Nowadays, researchers are extremely fascinated with the study of the doping effects of nanostructures of different materials, sizes and concentrations in high Tc superconductors. This paper presents the presence of nanorods (N) structures, which have not previously been observed in the bulk HTSCs materials, and the influence of Iron doping in Bi-2223 superconductor using composition Bi2Sr2Can−1(Cu1−xFex)nO10+δ, (n=3) for (x=0.00 and 0.01). The composition is prepared through a solid state route (SSR). The obtained samples are characterized with XRD, FESEM with EDX, HR-TEM and FTIR, and categorized into two samples (α) and (β) Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+δ, and Bi2Sr2Ca2(Cu0.99Fe0.01)3O10+δ, respectively, which show Lattice dimensions a=5.3912Å, b=5.4075Å, c=6.7961Å and a=5.4031Å, b=5.4170Å, c=36.7944Å with Orthorhombic crystal structure, respectively. The FE-SEM micrographs show plate-like layered structures and (N) in the samples, which are uniformly distributed. The obtained size of crystallite nanoparticles is 2nm–100nm, calculated by the Scherrer method, and verified with HR-TEM data. The HR-TEM study also confirmed the layered form in the orthorhombic phase. The FESEM-EDX energy peaks in the spectrum confirm the presence of the elements in both samples (α) and (β). The HRTEM-EDX confirms the extant iron in the sample in the form of (N). The FTIR bond stretching 1630.89cm−1 and 1629.657cm−1 of the samples (α) and (β), respectively, confirms the superconductor bismuth-based 2223 phase, respectively. The electrical resistivity study of (α) and (β) samples shows the critical temperature (Tc) of 63.083K and 22.8195K, respectively. The onset temperature for both samples is measured at 115.1785K and 68.314K, which represent the Bi-2223 phase. The magnetoresistance is obtained at low temperatures by a physical properties measurement system (PPMS) and with the increasing order of applied magnetic field from 0 to 12 Tesla, an increase in the resistivity in the pure sample (α) and also a decrease in transition temperature are observed. These results are as similar to those obtained in the Bi-2223 Superconductor. The results show the growth of nanoparticles in the iron-doped Bisco superconductors.