Managing Innovation is a three-part series covering contemporary technology and innovation management research areas. Each volume comprises key articles from both the International Journal of Innovation Management and the International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, published by World Scientific, and provides an international, disciplinary approach across its broad coverage of topics.
Relevant for both academics and practitioners, this volume looks at the international aspects of innovation with case studies from China, Germany, India and Russia.
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Sample Chapter(s)
Introduction – Managing Innovation: Understanding International Innovation
- About the Editors
- List of Contributors
- Introduction — Managing Innovation: Understanding International Innovation (Alexander Brem, Joe Tidd and Tugrul Daim)
- Understanding International Innovation:
- Understanding International Product Strategy in Multinational Corporations Through New Product Development Approaches and Evolution (Yang Liu and Yongjiang Shi)
- Internationalisation of New Product Development and Research & Development: Results from a Multiple Case Study on Companies with Innovation Processes in Germany and India (Alexander Brem and Florian Freitag)
- Platform Leadership of Incumbent Telecommunications Operators: The Case of BT 21st Century Network (BT21CN) (Carlos Eduardo Yamasaki Sato)
- Changing Innovation Roles of Foreign Subsidiaries from the Manufacturing Industry in China (Wenqian Zhou, Vivek K Velamuri and Tobias Dauth)
- Innovativeness and International Operations: Case of Russian R&D Companies (Daria Podmetina, Maria Smirnova, Juha Väätänen and Marko Torkkeli)
- Don't Get Caught on the Wrong Foot: A Resource-Based Perspective on Imitation Threats in Innovation Partnerships (Foege J Nils, Erk P Piening and Torsten-Oliver Salge)
- Lean and Global Innovation:
- Lean and Global Technology Start-Ups: Linking the Two Research Streams (Stoyan Tanev, Erik Stavnsager Rasmussen, Erik Zijdemans, Roy Lemminger and Lars Limkilde Svendsen)
- Global Innovation: An Answer To Mitigate Barriers to Innovation in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises? (Stephan Buse, Rajnish Tiwari and Cornelius Herstatt)
- International Corporate Entrepreneurship with Born Global Spin-Along Ventures — A Cross-Case Analysis of Telekom Innovation Laboratories' Venture Portfolio (Sarah Mahdjour and Sebastian Fischer)
- Innovative Born Globals: Investigating the Influence of Their Business Models on International Performance (Sascha Kraus, Alexander Brem, Miriam Schuessler, Felix Schuessler and Thomas Niemand)
- Index
Readership: Students and practitioners in the fields of technology and innovation management.

Alexander Brem holds the Chair of Technology Management at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), Germany, which is located at the Nuremberg Campus of Technology (NCT). He is a CCSR International Research Associate at DeMontfort University (UK) and a Visiting Professor at the EADA Business School in Barcelona (Spain) and HHL Graduate School of Management (Germany). Moreover, he serves as an Academic Committee Member of the Center of Technological Innovation, Tsinghua University, Beijing (China). In addition, he was appointed as Honorary Professor at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) in May 2017. Further information can be found here:

Joe Tidd is a Physicist with subsequent degrees in Technology and Business Administration. He is a Professor of Technology and Innovation Management at the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU), and is a Visiting Professor at University College London, and was previously teaching at Cass Business School, Copenhagen Business School, and Rotterdam School of Management. Dr Tidd was previously the Deputy Director of the Executive MBA Programme at Imperial College. He has worked as a Policy Adviser to the CBI (Confederation of British), and is a Founding Partner of Management Masters LLP. He was a researcher for the five-year International Motor Vehicle Program of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and has worked on Technology and Innovation Management Projects for Consultants Arthur D Little, CAP Gemini and McKinsey, and numerous technology-based firms, as well as UNESCO in Africa. He has written nine books and more than 60 papers on the Management of Technology and Innovation, including Managing Innovation (2018, 6th edition), has more than 19,000 research citations, and is the Managing Editor of the International Journal of Innovation Management.

Tugrul U Daim is a Professor and the Director of the Technology Management Doctoral Program in the Maseeh College of Engineering and Computer Science at Portland State University. He is also the Director of the Research Group on Infrastructure and Technology Management. He is a Faculty Fellow at the Institute for Sustainable Solution. The US Department of Energy, National Science Foundation, National Cooperative Highway Research Program, and many other regional, national and international organizations have funded his research. He has published over 200 refereed papers on journals and conference proceedings. He edited more than 20 books and conference proceedings. He was the adviser for 11 PhD graduates who are now in leading positions in government, industry and academia. He is the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. He has been at various editorial roles in journals including International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Technology in Society, Foresight, Journal of Knowledge Economy and International Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship.