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We consider Faddeev formulation of General Relativity (GR) in which the metric is composed of ten vector fields or a 4 ×10 tetrad. This formulation reduces to the usual GR upon partial use of the field equations.
A distinctive feature of the Faddeev action is its finiteness on the discontinuous fields. This allows to introduce its minisuperspace formulation where the vector fields are constant everywhere on ℝ4 with exception of a measure zero set (the piecewise constant fields). The fields are parametrized by their constant values independently chosen in, e.g. the 4-simplices or, say, parallelepipeds into which ℝ4 can be decomposed. The form of the action for the vector fields of this type is found.
We also consider the piecewise constant vector fields approximating the fixed smooth ones. We check that if the regions in which the vector fields are constant are made arbitrarily small, the minisuperspace action and equations of motion tend to the continuum Faddeev ones.
Faddeev formulation of general relativity (GR) is considered where the metric is composed of ten vector fields or a ten-dimensional tetrad. Upon partial use of the field equations, this theory results in the usual GR.
Earlier we have proposed some minisuperspace model for the Faddeev formulation where the tetrad fields are piecewise constant on the polytopes like 4-simplices or, say, cuboids into which ℝ4 can be decomposed.
Now we study some representation of this (discrete) theory, an analogue of the Cartan–Weyl connection-type form of the Hilbert–Einstein action in the usual continuum GR.
Regge action is represented analogously to how the Palatini action for general relativity (GR) as some functional of the metric and a general connection as independent variables represents the Einstein–Hilbert action.
The piecewise flat (or simplicial) spacetime of Regge calculus is equipped with some world coordinates and some piecewise affine metric which is completely defined by the set of edge lengths and the world coordinates of the vertices. The conjugate variables are the general nondegenerate matrices on the three-simplices which play the role of a general discrete connection. Our previous result on some representation of the Regge calculus action in terms of the local Euclidean (Minkowsky) frame vectors and orthogonal connection matrices as independent variables is somewhat modified for the considered case of the general linear group GL(4, R) of the connection matrices.
As a result, we have some action invariant w.r.t. arbitrary change of coordinates of the vertices (and related GL(4, R) transformations in the four-simplices). Excluding GL(4, R) connection from this action via the equations of motion we have exactly the Regge action for the considered spacetime.
Faddeev formulation of general relativity (GR) is considered where the metric is composed of ten vector fields or a ten-dimensional tetrad. Upon partial use of the field equations, this theory results in the usual general relativity (GR).
Earlier, we have proposed first-order representation of the minisuperspace model for the Faddeev formulation where the tetrad fields are piecewise constant on the polytopes like four-simplices or, say, cuboids into which ℝ4 can be decomposed, an analogue of the Cartan–Weyl connection-type form of the Hilbert–Einstein action in the usual continuum GR.
In the Hamiltonian formalism, the tetrad bilinears are canonically conjugate to the orthogonal connection matrices. We evaluate the spectrum of the elementary areas, functions of the tetrad bilinears. The spectrum is discrete and proportional to the Faddeev analog γF of the Barbero–Immirzi parameter γ. The possibility of the tetrad and metric discontinuities in the Faddeev gravity allows to consider any surface as consisting of a set of virtually independent elementary areas and its spectrum being the sum of the elementary spectra. Requiring consistency of the black hole entropy calculations known in the literature we are able to estimate γF.
We consider the Faddeev formulation of general relativity (GR), which can be characterized by a kind of d-dimensional tetrad (typically d = 10) and a non-Riemannian connection. This theory is invariant w.r.t. the global, but not local, rotations in the d-dimensional space. There can be configurations with a smooth or flat metric, but with the tetrad that changes abruptly at small distances, a kind of “antiferromagnetic” structure.
Previously, we discussed a first-order representation for the Faddeev gravity, which uses the orthogonal connection in the d-dimensional space as an independent variable. Using the discrete form of this formulation, we considered the spectrum of (elementary) area. This spectrum turns out to be physically reasonable just on a classical background with large connection like rotations by π, that is, with such an “antiferromagnetic” structure.
In the discrete first-order Faddeev gravity, we consider such a structure with periodic cells and large connection and strongly changing tetrad field inside the cell. We show that this system in the continuum limit reduces to a generalization of the Faddeev system. The action is a sum of related actions of the Faddeev type and is still reduced to the GR action.
