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Keyword: Platform (21) | 27 Mar 2025 | Run |
[Keyword: Cylinder] AND [All Categories: Chemical Engineering] (1) | 27 Mar 2025 | Run |
[Keyword: Platform] AND [All Categories: Computational, Mathematical and Theoretica... (1) | 27 Mar 2025 | Run |
[Keyword: Platform] AND [All Categories: Animal Physiology / Zoology] (3) | 27 Mar 2025 | Run |
[Keyword: Platform] AND [All Categories: Nuclear Medicine / Radiology / Medical Ima... (1) | 27 Mar 2025 | Run |
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This paper presents a platform to develop new lattice Boltzmann models. It gives a general framework for different applications. It also presents basic velocity models and a set of basic conditions to construct new models which can recover Navier–Stokes equations. Besides, the equilibrium function can be easily obtained through a set of equations. By using the platform, we can easily recover the existing models. Some new models are derived from the platform and validated by their application to simulate the two-dimensional driven cavity flow. The obtained numerical results agree very well with available data in the literature.
Current multimedia design processes suffer from the excessively large time spent on testing new IP-blocks with references based on large video encoders specifications (usually several thousands lines of code). The appropriate testing of a single IP-block may require the conversion of the overall encoder from software to hardware, which is difficult to complete in the short time required by the competition-driven reduced time-to-market demanded for the adoption of a new video coding standard. This paper presents a new design flow to accelerate the conformance testing of an IP-block using the H.264/AVC software reference model. An example block of the simplified 8 × 8 transformation and quantization, which is adopted in FRExt, is provided as a case study demonstrating the effectiveness of the approach.
There is a problem of capacity mismatch between different companies in the current market. In this paper, we propose a dual-channel capacity sharing supply chain consisting of two competing manufacturers (i.e. a capacity seller and a capacity buyer) and one platform. Considering the gap of matching success rates, we investigate whether the buyer and seller can benefit from capacity sharing and how the different matching success rates influence the manufacturers’ decisions on spontaneously match through a platform. Through numerical simulation, we find that (1) the seller can always benefit from capacity sharing even when the match fails, while the buyer benefits from capacity sharing only when the capacity constraint is relatively severe; (2) both the buyer and seller prefer to participate through the platform when the platform has a sufficiently high advantage in matching success rates; (3) if the capacity constraint is much severe, the capacity buyer may turn to self-match rather than capacity sharing. Besides, we also study the sustainability of the capacity-sharing system and show how the platform can improve sustainability by forgoing accumulated profits.
Crowdsourced software testing (CST) is an emerging trend in software testing. Companies and developers assign testing tasks through CST platforms to thousands of online testers. Currently, CST platform managers are trying to find and resolve challenges in order to reach the best CST practice. Many features have been applied by CST platforms to improve CST activities, including notification emails, online chat rooms, forums and, most importantly, a CST platform dashboard to view all testing projects and tasks; these features have enabled CST to operate efficiently. Still, CST users find it difficult to stay abreast of test project updates, maintain their motivation, and avoid frustration. This aligns with the increasing studies in the literature that call for more efficient solutions to support CST process. This research aims to support CST by searching for potential process limitations and overcoming them. In order to do so, a five-stage approach is used: first, the current process of CST is investigated through reviewing 15 CST platforms. Second, the review has resulted in identifying eight possible activities to improve CST; among them six have been selected after a survey distributed to 30 domain experts in Stage 3. In Stage 4, we have designed and implemented five process models in a web-based system that can fulfill the requirements of the six activities identified earlier. In Stage 5, we have evaluated these process models through interviews with representatives of two CST platforms and an expert tester, and through making scenario-based evaluation with 20 domain experts who used the system and rated the value of the processes. The results show that the new improvements are sound and can strengthen the CST practice.
Agilent Technologies supports Professor's work developing transformative NMR applications for structural biology.
Alchemia announces multi-target drug discovery collaboration with AstraZeneca on VAST discovery platform.
DSM and DecImmune Therapeutics sign agreement to develop N2 pathway blocking antibody.
Novel technology from Columbia University for Neurobiological Research.
A new EU-funded industry-academia drug discovery partnership targets challenging kinases.
Avian Influenza A (H7N9) threatens, GenScript supports researchers in impending battle.
