adiabatically. These facts suggest that the late-time power-law afterglow emission derives from material in the associated supernova that is shocked by the GRB. We argue that the correlation of the observed GRB energy with the luminosity and duration of the plateau suggests that: 1) Dimmer GRBs correspond to the transport of the GRB shock through more material during breakout; and 2) Nevertheless, all GRBs energize the outgoing shock to the same energy. We suggest that these points are most consistent with the initial GRB engine occurring at different radii within the expanding SN shell as in the induced gravitational collapse paradigm.
“Sponge” model describes kinetic losses of fragmented GRB ejecta where clouds move through the rarefied medium as the source of GRB afterglow radiation. In the assumption that X-ray luminosity of GRB afterglow phase comes from the kinetic energy losses of clouds in ejecta medium radiated as synchrotron radiation we solved currently very simple equation of motion to find which combination of cloud and medium regime describes the afterglow light curve the best. We proposed for the first step to watch simple combinations of expansion regimes for both clouds and surrounding medium. The closest case to the numerical fit of GRB 150403A with time power law index k = 1.38 is the combination of constant size clouds and Sedov like expanding medium with time power law index k = 1.25. Of course the question of possible mixture of variuos regime combinations is still open within this model.
For short gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), double neutron star (NS) mergers are traditionally adopted as progenitors. We propose a classification of short bursts into two sub-classes: short gamma-ray flashes (S-GRFs) with isotropic energy Eiso ≲ 1052 erg and rest-frame spectral peak energy Ep,i ≲ 2 MeV, when the merger leads to a very massive NS (MNS), and the authentic short GRBs (S-GRBs) with Eiso ≳ 1052 erg and Ep,i ≳ 2 MeV, when a black hole (BH) is formed. Evidences for the BH formation in S-GRBs are provided by the observed high energy 0.1–100 GeV emission after the GRB emission from the e+e−-plasma transparency (P-GRB); in S-GRFs, leading to MNS, this emission is never observed. Both these sub-classes fulfill the Ep,i–Eiso relation for short GRBs. We present here the recently identified S-GRB 140619B. From the spectral analysis of the early ∼ 0.2 s, we infer an observed P-GRB temperature kT = (324 ± 33) keV, a theoretically derived redshift z = 2.67 ± 0.37, a total burst energy Etote+e−=(6.03±0.79)×1052 erg, and a baryon load B = (5.52 ± 0.73) × 10−5. We also estimate the emission of gravitational waves (GWs) of the progenitor NS–NS merger. Including all the S-GRBs so far identified, the observed rate of these sources is ρ0=(3.5+3.4−2.0)×10−4Gpc−3yr−1.
Recently we proposed the existence of two families of short GRBs, both originating from neutron star mergers: family-1 short bursts with Eiso < 1052 erg and rest-frame spectral peak energy Epeak < 2 MeV, leading to a massive neutron star as the merged core; family-2 short bursts with Eiso > 1052 erg and Epeak > 2 MeV, leading to a black hole as merged core. After the identification of the prototype GRB 090227B and GRB 140619B, we present the results of the analysis of GRB 081024B within the theoretical fireshell model. The presence of a short-lived high energy emission, which is expected to originate from the newly-born black hole, thus places this GRB 081024B among the family-2 short GRBs. From the detailed analysis we derived the redshift of the source z = 2.56 ± 1.63, its isotropic energy Eiso = (1.38 ± 0.78) × 1052 erg, and baryon load B = (5.885 ± 0.42) × 10−5. These values are consistent with the ones found in GRBs 090227B, 090510 and 140619B.
Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are the brightest explosions in the universe, yet the properties of their energy sources are far from understood. Very important clues, however, can be deduced by studying the afterglows of these events. We present observations of GRB 130831A and its afterglow obtained with Swift, Chandra, and multiple ground-based observatories. This burst shows an uncommon drop in the X-ray light curve at about 100 ks after the trigger, with a decay slope of α ≃ 7. The standard Forward Shock (FS) model offers no explanation for such a behaviour. Instead, a model in which a newly born magnetar outflow powers the early X-ray emission is found to be viable. After the drop, the X-ray afterglow resumes its decay with a slope typical of FS emission. The optical emission, on the other hand, displays no clear break across the X-ray drop and its decay is consistent with that of the late X-rays. Using both the X-ray and optical data, we show that the FS model can explain the emission after ≃ 100 ks. We model our data to infer the kinetic energy of the ejecta and thus estimate the efficiency of a magnetar “central engine” of a GRB. Furthermore, we break down the energy budget of this GRB into prompt emission, late internal dissipation, kinetic energy of the relativistic ejecta, and compare it with the energy of the accompanying supernova, SN 2013fu.
A certain degree of linear polarization has been measured in several GRB afterglows. Astonishingly, circular polarization has been recently measured in GRB121024A for the first time.
In this paper by considering Gamma Ray Burst interactions to cosmic microwave background photons through Euler-Heisenberg effective lagrangian, GRB circular polarization is discussed.
In Space Warps, a community of over 30 000 volunteers searched for lensed candidates in the Canada–France–Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey (CFHTLS). 59 new lens candidates have been identified, along with rediscovery of 60% of the previously-known candidates.
We propose that volunteers should play an integral part in the modeling of lens candidates as well. We implemented SpaghettiLens, a method allowing non-professionals to create mass models for those discovered lens candidates and to be usable in a citizen-science environment. Tests with simulated lenses show that models by experienced volunteers are comparable to those by experts. We present models of most of the Space Warps lens candidates that were produced collaboratively by a small community of lens enthusiasts from the volunteer community. These models allow for further analysis.
We consider the degeneracy problem in the physical parameters of microlensing events simultaneously observed by two telescopes. Using a Monte Carlo code we simulate the light curves caused by free-floating planets as measured by two separated telescopes simultaneously observing the same microlensing event. We find that the Einstein radius projected onto the observer plane can be measured for almost all the event detectable by both telescopes, thus allow to solve the degeneracy problem.
To accomplish correct Bayesian inference from weak lensing shear data requires a complete statistical description of the data. The natural framework to do this is a Bayesian Hierarchical Model, which divides the chain of reasoning into component steps. Starting with a catalogue of shear estimates in tomographic bins, we build a model that allows us to sample simultaneously from the the underlying tomographic shear fields and the relevant power spectra (E-mode, B-mode, and EB, for auto- and cross-power spectra). The procedure deals easily with masked data and intrinsic alignments. Using Gibbs sampling and messenger fields, we show with simulated data that the large (over 67000-) dimensional parameter space can be efficiently sampled and the full joint posterior probability density function for the parameters can feasibly be obtained. The method correctly recovers the underlying shear fields and all of the power spectra, including at levels well below the shot noise.
If really such objects like cosmological black holes exist they may be studied with a standard technique like strong and weak gravitational lensing. Cosmological voids can be explained as the result the collapse of large perturbations into black hole with masses of the order of 1014M⊙ and the expansion of the universe. The resulting image of the universe is that it is more homogeneous than expected from present observations. In this paper we discuss some lensing properties related to the cosmological black holes (CBHs), namely we consider differences in gravitational lensing for point like mass and extended mass distributions. We consider the singular isothermal sphere model as a toy (illustrative) model for an extended distribution of dark matter and a slightly more complicated isothermal sphere with a core.
We present a method to estimate the orbital period of the binary lens by using an accurate timing analysis of the residuals with respect to the best-fitting Paczyński model. The information on the orbital period may be used to further constrain the physical parameters of the lens system.
Frequency-dependent gravitational lens effects are found for trajectories of electromagnetic rays passing through a distribution of plasma near a massive object. Ray propagation through plasma adds extra terms to the equations of motion that depend on the plasma refractive index. For low-frequency rays these refractive effects can dominate, turning the gravitational lens into a mirror. While light rays behave like particles with an effective mass given by the plasma frequency in a medium with constant density, an inhomogeneous plasma introduces more complicated behavior even for the spherically symmetric case. As a physical example, the pulse profile of a compact object sheathed in a dense plasma is examined, which introduces dramatic frequency-dependent shifts from the behavior in vacuum.
We combine strong gravitational lensing (SL) analysis of galaxy clusters’ core with measurements of cluster members’ velocity dispersion to investigate the matter content of galaxies in clusters. While lensing usually constrains the overall, projected mass density, the innovative use of velocity dispersion measurements as a proxy for masses of individual cluster members breaks inherent degeneracies and allows us to refine the constraints on single galaxy masses, on the galaxy mass-to-light scaling relation, and as a result to refine the constraints on the cluster dark matter map, a high-end goal of lens modelling. We present the SL analysis of the core of the galaxy cluster Abell 383, in which we use velocity dispersion measurements of 21 individual cluster members, obtained with MMT’s Hectospec. The knowledge of cluster member velocity dispersions improves the fit by 20% in terms of the rms of the image reproduction, while constraints on the mass parameters improve by ∼ 10% for the DH and by ∼ 50% for the galaxy component. We find that galaxies in cluster cores have DM halos highly truncated, which is consistent with numerical simulations predictions. Moreover, stronger constraints on the mass profiles of individual galaxies are obtained by performing the surface brightness reconstruction of the southern giant arc.
Light rays passing close to a black hole experience very strong deflections and can give rise to infinite sequences of images for any given source. We show how these images can be analytically described for any kinds of static or rotating metrics. In the case of the Kerr metric, caustics become larger and larger for higher orders, and an exponentially large number of higher order images arises. We discuss how these results have been used in the popular movie “Interstellar”. Some perspectives for observations of the strong deflection phenomenology come from the black hole in the Galactic center, where high resolution observational efforts are being concentrated.
X-ray and radio flares in accreting black hole systems are attributed to plasmoid ejection events driven by magnetic reconnection in the coronae above the accretion disk. Such outflows resemble the solar coronal mass ejection and the flaring emission is produced by energetic electrons accelerated in this process. As the emission region is close to the black hole event horizon, this flaring emission is subject to special- and general-relativistic effects. We present explicit general relativistic radiative transfer calculations of flaring emission from plasmoids orbiting around a black hole and plasmoid ejecta launched from the inner accretion disk, thereby determining their emission lightcurves.
The Event Horizon Telescope promises to construct an image of the supermassive black hole in the Galaxy center. Since the black hole event horizon is visible only when illuminated appropriately, its direct detectability depends on the structures and radiative properties of the plasma in the nearest vicinity of the black hole. General relativistic magnetohydrodynamics simulations and corresponding radiative transfer models allow us to predict the appearance of magnetized plasma near a supermassive, rotating black hole accurately. Here, we present the details of the three-dimensional models of accreting black hole scaled to the Galactic center object. We present expected appearance of these models at the Event Horizon Telescope observing wavelengths as a function of black hole’s angular velocity and thermodynamical properties of the plasma around it. In the near future, similar models will be used to interpret the Event Horizon Telescope observations. The observations will constrain the supermassive black hole spin value and orientation and will reveal the nature of the compact synchrotron emission produced nearby the black hole.
We present two ways of modeling the spectral energy distribution of blazars in the hadronic context and discuss the predictions of each “hadronic variant„ on the spectral shape, the multi-wavelength variability, the cosmic-ray flux, and the high-energy neutrino emission. Focusing on the latter, we then present an application of the hadronic model to individual BL Lacs that were recently suggested to be the counterparts of some of the IceCube neutrinos, and conclude by discussing the contribution of the whole BL Lac class to the observed neutrino background.
We search for low-dimensional chaotic signatures in the optical lightcurve of the Kepler field blazar W2R 1926+42. The frequently used correlation integral method is employed in our analysis. We find no apparent evidence for the presence of low-dimensional chaos in the lightcurve. If further confirmed, these results could be of importance for modeling the blazar emission mechanisms.
Different observers have estimated drastically different bulk Lorentz factors and Doppler factors for the jets of the TeV blazars, depending on the method used. On the one hand, rapid variability at high energies on timescales of a few minutes and fits to the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) imply large Doppler factors approaching 100. On the other hand, jet morphologies, kinematics, and brightness temperatures measured from parsec-scale imaging with the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) imply at most modest Doppler boosting. Such modest Doppler boosting is also suggested by unification arguments. This so-called Doppler crisis may indicate the presence of structured jets in these sources, with different regions of different Lorentz factors, for example, a fast spine and a slower layer. We discuss the constraints on such structured jet models from our latest observations of these sources with the VLBA.
The location of the main emitting region responsible for the bulk of the Blazar emission is a puzzling issue in our understanding of jetted Active Galactic Nuclei. Fast flares and a high Compton dominance are more easily explained if the gamma-ray zone is well inside the Broad Line Region (BLR), while the absence of γ-γ absorption features in the Fermi-LAT spectra as well as the detection at Very High Energies (VHE) of some FSRQ put the blazar zone at much larger distances along the jet, beyond the BLR. The latter seems now to be the most typical behavior in FSRQ, questioning SED models based on the external Compton process on BLR photons.
We aim here to provide a complete sample of faint (fr ≳ 1 mJy, fx ≳ 10−15 erg cm−2 s−1) blazars and blazar candidates serendipitously discovered in deep Swift images centered on Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). By stacking all available images, we obtain exposures ranging from 104 to more than a million seconds. Since GRBs are thought to explode randomly across the sky, this set of deep fields can be considered as an unbiased survey of approximately 12 square degrees of extragalactic sky, with sensitivities reaching a few 10−15 erg cm−2 s−1 in the 0.5-2 keV band. We then derive the x-ray Log N Log S and show that, considering that our sample may be contaminated by sources other than blazars, we are in agreement with previous estimations based on data and simulations.
Blzars are extremely important for GeV-TeV astronomy; however, the number of cataloged blazars are still small relative to other AGNs. Thus, we built a HSP blazar catalog based on multi-frequency selection criteria, listing the most complete HSP blazar catalog (2WHSP) up to date. We cross-match all available radio, IR, and X-ray data, selecting only sources with Synchrotron peak larger than 1015Hz. In total the 2WHSP catalog includes 1695 objects, which are promising candidates for future high energy surveys.
The origin of the Isotropic Diffuse γ-Ray Background (IGRB) is one of the most intriguing mystery in astrophysics. Recently the Large Area Telescope (LAT) on board the Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope has measured the IGRB spectrum from 100 MeV to 820 GeV. Thousands of extragalactic sources are detected at γ-ray energies and, thanks to Fermi-LAT catalogs and to population studies, we show that the IGRB can be explained, in the entire energy range, by the γ-ray emission from unresolved misaligned Active Galactic Nuclei, blazars and Star Forming Galaxies. Finally we derive, with a dedicated analysis based on the 2FHL Fermi-LAT catalog at E > 50 GeV, the intrinsic source count distribution of blazars and demonstrate that this source population explains the 86+16−14% of the total extragalactic γ-ray background.
In an attempt to unveil faint γ-ray blazars our group uses the position of high synchrotron peak blazars (HSP) as seeds for running likelihood analysis with the Fermi Science Tools. Mainly, our candidates are part of the 1/2WHSP catalogs, which were built by multi-frequency selections schemes and are currently the largest samples of HSP blazars. Usually the new γ-ray sources are faint, and just above the threshold for detectability with Fermi-LAT, therefore hard to identified by automated search methods. Studying the TS maps to validate new γ-ray detections we end up discovering a few cases where the WHSP γ-ray signature is confused with sources from the 3FGL catalog. We were able to disentangle their signals by building TS maps in different energy bands, taking advantage of cases where sources have distinct spectral slope (Γ0.3 −500GeV) therefore dominate in distinct energy bands. Here we show an example for the 1WHSP J041458.1-533943 which is confused with 3FGL J0413.6-5334.
The propagation of strong gravitational waves interacting with a nonperturbative vacuum of spinor fields is considered. It is shown that the corresponding Einstein equation reduces to a Schrödinger-like equation with a periodic effective potential, for which a particular solution is studied in detail (the analog of the Kronig-Penney model for gravitational waves). The possibility of obtaining weak electric charge and current densities concomitant with the gravitational wave is demonstrated.
