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  • articleNo Access

    Lower bound of black hole hair in pure Lovelock theory of gravity

    As an alternative to the “no hair conjecture,” the “no short hair conjecture” for hairy black holes was established earlier. This theorem stipulates that hair must be present above 3/2 of the event horizon radius for a hairy black hole. It is assumed that the nonlinear behavior of the matter field plays a key role in the presence of such hair. Subsequently, it was established that the hair must extend beyond the photon sphere of the corresponding black hole. We have investigated the validity of the “no short hair conjecture” in pure Lovelock gravity. Our analysis has shown that irrespective of dimensionality and Lovelock order, the hair of a static, spherically symmetric black hole extends at least up to the photon sphere.

  • articleNo Access


    We investigate a flat anisotropic (5+1)-dimensional cosmological model in the presence of the Gauss–Bonnet (GB) contribution in addition to the usual Einstein term in the action. We compared it with (4+1)-dimensional case and found a substantial difference in the corresponding cosmological dynamics. This difference is manifested in the probability of the model to have smooth transition from GB-term-dominated to Einstein-term-dominated phases — this probability in a reasonable measure on the initial condition space is almost zero for (4+1) case and about 60% for (5+1) case. We discuss this difference as well as some features of the dynamics of the considered model.

  • articleNo Access

    Higher-dimensional particle model in pure Lovelock gravity

    In this paper, based on the thin-shell formalism, we introduce a classical model for particles in the framework of (n+1)-dimensional [n2]-order pure Lovelock gravity. In particular, we construct a spherically symmetric particle of radius a whose inside is a flat Minkowski spacetime while its outside is charged pLG solution. Knowing that in (n+1)-dimensional spherically symmetric Einstein gravity (R-gravity) such a particle model cannot be constructed, as we have discussed first, provides the main motivation for this study. In fact, it is the richness of Lovelock parameters that provides such a particle construction possible. On the thin-shell, the energy-momentum components are chosen to vanish, yet their normal derivatives are nonzero.

  • articleNo Access

    Some aspects of the cosmological dynamics in Einstein–Gauss–Bonnet gravity

    We study some aspects of dynamical compactification scenario where stabilization of extra dimensions occurs due to the presence of Gauss–Bonnet term and nonzero spatial curvature. In the framework of the model under consideration, there exists two-stages scenario of evolution of a Universe: in the first stage, the space evolves from a totally anisotropic state to the state with three-dimensional (corresponding to our “real” world) expanding and D-dimensional contracting isotropic subspaces; on the second stage, constant curvature of extra dimensions begins to play role and provide compactification of extra dimensions. It is already known that such a scenario is realizable when constant curvature of extra dimensions is negative. Here we show that a range of coupling constants for which exponential solutions with three-dimensional expanding and D-dimensional contracting isotropic subspaces are stable is located in a zone where compactification solutions with positively curved extra space are unstable, so that two-stage scenario analogous to the one described above is not realizable. Also we study “nearly-Friedmann” regime for the case of arbitrary constant curvature of extra dimensions and describe new parametrization of the general solution for the model under consideration which provide elegant way of describing areas of existence over parameters space.

  • articleNo Access

    A new formula for conserved charges of Lovelock gravity in AdS space–times and its generalization

    Within the framework of the Lovelock gravity theory, we propose a new rank-four divergenceless tensor consisting of the Riemann curvature tensor and inheriting its algebraic symmetry characters. Such a tensor can be adopted to define conserved charges of the Lovelock gravity theory in asymptotically anti-de Sitter (AdS) space–times. Besides, inspired with the case of the Lovelock gravity, we put forward another general fourth-rank tensor in the context of an arbitrary diffeomorphism invariant theory of gravity described by the Lagrangian constructed out of the curvature tensor. On basis of the newly-constructed tensor, we further suggest a Komar-like formula for the conserved charges of this generic gravity theory.