Infinitus Establishes Three Additional Scientific Research Platforms to Facilitate Its Product Innovation.
BGI Partners with NRGene to Provide Broadest Genomic Analysis Available.
CHINA AID - A Platform for Chinese Senior Care Industry.
Modern Biotechnological Tools Contribute to Biodiversity Conservation.
Older Adults Use Brain Regions Involved in Speaking to Compensate for Bad Hearing.
Chinese Scientists Discover Molecules to Repair Organs.
CAS Sits Atop of Nature Index 2016 Rising Star List.
Chinese Researchers to Develop 3D Skin Printing Technology.
Varian Chosen to Equip First Government Owned Proton Centre in China.
HONG KONG NEWS – Amgen Launches Commercial Office in Hong Kong.
From Home to Hospital: Digitisation of Healthcare.
Microsoft with RingMD, Oneview Healthcare, Vital Images, Aruba, and Clinic to Cloud: The Ecosystem of Healthcare Solutions Providers in Asia.
Data Helps in Improving Nursing Practice, Making Better Decisions.
Launch of Asian Branch for QuintilesIMS Institute.
The integrated chatbot for artificial intelligence customizes the learning experience for the students in higher education platform. The chatbot tests the answers of the students and offers insights for the students to improve their learning skills. Further, It helps to improve students’ thinking ability and expectations in higher education platform. The demanding factors for the students in the higher education platform include the need for interactive learning in a non-linear world, enhancing the thinking ability and expectations of the students. This paper proposes Artificial Intelligence Based Inquiry Evaluation Student Learning System (AI-IESLS) to increase interactive learning experience in a non-linear environment. The principal aim of this system is to improve the learning ability of the student on a specific subject using concept mapping in the chatbot. In addition, mapping has been validated for students based on the probability distribution analysis using a concept mapping. Besides, the probability graph’s curve generated by this system assesses the student’s understanding of the topic. The simulation results have been analyzed among students based on concept mapping using the AI-IESLS system in correlation with the traditional approach based on assessment ratio, feedbacks, reciprocity, timing analysis, expectation ratio, and active learning factor.
A foot posture index (FPI-6) measurement is well presented as a straightforward clinical tool for diagnosing foot posture in patients. However, the FPI-6 diagnosis is mostly performed by a medical practitioner manually utilizing both palpation and rulers. Digital photos of the feet had been considered to digitize the FPI-6 assessment, unfortunately, the two-dimensional image is inadequate to identify two-palpation based on six criteria of FPI-6. This paper proposes a mechanical platform design for generating a three-dimensional (3D) model of the patient’s foot. The design is aimed to ease the test process of a large number of samples or participants as statistical data to estimate the foot posture based on the FPI-6 method. The 3D-generated models of the foot belonging to 37 children aged below 12 years old show that the FPI-6 Criteria 1 and 4 can be evaluated more clearly in the 3D models compared with flat 2D photos.
Currently, all major IT and telecom firms are busy trying to stimulate non-contractual complementary developments around their own core competences and offerings. But little has been done to explain the logic, strengths, and weaknesses of non-contractual innovation. The literature on open-platform leadership recognises the importance of non-contractual innovation, but only within the limited confines of a normative approach based on two implicit assumptions: that a platform's core and periphery are sharply and easily differentiated and that platforms are always grown and orchestrated from a monolithic core. Through analysis of two cases of decentralised open innovation: the emergence of video rental stores and the emergence of desktop-publishing systems. I argue that these assumptions do not apply to all open platforms. I conclude that by forcing a hierarchical framework onto the analysis, the normative approach underplays the role of non-contractual innovation and turns a blind eye to the radically self-organised and unforeseeable nature of some platforms' success.