The piecewise flat space–time is equipped with a set of edge lengths and vertex coordinates. This defines a piecewise affine coordinate system and a piecewise affine metric in it, the discrete analogue of the unique torsion-free metric-compatible affine connection or of the Levi-Civita connection (or of the standard expression of the Christoffel symbols in terms of metric) mentioned in the literature, and, substituting this into the affine connection form of the Regge action of our previous work, we get a second-order form of the action. This can be expanded over metric variations from simplex to simplex. For a particular periodic simplicial structure and coordinates of the vertices, the leading order over metric variations is found to coincide with a certain finite difference form of the Hilbert–Einstein action.
A Schwarzschild-type solution in Regge calculus is considered. Earlier, we considered a mechanism of loose fixing of edge lengths due to the functional integral measure arising from integration over connection in the functional integral for the connection representation of the Regge action. The length scale depends on a free dimensionless parameter that determines the final functional measure. For this parameter and the length scale large in Planck units, the resulting effective action is close to the Regge action.
Earlier, we considered the Regge action in terms of affine connection matrices as functions of the metric inside the 4-simplices and found that it is a finite-difference form of the Hilbert–Einstein action in the leading order over metric variations between the 4-simplices.
Now we take the (continuum) Schwarzschild problem in the form where spherical symmetry is not set a priori and arises just in the solution, take the finite-difference form of the corresponding equations and get the metric (in fact, in the Lemaitre or Painlevé–Gullstrand like frame), which is nonsingular at the origin, just as the Newtonian gravitational potential, obeying the difference Poisson equation with a point source, is cutoff at the elementary length and is finite at the source.
In this paper, a Kerr-type solution in the Regge calculus is considered. It is assumed that the discrete general relativity, the Regge calculus, is quantized within the path integral approach. The only consequence of this approach used here is the existence of a length scale at which edge lengths are loosely fixed, as considered in our earlier paper. In addition, we previously considered the Regge action on a simplicial manifold on which the vertices are coordinatized and the corresponding piecewise constant metric is introduced, and found that for the simplest periodic simplicial structure and in the leading order over metric variations between four-simplices, this reduces to a finite-difference form of the Hilbert–Einstein action. The problem of solving the corresponding discrete Einstein equations (classical) with a length scale (having a quantum nature) arises as the problem of determining the optimal background metric for the perturbative expansion generated by the functional integral. Using a one-complex-function ansatz for the metric, which reduces to the Kerr–Schild metric in the continuum, we find a discrete metric that approximates the continuum one at large distances and is nonsingular on the (earlier) singularity ring. The effective curvature Rλννρ, including where Rλμ≠0 (gravity sources), is analyzed with a focus on the vicinity of the singularity ring.
This paper generalizes our previous work on the discrete Schwarzschild-type solution in Regge calculus to the case of a charge. The known in the literature simplicial electro-dynamics retaining like Regge calculus geometric features of the continuum counterpart is incorporated into the formalism.
The functional integral provides a loose fixation of edge lengths around some scale and a perturbative expansion, for which we consider, in essence, finding the optimal starting (background) metric/field from the skeleton Regge and electro-dynamic equations. The simplest periodic simplicial structure and the expansion over metric/field variations between 4-simplices are considered. In the leading order of this expansion, the electromagnetic action, as we found earlier for the Regge action, is reducible to a finite-difference form of the continuum counterpart.
Instead of infinite continuous metric/field variables at the center, we have finite discrete variables; the discrete metric in the Schwarzschild-type coordinates turns out to change the sign of its variation when approaching the center from the nearest vertices, so that g00+1 is positive at the center (the continuum g00+1 tends to −∞ at the center). The metric/field in the neighborhood of the center and the curvature and the Kretschmann scalar at the center are estimated.
This paper continues our work on black holes in the framework of the Regge calculus, where the discrete version (with a certain edge length scale b proportional to the Planck scale) of the classical solution emerges as an optimal starting point for the perturbative expansion after functional integration over the connection, with the singularity resolved. An interest in the present discrete Kerr–Newman-type solution (with the parameter a≫b) may be to check the classical prediction that the electromagnetic contribution to the metric and curvature on the singularity ring is (infinitely) greater than the contribution of the δ-function-like mass distribution, no matter how small the electric charge is. Here, we encounter a kind of a discrete diagram technique, but with three-dimensional (static) diagrams and with only a few diagrams, although with modified (extended to complex coordinates) propagators. The metric (curvature) in the vicinity of the former singularity ring is considered. The electromagnetic contribution does indeed have a relative factor that is infinite at b→0, but, taking into account some existing estimates of the upper bound on the electric charge of known substances, it is not so large for habitual bodies and can only be significant for practically nonrotating black holes.