Gravitational wave detection is eagerly expected as one of the major discoveries of the next decade. A worldwide effort is currently underway, building ever-more-sensitive detectors and developing more powerful data-analysis tools. Continuous gravitational waves (CWs) are a promising class of signals for advanced detectors, and a particularly interesting type of CW sources are neutron stars in low-mass X-ray binaries, with Scorpius X-1 being the most remarkable representative. We describe the details of a project aimed to perform directed searches for CWs from binary systems. We use a search algorithm based on coherently computing a maximum likelihood statistic for a bank of signal templates, and then incoherently summing this statistic over the segments in which the entire data set has been previously split. The current strategy strongly relies on the derivation of precise analytic expressions for the (coherent and semicoherent) phase metrics of CW sources in low-eccentricity binary systems, for the two regimes of long and short segments compared to the orbital period. As an application of the metric template expressions, we estimate the optimal achievable sensitivity of an Einstein@ Home directed search for Scorpius X-1, under the assumption of sufficiently small spin wandering, and using data from the upcoming advanced detectors. We find that such a search would be able to beat the torque-balance level up to a frequency of 500–600 Hz, if orbital eccentricity is well-constrained, and up to a frequency of ∼160–200 Hz for more conservative assumptions about the uncertainty on orbital eccentricity.
The Advanced LIGO detectors commenced observations in September of 2015, while Advanced Virgo will come on-line in 2016. They will approach their target sensitivities over the subsequent years. A major goal for LIGO and Virgo will be to detect or set limits on a stochastic background of gravitational waves. A stochastic background of gravitational waves is expected to arise from a superposition of a large number of unresolved cosmological and/or astrophysical sources. A cosmologically produced background would carry unique signatures from the earliest epochs in the evolution of the Universe. Similarly, an astrophysical background would provide information about the astrophysical sources that generated it. LIGO and Virgo observations should be able to probe interesting regions of parameter space for these models. Presented here is an outline of LIGO and Virgo’s search strategies for these signals. Also discussed is how global electromagnetic noise (from the Schumann resonances) could affect this search; possible strategies to monitor and subtract this potential source of correlated noise in a the global detector network are explained.
The reconstruction of waveform is one of the most important issue of the parameter estimation of source in the GW astronomy. In this paper, we investigate a method of the waveform reconstruction of burst gravitational waves from a single detector’s data using Hilbert-Huang Transform. Moreover, we demonstrate the wave reconstruction to confirm the effectiveness of our proposed method using the simulated data. As the results, we found that the reconstructed waveforms were obtained with good accuracy from only one detector data.
Measurements of black-hole spins in gravitational wave (GW) observations with ground-based detectors are expected to be hampered by partial degeneracies between the two spins, and between the spins and the binary’s mass ratio during the inspiral. If the inspiral and merger-ringdown parts of the GW signal happen to both be in the sensitive frequency band of a GW detector, can we hope to measure both spins and break this degeneracy? Are two-spin models really necessary or are single-spin models sufficient? Using Bayesian parameter estimation we will investigate these questions for a range of configurations over the parameter space for an effective-one-body reduced order model with spins aligned with the orbital angular momentum.
We present a procedure to infer the mass of progenitors and remnants of Gamma Ray Bursts (GRB), starting from the observed Electromagnetic energy emitted isotropically and considering the associated emission of Gravitatonal Waves (GW) in the different phases. Without making any assumption, we consider a purely empirical energy balance exclusively in GW energy with a GW emitting oblate progenitor, the energy emitted in GW during the GRB phase and the GW energy emitted by the residual object after the GRB (the remnant).
We take a sample of Long GRB, and use an hybrid Monte Carlo procedure to explore, for each of them, a region of possible solutions of GW energy as a function of the masses, radii, eccentricities, rotation frequencies of progenitor and remnant and the fraction of energy emitted as GW by the GRB.
We discriminate between a Neutron Star (NS) or Black Hole (BH) for the remnant and obtain interesting values for the GW emitted by the remnant NS or BH, for the conversion factor and for the masses and radii of GRB progenitor stars. We also get remnant populations with mean masses, mean GW frequencies and GRB frequency of GW emission in agreement with the most accepted models.
Compact star binaries with origin in Population III (Pop III) stars that are first stars in the universe may coalesce even at present. Since the these compact star binaries are mainly heavy mass black holes, the gravitational waves (GWs) emitted from their coalescences are expected to be detect by second generation GW detectors, i.e. aLIGO, aVirgo and KAGRA. We perform the simulation of GW detection for Population I (Pop I), Population II (Pop II) and Pop III black hole binaries. Our model discriminant method using likelihood of observed mass distribution guesses that the indirect confirmation probability of existence of Pop III would be high with 5 σ confidence.
KAGRA is a laser interferometric gravitational wave detector under construction in the Kamioka-mine, Japan. The excavation of the tunnel was completed on March 2014. We are installing the peripherals in 2015: vacuum system, cryostat, vibration isolation system, laser, optics, digital control system and data acquisition, etc.
KAGRA will have a the first operation at room temperature mirror planned in the end of 2015, which is called as iKAGRA. iKAGRA is not only a first observation of KAGRA, but also an end-to-end test of the whole KAGRA system including data analysis.
Schenberg is a detector of gravitational waves resonant mass type. The central frequency of operation is 3200 Hz. Transducers located on the surface of the resonating sphere according to a distribution half-dodecahedron are used to monitor a strain amplitude. The development of mechanical impedance matchers that act by increasing the coupling of the transducers with the sphere is a major challenge because of the high frequency and small in size. The objective of this work is to study the spectral density curve deformation noise obtained by finite element modeling (FEM), compared to the result of the simplified model for mass-spring type system modeling verifying if that is suitable for the determination of sensitivity detector, as the conclusion the both modelling give the same results.
We will report the present status of development of KAGRA Algorithmic Library (KAGALI) for data analysis of gravitational waves. It includes the concept and the basic structure of the library.
The dispersion force between two perfectly conducting parallel plane surfaces, referred to as the Casimir force, depends not only on the optical properties of the interacting slabs but also on those of any additional material in the gap between the boundaries. We show by the effective medium analogy that a gravitational wave traveling through a Casimir cavity induces a time-dependent force possibly detectable by a differential opto-mechanical parametric amplification strategy in an asymmetrical torsion oscillator.
The Advanced Virgo project was funded in 2009 with the aim of improving the sensitivity of the Virgo interferometric detector for gravitational waves by a factor of ten, which corresponds to an increase in the detection rate by about three orders of magnitude. The upgrade is now close to completion: the new interferometer will enter its commissioning phase in 2016. The new detector will be hosted in the same infrastructure as Virgo, but many technological upgrades have been put in place to reach the sensitivity goal. In this paper the detector design and the observational perspectives are discussed.
Superconducting reentrant cavities can be used in parametric transducers for gravitational wave antennas. The Mario Schenberg detector, which is being built by the GRAVITON group at Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), basically consists of a resonant mass (ball) and a set of parametric transducers in order to monitor the fundamental modes of vibration. When coupled to the antenna, the transducer-sphere system will work as a mass-spring system. In this work the main task is the development of parametric transducers consisting of reentrant superconducting cavity with high performance to be implemented in the Mario Schenberg detector. Many geometries, materials and designs have been tested and compared to optimize parameters such as electric and mechanical Q-factor. The aim is the construction of a complete set of nine parametric transducers that, attached to the spherical antenna, will possibly reach the sensitivity h ∼ 10−22 Hz−1/2 in the near future.
This work builds on a private communication detailing the potential for a LISA Pathfinder (LPF) test of the inverse square law. Various sources are explored as tests of this law using basic calculations, and plotted with the potential contribution from LPF based on a measurement of the acceleration gradient through the Sun-Earth gravitational saddle point. It is found that an intermediate acceleration range could be filled by this measurement, but would not reach the lower accelerations that other systems have reached.
Interplanetary high-energy ions and electrons penetrate and charge metal free-falling test-masses aboard the interferometers devoted to gravitational wave detection in space. The charging of the LISA Pathfinder (LISA-PF) gold-platinum test masses due to galactic cosmic-ray (GCR) protons and helium nuclei was simulated with the Fluka Monte Carlo program in a previous work. The role of the interplanetary electrons is discussed here. Present results can be extended to other missions and, in particular, to the second-generation space interferometers.
Several models of (quantum) gravity predict tiny violations of Lorentz Invariance (LI) at microscopic (Planckian) scales, which increase with the energy of the probe and amplified with the distance of the source. Thus, astrophysical/cosmological energetic probes provide the best test grounds of LI. The talk reviews the status and prospects of such tests, using high-energy cosmic γ detectors. The Ĉerenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is an excellent experimental tool for making such tests with sensitivities exceeding those possible using other detectors.
The propagation of very high energy gamma-rays (E > 100 GeV) over cosmological distances is limited by pair-production processes with the ubiquitous extra-galactic soft photon background in the optical to near infra-red. The detailed spectroscopy of gamma-ray emitting blazars has revealed the signature of this absorption process leading to a meaningful measurement of the background photon field which is linked to the star forming history of the universe. Deviations from the expected absorption have been claimed in the past. Here the status of the observations is summarized, an update on the search for anomalous transparency is given and discussed.
A preliminary conceptual design is presented for a large ground array, LATTES, dedicated to the study of high energy gamma rays in the TeV region. LATTES will be located in South America at high altitude, about 5000 m a.s.l.
We study the high energy photon interaction with cosmic microwave background (CMB) and calculate the optical depth due to Euler-Heisenberg photon-photon scattering at cosmological redshift. According to our results the photon-photon scattering is predominant with respect to the Breit-Wheeler pair production at energies below 1 GeV. However, it is relevant for sources of high energy photons at high redshift z > 100. We also discuss implications of our results for two astrophysical observations of gamma-ray bursts and blazars.
The IceCube Neutrino Observatory, located at the geographic South Pole, is designed to detect high-energy neutrinos from galactic and extragalactic sources. Results from searches for high-energy neutrinos are presented here, including the first detection of a diffuse flux of high-energy neutrinos of extraterrestrial origin with energies between about 30 TeV and 2 PeV. The latest results based on the four-year data set, with a livetime of 1347 days, are shown. In this sample, 54 neutrino candidate events were found. In addition, the analysis of approximately 35,000 muon neutrinos from the Northern sky, extracted from data taken during 659.5 days of live-time is presented. Finally, the future plans to improve the IceCube facility with both high and low energy arrays are discussed.
The quest to understand the nature dark matter is one of the most relevant ones in Particle Physics nowadays, since it constitutes most of the matter of the Universe and it is still unknown what it is made of. In order to answer to this question, a multi-front attack is needed because our knowledge of its properties is very incomplete. Among the different experimental strategies, neutrino telescopes are very relevant tools. There are several promising sources to look at: the Sun, the Galactic Center, the Earth, dwarf galaxies, galaxy clusters… As an example of the power of neutrino telescopes, we can mention the analysis of the Sun, which offers the best sensitivity for spin dependent WIMP-nucleon scattering and is free of alternative astrophysical interpretations. In this talk I will review the status and prospects of the main present and future neutrino telescopes: ANTARES, IceCube and KM3NeT.
The high-energy neutrino events observed by IceCube are analyzed to probe the initial flavor of cosmic neutrinos. We used the subset of data, containing the events with deposited energy above 60 TeV, where the signal is expected to dominate on the background in this energy range. The different mechanisms of production give rise to different predictions, even accounting for uncertainties due to neutrino oscillations. The flavor ratio matches the expectations derived from standard production mechanisms and neutrino oscillations.
After the discovery of a cosmic neutrino diffuse flux by the IceCube detector, the search for its origin has become a key mission in high energy astrophysics. Particularly interesting is the indication (although not significant with the present IceCube statistics) of an excess of signal events from the Southern sky: this region is where the ANTARES detector, the largest neutrino telescope in the Northern hemisphere, is at its best for what concerns sensitivity and performance. Indeed, the ANTARES sensitivity is good enough to constrain the origin of a fraction of the IceCube excess. Assuming different spectral indexes for the energy spectrum of neutrino emitters, the Southern sky and in particular central regions of our Galaxy are studied, searching for point-like objects and for extended regions of emission; the results of the unblinded analyses will be presented.
An unambiguous identification of the emitting neutrino sources of the high-energy cosmic neutrino flux reported by Icecube requires km3 neutrino telescopes with a large sky coverage and good angular resolution. The KM3NeT Collaboration aims at building a cubic kilometre scale neutrino telescope in the depths of the Mediterranean Sea. The detector technology has been validated with prototypes operating at a depth of 2500m and 3500m. The modular nature of the detector allows for a staged implementation with increasing size. KM3NeT phase-1, made of 32 structures with an instrumented volume of 0.1 km-cube, has been funded and will be deployed off-shore Capo Passero-Italy (KM3NeT-It) by 2016. Following this phase, a project called KM3NeT 2.0 has been proposed with an upgraded physics program including the measure of the neutrino mass hierarchy off-shore Toulon (ORCA). KM3NeT/ARCA, the extension of the phase- 1 detector to 1-2 km3, will be dedicated to high-energy neutrino astronomy, allowing the almost full survey of the neutrino sky including the region of the galactic centre. The characteristics of sea water allow to measure the neutrino direction with very good angular resolution also for cascade events. The KM3NeT/ARCA sensitivity will allow to detect the flux measured by Icecube within less than one year of observation, while within about four years of observation KM3NeT/ARCA could give indications at 3-sigma level on some candidate galactic point-like sources.
ASTROSAT is India’s first multi-wavelength astronomy satellite, was successfully launched on 2015 September 28 by PSLV in a ∼650 km near-equatorial orbit. It can be used to study astronomical objects in a wide range of electromagnetic energy band from UV to hard X-rays. With a very high spectral, timing as well as spacial resolutions from different scientific instruments of the satellite, one can make a detailed spectral and timing study of transient black hole candidates (BHCs) during their outbursts. Recently, we have included Chakrabarti-Titarchuk (1995) Two-Component Advective Flow (TCAF) model in HEASARC’s spectral analysis package XSPEC as a local additive table model to fit black hole with the model, and we found that it is quite capable of explaining both the spectral and temporal properties of BHCs very successfully. Multi-wavelength data of ASTROSAT is expected to provide some useful data to understand spectral as well as temporal variability of transient BHCs using TCAF solution. Here, we discuss various aspects of TCAF which can be verified from ASTROSAT data.
We describe the LAUE project devoted to develop a technology for building a 20 meter long focal length Laue lens for hard X–/soft gamma–ray astronomy (80–600 keV). The Laue lens is designed to be composed of bent crystals made of of Gallium Arsenide (GaAs, 220) and Germanium (Ge, 111). For the first time, the focusing property of bent crystals has been exploited for this field of applications. We show the results concerning the adhesive employed to fix the crystal tiles on the lens support, the positioning accuracy obtained and possible further improvements. The final goal is to develop a focusing optics that can improve the sensitivity of the current hard X–/soft γ–ray telescopes in the defined energy band by 2 orders of magnitude.
The Transient High Energy Sky and Early Universe Surveyor (THESEUS) is a mission concept under development by a large international collaboration aimed at exploiting gamma-ray bursts for investigating the early Universe. The main scientific objectives of THESEUS include: investigating the star formation rate and metallicity evolution of the ISM and IGM up to redshift ∼9–10, detecting the first generation (pop III) of stars, studying the sources and physics of re-ionization, detecting the faint end of galaxies luminosity function. These goals will be achieved through a unique combination of instruments allowing GRB detection and arcmin localization over a broad FOV (more than 1sr) and an energy band extending from several MeVs down to 0.3 keV with unprecedented sensitivity, as well as on-board prompt (few minutes) follow-up with a 0.6m class IR telescope with both imaging and spectroscopic capabilities. Such instrumentation will also allow THESEUS to unveil and study the population of soft and sub-energetic GRBs, and, more in general, to perform monitoring and survey of the X-ray sky with unprecedented sensitivity.
The High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) Gamma-Ray Observatory is a water Cherenkov ground array with the capability to distinguish 100 GeV - 100 TeV gamma rays from the hadronic cosmic-ray background. HAWC is uniquely suited to study extremely high energy cosmic-ray sources, search for regions of extended Galactic gammaray emission, identify transient phenomena, such gamma-ray binaries and gamma-ray bursts, and monitor active Galactic Nuclei. Operation began mid-2013 with the partially-completed detector. Here we will outline the water Cherenkov technique to detect multi-TeV photons and highlight the first results from the analysis of the HAWC data.
