Consider the random matrix Wn=Bn+n−1X∗nAnXn, where An and Bn are Hermitian matrices of dimensions p×p and n×n, respectively, and Xn is a p×n random matrix with independent and identically distributed entries of mean 0 and variance 1. Assume that p and n grow to infinity proportionally, and that the spectral measures of An and Bn converge as p,n→∞ towards two probability measures 𝒜 and ℬ. Building on the groundbreaking work of [V. A. Marčenko and L. A. Pastur, Distribution of eigenvalues for some sets of random matrices, Mat. Sb. 114(4) (1967) 507–536], which demonstrated that the empirical spectral distribution of Wn converges towards a probability measure F characterized by its Stieltjes transform, this paper investigates the properties of F when ℬ is a general measure. We show that F has an analytic density at the region near where the Stieltjes transform of ℬ is bounded. The density closely resembles C√|x−x0| near certain edge points x0 of its support for a wide class of 𝒜 and ℬ. We provide a complete characterization of the support of F. Moreover, we show that F can exhibit discontinuities at points where ℬ is discontinuous.