This paper proposes a novel wideband 90∘ phase shifter, which comprises a radial stub, a uniform transmission line, and a weak coupled-line (coupling coefficient C≥12.7 dB). The circuit configuration and theoretical analysis equations of the phase shifter are presented. Results demonstrate that the bandwidth (BW) with acceptable phase deviation can be obviously improved by increasing the spanning angle of the radial-stub and the coupling strength of the coupled-line. For return loss better than 10 dB, insertion loss less than 1.05 dB, and phase deviation of ± 8.5∘, the fabricated microstrip single-layer phase shifter exhibits BW of 118% from 0.65 GHz to 2.51 GHz. Compared with existing structures, the proposed phase shifter not only has the largest BW but also features simple structure, low-cost, convenient installation, and good portability.