The scientific goals of the GAMMA-400 space mission and the design of the new spacebased gamma-ray telescope GAMMA-400 are presented. GAMMA-400 is a dual experiment dedicated to the study of gamma rays and electrons, protons and nuclei. It has aimed to a broad range of scientific topics, such as search for signatures of dark matter, studies of Galactic and extragalactic gamma-ray sources, especially Galactic Center, Galactic and extragalactic diffuse emission, as well as high-precision measurements of cosmic rays spectra. GAMMA-400 will have the best parameters when measuring gamma rays: the angular resolution ∼0.01 deg. (at 100 GeV), the energy resolution ∼1% (at 100 GeV), and the proton rejection factor ∼106 and will be able to measure gamma-ray and cosmic-ray electron + positron fluxes in the energy range from 100 MeV to 20 TeV, as well as protons and nuclei up to the knee (1015-1016 eV).
CALET (CALorimetric Electron Telescope) is a high energy astroparticle physics experiment planned for a long exposure mission aboard the International Space Station (ISS) by the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency, in collaboration with the Italian Space Agency (ASI) and NASA. The main science goal is high precision measurements of the inclusive electron (+positron) spectrum below 1 TeV and the exploration of the energy region above 1 TeV, where the shape of the high end of the spectrum might unveil the presence of nearby sources of acceleration. CALET has been designed to achieve a large proton rejection capability (>105) with a fine grained imaging calorimeter (IMC) followed by a total absorption calorimeter (TASC), for a total thickness of 30 X0 and 1.3 proton interaction length. With an excellent energy resolution and a lower background contamination with respect to previous experiments, CALET will search for possible spectral signatures of dark matter with both electrons and gamma rays. CALET will also measure the high energy spectra and relative abundance of cosmic nuclei from proton to iron and will detect trans-iron elements up to Z∼40. The charge identification of individual nuclear species is performed by a dedicated module (CHD) at the top of the apparatus and by multiple dE/dx measurements in the IMC. With a large exposure and high energy resolution, CALET will be able to verify and complement the observations of CREAM, PAMELA and AMS-02 on a possible deviation from a pure power-law of proton and He spectra in the region of a few hundred GeV and to extend the study to the multi-TeV region. CALET will also contribute to clarify the present experimental picture on the energy dependence of the boron/carbon ratio, below and above 1 TeV/n, thereby providing valuable information on cosmic-ray propagation in the galaxy. Gamma-ray transients will be studied with a dedicated Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM).
The protoMIRAX hard X-ray imaging telescope is a balloon-borne experiment developed as a pathfinder for the MIRAX satellite mission. In this work we describe the protoMIRAX instrument and all the subsystems of its balloon gondola, and we show simulated results of the instrument performance. Detailed background and imaging simulations have been performed for protoMIRAX balloon flights. The 3σ sensitivity for the 30 − 200 keV range is ∼ 1.9 × 10−5 photons cm−2 s−1 for an integration time of 8 h at an atmospheric depth of 2.7 g cm−2 and an average zenith angle of 30°. We present the results of Monte Carlo simulations of the camera response at balloon altitudes, showing the expected background level and the detailed sensitivity of protoMIRAX. We also present the results of imaging simulations of the Crab region. The results show that protoMIRAX is capable of making spectral and imaging observations of bright hard X-ray source fields. Furthermore, the balloon observations will carry out very important tests and demonstrations of MIRAX hardware and software in a near space environment.
We will read, through the Emmy Noether paper and the two concepts of ‘proper’ and ‘improper’ conservation laws, the problem, posed by Hilbert, of the nature of the law of conservation of energy in the theory of General Relativity. Epistemological issues involved with the two kind of conservation laws will be enucleate.
The Milanese period in Albert Einstein’s life is a key one for the understanding of the development of his scientific questionings. While being a student in Zürich from 1896, Einstein returned regularly to Milan to meet his family for the holidays. There, he could work on the most recent articles in physics at the rich library of the Lombardo Institute, Academy of Sciences and Letters. Hopefully, this new perspective will help to trace back more accurately a few of his scientific ideas, such as the need to expand his first doctoral work on molecular forces to weakly compressed gases or as to conceive a first idea of light quanta.
The success of the first measurement of the light bending by the solar gravitational field is due to the particular stellar field during the Eddington’s 1919 total eclipse of the Sun, near the Hyades, giving the opportunity to measure the gravitational bending of the light to the astronomers in two expeditions in Brazil, Sobral, and on the Principe Island in the Atlantic Ocean. The geometrical properties of this field and another field in Leo are discussed in view of repeating this experiment of General Relativity with SOHO satellite LASCO C2 coronograph data in the context of the International Year of Light 2015.
In MG13 (Stockholm 2012) we discussed how the history (1900-1911) of relativistic dynamics was intimately linked to issues concerning energy momentum tensors, in particular the electromagnetic one. Here we examine how, for Einstein, the expected properties of the matter and gravitational field tensors have been sources of inspiration strongly conditioning his quest for a relativistic description of gravitation. It is in this physical framework already present in 1912 that in competition with Hilbert at the fall of 1915, he thinks to have justified general covariance.
The names of the Italian mathematicians Ricci and Levi-Civita have been enshrined in the theory of general relativity since Einstein seized on the absolute differential calculus as the indispensable mathematical tool for expressing his uniquely determined gravitational equations. The physicist’s long-standing indifference to mathematics changed abruptly as he struggled with the theory, methods, and notation of the calculus developed and refined by Gregorio Ricci Curbastro, together with Tullio Levi-Civita at the University of Padua, before the end of the nineteenth century. While mathematicians and physicists are familiar with the Ricci tensor, by and large they know very little else about the mathematician for whom this symbol in differential geometry is named. This talk is a brief introduction to the story of his life.
A fierce debate on relativity theory opened in Czechoslovakia after the review of Einstein’s Meaning of Relativity (1923) appeared in Časopis pro pěstování. matematiky a fysiky (Journal for the Cultivation of Mathematics and Physics) in 1924, written by Brno professor of theoretical physics Bohumil Hostinský (1884–1951). It was accompanied by a disclaimer written by another renowned Czech physicist, František Záviška (1879–1945). The positions of the two physicists remained unchanged for years, but while Záviška was joined in his defense of relativity by Arnošt Dittrich (1878–1959) and Františk Nachtikal (1875–1939), Hostinský remained alone in his rejection. In my contribution, I look at the debate through the lens of articles and discussions published in the philosophical journal Ruch filosofický and the membership journal of the Union of Czechoslovak Mathematicians and Physicists, Časopis pro pěstování. matematiky a fysiky.
Albert Einstein and Marcel Grossmann collaborated in their search for a relativistic theory of gravitation in the years 1912–1914. Famously, Grossmann introduced Einstein to the tools of tensor calculus, but the two friends did not succeed in finding the correct gravitational field equations. The episode has been discussed extensively in the historical literature. We briefly review the recently proposed dynamical inferential conception of the application of mathematics in order to analyze Marcel Grossmann’s contribution to the emergence of general relativity.
We show that the revitalization of General Relativity (GR) in Rome during the 1960s was mainly shaped by the confluence of two different research programs centered around two authoritative figures: the first was the focusing of former Levi–Civita’s student Carlo Cattaneo on the mathematical problems of GR and the establishment of a research group in Rome; the second was sparked by the return in Italy of the astrophysicist Livio Gratton in 1960. We also argue that the material possibilities for a novel confluence between previously separated fields in the Roman environment was made possible by deep institutional changes and, especially, by the organizational choices and visions of Edoardo Amaldi who was leading the postwar reconstruction of Italian physics.
Unedited documents and letters allowed to establish that Edoardo Amaldi’s first interests in experiments on gravitation date back to the late 1950s, about twelve years before the beginning of the research activity in gravitational wave (GW) detection in Rome (1970). Amaldi was connected to the main protagonists of the historical phenomenon that many historians call the Renaissance of General Relativity (GR), characterised by the new attitude of the scientific world towards Einstein’s theory of gravitation, which had its start in the middle of the 1950s and which grew along the 1960s, with the birth of relativistic astrophysics. Since the second half of the 1960s, Amaldi’s will of beginning an experimental activity for detecting gravitational radiation clearly emerges.
Quark-novae leave behind quark stars with a surrounding metal-rich fall-back (ring-like) material. These compact remnants have high magnetic fields and are misconstrued as magnetars; however, several observational features allow us to distinguish a quark star (left behind by a quark-nova) from a neutron star with high magnetic field. In our model, bursting activity is expected from intermittent accretion events from the surrounding fallback debris leading to X-ray bursts (in the case of a Keplerian ring) or gamma ray bursts (in the case of a co-rotating shell). The details of the spectra are described by a constant background X-ray luminosity from the expulsion of magnetic flux tubes which will be temporarily buried by bursting events caused by accretion of material onto the quark star surface. These accretion events emit high energy photons and heat up the quark star and surrounding debris leading to hot spots which may be observable as distinct blackbodies. Additionally, we explain observed spectral line features as atomic lines from r-process material and explain an observed anti-glitch in an AXP as the transfer of angular momentum from a surrounding Keplerian disk to the quark star.
The nuclear equation of state is still a very challenging issue for nuclear astrophysics, determining the masses and radii of neutron stars as well as the properties of core-collapse supernovae. Many nuclear modeling, being more or less phenomenological, exist but the relation between their parameters and the final astrophysical observation is usually quite complex and requires statistical analysis. In this talk, we will present a purely phenomenological equation of state which is able to mimic all existing modelings that we have tested. It stands for an unifying model for the nuclear equation of state, which main advantage is the clear relation between the empirical parameters of nuclear matter and the parameters of the model. We first apply this new approach to understand the relation between masses and radii of neutron stars and empirical parameters and identify the most determinant ones.
In addition to its general importance, the study of neutron stars serves as a crucial complement to relativistic heavy-ion physics in the exploration of strongly interacting matter at high temperatures and/or densities. Heavy-ion collisions typically sample conditions of high temperature, whereas neutron star properties like stellar masses are determined by the equation of state at low temperatures and high densities. In recent years, the measurements of two-solar mass stars have triggered many theoretical studies that translated the findings into possible constraints on the existence of exotic matter in neutron stars. Most analyses show that, as a consequence, the amount of strange hadronic matter in stars is severely limited. However, this restriction is not as clear in the case of strange quarks in hybrid stars. Results of calculations of stellar matter including hyperons and quarks are shown in this work. The possibility of strange hybrid stars and twin star solutions are discussed. In addition vector-meson condensation in the stellar core is investigated.
First-order phase transitions (PTs) with more than one globally conserved charge, so-called noncongruent PTs, have characteristic differences compared to congruent PTs (e.g., dimensionality of phase diagrams and location of critical points and endpoints). Here we discuss the noncongruent features of the QCD PT and compare it with the nuclear liquid-gas (LG) PT, for symmetric and asymmetric matter in heavy-ion collisions and neutron stars. In addition, we have identified a principle difference between the LG and the QCD PT: they have opposite slopes in the pressure-temperature plane.
The preliminary results towards the construction of a complete equation of state (EoS) for core-collapse supernova simulations and neutron star studies are presented. The uniform matter made of nucleons is treated using the the quark-meson coupling (QMC) model. This preliminary study is performed at zero temperature.
The influence of intense magnetic fields on the phase structure of cold quark matter is investigated using some extended versions of the SU(2)f NJL model. We consider first one that includes general flavor mixing and vector interactions. Charge neutrality and beta equilibrium effects, which are relevant to the study of compact stars are taken into account for this case. Finally, superconducting quark matter is also studied through the introduction of diquark pairing interactions.
We investigate the effect of symmetry energy slope L on the pasta phase within a model of quantum molecular dynamics (QMD). To obtain the effect of L alone, we take only one QMD Hamiltonian and extend it to include non-linear terms in the isospin dependent interaction. Unlike earlier results, it is found that the phase diagram of the pasta phase does not depend much on L.
We investigate the kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillations of low-mass X-ray binaries within the Hartle-Thorne spacetime. On the basis the relativistic precession model we extract the total mass M, angular momentum J, and quadrupole moment Q of a compact object in a low-mass X-ray binary by analyzing the data of the Z-source GX 5-1. In view of the recent neutron star model we compute the radius, angular velocity and other parameters of this source by imposing the observational and theoretical constraints on the massradius relation.
The explosion of ultra-stripped stars in close binaries may explain new discoveries of weak and fast optical transients. We have demonstrated that helium star companions to neutron stars (NSs) may evolve into naked metal cores as low as ∼ 1.5 M⊙, barely above the Chandrasekhar mass limit, by the time they explode. Here we present a new systematic investigation of the progenitor evolution leading to such ultra-stripped supernovae (SNe), in some cases yielding pre-SN envelopes of less than 0.01 M⊙. We discuss the nature of these SNe (electron-capture vs iron core-collapse) and their observational light-curve properties. Ultra-stripped SNe are highly relevant for binary pulsars, as well as gravitational wave detection of merging NSs by LIGO/VIRGO, since these events are expected to produce mainly low-kick NSs in the mass range 1.10 − 1.80 M⊙.
We have explored the Eu production in the Milky Way by means of a very detailed chemical evolution model. In particular, we have assumed that Eu is formed in merging neutron star (or neutron star-black hole) binaries as well as in Type II supernovae. We have tested the effects of several important parameters influencing the production of Eu during the merging of two neutron stars, such as (i) the time-scale of coalescence, (ii) the Eu yields and (iii) the range of initial masses for the progenitors of the neutron stars. The yields of Eu from Type II supernovae are very uncertain, more than those from coalescing neutron stars, so we have explored several possibilities. We have compared our model results with the observed rate of coalescence of neutron stars, the solar Eu abundance, the [Eu/Fe] versus [Fe/H] relation in the solar vicinity. Our main results can be summarized as follows: (i) neutron star mergers can be entirely responsible for the production of Eu in the Galaxy if the coalescence time-scale is no longer than 1 Myr for the bulk of binary systems, the Eu yield is around 3 · 10−6M⊙ and the mass range of progenitors of neutron stars is 9-50 M⊙; (ii) both Type II supernovae and merging neutron stars can produce the right amount of Eu if the neutron star mergers produce 2·10−6M⊙ per system and Type II supernovae, with progenitors in the range 20-50 M⊙, produce yields of Eu of the order of 10−8 − 10−9M⊙; iv) The observed spread in the [Eu/Fe] ratio in Milky Way halo stars can be reproduced if an inhomogeneous stochastic model is adopted for the early phases of the halo formation.
The recent discovery of a neutron star accretor in the ultra-luminous X-ray (ULX) source M82 X-2 challenges our understanding of high-mass X-ray binary formation and evolution. By combining binary population synthesis and detailed mass-transfer models, however, we show that the binary parameters of M82 X-2 are not surprising provided non-conservative mass transfer is allowed. Specifically, the donor-mass lower limit and orbital period measured for M82 X-2 lie near the most probable values predicted by population synthesis models, and systems such as M82 X-2 exist in approximately 13% of the galaxies with star formation history similar to M82. This work is presented in detail in Fragos et al.
In 2013 April a new magnetar, SGR1745−2900, was discovered as it entered an outburst, at an angular separation of only 2.4 arcsec from the supermassive black hole at the centre of the Milky Way, Sagittarius A*. The new source was detected both in the radio and X-ray bands, with a peak X-ray luminosity LX ∼ 5 × 1035 erg s−1, and it has a spin-down magnetic field of ∼ 2 × 1014 G. Here we report on the long-term Chandra (twenty-six observations) and XMM–Newton (eight observations) X-ray monitoring campaign of SGR 1745−2900 from the onset of the outburst in 2013 April until 2014 September. This magnetar shows a slow flux decay compared to other magnetars and a rather inefficient surface cooling. Starquake-induced crustal cooling models alone have difficulty in explaining the high luminosity of the source for the first ∼200 d of its outburst. Additional heating of the star surface from currents flowing in a twisted magnetic bundle is probably playing an important role in the outburst evolution.