  • articleNo Access

    Lovelock black holes with double-logarithmic electrodynamics source

    This work examines the magnetized black holes of Lovelock gravity in the presence of double-logarithmic electrodynamics. In this context, the Lovelock polynomial is found and the accompanying thermodynamic quantities, such as mass, entropy, Hawking temperature, and heat capacity, are determined. This new model of nonlinear electrodynamics is used to calculate the black hole solutions of Einstein, Gauss–Bonnet and third-order Lovelock gravities as well. The impacts of the double-logarithmic electromagnetic field on the black hole thermodynamics in these particular theories are examined and the regions of horizon radius that correspond to the local thermodynamic stability are highlighted.

  • articleNo Access


    It is well known that one could determine the kinematics of gravity by using the Principle of Equivalence and local inertial frames. I describe how the dynamics of gravity can be similarly understood by suitable thought experiments in a local Rindler frame. This approach puts in proper context several unexplained features of gravity and describes the dynamics of space–time in a broader setting than in Einstein's theory.

  • articleNo Access


    We present the generalization of a known theorem to generate static, spherically symmetric black hole solutions in higher-dimensional Lovelock gravity. Particular limits such as Gauss–Bonnet (GB) and Einstein–Hilbert (EH) in any dimension N yield all the solutions known to date with an energy–momentum. In our generalization, with special emphasis on third order Lovelock gravity, we have found two different class of solutions characterized by the matter field parameter. Several particular cases are studied and properties related to asymptotic behaviors are discussed. Our general solution, which covers topological black holes as well, splits naturally into distinct classes such as Chern–Simon (CS) and Born–Infeld (BI) in higher-dimensions. The occurence of naked singularities is studied and it is found that the space–time behaves nonsingularly in the quantum-mechanical sense when it is probed with quantum test particles. The theorem is extended to cover Bertotti–Robinson (BR) type solutions in the presence of the GB parameter alone. Finally, we prove also that extension of the theorem for a scalar–tensor source of higher dimensions (N > 4) fails to work.

  • articleNo Access


    There is considerable evidence to suggest that field equations of gravity have the same conceptual status as the equations of hydrodynamics or elasticity. We add further support to this paradigm by showing that Einstein"s field equations are identical in form to Navier–Stokes equations of hydrodynamics, when projected on to any null surface. In fact, these equations can be obtained directly by extremizing of entropy associated with the deformations of null surfaces thereby providing a completely thermodynamic route to gravitational field equations. Several curious features of this remarkable connection (including a phenomenon of "dissipation without dissipation") are described and the implications for the emergent paradigm of gravity is highlighted.

  • articleNo Access

    Quasilinear reformulation of Lovelock gravity

    Here, we give an extended review of the quasilinear reformulation of the Lovelock gravitational field equations in harmonic gauge presented by Willison [Class. Quantum Grav.32 (2015) 022001]. This is important in order to establish rigorously well-posedness of the theory perturbed about certain backgrounds. The resulting system is not quasidiagonal, therefore analysis of causality is complicated in general. The conditions for the equations to be Leray hyperbolic are elucidated. The relevance to some recent results regarding the stability analysis of black holes is presented.

  • articleNo Access

    Lovelock black holes in the presence of nonlinear electrodynamics

    In this paper, we consider third-order Lovelock–Maxwell gravity with additional (Fμν Fμν)2 term as a nonlinearity correction of the Maxwell theory. We obtain black hole solutions with various horizon topologies (and various number of horizons) in which their asymptotical behavior can be flat or anti-de Sitter with an effective cosmological constant. We investigate the effects of Lovelock and electrodynamic corrections on properties of the solutions. Then, we restrict ourselves to asymptotically flat solutions and calculate the conserved and thermodynamic quantities. We check the first law of thermodynamics for these black hole solutions and calculate the heat capacity to analyze stability. Although higher dimensional black holes in Einstein gravity are unstable, here we look for suitable constraints on the black hole radius to find thermally stable black hole solutions.