This paper addresses the problem of survival and growth of incumbent telecommunication operators. In particular, this paper investigates the extent to which the platform-based approach is appropriate for the internationalisation strategy (platform leadership) of incumbent telecommunications operators in the context of the transition to the Next Generation Network (NGN). It examines the case of BT in the UK, as a large-scale first mover in this transition, exploring the major transformation project BT 21st Century Network (BT21CN). The case demonstrates how the platform-based approach can be used to promote business transformation of an incumbent telecom operator in a turbulent environment. The platform architecture integrates two main features that are usually treated in different contexts and time frames in the literature: (i) the reusability of components and sub-systems (typically in the automotive industry); and (ii) the openness of the platform to external actors in order to drive innovation in the industry (typically in the ICT industry). BT21CN emerged as an industry platform, made possible by the maturation of the Internet Protocol (IP) as a "common technology" able to transport not only data, but also real time voice and video, with an acceptable quality of service (QoS). Reusability can help reducing costs and decreasing time-to-market for new products and services. However, openness of the platform to external actors has still limited impact due to the limited success of BT (and incumbent telecom operators in general) in their process of internationalisation. Thus, in the context of BT (and of potentially other incumbent telecom operators), the limitations in their process of internationalisation have a negative impact on the evolutionary dynamics of the platform-based approach.
The sharing economy could be said to disrupt who does what in exchanges. This paper categorises the roles played by users, providers, and platforms in different interpretations of the sharing economy. It asks: What different roles do the users, providers, and platforms play in the sharing economy? And: How do the roles differ in various interpretations of the sharing economy? The paper classifies the different interpretations based on their market/non-market logic and concludes that roles are more extensive for users and providers in non-market logic interpretations, while market logic suggests that the platform acts more roles. The user is, despite the peer-to-peer connotation of the sharing economy, often quite passive. Contributions are made to the emerging literature on the sharing economy through highlighting its many different interpretations, where roles help to systematise these. The paper furthermore contributes to the literature on roles through highlighting them as transitory and expanding beyond expectations related to digitalisation. Practically, the systematisation of roles helps to navigate among various business model designs and makes informed decisions when launching platforms in the sharing economy. Additionally, the focus on roles raises important questions on risk sharing, resource provisions, and the creation of value for each participating party.
The problem of automatically composing Web Services that can match client's request has been the focus of several researchers. However, only a small number of such studies have evaluated and compared these different techniques on equal terms. Generally, these techniques have been evaluated on an ad hoc basis. This article presents a platform for evaluating the different techniques for the automatic composition of Semantic Web Services. The proposed platform provides: (i) an extensible architecture that enables the inclusion and evaluation of different techniques; (ii) a suite of metrics aimed at evaluating these techniques.
Tissue elasticity and viscosity are always associated with pathological changes. As a new imaging method, ultrasound vibro-acoustic imaging is developed for quantitatively measuring tissue elasticity and viscosity which have important significance in early diagnosis of cancer. This paper developed an ultrasound vibro-acoustic imaging research platform mainly consisting of excitation part and detection part. The excitation transducer was focused at one location within the medium to generate harmonic vibration and shear wave propagation, and the detection transducer was applied to detect shear wave at other locations along shear wave propagation path using pulse-echo method. The received echoes were amplified, filtered, digitized and then processed by Kalman filter to estimate the vibration phase. According to the phase changes between different propagation locations, we estimated the shear wave speed, and then used it to calculate the tissue elasticity and viscosity. Preliminary phantom experiments based on this platform show results of phantom elasticity and viscosity close to literature values. Upcoming experiments are now in progress to obtain quantitative elasticity and viscosity in vitro tissue.
With the emergence of the electronic patient record, the scene of stacks of patient records, common in hospitals and clinics, will become eradicated. Computerized patient records can facilitate patients' queries and requests for diagnosis. Personal patient records entailing prior hospital or clinic visits can be readily retrieved through contemporary storage devices (such as integrated circuit card, radio-frequency identification, etc.) thereby enabling physicians to efficiently determine a patient's past medical history in order to accurately assess his/her medical condition. The gradual development of the electronic patient record with direct connection to the hospital will enable physicians to use a handheld electronic patient record platform for queries and study as well as to diagnose a patient's condition, even while making out-of-town visits.
This not only can serve patients located at remote areas, but also lessen the difficulties experienced in out-of-town diagnosis and treatment. While focusing on the methods for designing a handheld electronic patient record, this thesis applies unified modeling language (UML) to describe the acquired functions of such a platform; in essence, it applies the characteristics of UML to provide the designer with clarified understanding for the architecture as well as the operational movements. Through this approach, a highly reliable product could be designed in the shortest period of time.
