In this paper, we use the self-consistent mean field approximation to study the Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) phase transition. In the self-consistent mean field approximation of the Nambu–Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model, a parameter α is introduced, which reflects the weight of “direct” channel and the “exchange” channel and needs to be determined by experiments (as mentioned in a recent work [T. Zhao, W. Zheng, F. Wang, C.-M. Li, Y. Yan, Y.-F. Huang and H.-S. Zong, Phys. Rev. D100, 043018 (2019)], the results with α=0.9 are in good agreement with astronomical observation data on the latest binary neutron star merging. This indicates that the contribution of “exchange” channel should be considered, and α=0.9 is a possible choice). By comparing the results with different parameter α’s (α=0, α=0.5 and α=0.9), we study the influence of “exchange” channel on the behavior of the solutions of the quark gap equation and the critical point of chiral phase transition. Our results show that the second-order chiral phase turns to the crossover from the chiral limit to the non-chiral limit around μ=360MeV in the case of α=0.9. The difference of the quark mass with different α’s mainly occurs in the intermediate temperatures for the different fixed chemical potentials. At zero temperature and the chemical potential μ=334MeV there will be two solutions (including a meta-stable solution) of gap equation with α=0, and as α increases it will be only one solution left (the meta-stable solution will disappear until α=0.5). Besides, the discrepancy of the critical temperature (above which the pseudo-Wigner solution and negative Nambu solution will disappear) in the three cases of α=0,0.5,0.9 will become large when the chemical potential increases.