In this paper, a technology comparison between monolithic passively mode-locked lasers (MLLs) fabricated from 1.24 μm InAs dots-in-a-Well (DWELL) and 1.25 μm InGaAs single quantum well (SQW) structures grown using elemental source molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) is presented. 5 GHz optical pulses with sub-picosecond RMS jitter, high pulse peak power (1W) and narrow pulse width (< 10 ps) are typical of these monolithic two-section InAs DWELL passive MLLs. An InGaAs single quantum well MLL with the 42% indium is shown to exhibit a superior high-temperature performance. Compared with the typical operating range of the InAs DWELL devices (<60°C), the operation is in excess of 100 °C and is particularly attractive for clocking applications in next generation microprocessors. Based on an 8-band k.p analysis the reduction in the band edge density of states for such a quantum well is discussed.