Movement and shape changes are fundamental aspects of all living organisms. This biological motility results from the biological nanomotors, in particular protein nanomotors. Cells contain a variety of protein nanomotors that rotate (e.g., F0F1-ATP synthase or bacterial flagellar motors) or move in a linear fashion (e.g., the kinesin, myosin and dynein motors). F0F1-ATP synthase is one of the ideal nanomotors or energy providing systems for micro/nanomachines because of its small size, smart and perfect structure, and ultra-high energy transfer efficiency. Therefore, in this paper, we have reviewed the structure, mechanism, and potential applications of the F0F1-ATP synthase nanomotor. In all organisms, the F0F1-ATP synthase consists of two distinct nanomotors, F0 and F1. The F0 moiety is embedded in the membrane and is a detergent soluble unit while the F1 moiety protrudes from the membrane and is a water soluble unit. F0F1-ATP synthase operates as two stepper motor/generators coupled by a common shaft and an electrochemical-to-mechanical-to-chemical energy transducer with an astounding 360° rotary motion of subunits. F0F1-ATP synthase nanomotor may enable the creation of a new class of sensors, mechanical force transducers, actuators, and nanomechanical devices. Thus, the F0F1-ATP synthase nanomotor field has expanded into a wide variety of science.