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Head-mounted tablets (HMTs), a type of augmented reality (AR) wearable device that is worn on the head like glasses, have gained vast attention in the manufacturing industry as they enable workers to receive hands-free support. For emerging technologies, it could be useful to predict their acceptance among potential users. Hence, various researchers have utilized the technology acceptance model (TAM) to forecast such acceptance, in the past decade also including HMTs and other AR smart glasses. In this research, an exploratory model is developed to investigate which factors allow to predict a future acceptance of HMTs for training new employees on the shop floor. After collecting 46 survey responses and applying a partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) approach, the findings indicate that the protection of personal data and satisfaction with the technology significantly influence the usage of HMTs among new employees. Furthermore, a significant effect was found for experience and ease of use.
This study aims to adapt the Expectation Disconfirmation Theory and Technology Adoption Model to unveil provocative roles in patients’ satisfaction cognitions and subsequent continuity behaviors pertaining to telemedicine services in rural Bangladesh. A quantitative research model is developed and validated using a two-staged deep neural network and partial least squares structural equation modeling approach. The findings of this study provide evidence that five salient determinants; expectations, disconfirmation, performance, usefulness, and ease of use dominantly contribute to predicting patients’ satisfaction concerning continuity with telemedicine. This contributes to health informatics and behavioral literature by clarifying the complex interplay between patients’ satisfaction and determinants of continuity behavior in telemedicine’s domain. The findings provide novel insights into predictions of complex patients’ attitudes toward telemedicine continuity, and dynamic changes in adoption trends thereby assisting health professionals, global health experts, policymakers, and IS community in making higher quality informed decisions for people-centered future models of care.
The software industry being highly resource-oriented tries to ensure that knowledge residing in the minds of the employees is effectively utilised for leveraging core business competencies. Therefore, providing effective knowledge management systems (KMSs) to utilise this knowledge for optimising business processes has become crucial for enterprises to stay competitive. This paper attempts to assess the effectiveness of KMS implementations from a knowledge workers’ perspective via six dimensions of the Jennex and Olfman (J&O) KMS success model. Quantitative data was collected through a web-based survey questionnaire from knowledge workers in 25 Indian software companies. Statistical analysis of the study’s model was conducted using SmartPLS® (version 2.0.M3) software for assessment of both measurement and structural models. The empirical analysis of the model’s hypotheses indicated that a knowledge worker’s intent to use a KMS is significantly dependent on Service and Knowledge/Information Quality dimensions of J&O KMS success model. This paper implies that the J&O KMS success model seems to have adequate predictive power for most implied variables with the exception of System Quality. The J&O KMS success model from a practical point of view offers a means for organisations to evaluate and predict the effectiveness of KMS implementations. The results produced in this study may allow KM practitioners to know more about the levers that help to improve their KMS and thus suitably prioritise their investment plans accordingly.
The present research explores the role of knowledge storage and documentation and realised absorptive capacity as mediating variables between potential absorptive capacity and internal knowledge creation. The theoretical model is developed and further tested with a sample of 111 organisations from multiple industry sectors. The results show that the technology-driven process of knowledge storage and documentation, as well as the realised absorptive capacity of the respondent companies, reinforces the human-driven process of internal knowledge creation, and mediates, individually and jointly, the relationship between potential absorptive capacity and intra-firm knowledge creation. Mediation analysis relies on the use of bootstrapping confidence intervals. The authors draw practical implications for organisational psychologists and human resources managers. The small sample size and the cross-sectional design limit the generalisation of the present findings. Further research should explore the complementarity of absorptive capacity phases with other knowledge management processes that could enable the creation of new knowledge in organisations.
This research examines the relationship between sustainable m-Gov services and citizen satisfaction with m-Gov services. A multidimensional conceptualisation of sustainable m-Gov services is defined to examine citizen satisfaction. The research model was tested using empirical data collected from 687 m-Gov service users through PLS-SEM. The results showed that service availability, contact, responsiveness, efficiency, and privacy significantly influenced m-Gov service quality. Mobile self-efficacy, perceived trust, and perceived functional benefit are critical for m-Gov adoption. However, perceived compatibility and perceived ability-to-use did not explain the m-Gov adoption. The findings of m-Gov service quality and m-Gov adoption interactions supported their role in predicting sustainable m-Gov services, thereby increasing citizen satisfaction. The outcome of this study is vital for government strategies, public administration, policymakers, and government service delivery literature and provides citizen-centric m-Gov services. Thus, the government and citizens adopting m-Gov services can benefit from the tested model towards increasing the sustainable offering of m-Gov services.
Development of the innovation capability represents activities that enable transformation of firms and the regional entity toward improved competitiveness. The main goal of the paper is to model situation with regard to innovation capability in a regional context. The research confirms positive relations between networking, marketing, and knowledge absorption capability, between knowledge absorption, development, and business renewal capability, and between marketing and development capability. Instead, relations between networking and development capability, and between marketing and knowledge absorption capability are not confirmed. Furthermore, the study supports usefulness of partial least squares structural equation modeling as a decision-making supporting tool.