This paper addresses the problem of survival and growth of incumbent telecommunication operators. In particular, this paper investigates the extent to which the platform-based approach is appropriate for the internationalisation strategy (platform leadership) of incumbent telecommunications operators in the context of the transition to the Next Generation Network (NGN). It examines the case of BT in the UK, as a large-scale first mover in this transition, exploring the major transformation project BT 21st Century Network (BT21CN). The case demonstrates how the platform-based approach can be used to promote business transformation of an incumbent telecom operator in a turbulent environment. The platform architecture integrates two main features that are usually treated in different contexts and time frames in the literature: (i) the reusability of components and sub-systems (typically in the automotive industry); and (ii) the openness of the platform to external actors in order to drive innovation in the industry (typically in the ICT industry). BT21CN emerged as an industry platform, made possible by the maturation of the Internet Protocol (IP) as a “common technology” able to transport not only data, but also real time voice and video, with an acceptable quality of service (QoS). Reusability can help reducing costs and decreasing time-to-market for new products and services. However, openness of the platform to external actors has still limited impact due to the limited success of BT (and incumbent telecom operators in general) in their process of internationalisation. Thus, in the context of BT (and of potentially other incumbent telecom operators), the limitations in their process of internationalisation have a negative impact on the evolutionary dynamics of the platform-based approach.
This paper addresses the problem of survival and growth of incumbent telecommunication operators. In particular, this paper investigates the extent to which the platform-based approach is appropriate for the internationalisation strategy (platform leadership) of incumbent telecommunications operators in the context of the transition to the Next Generation Network (NGN). It examines the case of BT in the UK, as a large-scale first mover in this transition, exploring the major transformation project BT 21st Century Network (BT21CN). The case demonstrates how the platform-based approach can be used to promote business transformation of an incumbent telecom operator in a turbulent environment. The platform architecture integrates two main features that are usually treated in different contexts and time frames in the literature: (i) the reusability of components and sub-systems (typically in the automotive industry); and (ii) the openness of the platform to external actors in order to drive innovation in the industry (typically in the ICT industry). BT21CN emerged as an industry platform, made possible by the maturation of the Internet Protocol (IP) as a common technology able to transport not only data, but also real time voice and video, with an acceptable quality of service (QoS). Reusability can help reducing costs and decreasing time-to-market for new products and services. However, openness of the platform to external actors has still limited impact due to the limited success of BT (and incumbent telecom operators in general) in their process of internationalisation. Thus, in the context of BT (and of potentially other incumbent telecom operators), the limitations in their process of internationalisation have a negative impact on the evolutionary dynamics of the platform-based approach.
To fulfil the diversifying needs of customers and to provide customised products and services, suppliers are expected to establish small-batch production systems. However, shorter product life cycles and decrement in economies of scale incur additional costs. With the rising costs, the upcoming challenge for companies is providing customers with customised products and services without additional costs.
In this era of dynamic changes in the market, both customers and suppliers are likely to achieve lower costs through the collaborative platforms that are fuelling the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Users and suppliers will be able to overcome time and space constraints through platforms using technologies, such as IoT, Big Data, and Artificial Intelligence (AI).
In future, all the platform-based innovation activities, called “Platfornovation”, will create an optimal environment that satisfies the needs of both users and suppliers. Most products and services will be divided into minimally functioning modules, and the market will be divided and integrated across domains. In such an era, it is possible that the competitiveness of a company or an individual will depend on the brand. The platform, company, and its individuals must constantly be attractive to be selected.
Digital platform is an important infrastructure on which the development of the platform economy depends. The identity evolution of the platform has gone through three processes: the “perfect store”, the platform business model, and the platform ecosystem. This evolution process shows that technology logic and capital logic are constantly infiltrating into the underlying logic of the platform economy, which is fundamentally not conducive to the healthy development of the platform economy. Therefore, the healthy development of the platform economy must start from the perspective of data governance and algorithm governance. Data governance requires a clear definition of the rights and responsibilities of data participants in the value production process. Algorithm governance requires reconfirmation of the inherent principles and values of algorithm design.
This paper develops an integrated electric power engineering hydrometeorological surveying system using the electric power engineering hydrometeorological design process to refine hydrometeorological characteristics in accordance with the problems of electric power engineering hydrometeorological survey. Practical application demonstrates that the system has good usability, extensibility, economic value, and satisfies the requirements of collaborative design.
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