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    This paper introduces a restorative justice approach based on four values in strengthening offender management. Restorative justice is a theory of justice that focuses on addressing a crime or a conflict committed by an offender, by involving the victim and related stakeholders. In Singapore, restorative justice is adapted in the management of young offenders, notably in the Youth Court. Globally, restorative justice practices are incorporated in schools, prisons, offender-based institutions and commercial organisations. In 2015, a study looked into the potential of restorative justice in five commercial organisations situated in Singapore. That study analysed the use of values in the development of a compliant work environment. The values described by the leaders were aligned with the values underpinning restorative justice approaches. According to the leaders, a value-based compliance management system provided better outcomes compared with a punitive approach. Based on the outcome of that study, this paper highlights incorporating the values related with restorative justice in the development of a robust offender management framework.

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    Despite the increased punitive public policies of the post-conflict time in Kosovo, little is known about inmates’ perception of the prison environment in Kosovo. Inmates’ perceptions and attitudes are researched by using Deprivation Theory to assess the prison environment. Qualitative research methodology through in-depth interview was applied in this study. A sample of 22 inmates (N = 22) of both genders (12 male and 10 female inmates) were used for this study in Kosovo. Results from this study indicated that inmates maintained negative perceptions of the prison environment. The majority of inmates in Kosovo see prison environment in a very negative light, with the lack of opportunities, and sense or feeling of isolation inside of prison. The results from interviews of this study confirmed the Deprivation Theory. The results of the study indicated that Kosovo prisons lack rehabilitative programmes, seem to have failed the needed behavioural changes of inmates, and their safe return to the mainstream of society. This study led to new knowledge of how inmates see the prison environment in Kosovo and what is needed for the future of prisons.

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    Rehabilitation in the Singapore Prison Service (SPS) has grown over the years, particularly aided by a period of organisational transformation in the late 1990s and early 2000s. During this time, rehabilitation was explicitly included in the vision and mission of the service, and the seeds of evidence-informed practice were sown. SPS began to focus on interventions that directly targeted attitudes and behaviour that were related to offending while simultaneously, with its network partners, promoted reintegration opportunities for ex-inmates through the Yellow Ribbon Project. This chapter also discusses some more recent developments including gender-responsive rehabilitation, and efforts to equip prison officers to carry out aspects of rehabilitation.

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    The increasingly heterogeneous demographic profile of drug abusers in Singapore requires a multifaceted approach to intervention. Singapore invests heavily in evidence-informed, differentiated rehabilitation pathways to ensure that interventions are targeted to the appropriate level of risk, needs and responsivity of drug abusers. The Transformational Environment was introduced in the Drug Rehabilitation Centre (DRC) to create a safe and supportive setting designed to facilitate rehabilitation, reintegration and long-term desistance. This chapter illustrates how the DRC implemented the Transformational Environment by enhancing people, processes and programmes, and provides suggestions to common challenges faced when working with drug abusers.

  • chapterNo Access


    Singapore Prison Service (SPS) plays a central role in providing effective rehabilitation to violent offenders to protect public from violent crimes that result in physical or psychological harm. Rehabilitation of violent offenders starts with psychological risk assessments to inform on intervention needs through various specialised psychology-based correctional programmes developed, enhanced and delivered for violent offenders. SPS psychologists have adopted a systematic and evidence-informed approach towards assessing the risk and needs of offenders through an automated triaging system developed to screen for offenders who have a pattern of committing serious or persistent violent offences at the start of their incarceration. Offenders’ risk and needs are then assessed by psychologists using well-established structured professional judgement tools that consider various static and dynamic factors empirically related to violence. Psychologists then develop a coherent case formulation explaining the offender’s violence risk and needs. Psychologists in the SPS General Violence Unit sharpen their assessment and intervention effectiveness through conducting research and evaluations on a regular basis to determine whether local offenders may present with unique needs. For example, the findings of their needs analysis indicated high-risk offenders, relative to low-risk offenders, tend to present with difficulty in social problem solving, which in turn was attributed to the presence of early maladaptive schemas (EMSs) and emotion dysregulation. The findings informed on the development of an open group violence intervention programme, HERO (Honour, Empathy, Resilience, Ownership), where participants are required to undergo four designated core modules targeting antisocial peer relationships, emotion dysregulation, maladaptive thoughts and beliefs, and poor conflict resolution. There are additional elective modules depending on their needs, which include schema therapy to address early maladaptive schemas, and conflictual family relationships which have contributed to domestic violence. With Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) being the main treatment modality, HERO includes Good Lives Model and elements of narrative therapy to guide participants towards developing a new prosocial identity, through visualising their “True Self”. The distinction between the “True Self” and “Fighter Role” is constantly referenced to in the modules to highlight the discrepancies between their current behaviours and desired prosocial identity. The HERO programme is conducted within a Transformative Environment (TE) within a prison Institution in SPS. Beyond attending HERO, participants engage in other structured activities in the TE that provide them with opportunities for the practice, rehearsal and/ or reinforcement of newly acquired skills in HERO.