Many studies uphold information systems (IS) capabilities as a key factor in creating customer capital. This study explores this topic further by proposing a multiple mediation model. Hence, the study fills a conspicuous gap in the literature through its analysis of the mediating roles of green innovation product and environmental uncertainty. The study employs partial least square variance-based structural equation modeling to a sample of 425 participants from a variety of firms. From the findings of the study, we infer that green innovation performance — to a greater extent — and environmental uncertainty — to a lesser extent — play mediating roles between IS capabilities and customer capital.
The purpose of this paper is to develop a suitable formative scale for Industry 4.0 readiness assessment and validate in the Indian steel manufacturing sector. For this, a literature review was undertaken to identify the relevant dimensions and items to assess the Industry 4.0 readiness at micro-level. Further, a pilot study and content validity were undertaken with experts from the industry and academia to find out the relevance of the dimensions and their items. The index thus developed was administered among top-level managers from steel manufacturing organizations and the data was analyzed using PLS-SEM. The findings revealed the most important parameters — strategy & organization; business model; manufacturing & operations; supply chain; products & services along with 21 indicators to be significant in all cases to assess Industry 4.0 readiness.
The importance of leadership is increasingly recognized in relation to digital transformation. Therefore, middle management and top management must have the competencies required to lead such a transformation. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between the digital leader competencies as set out by the European e-competence framework (e-CF) and the digital transformation of organizations. Also, the relationship between digital leadership competency (DLC) and IT capability is examined. An empirical investigation is presented based on a sample of 433 respondents, analyzed using PLS-SEM. The results strongly support our hypotheses. DLC has a strong impact on organizational digital transformation. A post-hoc analysis showed this is predominantly the case for the e-CF competencies of business plan development, architecture design, and innovating while business change management and governance do not seem to affect organizational digital transformation. This is the first empirical study to conceptualize, operationalize and validate the concept of DLC, based on the e-competence framework, and its impact on digital transformation. These findings have significant implications for researchers and practitioners working on the transformation toward a digital organization.
Enriching the literature on innovation and knowledge management, this paper examines the impact of various types of innovation (product, process, marketing, and organization) on the knowledge sharing of SMEs through transformational leadership. A total of 437 samples were collected from SMEs owners/managers in the service sector of a developing economy through a quantitative method. The data were analyzed using a SMART PLS-SEM. The findings confirmed the hypotheses that innovation have a significant influence on knowledge sharing; whiles as transformational leadership had a non-moderating effect. Besides consolidating the existing theory on the importance of innovation for explaining a variation in knowledge sharing activities, the findings also inform SMEs and policymakers to be cautious of implementing transformational leadership style as it may have a non-moderating impact in today’s entrepreneurial activities. Finally, we believe that this study will provide researchers with some key aspects to explore in this area of study and encourage applications of objective and subjective measures to improve the validity of results.
Successfully developing a new product, service or production process for commercial purposes involves complex and dynamic changes, and therefore requires conditions of knowledge management that fosters innovation. In this sense, processes by which knowledge is created and exploited in the firm constitute key competence and source of innovation capabilities. The objective of the study is to examine the relationship between conditions of knowledge management and innovation capability. The sample consists of 102 Colombian new technology-based firms. According to results, conditions of knowledge management has a positive effect on innovation capability, specifically flexible structure, information and communications technology, strategic purpose, and competitive environment. The results help firms, especially those that require a lot of knowledge and carry out their activities in uncertain and dynamic environments, to management and understand how the processes of innovation capability are influenced by the conditions of knowledge management.
This study analyses the attributes of consumer support for sustainable business practices utilising the GREEN-A model. We formulated three different models to observe the role of gender. Data employed, within the investigation, was obtained through an online survey during 2021 and analysed using partial least squares-structural equation modelling. Findings for all three models confirm that green advertisement practices play the most crucial role in promoting consumer support for sustainable business within Pakistan. Our gender-specific models display that ethical practices are of crucial importance for women, whilst the quality of life is found to be fundamental for men. Based on the study’s findings, firms must communicate their eco-friendly attributes and ethically sourced products to their customers through green advertisement. This strategy will improve brand awareness and ultimately endorse consumer support. In addition, firms should sponsor community-driven events to enhance the quality of life and well-being of the consumers while improving the firm’s image.
Attitudes toward advertising is an established construct in marketing. The construct has been researched mostly using the attitude theory and has been of interest to both marketing academicians and practitioners. Attitudes toward advertising have been researched with different frameworks, in different markets and for advertising in different media. However, there is limited research on consumers’ attitudes toward advertising in Asian markets. In particular, there is no study so far on attitudes toward advertising in Brunei Darussalam, an affluent but less populous South East Asian market. This paper investigates attitudes toward advertising, antecedents to attitudes toward advertising and consequent behaviors in Brunei. The framework proposed by Pollay and Mittal (1993), later further by Wolin et al. (2002) is used in this paper. Responses from the consumer surveys were analyzed using Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). It was found that most of the belief factors in Pollay and Mittal framework influenced attitudes toward advertising among Bruneian consumers. Overall positive attitudes toward advertising were observed, which in turn influenced advertising-related behaviors. The significance of these traits is explained based on the distinctive socio-economic environment as well as the advertising landscape of Brunei Darussalam. Understanding consumers’ attitudes toward advertising and ensuing behaviors for previously unexplored markets shall be an important initiation in improving the quality as well as productivity of advertising.