We discuss prospects for the most stable space-qualified atomic clocks to test general relativity in potential future satellite missions in Earth orbit. By comparing the tick rate of a clock on a satellite to ground clocks, the redshift is obtained. Choosing a highly eccentric orbit will boost relativistic effects at pericenter due to low altitude and high velocity. We find that with a clock having a fractional timing instability of 10−15 to 10−16 on such an orbit, one can measure a host of relativistic effects. These include frame-dragging and the Shapiro delay of the signal light pulses. In optimistic scenarios, higher order (spin-squared) effects are measurable. Additionally, this kind of mission tests alternative theories of gravity in the neighborhood of the Earth. We find that the PPN parameters γ and β can be constrained to the 10−6 level. Current constraints are at the 10−5 level coming from radio signals of the Cassini mission traveling through the Sun’s gravitational field and planetary ephemerides. It is important to probe gravitation around different central objects since some alternative theories predict different behavior around e.g. the Earth and the Sun due to screening mechanisms.
Atom interferometer has developed rapidly over the past two decades and it is currently one of the most intriguing and promising frontiers of precision metrology, opening up unprecedented prospects. We present a device of 87Rb cold atom interferometer based on cold atomic fountain. It is used in Gravity detection. Compared with our previous work, the atomic fountain is improved and a better optical phase-locked loop system is used to reduce the phase noise of Raman beams. The sensitivity of gravimeter has been improved.
General Relativity can reject the emptiness of 3-space and can reinforce its flatness due to inherent symmetries of 4D geometry. Nonempty flat space varies paths of light rays like a continuous material medium plus gravitation varies a local time rate. This reading explains the double light bending without departure from 3D Euclidean geometry. All GR tests can be described quantitatively through flat material space instead of ‘warped emptiness’.
Within 5-10 years, submillimeter VLBI facilities will be hopefully able to image the “shadow” of SgrA*. When a black hole is surrounded by an optically thin emitting medium, the boundary of the shadow corresponds to the apparent photon capture sphere and only depends on the background metric. An accurate determination of the shape of the shadow of SgrA*. could constrain possible deviations from the Kerr solution. In combination with other measurements, these observations could test the Kerr black hole paradigm.
We discuss a shadow concept introduced by Falcke, Melia and Agol (2000). We present estimates of shadow sizes for different parameters of black hole at the Galactic Center. We discuss results of observations of the smallest spot at the Galactic Center and their connections with the shadow size. We describe analytical dependencies of shadow sizes as functions of charge and cosmological constant and discuss opportunity to get better fits with anti-de-Sitter or Reissner–Nordström black hole models.
We address the bending of light when the quantum electrodynamic vacuum is modified by non-charge-like sources. The magnetic field of a neutron star can make a gradient for the index of refraction from the nonlinear electrodynamic effect. We calculate the bending angle when a light ray passes around a magnetized neutron star. We also calculate the bending of light by a black body radiation assuming that a neutron star is an isothermal black body. We estimate the order of magnitude for both bending angles and compare them with the bending angle by gravitation.
Isolated objects are normally matched to an exterior Schwarzschild metric asymptotically falling down as 1/r. However, some metrics falling faster than Schwarzschild are known: the Ellis wormhole, for example, falls as 1/r2. Similar metrics have also been studied in the context of gravitational lensing, since they give rise to characteristic defocusing effects. Here we present a full classification and investigation of metrics with non-Schwarzschild weak field limit, analyzing the physical properties of the sources that support them, including the validity of energy conditions and the observational consequences of such metrics. Interestingly, we notice that even a minimally coupled scalar field with a simple power law potential can support a metric falling as 1/rq with arbitrary exponent. The observation of objects with non-Schwarzschild metrics would be the signature of local violations of the energy conditions.
The standard definition of gravitational lensing magnification is generalized to Lorentzian spacetimes, and it is shown how it can be interpreted geometrically in terms of the van Vleck determinant and the exponential map. This is joint work with Amir B. Aazami (Kavli IPMU, University of Tokyo).
The Event Horizon Telescope promises to construct an image of the supermassive black hole in the Galaxy center. Since the black hole event horizon is visible only when illuminated appropriately, its direct detectability depends on the structures and radiative properties of the plasma in the nearest vicinity of the black hole. General relativistic magnetohydrodynamics simulations and corresponding radiative transfer models allow us to predict the appearance of magnetized plasma near a supermassive, rotating black hole accurately. Here, we present the details of the three-dimensional models of accreting black hole scaled to the Galactic center object. We present expected appearance of these models at the Event Horizon Telescope observing wavelengths as a function of black hole’s angular velocity and thermodynamical properties of the plasma around it. In the near future, similar models will be used to interpret the Event Horizon Telescope observations. The observations will constrain the supermassive black hole spin value and orientation and will reveal the nature of the compact synchrotron emission produced nearby the black hole.
While it is expected that Sgr A* is described by the Kerr solution, general relativity has yet to be tested rigorously in the strong-field regime. It is eminently possible that alternative spacetimes, and even alternative theories of gravity may describe the black hole candidate in our Galactic centre. To this end, we investigate the possibility of distinguishing a black hole in the Kerr-Taub-NUT (KTN) spacetime from the standard Kerr solution. Coupling ray-tracing calculations with a fully covariant general-relativistic (GR) radiative transport formalism we calculate and compare the observed electromagnetic emissions and images from the vicinity of both KTN and Kerr spacetimes.
We show that photons may be redshifted or blueshifted when interacting with the field of an overcritical dipole, which incorporates the one-loop QED corrections coming from vacuum polarization. Using the effective metric, it follows that such effect depends on the polarization of the photon. The shifts, plotted against the azimuthal angle for various values of the magnetic field, may show an intensity comparable to the gravitational redshift for a magnetar. To obtain these results, we have corrected previous literature.
This article summarizes how to calculate analytically the shadow of a Kerr–Newman– NUT black hole with a cosmological constant. The essential point is the existence of (unstable) spherical light rays in a region K because they determine the boundary of the shadow. Finally, the analytical formulas for the boundary of the shadow are used to calculate its angular diameter for different geometries.
We briefly review some recent advances in the study of the shadows of rotating black holes in alternative theories. The size and the shape of the shadow depend on the mass and the angular momentum, and they can also depend on other parameters specific of the particular model adopted. As an example, we show the results corresponding to a rotating braneworld black hole.
This contribution presents the analytical solution of the inverse ray tracing problem for photons emitted by a star and collected by an observer located in the gravitational field of the Solar System. This solution has been conceived to suit the accuracy achievable by the ESA Gaia satellite (launched on December 19, 2013) consistently with the measurement protocol in General Relativity adopted within the RAMOD framework. Aim of this study is to provide a general relativistic tool for the science exploitation of such a revolutionary mission, whose main goal is to trace back star directions from within our local curved space-time, therefore providing a three-dimensional map of our Galaxy. The calculations are performed assuming that the massive bodies of the Solar System move uniformly and have monopole and quadrupole structures. The results are useful for a thorough comparison and cross-checking validation of what already exists in the field of Relativistic Astrometry. Moreover, such an analytical solutions can be extended to model other measurements that require the same order of accuracy as that expected for Gaia.
Ring laser (RL) gyroscopes are, at present, the most precise sensors of absolute angular velocity. In the near future, their application is foreseen to provide ground based tests of General Relativity. We have recently proposed a tri-axial array of RLs that can reach the sensitivity, accuracy, and long term stability required to measure the inertial frame dragging induced by the rotating Earth, as predicted by General Relativity. The effect, also known Lense-Thirring effect, amounts for the Earth to 1 part in 109 of its rotation rate, thus requiring an unprecedented sensitivity and accuracy of experimental apparatus. An array of at least 3 RLs would allow us to measure not only the rotation rate, i.e. the angular velocity modulus, but also the angular velocity vector. In this way, having at disposal the time series of the daily estimate of Earth rotation vector from the International Earth Rotation and Reference System Service, it would be possible to isolate the Geodetic and Lense-Thirring contributions. Our proposal GINGER (Gyroscopes IN GEneral Relativity) is intended to push the present knowledge of RL physics and technology to achieve an accuracy in the estimation of the Earth rotation rate of 1 part in 109. In the experimental apparatus we have to account for systematic errors resulting from non linear dynamics of the active laser medium, and changes of the optical cavity geometry. The redundancy of the array, e.g. the addition of a ring almost parallel to the Earth rotation axis, should allow for the reduction of such errors at the level of the geometry control. In this contribution we describe the intermediate prototypes GP2 and GEMS (GINGER External Metrology System) devoted to control the geometrical fluctuations of a RL cavity and the 3D geometry of the RL array (dihedral angles among RLs), respectively.
Several theoretical arguments indicate that space-time may have the fundamental stochastic nature of a turbulent fluid. This view, where Lorentz symmetry represents an emergent phenomenon, has phenomenological implications for those ‘ether-drift’ experiments that look for the possible existence of a preferred reference frame. In fact, numerical simulations show that, in present experiments with vacuum optical resonators, it becomes non trivial to understand if an irregular instantaneous signal is just spurious noise or has a genuine physical origin. To obtain further checks, experiments with light propagating in gaseous systems are particularly interesting. In fact, the transformation matrix, which connects the effective space-time metric for light propagation in the laboratory frame to the corresponding isotropic metric in the hypothetical preferred frame, is a two-valued function for refractive index N = 1+∊. This symmetry argument, when combined with the idea of a stochastic space-time, provides a new scheme where the small irregular residuals observed in all classical ether-drift experiments and in the 1963 MIT experiment with He-Ne lasers become consistent with the average Earth’s velocity of 370 km/s which is obtained from the CMB observations. This remarkable agreement should motivate additional, precise tests with a new generation of laser interferometers.
A test of a cornerstone of general relativity, the gravitational redshift effect, is currently being conducted with the RadioAstron spacecraft, which is on a highly eccentric orbit around Earth. Using ground radio telescopes to record the spacecraft signal, synchronized to its ultra-stable on-board H-maser, we can probe the varying flow of time on board with unprecedented accuracy. The observations performed so far, currently being analyzed, have already allowed us to measure the effect with a relative accuracy of 4 × 10−4. We expect to reach 2.5 × 10−5 with additional observations in 2016, an improvement of almost a magnitude over the 40-year old result of the GP-A mission.
A minimal observable length is a common feature of theories that aim to merge quantum physics and gravity. Quantum mechanically, this concept is associated to a minimal uncertainty in position measurements, which is encoded in deformed commutation relations. Once applied in the Heisenberg dynamics, they give effects potentially detectable in low energy experiments. For instance, an isolated harmonic oscillator becomes intrinsically nonlinear and its dynamics shows a dependence of the oscillation frequency on the amplitude, as well as the appearance of higher harmonics. Here we analyze the free decay of micro and nano-oscillators, spanning a wide range of masses, and we place upper limits to the parameters quantifying the commutator deformation.
Cosmological expansion on a local scale is usually neglected in part due to its smallness, and in part due to components of bound systems (especially those bound by non-gravitational forces such as atoms and nuclei) not following geodesics in the cosmological metric. However, it is interesting to ask whether or not experimental tests of cosmological expansion on a local scale (well within our own galaxy) might be experimentally accessible in some way. We point out, using the Pioneer satellites as an example, that current satellite technology allows for this possibility within time scales less than one human lifetime.
The aim of the MICROSCOPE space mission is to test the weak equivalence principle (WEP) with a precision of 10−15, 100 times better than on-ground experiments. The WEP violation signal that we look for in flight has a particular frequency signature and must be extracted from the measurement of accelerations dominated by a colored noise integrated over several orbits. The measured data include various modeled or possibly unknown perturbation signals and may be frequently interrupted during the long integration period. Therefore the cautious analysis of the time series that will be obtained is of utmost importance for the validation of the mission. We present a linear regression procedure that we have developed to tackle the problem of missing data in the presence of correlated residuals. While the uncertainty of standard least square methods is increased by more than an order of magnitude in the presence of gapped data, we show that our method allows us to maintain the targeted level of precision of the experiment. We finally test the implemented tools on simulations of the in-orbit instrument with an end-to-end simulator of the mission.
The mini Space Time Asymmetry Research (mSTAR) is a proposed space mission to perform an advanced Kennedy-Thorndike (KT) test of Special Relativity using the large and rapid velocity modulation available in low Earth orbit (LEO). The mission goal is to test special relativity by performing a clock-clock comparison experiment in LEO, thereby testing the boost dependence of the speed of light. Clocks with stabilities better than 10−15 level at orbit time will allow the KT coefficient to be measured with up to two orders of magnitude higher accuracy than current ground-based experiments, with an additional factor of 10 possible using more advanced technology. In the current baseline, mSTAR utilizes an absolute frequency reference based on modulation transfer spectroscopy of molecular iodine and a length-reference based on a high-finesse ultra-stable optical cavity. Current efforts aim at a space compatible design of the two clocks and improving the long-term stability of the cavity reference. In a recently completed Phase A study, the feasibility of accommodating the mSTAR experiment on a SaudiSat 4 bus was investigated.
In this talk the different possibilities offered by light (geometric effects, polarization effects, propagation delays and phase changes) for determining the local structure of space time, i.e., the gravitational field, in terms of the Riemann tensor, are discussed. Special attention is devoted to axially symmetric stationary gravitational fields. A description of the potentialities of ring lasers is presented, having direct reference to the GINGER project.
Since 1969, Lunar Laser Ranging (LLR) to the Apollo Cube Corner Retroreflectors (CCRs) has supplied almost all significant tests of General Relativity (GR). When first installed in the 1970s, the Apollo CCRs geometry contributed only a negligible fraction of the ranging error budget. Today, because of lunar librations, this contribution dominates the error budget, limiting the precision of the experimental tests of gravitational theories. MoonLIGHT-2 (Moon Laser Instrumentation for General relativity High-accuracy Tests) is a new-generation LLR payload made of a single large CCR unaffected by librations in order to increase the precision of the GR tests compared to the Apollo CCRs. To optimize the MoonLIGHT-2 design and its lunar deployment we performed both experimental tests of MoonLIGHT-2 thermal properties in simulated space condition and GR test simulations using the Planetary Ephemeris Program (PEP) software, developed by the Center for Astrophysics (CfA). The experimental test shows the expected thermal properties and will provide useful to optimize the payload for the launch while the GR simulations suggest a significant improvement in GR test with the new CCRs and that the absence of a sunshade does not have a relevant impact on the precision of GR tests.
The International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS) provides range measurements of passive satellites around the Earth through the powerful Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) technique. These very precise measurements of the distance between an on-ground laser station and a satellite equipped with cube corner retro-reflectors (CCRs) make possible precise tests and measurements in fundamental physics and, in particular, in gravitational physics. The LAGEOS (NASA 1976) and LAGEOS II (NASA/ASI 1992) satellites are outstanding examples of very good test particles because of their very low area-to-mass ratio as well as the high quality of their tracking data and, consequently, of the precise orbit determination (POD) we can obtain after a refined modeling of their orbit. The aim of our research program LARASE (LAser RAnged Satellites Experiment) is to go a step further in testing gravitation in the field of Earth by means of the joint analysis of the orbits of the two LAGEOS satellites together with that of the most recently launched LARES (ASI, 2012) satellite. Therefore, our work falls in the so-called weak field and slow motion (WFSM) limit of Einstein’s general relativity (GR) where, in terms of Newtonian physics, relativistic effects appear as two new fields to be added to the classical gravitational field: the gravitoelectric and the gravitomagnetic fields. A fundamental ingredient to reach such a goal is to provide high-quality updated models for the perturbing non-gravitational perturbations (NGP) acting on the surface of these satellites. In fact, regardless of their minimization thanks to a smaller value for the area-to-mass ratio, the subtle and complex to model perturbing effects of the NGP play a crucial role in the POD of the considered satellites, especially in the case of the thermal thrust effects. A large amount of SLR data of LAGEOS and LAGEOS II has been worked out using a set of dedicated models for the satellite dynamics and the related post-fit residuals have been analyzed. A parallel work was performed with LARES, although at a preliminary stage. Our recent work on the orbit modeling and on the data analysis of the orbit of such satellites is presented and discussed.