  • articleNo Access

    New solutions of exotic charged black holes and their stability

    We find a class of charged black hole solutions in third-order Lovelock Gravity. To obtain this class of solutions, we are not confined to the usual assumption of maximal symmetry on the horizon and will consider the solution whose boundary is Einstein space with supplementary conditions on its Weyl tensor. The Weyl tensor of such exotic horizons exposes two chargelike parameter to the solution. These parameters in addition with the electric charge, cause different features in comparison with the charged solution with constant-curvature horizon. For this class of asymptotically (A)dS solutions, the electric charge dominates the behavior of the metric as r goes to zero, and thus the central singularity is always timelike. We also compute the thermodynamic quantities for these solutions and will show that the first law of thermodynamics is satisfied. We also show that the extreme black holes with nonconstant-curvature horizons whose Ricci scalar are zero or a positive constant could exist depending on the value of the electric charge and chargelike parameters. Finally, we investigate the stability of the black holes by analyzing the behavior of free energy and heat capacity specially in the limits of small and large horizon radius. We will show that in contrast with charged solution with constant-curvature horizon, a phase transition occurs between very small and small black holes from a stable phase to an unstable one, while the large black holes show stability to both perturbative and nonperturbative fluctuations.

  • articleNo Access

    Maxwell’s equal area law for Lovelock thermodynamics

    We present the construction of Maxwell’s equal area law for the Guass–Bonnet AdS black holes in d=5,6 and third-order Lovelock AdS black holes in d=7,8. The equal area law can be used to find the number and location of the points of intersection in the plots of Gibbs free energy, so that we can get the thermodynamically preferred solution which corresponds to the first-order phase transition. We obtain the radius of the small and large black holes in the phase transition which share the same Gibbs free energy. The case with two critical points is explored in much more details. The latent heat is also studied.

  • articleNo Access

    Compact objects in pure Lovelock theory

    For static fluid interiors of compact objects in pure Lovelock gravity (involving only one Nth order term in the equation), we establish similarity in solutions for the critical odd and even d=2N+1,2N+2 dimensions. It turns out that in critical odd d=2N+1 dimensions, there cannot exist any bound distribution with a finite radius, while in critical even d=2N+2 dimensions, all solutions have similar behavior. For exhibition of similarity, we would compare star solutions for N=1,2 in d=4 Einstein and d=6 in Gauss–Bonnet theory, respectively. We also obtain the pure Lovelock analogue of the Finch–Skea model.

  • articleNo Access

    BIonic system: Extraction of Lovelock gravity from a Born–Infeld-type theory

    It was shown that both Lovelock gravity and Born–Infeld (BI) electrodynamics can be obtained from low effective limit of string theory. Motivated by the mentioned unique origin of the gauge-gravity theories, we are going to find a close relation between them. In this research, we start from the Lagrangian of a BI-type nonlinear electrodynamics with an exponential form to extract the action of Lovelock gravity. We investigate the origin of Lovelock gravity in a system of branes which are connected with each other by different wormholes through a BIonic system. These wormholes are produced as due to the nonlinear electrodynamics which are emerged on the interacting branes. By approaching branes, wormholes dissolve into branes and Lovelock gravity is generated. Also, throats of some wormholes become smaller than their horizons and they transit to black holes. Generalizing calculations to M-theory, it is found that by compacting Mp-branes, Lovelock gravity changes to nonlinear electrodynamics and thus both of them have the same origin. This result is consistent with the prediction of BIonic model in string theory.

  • articleNo Access

    On the existence of the electromagnetic energy tensor in second-order Lovelock gravities

    In this work, we prove that there are no electromagnetic energy tensors in second-order Lovelock gravities that verify properties equivalent to those of the Maxwell electromagnetic energy tensor in general relativity.

  • chapterNo Access


    We examine a flat (N + 1)-dimensional universe filled with a homogeneous magnetic field in Gauss-Bonnet gravity and take an interest in the behavior of cosmological solutions near the singularity.