"Its focus is the major theme of digital innovation and it tries to go beyond the hype associated with much of the discussion of this important area … The discussion in the book stresses the need to move our thinking about innovation beyond the level of enterprise to consider ecosystems and complementary assets … Overall this is a useful book, not least because in addition to opening up key lines for further research enquiry the book also has a strong international flavour with contributions from a wide and diverse set of contexts."
International Journal of Innovation Management
There is no doubt that digital technologies have the potential for disruptive innovation in a wide range of sectors, both in manufacturing and services, and the commercial and social domains. However, popular commentaries on the potential of digital innovation to disrupt have suffered from two extreme positions: either, simplistic technological determinism, often promoted by technology vendors, claiming that the impending widespread automation of products and services will provide step-changes in productivity and new products and services; or alternatively, very high-level broad discussions of business model innovation in traditional sectors, private and public. However, the impacts will not be universal, and the outcomes will be highly-differentiated. More fundamentally, neither a narrow technological perspective or broad business view adequately captures the appropriate level of granularity necessary to understand the potential and challenges presented by digital innovation. In this book, Digital Disruptive Innovation, we apply innovation concepts, models and research to provide greater insights into strategies for, and management of, digital innovation.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Disruptive Technologies: An Expanded View
- Digital Disruption Strategies:
- Disruptive Technologies: An Expanded View (J M Utterback and H J Acee)
- Blue Ocean or Fast-Second Innovation? A Four-Breakthrough Model to Explain Successful Market Domination (B Buisson and P Silberzahn)
- Standard-Setting Strategies in the Multimedia Sector (V Chiesa and G Toletti)
- Innovators and Early Adopters in the Diffusion of Innovations: A Literature Review (O Dedehayir, R J Ortt, C Riverola and F Miralles)
- Digital Business Model Innovation:
- Digital Transformation of Business Models — Best Practice, Enablers, and Roadmap (D Schallmo, C A Williams and L Boardman)
- How the Industrial Internet of Things Changes Business Models in Different Manufacturing Industries (C Arnold, D Kiel and K-I Voigt)
- Tackling Hurdles to Digital Transformation — The Role of Competencies for Successful Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) Implementation (J Butschan, S Heidenreich, B Weber and T Kraemer)
- Internet of Things Business Model Innovation and the Stage-Gate Process: An Exploratory Analysis (J F Tesch, A-S Brillinger and D Bilgeri)
- Sustainable Industrial Value Creation: Benefits and Challenges of Industry 4.0 (D Kiel, J M Müller, C Arnold and K-I Voigt)
- The Influence of the Industrial Internet of Things on Business Model Design: A Qualitative-Empirical Analysis (S M Laudien and B Daxböck)
- Digital Platform Innovation:
- Using Platform Strategies in the Development of Integrated Product-Service Solutions (S Jagstdt and M Persson)
- Digitising Product Portfolios (J Echterfeld and J Gausmeier)
- Genres of Complementary Products in Platform-Based Markets: Changes in Evolutionary Mechanisms by Platform Diffusion Strategies (Y Inoue and M Tsujimoto)
- The Role of Online Brand Community in New Product Development: Case Studies on Digital Product Manufacturers in Korea (J H Kim, Z-T Bae and S H Kang)
- Platform Leadership of Incumbent Telecommunications Operators: The Case of BT 21st Century Network (BT21CN) (C E Y Sato)
- Open Innovation, Generativity and the Supplier as Peer: The Case of IPhone and Android (B Remneland-Wikhamn, J Ljungberg, M Bergquist and J Kuschel)
- Analysing Uber in Social Media — Disruptive Technology or Institutional Disruption? (C Laurell and C Sandström)
Readership: Students, professionals and business practitioners interested in digital innovation and disruptive technologies.
"Its focus is the major theme of digital innovation and it tries to go beyond the hype associated with much of the discussion of this important area … The discussion in the book stresses the need to move our thinking about innovation beyond the level of enterprise to consider ecosystems and complementary assets … Overall this is a useful book, not least because in addition to opening up key lines for further research enquiry the book also has a strong international flavour with contributions from a wide and diverse set of contexts."
International Journal of Innovation Management
Joe Tidd is a physicist with subsequent degrees in technology policy and business administration. He is Professor of Technology and Innovation Management at Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU) at the University of Sussex; Visiting Professor at University College London; and former Professor of Cass Business School, Copenhagen Business School, and Rotterdam School of Management. He is former Deputy Director of SPRU and Head of the Innovation Group, and Director of the Executive MBA Program at Imperial College. He has worked as a policy adviser to the Confederation of British Industry (CBI). He was a researcher for the 5-y International Motor Vehicle Program of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and has worked on technology and innovation management projects for consultants Arthur D Little, CAP Gemini, and McKinsey, and numerous technology-based firms. He has written nine books and 90 papers on the management of technology and innovation, with more than 20,000 research citations.