Archimedes is a feasibility study to a future experiment to ascertain the interaction of vacuum fluctuations with gravity. The experiment should measure the force that the earths gravitational field exerts on a Casimir cavity by using a small force detector. Here we analize the main parameters of the experiment and we present its conceptual scheme, which overcomes in principle the most critical problems.
We have developed an apparatus to search for the higher-order Lorentz violation in photons by measuring the resonant frequency difference between two counterpropagating directions of an asymmetric optical ring cavity. From the year-long data taken between 2012 and 2013, we found no evidence for the light speed anisotropy at the level of δc/c ≲ 10−15. Limits on the dipole components of the anisotropy are improved by more than an order of magnitude, and limits on the hexapole components are obtained for the first time. An overview of our apparatus and the data analysis in the framework of the spherical harmonics decomposition of anisotropy are presented. We also present the status of the recent upgrade of the apparatus.
During its lifetime in space, the attitude and the orbit of a satellite are influenced by different perturbations resulting from the space environment. On the one hand, these natural boundary conditions have an impact on the design of the satellite, for instance thermal shielding or the design of the propulsion system. On the other hand, these disturbances may affect any data which is exchanged between a satellite and its ground station. Thus, the modelling and propagation of satellite motion is one of the central tasks in mission analysis. For this purpose, the High Performance satellite dynamics Simulator (HPS) is utilised, a tool that is developed by ZARM in cooperation with the DLR Institute of Space Systems.
It has been argued for quite some time that commonly used SRP models like the Cannonball and the Wing-Box model are not sufficient enough for an accurate SRP analysis if the involved geometries differ from a spherical shape or a standard bus and solar panel assembly. This paper will give a short overview on the implications of accurate SRP modelling for the example mission MICROSCOPE and the expected improvement of the implementation of non-gravitational disturbances modelling.
We propose a physically motivated model for glitches, based on a multiple-input/multiple-output (MIMO) description of a gravitational wave interferometric detector, whereby glitches appear as mixtures of a few simple functions related to the (linear and nonlinear) MIMO transfer functions. Numerical experiments show that shifted independent component analysis (SICA) is an effective tool for retrieving the above elementary glitch constituents.
A secular variation of the gravitational constant modifies the structure and evolutionary timescales of white dwarfs. Using an state-of-the-art stellar evolutionary code we compute white dwarf cooling sequences with a varying G. White dwarf evolution is computed in a self-consistent way, including the most up-to-date physical inputs, non-gray model atmospheres and a detailed core chemical composition that results from the calculation of the full evolution of progenitor stars. These fully evolutionary cooling sequences offer the possibility of measuring a hypothetical variation of the gravitational constant, by comparing our theoretical predictions with the observational data, and in particular with the observed luminosity function of disk white dwarfs. Using the most recent and reliable determination of the luminosity function of disk white dwarfs we derive an upper bound for the secular variation of the gravitational constant which compares well with those obtained using other stellar evolutionary properties.
Astronomical observations have a unique ability to determine the laws of physics at distant times in the universe. They, therefore, have particular relevance in answering the basic question as to whether the laws of physics are invariant with time. The dimensionless fundamental constants, such as the proton to electron mass ratio and the fine structure constant are key elements in the investigation. If they vary with time then the answer is clearly that the laws of physics are not invariant with time and significant new physics must be developed to describe the universe. Limits on their variance, on the other hand, constrains the parameter space available to new physics that requires a variation with time of basic physical law. There are now observational constraints on the time variation of the proton to electron mass ratio μ at the 10−7 level. Constraints on the variation of the fine structure constant α are less rigorous (10−5) but are imposed at higher redshift. The implications of these limits on new cosmologies that require rolling scalar fields has already had its first investigations. Here we address the implications on basic particle physics. The proton to electron mass ratio is obviously dependent on the particle physics parameters that set the mass of the proton and the electron. To first order the ratio is dependent on a combination of the Quantum Chromodynamic scale, the Yukawa couplings, and the Higgs Vacuum Expectation Value. Here that relationship is quantitative defined for the first time. When coupled with previous determinations of the relation of the fine structure constant to the same parameters two constraints exist on the fractional variation of these parameters with time. A third independent constraint involving only the three parameters could set the stage for constraints on their individual fractional variation.
We use a combination of simulated cosmological probes as expected from the forthcoming European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT), to constrain the class of string-inspired runaway dilaton models of Damour, Piazza and Veneziano. We improve previously existing analyses investigating in detail the degeneracies between the parameters ruling the coupling of the dilaton field to the other components of the universe, and we consider three different scenarios for the dark sector couplings. We show the constraining power of the E-ELT and highlight how degeneracies will affect this in different fiducial cosmologies.
The first excited state of the nucleus 229Th has an exceptionally small excitation energy of 7.8 eV, which is expected to be very sensitive to changes in the fine structure constant α. A small difference in the Coulomb energies of the two states, which both are of the order 109 eV, would amplify variations in α into large variations of the transition frequency. Hartree-Fock and Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov calculations are performed to compute the Coulomb energies of the two states. The kinetic energies are also calculated which reflect a possible variation in the nucleon or quark masses or local Lorentz invariance violation.
The predicted Lense-Thirring perihelion precession of Mercury induced by the Sun’s angular momentum through its general relativistic gravitomagnetic field amounts to 2 milliarcseconds per century. It turned out to be compatible with the latest experimental determinations of the supplementary perihelion precession of Mercury with the INPOP15a ephemerides, whose accuracy level has nowadays reached the magnitude of the predicted relativistic effect itself thanks to the analysis of some years of tracking data of the MESSENGER spacecraft, which orbited Mercury from 2011 to 2015. A dedicated analysis of three years of MESSENGER data with the DE ephemerides allowed for a 25% determination of the Sun’s angular momentum by means of the Lense-Thirring effect, which turned out to be highly correlated with the signature due to the Solar quadrupole mass moment J⊙2.
We develop, in the context of general relativity, the notion of a geoid – a surface of constant “gravitational potential”. In particular, we show how this idea naturally emerges as a specific choice of a previously proposed, more general and operationally useful construction called a quasilocal frame – that is, a choice of a two-parameter family of timelike worldlines comprising the worldtube boundary of the history of a finite spatial volume. We study the geometric properties of these geoid quasilocal frames, and construct solutions for them in some simple spacetimes. We then compare these results – focusing on the computationally tractable scenario of a non-rotating body with a quadrupole perturbation – against their counterparts in Newtonian gravity (the setting for current applications of the geoid), and we compute general-relativistic corrections to some measurable geometric quantities.
The variation of the solar diameter in time and in position angle has implications in astrophysics and in general relativity, as the long series of studies attest. The Transits of Venus in 2004 and 2012 have been carefully studied because of the rarity of the phenomenon, its historical importance, the opportunity to probe the Venus’ atmosphere and the diameter of the Sun. Observations to the milliarcsecond level of precision have been realized also from satellite images. The results of the solar diameter measurements made with the observations in Athens (2004) and at the Huairou Solar Observing Station in China (2012) are here presented along with the perspectives for the Transit of Mercury of May 9, 2016.
Planetary ephemerides are a good tool for studying general relativity at the scale of our solar system. We present here new evaluations of advances of perihelia for Mercury and Saturn.
Measuring the solar diameter at all position angles gives the complete figure of the Sun. Their asphericities have implications in classical physics and general relativity, and the behavior of the optical systems used in the direct measurements is to be known accurately. A solar filter is a plane-parallel glass with given absorption, and here we study the departures from the parallelism of the faces of a crystal slab 5 mm thick, because of static deformations. These deformations are rescaled to the filter’s dimensions. Related to the Solar Disk Sextant experiment and to the Reflecting Heliometer of Rio de Janeiro a simplified model of the influences of the inclination between the external and the internal surfaces of a glass solar filter, is discussed.
One of the main goals of the Mercury Orbiter Radio science Experiment (MORE), onboard the ESA-JAXA BepiColombo mission to Mercury, is to perform a test of gravitational theories by means of high precision radio-observables, constraining several Post-Newtonian (PN) parameters. This will be performed in two steps: (i) with a superior solar conjunction experiment during the cruise phase of the mission; (ii) by reconstructing the orbit of Mercury around the Sun once the spacecraft will be arrived at Mercury. In this work we present the results of numerical simulations of the MORE relativity experiment, carried out in a realistic scenario, showing how the experiment can improve over current estimates.
Mission like Gaia (ESA, launched in 2013) requires to treat gravity properly when compiling microsecond stellar catalogues. This will open the opportunity to put in practice methods of Relativistic Astrometry mainly devoted to model the celestial sphere with the percepts of General Relativity (GR) and promotes the use of highly accurate astrometry to test locally fundamental physics. Gaia will be able to carry out general relativistic tests by means of both global and differential astrometric measurements. Global tests will be done through the full astrometric reconstruction of the celestial sphere, while the differential experiments will be implemented in the form of repeated Eddington-like measurements. After one century, Gaia will perform the largest experiment in GR ever made with astrometric methods (since 1919): a relativistic all-sky reconstruction which includes also QSO at different redshifts. Moreover, at zero redshift, dealing with local cosmology, accurate absolute motions of stars within our Galaxy will provide tests on current cosmological models via the detections of cosmological signatures in the disk and halo.
We investigate the changes to the circular orbits caused by particle’s spin directed perpendicular to the equatorial plane of Kerr spacetime. For an arbitrary value of Kerr parameter a we obtain analytical expressions for corrections up to first order in spin to energy and total angular momentum of a particle on a circular orbit and also to the orbital radius for the innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO). For the case of prograde rotation in the extreme Kerr metric exact in spin expressions for these quantities are found. The present paper is based on our major work.
We present our study of bending of null geodesics in the regular spacetimes, particularly in Bardeen and Ayon-Beato-Garcia (ABG) no-horizon spacetimes. We show that thanks to “flatness” of these spacetimes in the central region there exist interesting optical phenomena related to photons with small impact parameters traveling through such gravitational field. There exist a critical impact parameter which gives maximal deflection of light in the Bardeen and ABG no-horizon spacetimes. We discuss “ghost” direct and indirect images of Keplerian discs which are generated by photons with small impact parameters and to the classical scattering cross section in such regular but strongly curved spacetimes.
We discuss certain features of the dynamics of extended bodies endowed with structure up to the quadrupole in a Kerr spacetime, according to the Mathisson-Papapetrou-Dixon model. We consider the simplest situation of equatorial motion, spin tensor aligned with the rotation axis of the central source and quadrupole tensor induced by the spin, so accounting for rotational deformations only. We determine the ISCO shift due to spin by analyzing the radial effective potential.
We review the derivation of the standard geodesic deviation equation in spherically symmetric situations. We reconsider the deviation equation in Newtonian gravity first to uncover in a second step the relativistic effects within the full theory of General Relativity. In both cases, we solve the standard deviation equation for circular reference curves and, in particular, we describe two special kinds of perturbed orbits that are useful for satellite geodesy and gravimetry missions: the so-called pendulum and cartwheel orbits. These appear as solutions of the deviation equation and can be constructed within the framework that is sketched here.
We present Friedmann flat spacetime uncertainty relations (STUR) together with some cosmological implications. An interesting link between the Principle of “gravitational stability against localization of events” (PGSL) and the holographic Bekenstein entropy bound (HEB) is also investigated. The same theorems leading to our STUR are used to calculate, thanks to the holographic principle, the entropy of the universe at its apparent horizon. The generalized entropy formula can be used to discuss interesting links with a quantum spacetime.
We derive an expression for the k-Minkowski star product in d space-time dimensions as a symplectic reduction of a normal ordered star product of the Wick type on the tangent bundle T*ℝd.
The Hawking temperature for the Schwarzschild black hole is divergent when the mass of the black hole vanishes; however, the corresponding geometry becomes the Minkowski spacetime whose intrinsic temperature is zero. In connection with this issue, we construct a nonsingular temperature which follows the Hawking temperature for the large black hole, while it vanishes when the black hole is completely evaporated. For the thermodynamic significances of this modified temperature, we calculate thermodynamic quantities and study phase transitions. It turns out that even the small black hole can be stable below a certain temperature, and the hot flat space is always metastable so that it decays into the stable small black hole or the stable large black hole.
The question of whether timelike classical singularities can be “healed” in a quantum setting is addressed. Roberts apace-time and a class of self-similar, spherically-symmetric space-times are analyzed to determine if quantum wave probes detect the singularity. In cases in which they do not, we can say the singularity is “healed”.
We investigate radiative processes of two uniformly accelerated two-level atoms interacting with a common quantum electromagnetic field. We consider that the system is confined in a rectangular parallelepiped with conducting walls. We identify the distinct contributions of vacuum fluctuations and radiation reaction to the entanglement dynamics of the two-atom system.
Within the framework of adiabatic regularisation, we present a simple algorithm to calculate number density and renormalised energy-momentum density of spin 1/2 particles in spatially flat FLRW spacetimes. The conformal and axial anomalies thus found are in exact agreement with those obtained from other renormalization methods. This formalism can be considered as an appropriate extension of standard mechanism originally introduced for scalar fields, applicable to fermions in curved space.
We present a calculation of the zeta - function associated with a massive scalar field theory in 2 + 1 dimensional curved space, the metric for which is given by the black-hole solution of Banados, Teitelboim and Zanelli; in this effort, we first rework the Antonsen-Bormann idea that was originally proposed by these authors for the computation of the heat kernel in curved space, to then determine the zeta-function in stationary curved space using the Schwinger expansion – the latter being obtained systematically following McKeon and Sherry. The calculation is also compared with that from another stationary metric given by Deser, Jackiw and ’t Hooft and the respective qualitative features in these twin calculations are then highlighted.
We write the Dirac equation in curved 4-dimensional Lorentzian spacetime using concepts from the analysis of partial differential equations as opposed to geometric concepts.
In this paper it is given an explicit construction of the algebraic quantization of a massless scalar field on two prototypical examples of spacetime with boundary, usually related to the Casimir effect. This paper is based on Ref. 1.
QFT is one of the most succesful theories in physics. It allows to reach very precise predictions concerning physical systems in a relativistic regime, on flat spacetime. If the spacetime is curved the traditional approach to QFT is no longer possible, since the lack of a symmetry group (replacing the Poincaré group of the flat case) leads to the lack of a preferred Hilbert space as a founding object of the theory (the analogous of the Fock space in QFT). So a new point of view is needed: The quantum fields are no longer interpreted as operators on a Hilbert space, but as abstract objects defined only by some physical requirements. The physical observables are combinations of such fields. The natural mathematical framework to formalize these ideas is the so called Algebraic Quantum Field Theory (AQFT). In such a mathematical context it is possible to describe thermal (KMS) quantum states in a consistent way. We are interested in a particular case of curved spacetime: The spacetime generated by a black hole (Schwarzschild spacetime). We will focus our attention on a particular field: The interacting massive scalar field. A crucial point to describe a quantum field on Schwarzschild spacetime is to study the convergence of the two-point function, which is the fundamental object one needs to compute the espectation values of the observables of the theory. This is the main goal of this work (joint work with C. Dappiaggi).
The gauge anomalies associated with the Weyl fermion of spin 12 interacting with non-abelian vector and axial-vector fields in 4 and 6 dimensional curved space are given in tensorial form.
Thermal phenomena in quantum field theory can be detected with the aid of particle detectors coupled to quantum fields along stationary worldlines, by testing whether the response of such a detector satisfies the detailed balance version of the KMS condition at a constant temperature. This relation holds when the interaction between the field and the detector has infinite time duration. Operationally, however, detectors interact with fields for a finite amount of time, controlled by a switching function of compact support for a finite amount of time, and the KMS detailed balance condition cannot hold exactly for finite time interactions at arbitrarily large detector energy gap. In this large energy gap regime, we show that, for an adiabatically switched Rindler detector, the Unruh temperature emerges asymptotically after the detector and the field have interacted for a time that is polynomially long in the large energy. We comment on the significance of the adiabaticity assumption in this result.
In this work we summarize our computation of the vacuum polarization for a massive non-minimally coupled scalar field on a Lifshitz black hole background. The general method for computing the Green function is outlined and a procedure to renormalize is described We also provide numerical results for some specific values of mass, nonminimal coupling, and dynamical exponent.
The general boundary formulation (GBF) of quantum theory is a new axiomatic formulation that has emerged as a powerful tool to describe the dynamics of quantum fields. Within the GBF we consider the Unruh effect by studying the relation between the quantum field theories of a massive scalar field in 2d Minkowski and Rindler spaces. In particular we underline the existence of an obstruction in the identification of the usual Minkowski vacuum state with a superposition of multiparticle states defined in Rindler space. However, we show that these two states can be related by comparing expectation values of Weyl observables with compact support on the right wedge of Minkowski space. Finally, the quantum state in Rindler space responsible for this local version of the Unruh effect results to be unique.
Using a gauge-invariant formalism, we describe the gravitational perturbations inside the cosmological horizon of de Sitter spacetime. Upon quantization, we find a graviton twopoint function which is finite in the infrared regime and, by construction, time-translation invariant.
We analyse the absorption of a massive scalar field around a charged black hole, finding the reflection coefficient and the absorption cross section numerically. We also find the analytical results for the high- and low-frequency limits for the absorption cross section, which we compare with our numerical results.
The explicit expressions for the one-loop non-perturbative corrections to the gravitational effective action induced by a scalar field on a stationary gravitational background are obtained both at zero and finite temperatures. The perturbative and nonperturbative contributions to the one-loop effective action are explicitly separated. The nonperturbative part of the renormalized one-loop effective action at zero temperature is proved to depend explicitly on the Killing vector defining the vacuum state of quantum fields. This part cannot be expressed in a covariant way through the metric and its derivatives alone.
We develop a perturbation theory for the massless Dirac operator on a 3-sphere equipped with Riemannian metric. For the standard metric (restriction of the 4-dimensional Euclidean metric to the 3-sphere) the spectrum is known. Starting with the standard metric, we perturb the metric in an arbitrary fashion and examine what happens to the two eigenvalues closest to zero. We derive asymptotic formulae for the lowest energy levels of the particle (positive eigenvalue) and antiparticle (negative eigenvalue). We show that the energy levels of particles and antiparticles behave differently under perturbations of the metric. In differential geometry this effect is known as spectral asymmetry.
In two-dimensional conformal field theory (CFT) the building blocks are given by chiral CFTs, i.e. CFTs on the unit circle (compactified light-ray). They are generated by quantum fields depending on one light-ray coordinate only. There are two mathematical formulations of chiral CFT, the one based on vertex operator algebras (VOAs) and the one based on conformal nets. We describe some recent results which, for first time, gives a general construction of conformal nets from (unitary) VOAs.
The Bisognano-Wichmann property for local, Poincaré covariant nets of standard subspaces is discussed. We present a sufficient algebraic condition on the covariant representation ensuring Bisognano-Wichmann and Duality properties without further assumptions on the net. Our “modularity” condition holds for direct integrals of scalar massive and masselss representations. We conclude that in these cases the Bisognano-Wichmann property is much weaker than the Split property. Furthermore, we present a class of massive modular covariant nets not satisfying the Bisognano-Wichmann property.
A quantum field theory (QFT) in its algebraic description typically admits many irregular states. We compare two criteria intended to select the physical states: the Hadamard condition, which works for free fields, and the modular nuclearity condition, which can be formulated in a general axiomatic setting. The latter is motivated by recent work in constructive QFT and by the older Hamiltonian nuclearity condition. We include a precise result at the one-particle level, obtained with G. Lechner, which suggests that all quasi-free Hadamard states are modularly nuclear, but the converse is false.
In a large class of factorizing scattering models, we construct candidates for the local energy density on the one-particle level starting from first principles, namely from the abstract properties of the energy density. We find that the form of the energy density at one-particle level can be fixed up to a polynomial function of energy. On the level of one-particle states, we also prove the existence of lower bounds for local averages of the energy density, and show that such inequalities can fix the form of the energy density uniquely in certain models.
We review recent operator-algebraic constructions of quantum field theories, especially of two-dimensional integrable models. In the operator-algebraic approach, a model of quantum field theory is realized as a net of von Neumann algebras associated to space-time regions. A key idea in the recent developments is to construct first the observables localized in wedge-shaped regions, then to define the algebras for double cones by intersection.
Up to now, these constructions are limited to the class of S-matrices whose components are analytic in rapidity in the physical strip. We present candidates for observables in wedge regions for scalar factorizing S-matrices with poles in the physical strip. We discuss the self-adjointness of these candidate operators and strong commutativity between them.
A notion of distance between von Neumann algebras appers to be a useful tool in order to study the dependence of the algebras of local observables of QFT from the parameters of the model. We report here on work in which such a notion is defined by dualizing Rieffel‚s quantum Gromov–Hausdorff distance between compact quantum metric spaces. A simple application to the mass dependence of the algebras generated by a free quantum field is also presented.
We summarize our investigation of the extent to which the choice of internal clock influences the dynamics in quantum models of gravity. Firstly, at the classical level, we define an extension to the Hamilton-Jacobi theory of contact transformations, which allows for transformations of time coordinates. Secondly, at the quantum level, we employ the extended theory to separate the quantum effects brought by the free choice of internal clock from those originating from inequivalent quantization maps. Next, we show with two examples two kinds of origin of the clock effect in quantum gravitational systems.
In this paper we study the annealed coupling of an Ising model with 2-dimensional causal dynamical triangulation model. After a short review of previous results, we prove the existence of the so-called critical line and derive its analytical properties and asymptotics. In addition, relations between the model and its dual are investigated.
We review some recent results from the causal dynamical triangulation (CDT) approach to quantum gravity. We review recent observations of dimensional reduction at a number of previously undetermined points in the parameter space of CDT, and discuss their possible relevance to the asymptotic safety scenario. We also present an updated phase diagram of CDT, discussing properties of a newly discovered phase and its possible relation to a signature change of the metric.
This article briefly presents the ideas and concepts used in a new quantization of the Hamiltonian in loop quantum gravity which leads to define eligible quantum scalar constraint operator in case of vacuum gravity, and eligible physical Hamiltonian operators in case of some deparametrized models of gravity coupled to matter fields. Concluding at the end with a discussion of the properties of the obtained operators and perspectives for future developments.
Despite considerable progress in several approaches to quantum gravity, there remain uncertainties on the conceptual level. One issue concerns the different roles played by space and time in the canonical quantum formalism. This issue occurs because the Hamilton-Jacobi dynamics is being quantised. The question then arises whether additional physically relevant states could exist which cannot be represented in the canonical form or as a partition function. For this reason, the author has explored a statistical approach (NDA) which is not based on quantum dynamical assumptions and does not require space-time splitting boundary conditions either. For dimension 3+1 and under thermal equilibrium, NDA simplifies to a path integral model. However, the general case of NDA cannot be written as a partition function. As a test of NDA, one recovers general relativity at low curvature and quantum field theory in the flat space-time approximation. Related paper: arxiv:1505.03719.
Precanonical quantization is based on a generalization of the Hamiltonian formalism to field theory, the so-called De Donder–Weyl (DW) theory, which does not require a space-time splitting and treats the space-time variables on an equal footing. Quantum dynamics is described by a precanonical wave function on the finite dimensional space of field coordinates and space-time coordinates, which satisfies a partial derivative precanonical Schrödinger equation. The standard QFT in the functional Schrödinger representation can be derived from the precanonical quantization in a limiting case. An analysis of the constraints within the DW Hamiltonian formulation of the Einstein-Palatini vielbein formulation of GR and quantization of the generalized Dirac brackets defined on differential forms lead to the covariant precanonical Schrödinger equation for quantum gravity. The resulting dynamics of quantum gravity is described by the wave function or transition amplitudes on the total space of the bundle of spin connections over space-time. Thus, precanonical quantization leads to the “spin connection foam” picture of quantum geometry represented by a generally non-Gaussian random field of spin connection coefficients, whose probability distribution is given by the precanonical wave function. The normalizability of precanonical wave functions is argued to lead to the quantumgravitational avoidance of curvature singularities. Possible connections with LQG are briefly discussed.
The Barbero-Immirzi parameter of loop quantum gravity is a one parameter ambiguity of the theory whose physical significance is as-of-yet unknown. It is an inherent characteristic of the quantum theory since it appears in the spectra of geometric operators. The parameter’s appearance in the area and volume spectra imply that it plays a role in determining the fundamental length scale of space. This appearance as a rescaling of lengths motivates a possible conformal interpretation. Presented here is an analysis of the conformal scaling of the triad formalism and the revelation that the Barbero-Immirzi parameter precisely corresponds to the conformal scale factor. Furthermore, at the kinematical level the conformal scale factor materializes as a scalar field coupled to gravity. The development of this conformal scalar field to the quantum sector of the theory is also sketched.
We give the construction of a physical Hamiltonian operator in a model of loop quantum gravity coupled to a free scalar field, in which the dynamics of the gravitational field is described as a relational evolution with respect to the scalar field. A key feature of our construction is a new loop assignment for the Euclidean part of the operator, which enables us to define a symmetric physical Hamiltonian.
Quantum gravity phenomenology suggests an effective modification of the general relativistic dispersion relation of freely falling point particles caused by an underlying theory of quantum gravity. Here we analyse the consequences of modifications of the general relativistic dispersion on the geometry of spacetime in the language of Hamilton geometry. The dispersion relation is interpreted as the Hamiltonian which determines the motion of point particles. It is a function on the cotangent bundle of spacetime, i.e. on phase space, and determines the geometry of phase space completely, in a similar way as the metric determines the geometry of spacetime in general relativity. After a review of the general Hamilton geometry of phase space we discuss two examples. The phase space geometry of the metric Hamiltonian Hg(x, p) = gab(x)papb and the phase space geometry of the first order q-de Sitter dispersion relation of the form HqDS(x, p) = gab(x)papb + ℓGabc(x)papbpc which is suggested from quantum gravity phenomenology. We will see that for the metric Hamiltonian Hg the geometry of phase space is equivalent to the standard metric spacetime geometry from general relativity. For the q-de Sitter Hamiltonian HqDS the Hamilton equations of motion for point particles do not become autoparallels but contain a force term, the momentum space part of phase space is curved and the curvature of spacetime becomes momentum dependent.
Astronomical observations of distant quasars may be important to test models for quantum gravity, which posit Planck-scale spatial uncertainties (‘spacetime foam’) that would produce phase fluctuations in the wavefront of radiation emitted by a source, which may accumulate over large path lengths. We show explicitly how wavefront distortions cause the image intensity to decay to the point where distant objects become undetectable if the accumulated path-length fluctuations become comparable to the wavelength of the radiation. We also reassess previous efforts in this area. We use X-ray and gamma-ray observations to rule out several models of spacetime foam, including the interesting random-walk and holographic models.
Modified dark matter (MDM, formerly known as MoNDian dark matter) is a phenomenological model of dark matter, inspired by quantum gravity. We review the construction of MDM by generalizing entropic gravity to de-Sitter space as is appropriate for an accelerating universe (in accordance with the ΛCDM model). Unlike cold dark matter models, the MDM mass profile depends on the baryonic mass. We successfully fit the rotation curves to a sample of 30 local spiral galaxies with a single free parameter (viz., the mass-to-light ratio for each galaxy). We show that dynamical and observed masses agree in a sample of 93 galactic clusters. We also comment on strong gravitational lensing in the context of MDM.
It has been recently claimed that the initial singularity might be avoided in the context of rainbow cosmology, where one attempts to account for quantum-gravitational corrections through an effective-theory description based on an energy-dependent (“rainbow”) space-time metric. We analyse this picture in detail in an attempt to present a more rigorous description of the problem. In particular, we show that the implications of a rainbow metric for thermodynamics are more significant than previously appreciated. We show two particularly meaningful examples where the singularity is not avoided suggesting that, although the rainbow-metric scenario provides tantalizing hints of singularity avoidance, it is inconclusive since some key questions remain to be addressed just when the scale factor is very small, a regime which, as here argued, cannot be reliably described by an effective rainbow-metric picture.
It is argued that deformed translation generators associated to group-valued momenta lead to a generalized time evolution at the quantum level. We discuss, in particular, an example of deformed translations associated to point particles coupled to three-dimensional gravity and show how these lead to a Lindblad evolution equation with Newton’s constant appearing as a deformation parameter. A similar model in four spacetime dimensions, based on k-deformations of relativistic symmetries, is also discussed.
Numerous approaches to quantum gravity report a reduction in the number of spacetime dimensions at the Planck scale. However, accepting the reality of dimensional reduction also means accepting its consequences, including a variable speed of light. We provide numerical evidence for a variable speed of light in the causal dynamical triangulation (CDT) approach to quantum gravity, showing that it closely matches the superluminality implied by dimensional reduction. We argue that reconciling the appearance of dimensional reduction with a constant speed of light may require modifying our understanding of time, an idea originally proposed in Ref. 1.
Two parallel plane, perfectly conducting mirrors attract each other because of boundary effects on fluctuations of the electromagnetic field – the well-known Casimir force. It was suggested that, if superconducting thin films behave as ideal gravitational wave reflectors, two such surfaces separated by a gap must analogously experience a gravitational Casimir force. Recently, calculation attempts were reported showing that the magnitude of such interaction might exceed that of the electrodynamical Casimir force by as much as one order of magnitude and it was also stated that confirmation of the existence of such an interaction would provide inescapable proof of the existence of gravitons. In this paper, we discuss both some logical and numerical inconsistencies of that proposal as well as some exciting new opportunities.
The four dimensional Causal Dynamical Triangulations (CDT) approach to quantum gravity is already more than ten years old theory with numerous unprecedented predictions such as non-trivial phase structure of gravitational field and dimensional running. Here, we discuss possible empirical consequences of CDT derived based on the two features of the approach mentioned above. A possibility of using both astrophysical and cosmological observations to test CDT is discussed. We show that scenarios which can be ruled out at the empirical level exist.
Spherically symmetric, asymptotically flat solutions of Shape Dynamics were previously studied assuming standard falloff conditions for the metric and the momenta. These ensure that the spacetime is asymptotically Minkowski, and that the falloff conditions are Poincaré-invariant. These assumptions however are not legitimate in Shape Dynamics, which does not make assumptions on the structure or regularity of spacetime. Analyzing the same problem in full generality, I find that the system is underdetermined, as there is one function of time that is not fixed by any condition and appears to have physical relevance. This quantity can be fixed only by studying more realistic models coupled with matter, and it turns out to be related to the dilatational momentum of the matter surrounding the region under study.
This proceeding is based on a talk prepared for the XIV Marcel Grossmann meeting. We review some results on causal set inspired non-local theories as well as work in progress concerning their phenomenology.
CPT appears as the only inversion symmetry transformation under which the laws of nature are strictly invariant. This fact has a very solid theoretical ground in the CPT theorem, and any violation of the CPT symmetry would unambiguously represent a signal of a New Physics framework. The entangled neutral kaon system at a ϕ-factory offers a unique possibility to perform a variety of fundamental tests of CPT invariance, as well as of the basic principles of quantum mechanics. The KLOE experiment at the DAΦNE collider put stringent limits on several kinds of possible CPT violation and decoherence mechanisms, which might be justified in a quantum gravity framework. No deviation from the expectations of quantum mechanics and CPT symmetry is observed, while the extreme precision of the measurements, in some cases, reaches the interesting Planck scale region. At present the KLOE-2 experiment is collecting data with an upgraded detector with the aim of significantly improve this kind of experimental tests.
We propose a general definition for composition laws in a momentum space described by a maximally symmetric differential manifold as generated by its isometry group. We show that our approach contains, as particular cases, the κ-Poincaré momentum space composition law in the bicrossproduct base and the spinning composition law from (2+1)-dimensional quantum-gravity. We let for future applications the case of (3+1)-dimensional anti-de Sitter momentum space.
In this proceedings we discuss the construction of a phenomenology of Planck-scale effects in curved spacetimes, underline a few open issues and describe some perspectives for the future of this research line.
The potential significance for quantum-gravity research of the possibility of Planck-scale deformations of the so-called “hypersurface-deformation algebra” started to be advocated only very recently. Within classical gravity the hypersurface-deformation algebra is an efficient way for codifying diffeomorphism invariance and it reproduces the classical Poincaré algebra in an appropriate limit. We here report preliminary results of work done in collaboration with G. Amelino-Camelia on establishing the link between a particular Planck-scale-deformed hypersurface-deformation algebra and an associated Planck-scale-deformed Poincaré algebra.
We discuss gravitational lensing by a recently proposed black hole solution in Loop Quantum Gravity. We highlight the fact that the quantum gravity corrections to the Schwarzschild metric in this model evade the “mass suppression” effects (that the usual quantum gravity corrections are susceptible to) by virtue of one of the parameters in the model being dimensionless. A sample consistency relation is presented which could serve as a test of this model. We discuss that though the consistency relation for this model is qualitatively similar to what would have been in Brans-Dicke, in general it can be a good discriminator between many alternative theories. Observational prospects are also discussed.
I offer my perspective on some recent developments in quantum-gravity phenomenology. Among these I stress that some novel opportunities might arise from the analysis of quantum-gravity effects for macroscopic system, but progress in this direction requires in particular a proper description of the total momentum of a macroscopic body when quantum properties of spacetime are taken into account. Also significant are the potentialities for a reach phenomenology associated with effects of dual gravity lensing.
We study a quantum gravitational extension of the Starobinsky model of inflation to the Planck scale in the framework of loop quantum cosmology. Using the recent observational data we fix the parameter of the potential and study the evolution of the background geometry as well as quantum perturbations. Due to the underlying quantum geometric effects the background geometry in LQC is non-singular. We find that a large fraction of initial data surface leads to the desired slow-roll phase and the inflationary power spectrum is compatible with current observations for the most of the initial conditions. Additionally, there exist a subset of initial data for which the LQC power spectrum is different from the standard one for long wavelength modes. These results are also in great agreement with the results obtained for quadratic potential. Hence, the LQC extension of the inflationary paradigm and the resulting observational imprints are robust under choice of different potentials.
We provide a complete quantization for the Gowdy model with local rotational symmetry in vacuum. We start with a redefinition of the classical constraint algebra such that the Hamiltonian constraint has a vanishing Poisson bracket with itself. We apply a canonical quantization within loop quantum gravity and an improved dynamics scheme. We construct the exact solutions to the constraints and the physical Hilbert space, together with the physical observables. The quantization provides a physical picture without singularities. Besides, a genuine discretization of the spatial geometry emerges by means of a new quantum observable without classical analogue.
The loop quantum dynamics of Kantowski-Sachs and Bianchi-III LRS spacetimes with cosmological constant is studied in the effective spacetime description. We show that classical singularity is avoided, and replaced by bounces of the triads. Unlike the singularity resolution in other loop quantum spacetimes, evolution results in a spacetime which retains quantum curvature after the bounce on one side of the temporal evolution. In the asymptotic limit, a spacetime which is a direct product of two constant curvature spaces emerges. Interestingly, despite high curvature, the effective spacetime metric is a solution of Einstein field’s equations albeit with a different stress energy tensor. For the Kantowski-Sachs case, the resulting spacetime is a ‘charged’ Nariai spacetime, and for the Bianchi-III LRS spacetime, one obtains anti-Bertotti-Robinson spacetime with an emergent cosmological constant. The emergent ‘charge’ and cosmological constant are purely quantum geometric in origin.
The saddle point approximation to the partition functions is an important way of deriving the thermodynamical properties of black holes. However, there are certain black hole models and some mathematically analog mechanical models for which this method can not be applied directly. This is due to the fact that their action evaluated on a classical solution is not finite and its first variation does not vanish for all consistent boundary conditions. These problems can be dealt with by adding a counter-term to the classical action, which is a solution of the corresponding Hamilton-Jacobi equation.
In this work however, we seek an alternative solution to this problem via the polymer quantization which is motivated by the loop quantum gravity.
We consider a massive scalar field living on the recently found exact quantum space-time corresponding to vacuum spherically symmetric loop quantum gravity. The discreteness of the quantum space time naturally regularizes the scalar field, eliminating divergences. However, the resulting finite theory depends on the details of the micro physics. We argue that such dependence can be eliminated through a finite renormalization and discuss its nature. This is an example of how quantum field theories on quantum space times deal with the issues of divergences in quantum field theories.
Assignment of consistent quantum probabilities to events in a quantum universe is a fundamental challenge which every quantum cosmology/gravity framework must overcome. In loop quantum cosmology, this issue leads to a fundamental question: What is the probability that the universe undergoes a non-singular bounce? Using the consistent histories formulation, this question was successfully answered recently by the authors for a spatially flat FRW model in the canonical approach. In this manuscript, we obtain a covariant generalization of this result. Our analysis is based on expressing loop quantum cosmology in the spin foam paradigm and using histories defined via volume transitions to compute the amplitudes of transitions obtained using a vertex expansion. We show that the probability for bounce turns out to be unity.
We study the massless limit in synchrotron radiation and one-photon pair creation in magnetic field. In this limit Schwinger critical field H0 = m2c3/(eħ) tends to zero, so two characteristic quantum parameters η = H/H0, χ = ηE/mc2 are infinite, and the standard approximations used in analytical calculations fail. Applying Schwinger’s proper time methods we derive simple expressions for synchrotron radiation spectra emitted by massless charges of spins s = 0, 1/2 and the pair creation probability distribution in the quasiclassical (high Landau levels) regime exhibiting simple scaling properties and possessing universal spectral shapes.
We review the one-loop effective action in scalar QED and the Schwinger effect in a uniform electric field in a two-dimensional (anti-) de Sitter space. The Schwinger effect has a thermal interpretation in terms of the effective temperature introduced by Cai and Kim. We propose a method to find the density of states for the charged scalar and obtain the QED action density and the pair-production rate in the in-out formalism.
We study the magnetosphere of a slowly rotating magnetized neutron star with radius R and angular velocity Ω subject to toroidal oscillations in the relativistic regime. Under the assumption of a zero inclination angle between the magnetic moment and the angular momentum of the star, we analyse the Goldreich-Julian charge density and derive a second-order differential equation for the electrostatic potential. The analytical solution of this equation in the polar cap region of the magnetosphere shows the modification induced by stellar toroidal oscillations on the accelerating electric field and on the charge density. We also find that, after decomposing the oscillation velocity in terms of spherical harmonics, the first few modes with m = 0, 1 are responsible for energy losses that are almost linearly dependent on the amplitude of the oscillation and that, for the mode (l,m) = (2, 1), can be a factor ∼ 8 larger than the rotational energy losses, even for a velocity oscillation amplitude at the star surface as small as ˜η = 0.05 Ω R. We revisit particle acceleration in the polar cap region of a neutron star by taking into account both general relativistic effects and the presence of toroidal oscillations at the star surface.
Quantum radiated energy flux emitted by an Unruh-DeWitt (UD) detector, with the internal harmonic oscillator coupled to a massless scalar field, in linear oscillatory motion in (3+1) dimensional Minkowski space is studied by numerical methods. Our results show that quantum interference can indeed suppress the signal of the Unruh effect if the averaged proper acceleration is sufficiently low, but not in the regime with high averaged acceleration and short oscillatory cycle. While the averaged radiated energy flux over a cycle is always positive as guaranteed by the quantum inequalities, an observer at a fixed angle may see short periods of negative radiated energy flux in each cycle of motion, which indicates that the radiation is squeezed. This reveals another resemblance between the detector theory and the moving-mirror model.
In the very early universe, a generalized Schwinger effect can create pairs from both electrical and gravitational fields. The expectation value of fermionic current induced by these newly created pairs has been recently computed in de Sitter spacetime. I will discuss different limiting cases of this result and some of its possible physical intepretations.
The coalescence of a neutron-star binary is likely to result in the formation of a neutron-star merger remnant for a large range of binary mass configurations. The massive merger remnant shows strong oscillations, which are excited by the merging process, and emits gravitational waves. Here we discuss possibilities and prospects of inferring unknown stellar properties of neutron stars by the detection of postmerger gravitational-wave emission, which thus leads to constraints of the equation of state of high-density matter. In particular, the dominant oscillation frequency of the postmerger remnant provides tight limits to neutron-star radii. We mention first steps towards a practical implementation of future gravitational-wave searches for the postmerger emission. Moreover, we outline possibilities to estimate the unknown maximum mass of nonrotating neutron stars from such types of measurements. Finally, we review the origin and scientific implications of secondary peaks in the gravitational-wave spectrum of neutron-star mergers and differences in the dynamical behavior of the postmerger remnant depending on the binary configuration. These considerations lead to a unified picture of the post-merger gravitational-wave emission and the post-merger dynamics.
The quasi-periodic oscillations discovered in soft-gamma repeaters are considered due to the phenomena strongly associated with the oscillations of central objects, i.e., the neutron star oscillations. In order to explain the frequencies of the observed quasi-periodic oscillations, we focus on the crustal torsional oscillations in neutron stars, where we also take into account the effect of electron screening. Then, we are successful to constrain the density dependence of the nuclear symmetry energy (L), identifying the observed frequencies as the crust torsional oscillations with various angular indices.
We describe recent progress in the modelling of realistic equilibrium configurations of rotating superfluid neutron stars, in a fully general relativistic framework. We compute stationary and axisymmetric configurations of neutron stars composed of two interpenetrating and interacting fluids, namely superfluid neutrons and charged particles (protons and electrons), rotating with different rotation rates around a common axis. Two different realistic equations of state are considered. As a first application, we propose a simple bulk model for pulsar glitches, seen as angular momentum transfers between the two fluids through mutual friction force. From a series of equilibrium states, we compute the evolution in time of the properties of a neutron star during the rise period of a glitch. This enables us to infer characteristic features relative to glitches, such as spin-up timescales, that could be compared with future accurate observations in order to put some constraints on the interior of neutron stars.
As a result of the Chandrasekhar-Friedman-Schutz (CFS) instability, the f-mode (fundamental oscillation) in a newborn neutron star can grow and produce a significant gravitational wave signal. This star is usually the result of a core-collapse supernova explosion, but may also be the aftermath of a binary neutron star merger, where a rapidly rotating, supramassive configuration is formed, before its collapse to a black hole. The gravitational wave signal could possibly be detected by the next generation gravitational-wave detectors and, thus, provide useful information about the neutron star equation of state. However, nonlinear mode coupling suppresses the growth of the f-mode and saturates it. The saturation amplitude determines the strength of the signal, as well as the evolutionary route of the star inside the so-called instability window.
We discuss the modular anomaly equation satisfied by the the prepotential of 4-dimensional 𝒩 = 2* theories and show that its validity is related to S-duality. The recursion relations that follow from the modular anomaly equation allow one to write the prepotential in terms of (quasi)-modular forms, thus resumming the instanton contributions. These results can be checked against the microscopic multi-instanton calculus in the case of classical algebras, but are valid also for the exceptional E6,7,8, F4 and G2 algebras, where direct computations are not available.
We study an index for three-dimensional supersymmetric gauge theories placed on a sphere and immersed in external magnetic fields — in fact topologically twisted. We find an exact non-perturbative formula for this index, applying supersymmetric localization techniques. The index, different from the more common superconformal index, counts Landau-level ground states of the theories in magnetic field. It has physical applications: to the study of non-perturbative dualities, of moduli spaces, of Chern-Simons theory and Verlinde algebras, of wrapped branes in string theory and the quantum entropy of black holes; as well as mathematical applications: to quantum cohomology and its K-theoretic generalization.
We study the soft behavior of string scattering amplitudes at three level with massless and massive external insertions, relying on different techniques to compute 4-points amplitudes respectively with open or closed strings.
After a brief discussion of RR and NS fluxes, we consider the T-duality family of fluxes whose prototype is the Scherk-Schwarz reduction of the S-dual of the RR scalar of IIB supergravity. We give a complete classification of these fluxes, including the ones that are non-geometric, and we explain their relation with dual mixed-symmetry potentials. We point out that the non-geometric fluxes turn out to be dual to potentials containing nine antisymmetric indices. Our analysis suggests that all these fluxes can be understood in the context of double field theory, although for the non-geometric ones one expects a violation of the strong constraint.
We define an algebraic characterization of half supersymmetric branes in supergravity theories with different amount of supersymmetry. We furthermore illustrate how this classification can be used as starting point to explain the orbits stratification for extremal black holes.
We study instanton corrections to the effective action of N = 4 super Yang-Mills theory. For Sp(2N) gauge group the one-instanton effective action can be expressed in a compact and manifestly supersymmetric form as an integral over superspace of a function of the N = 4 on-shell superfields. In the Coulomb branch, the instanton corrects higherderivative terms D4F2−F2n+ and F4−F2n+. We confirm at the non-perturbative level the non-renormalization theorems for F2−F2n+ terms that are expected to be n-loop exact. We compute also the one and two-loop corrections to D4F2−F2n+ and show that its completion under SL(2,𝕫) duality is consistent with the one-instanton results.
Freudenthal duality can be defined as an anti-involutive, non-linear map acting on symplectic spaces. It was introduced in four-dimensional Maxwell-Einstein theories coupled to a non-linear sigma model of scalar fields.
In this short review, I will consider its relation to the U-duality Lie groups of type E7 in extended supergravity theories, and comment on the relation between the Hessian of the black hole entropy and the pseudo-Euclidean, rigid special (pseudo)Kähler metric of the pre-homogeneous spaces associated to the U-orbits.
A microscopic construction of black holes from M-theory that break supersymmetry is presented, by introducing a twist in the boundary condition of the fields in the superconformal theory of an effective string. To illustrate the mechanism, a specific example based on the choice of a Calabi-Yau compactification where h1,1 = h1,2 = 1 is constructed* (Based on the work JHEP 1506 (2015) 058, in collaboration with N. Gaddam, S. Vandoren and O. Varela.).
The entropy of black holes suggests that in quantum gravity, entropy is proportional to the bounding area of a region. We will argue that this conclusion is unwarranted; a more general analysis suggests a definite equation of state with an entropy that is proportional to the volume. The black hole expression arises as a special case in situations where the available volume V is sufficiently large.
We construct black holes with scalar hair in a wide class of four-dimensional N = 2 Fayet-Iliopoulos gauged supergravity theories that are characterized by a prepotential containing one free parameter. Considering the truncated model in which only a single real scalar survives, the theory is reduced to the Einstein-scalar system with a potential. Our solution is static, admits maximally symmetric horizons, asymptotically tends to the AdS space corresponding to the extremum of superpotential, but is disconnected with the Schwarzschild-AdS family. Our solution displays fall-off behaviors different from the standard one, due to the fact that the mass parameter at the SUSY vacuum is given by m2 = −2ℓ−2. Nevertheless, we identify a well-defined mass in our spacetime, following the prescription of Hertog and Maeda. Our solution shows qualitatively the same thermodynamic behavior as the Schwarzschild-AdS black hole but the entropy is always smaller for a given mass and the AdS radius. We find that our spherical black hole is unstable against radial perturbations.
We discuss thermodynamical stability of the type IIB background of and its local M-theory uplift, evaluation of electrical conductivity, charge susceptibility, diffusion constant, the Einstein relation relating the three, obtaining the QCD deconfinement temperature compatible with lattice data and speed of sound, in the ‘MQGP’ limit of involving gs ≲ 1, which we expect will shed light on strongly coupled thermal systems (such as the sQGP).
In a previous paper, it has been shown that the entropy of non-extremal black holes in Warped Anti-de Sitter (WAdS) spaces in massive gravity can be computed microscopically in terms of a dual conformal field theory. Here, we extend this computation to a set of asymptotic boundary conditions that, while still gathering the WAdS3 black holes, also allow for new solutions that are not locally equivalent to WAdS3 space, and therefore are associated to the local degrees of freedom of the theory (bulk massive gravitons). After presenting explicit examples of such geometries, we compute the asymptotic charge algebra and show that it is generated by the semi-direct sum of Virasoro algebra and an affine Kac-Moody algebra. The value of the central charge turns out to be exactly the one that leads to reproduce the entropy of the WAdS3 black holes. This result probes the WAdS3/CFT2 correspondence in presence of bulk gravitons.
In this note, we briefly review our recent work on a logarithmic correction to the entanglement entropy. In the large’t Hooft coupling limit, we investigate a logarithmic correction holographically by deforming an AdS space with a massive scalar field. We show that the metric deformation and the second order minimal surface deformation lead to an additional logarithmic correction to the entanglement entropy.
The following sections are included:
We discuss the construction and basic properties of a recently constructed 𝒩 = 1 supergravity theory in 4 dimensions with spontaneously broken local supersymmetry, called ‘de Sitter supergravity’. The theory has a cosmological constant that can be positive, zero or negative. Nilpotent multiplets and non-linear Volkov-Akulov supersymmetry play an important role in the construction. We shortly discuss some recent extensions of the theory.
We discuss implications of open string theory in B-violating low energy physics. In particular, exotic instantons can dynamically generate effective the six quark operator, leading to a neutron-antineutron transition. The proton is not destabilized and flavor changing neutral currents are under control.
We describe a type IIB string scenario in which tree-level moduli stabilization via geometric and non-geometric fluxes is achieved. We present stable non-supersymmetric vacua with all moduli fixed except for some massless axions. The moduli vacuum expectation values and their masses feature a specific scaling with the fluxes thereby allowing for parametric control. We discuss some phenomenological aspects of our scenario and explain how it provides an interesting framework for realizing inflation in string theory.
The power spectrum of the cosmic microwave background from both the Planck and WMAP data exhibits a slight dip for multipoles in the range of l = 10−30. We show that such a dip could be the result of the resonant creation of massive particles that couple to the inflaton field. For our best-fit models, the epoch of resonant particle creation reenters the horizon at a wave number of k*. ∼ 0.0011 ± 0.0004 (h Mpc−1). The amplitude and location of this feature corresponds to the creation of a number of degenerate fermion species of mass ∼ (8 − 11)/λ3/2 mpl during inflation where λ ∼ (1.0 ± 0.5)N−2/5 is the coupling constant between the inflaton field and the created fermion species, while N is the number of degenerate species. Although the evidence is of marginal statistical significance, this could constitute new observational hints of unexplored physics beyond the Planck scale.
We study inflation in the α−attractor model under a non-slow-roll dynamics with an ansatz proposed by Gong & Sasaki of assuming N = N (ϕ). Under this approach, we construct a class of local shapes of inflaton potential that are different from the T-models. We find this type of inflationary scenario predicts an attractor at ns ∼ 0.967 and r ∼ 0.00055. In our approach, the non-slow-roll inflaton dynamics are related to the α−parameter which is the curvature of Kähler geometry in the SUGRA embedding of this model.
There are no known examples of magnetic white dwarfs with fields larger than ∼ 3MG paired with a non-degenerate companion in detached binary systems. The suggestion is that highly magnetic, isolated white dwarfs may originate from stars that coalesce during common envelope evolution while those stars that emerge from a common envelope on a close orbit may evolve into double degenerate systems consisting of two white dwarfs, one or both magnetic.
The presence of planets or planetary debris around white dwarfs is also a new and exciting area of research that may give us important clues on the formation of first and second generation planetary systems, since these place unique signatures in the spectra of white dwarfs.
The evolution of white dwarfs can be described as a cooling process. When the temperature is low enough, the core of the white dwarf experiences a phase transition and crystallizes. Crystallization introduces two new sources of energy, latent heat and the energy release due to chemical differentiation. This induces the formation of a convective envelope around the solid core. This structure, which is analogous to that of the Earth, can produce a magnetic field by the dynamo mechanism. In this work we discuss the viability of this scenario for the origin of magnetism in white dwarfs.
We construct mass-radius relations of white dwarfs taking into account the effects of rotation and finite temperatures. We compare and contrast the theoretical mass-radius relations with observational data.
The evolution of the white dwarf remnant of the merger of two white dwarfs is still an open problem, and even more in the case when the mass of the remnant is larger than the Chandrasekhar limiting mass, namely when a metastable super-Chandrasekhar white dwarf is formed. Angular momentum loss might bring the white dwarf to conditions for a thermonuclear explosion or to gravitational and/or rotational instabilities. Dipole magnetic braking is one of the mechanisms that can drive such loss of angular momentum providing the white dwarf is highly magnetized. However, the timescale on which this process occurs is still the matter of an active debate, as it depends on many factors, like the strength of the magnetic field, its angle of inclination with respect to the rotation axis, and the structure properties of the white dwarf. In addition, the coalescence leaves a surrounding Keplerian disk that can be accreted onto the newly formed white dwarf. Here we compute the post-merger evolution of a super-Chandrasekhar magnetized white dwarf taking into account all the relevant physical processes. These include magnetic torques acting on the star, accretion from the Keplerian disk, and the threading of the magnetic field lines through the disk.
Our consistent effort to unravel the mystery of super-Chandrasekhar white dwarfs (WDs), by exploiting the potential of magnetic fields, has brought this topic considerable attention. This is also evident from the recent surge in the corresponding literature. In the present work, by means of full-scale general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (GRMHD) numerical analysis, we confirm the existence of stable, highly magnetized, significantly super-Chandrasekhar WDs having mass exceeding 3 solar mass. We have explored various possible field configurations, namely, poloidal, toroidal and mixed, by self-consistently incorporating the departure from spherical symmetry induced by a strong magnetic field. Such super-Chandrasekhar WDs can be ideal progenitors of peculiar, over-luminous type Ia supernovae.
We investigate the conditions for radio emission in rotating and oscillating magnetars, by focusing on the main physical processes determining the position of their death-lines in the P−˙P diagram, i.e. of those lines that separate the regions where the neutron star may be radio-loud or radio-quiet. When oscillations of the magnetar are taken into account, the death-lines shift downward and the conditions necessary for the generation of radio emission in the magnetosphere are met. Present observations showing a close connection between the burst activity of magnetars and the generation of the radio emission in the magnetar magnetosphere are naturally accounted for within our interpretation.
The origin of highest energy cosmic rays still remains a mystery in Astrophysics. In this work we consider the Soft Gamma Repeaters (SGRs) and Anomalous X-ray Pulsars (AXPs) as possible sources of ultra-high cosmic rays. These stars described as white dwarfs pulsars can achieved large electric potential differences in their surface and accelerate particles up to Lorentz factors γ ∼ 1010. Pulsars offer favorable sites for the injection of electrons and heavy nuclei, and accelerate them to ultrahigh energies. These particles can escape from the magnetosphere and produce the radiation observed. Here, we discuss the possibility of SGRs/AXPs as white dwarf pulsars to be possible sources of ultra-high energetic photons with E ∼ 1021 eV.
This work is an analyses of the general relativistic effects on White Dwarf’s (WD) Mass-Radius (M-R) relation. For this we use the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff (TOV) equations with the degenerate electron gas Equation of State (EoS) also called Chandrasekhar EoS and we use the Hamada Salpeter EoS as well, both in GR context. Hereafter in this work we show the outcome of using GR for massive WD and, consequently, for Super-Chandrasekhar WD. We did a fit of the numerical calculation making possible to write an analytical M-R relationship in the framework of GR. This result can be applied to WD surface gravity, dipole moment’s formula, systems with mass accretion and everything that involves M-R relation.
We show that the soft gamma-ray repeaters (SGRs) and anomalous X-ray pulsars (AXPs) can be explained as recently proposed highly magnetized white dwarfs (B-WDs). The radius and magnetic field of B-WDs are perfectly adequate to explain energies in SGRs/AXPs as the rotationally powered energy. While the highly magnetized neutron stars require an extra, observationally not well established yet, source of energy, the magnetized white dwarfs, yet following Chandrasekhar’s theory (C-WDs), exhibit large ultra-violet luminosity which is observationally constrained from a strict upper limit.
The gravitomagnetism (GM) is a phenomenon consisting of the gravitational interaction caused by rotating mass movement, in the same way that the magnetic effects are generated from the electric charge movement. The equation of GM where obtened by Lense and Thirring when studied solutions of Einstein field equations using the weak field and slow motion approximation of rotating systems.
Some authors affirm that the GM can cause precession of planets orbit, then in this paper we calculate the precession that gravitomagnetic effect cause on the solar system planets. We considerate a sphere spinning and we calculate the field between dipoles to measure the influence that the Sun has on Mercury, taking into account the Sun gravitomagnetic field produced when rotate around itself. We found that the Sun gravitomagnetic effect on Mercury is too smal and cannot explain the perihelion advance.
We show that nine of the twenty three soft gamma repeaters (SGRs) and anomalous X-ray pulsars (AXPs), namely the 40% of the entire observed population of sources, can be described as canonical pulsars driven by the rotational energy of a neutron star (NS), for which we give the possible range of masses.
We consider anomalous X-ray pulsars (AXPs) and soft gamma repeaters (SGRs) as rotationally powered pulsar-like white dwarfs. For the spin-down power of the white dwarf we use the traditional dipole braking formula as well as two other more recent and realistic models provided by numerical studies of the magnetosphere of a compact object including the wind braking torque. We show that, for the inferred values of the structure parameters and magnetic field obtained from the observed rotation period and spin-down rates, these white dwarfs are located above the so-called death-line. This result allows us to explain the blackbody component observed in the soft X-ray band of SGRs and AXPs via the polar caps’ heating by the bombardment of back flowing pair-created particles. For the sake of example, we show our results for the case of 1E 2259+586.
The properties of magnetic white dwarfs are computed for an equation of state which describes white dwarf matter in terms of a regular crystal lattice of atomic nuclei at zero temperature, immersed in a totally magnetized electron gas. The minimum critical densities at which electron capture reactions and possibly pycnonuclear fusion reactions occur inside of rotating white dwarfs are studied for different magnetic fields and stellar rotation rates. Moreover we calculate the mass-radius relationships of magnetic white dwarfs for magnetic fields ranging from zero up to 1013 Gauss and rotational stellar frequencies between zero and the Kepler frequency, which sets an absolute limit on rapid rotation. Our results show that the presence of strong magnetic fields in white dwarfs decreases the value of the critical density for the onset of electron capture and of pycnonuclear reactions. We also find that rotating magnetized white dwarfs may be up to one hundred times less dense than ordinary white dwarfs, depending on their rate of rotation.
The world formulation of the full theory of classical Proca fields in generally relativistic spacetimes is reviewed. Subsequently the entire set of field equations is transcribed in a straightforward way into the framework of one of the Infeld-van der Waerden formalisms. Some well-known calculational techniques are then utilized for deriving the wave equations that control the propagation of the fields allowed for. It appears that no interaction couplings between such fields and electromagnetic curvatures are ultimately carried by the wave equations at issue. What results is, in effect, that the only interactions which occur in the theoretical context under consideration involve strictly Proca fields and wave functions for gravitons.
Recently the role of huge magnetic fields in white dwarfs (WDs) has been explore. It was proposed the existence of WDs with a magnetic field of 1018 G with a critical mass Mmax ≈ 2.58M⊙ much larger than the Chandrasekhar limit ∼ 1.4M⊙. These Ultra-magnetized super-Chandrasekhar white dwarfs were obtained not considering some physical aspects as virial theorem, breaking of spherical symmetry, inverse β-decay, and pycnonuclear fusion reactions, making them unstable. Taking in account these points, ultra-magnetized, supermassive and stable white dwarfs, with magnetic fields in their interior at maximum of the order of 1013 − 1014G, even difficult to be formed, are possible to exist at least theoretically.
We describe how the known two-dimensional integrable ansatz in pure gravity can be extended to the N = 2 supergravity model.
We investigate isolated sub- and super-Chandrasekhar white dwarfs which lose angular momentum through magnetic dipole braking. We construct constant rest mass sequences by fulfilling all stability criteria of rotating configurations and show how the main structure of white dwarfs such as the central density, mean radius and angular velocity change with time. We explicitly demonstrate that all isolated white dwarfs regardless of their masses, by angular momentum loss, shrink and increase their central density. We also analyze the effects of the structure parameters on the evolution timescale both in the case of constant magnetic field and constant magnetic flux.
Equation of state of strange quark matter (SQM) in a nonuniform magnetic field is studied within the phenomenological MIT bag model under the charge neutrality and beta equilibrium conditions, relevant to the interior of strange quark stars. The spatial dependence of the magnetic field strength is modeled by the dependence on the baryon chemical potential. The total energy density, longitudinal and transverse pressures in magnetized SQM are found as functions of the baryon chemical potential. It is clarified that the central magnetic field strength in a strange quark star is bound from above by the value at which the derivative of the longitudinal pressure with respect to the baryon chemical potential vanishes first somewhere in the interior of a star under varying the central field. Above this upper bound, the instability along the magnetic field is developed in magnetized SQM.
We explore the connection between the distribution of particles spontaneously produced from an electric field or black hole and the vacuum persistence, twice the imaginary part of the one-loop effective action. Employing the reconstruction conjecture, we find the effective action for the Bose-Einstein or Fermi-Dirac distribution. The Schwinger effect in AdS2 is computed via the phase-integral method in the static coordinates. The Hawking radiation and Schwinger effect of a charged black hole is rederived and interpreted via the phase-integral. Finally, we discuss the relation between the vacuum persistence and the trace or gravitational anomalies.
Vacuum instability of the strong electromagnetic field has been discussed since long time ago. The instability of the strong electric field due to creation of electron pairs is one of the examples, which is known as Schwinger process. What matters are the coupling of particles to the electromagnetic field and the mass of the particle to be produced. The critical electric field for electrons in the minimal coupling is Ec ∼ m2e. Spin 1/2 neutral particles but with magnetic dipole moments can interact with the electromagnetic field through Pauli coupling. The instability of the particular vacuum under the strong magnetic field can be formulated as the emergence of imaginary parts of the effective potential. In this talk, the development of the imaginary part in the effective potential as a function of the magnetic field strength is discussed for the configurations of the uniform magnetic field and the inhomogeneous magnetic field. Neutrinos are the lightest particle(if not photon or gluon) in the “standard model”, of which electromagnetic property is poorly known experimentally. Recently the observation of neutrino oscillation shows the necessity of neutrino masses. It implies that the standard model is subjected to be modified such that non-trivial electromagnetic structure of neutrino should be reconsidered although they are assigned to be neutral. And the possibility of anomalous electromagnetic form factor is an open question theoretically and experimentally. In this talk, the implication of non-vanishing magnetic dipole moment of neutrinos is also discussed: the instability of the strong magnetic field and the enhancement of neutrino production in high energy collider experiments.
We study the instability of a hairy black hole solutions in asymptotically flat spacetime in Dilatonic Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet theory of gravitation. We employ the entropy preference as a non-perturbative instability of a black hole. We compare the entropy of one large black hole with the sum of those of two small black holes.
We have constructed a spherically symmetric structure model in a cosmological background filled with perfect fluid with non-vanishing pressure and studied its quasi-local characteristics. This is done by using the Lemaître solution of the Einstein equations and suggesting an algorithm to integrate it numerically. The result shows intriguing effects of the pressure inside the structure. The evolution of the central black hole within the FRW universe, its decoupling from the expanding parts of the model, the structure of its space-like apparent horizon, the limiting case of the dynamical horizon tending to a slowly evolving horizon, and the decreasing mass in-fall to the black hole is also studied. The quasi-local features of this cosmological black hole may not be inferred from the weak field approximation although the gravity outside the structure is very weak.
In this note, we briefly review our recent works related to the holographic nucleon’s spectrum in the nuclear medium. In order to describe the nuclear medium holographically, we introduce a charged thermal AdS space and investigate fermion fluctuation corresponding nucleon on this background.
We report here a work on a simple inhomogeneous cosmological model within the Lematre-Tolman-Bondi (LTB) metric. The mass-scale function of the LTB model is taken to be M(r) ∝ rd and would correspond to a fractal distribution for 0 < d < 3. The luminosity distance for this model is computed and then compared to supernovae data. Unlike LTB models which have in the most general case two free functions, our model has only two free parameters as the flat standard model of cosmology. The best fit obtained is a matter distribution with an exponent of d = 3.44. Finally by adding an upper cutoff on the scale r = 2300 Mpc, we find a better fit than the simple fractal model with an exponent d = 3.36.
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O(d, d) duality transformations in F(R) theories of gravity (150 KB)
Gabriele S.J. Gionti