  • chapterNo Access

    Chapter 7: Radioactive Contamination of Lands and Possible Techniques for Their Rehabilitation

    Radioactive contamination of natural and anthropogenic landscapes has become a significant factor in radionuclide uptake by humans since 20th century. Contamination of soils by radionuclides occurs as a result of nuclear weapon tests, major radiation accidents, waste deposition, and using phosphate fertilizers with a high content of natural radionuclides. Various methods of rehabilitation of radioactively contaminated lands, such as plowing, liming, addition of sorbents, and addition of mineral and organic fertilizers, as well as phytoremediation techniques, have been developed. Among them, elimination of the upper soil layer and phytoremediation allow decreasing the real activity of a soil but generate secondary radioactive waste, whereas the other methods are focused on suppression of radionuclide transfer from soil to plants. Plowing the upper soil layer to deeper horizons and using ferrocyanide sorbents result in the maximum decrease in radionuclide transfer to plants among the developed methods.

  • chapterNo Access

    Rehabilitation Following Major Lower Limb Amputation

    This chapter covers the very important aspect of rehabilitation following lower limb amputation (below knee amputation: the most common major amputation performed). The objectives include pain control, wound care and control, contracture prevention and joint range of motion, physical conditioning and psychological support and education. Singapore's National University Hospital (NUH) Rehabilitation Programme for the Below Knee Amputee is described in detail. An important part of rehabilitation includes discharge planning and ultimately preparation of the stump for fitting of prosthesis.

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    In this paper, I explain the basis of the Great Ape Project, and give details of its logical and philosophical justification, answering some of the criticisms that have been made of it. I draw attention to some anomalies, using Orang Utan rehabilitation as an example.

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    A Novel Wearable Gait Analysis System for Stroke Patients

    Gait analysis is an important component of stroke rehabilitation therapy as it is the primary assessment for making suitable rehabilitation prescriptions. To quantify the assessment of gait function, this paper proposed a novel gait analysis system based on inertial sensors such as the accelerometer and gyroscope, and a wireless body sensor network. Numerous common gait parameters such as step length, step velocity, step count, hip and knee joint angles were calculated through the proposed algorithms. A clinical experiment involving five stroke patients and one healthy participant was implemented to test the reliability and validity of the proposed system. The experimental results demonstrated that the proposed system can not only precisely measure the gait parameters, but it can also reveal the differences in gait function between stroke patients and healthy people.

  • chapterNo Access


    This paper deals with optimal robot assistance based on estimation of torque and impedance parameters of patients performing robot-aided rehabilitation of ankle movements. A generalized momenta-based disturbance observer is used to estimate the patient’s torque. From this estimate, the stiffness and damping parameters are determined by the least squares method, considering the patient motor control is modeled as an impedance control. An optimal control strategy is proposed to properly define the robot assistance during therapy session. Experimental results considering a healthy subject wearing an ankle robot and performing a set of movements are presented.

  • chapterNo Access


    Efforts to preserve the biodiversity of the Philippine islands and to simultaneously sustain human food production, led to the development of a "Closed Canopy and High Diversity Forest Farming System", popularly termed "Rainforestation Fanning". The system is aiming to replace the more destructive forms of "kaingin" or slash and burn practices, form a buffer zone around the primary forests, protect its biodiversity, help maintain the water cycle of the islands, and provide farmers with a stable and higher income.

    Contrary to the conventional paradigm of farm management, the concept works with the hypothesis that a farming system is increasingly more sustainable the closer its physical structure and species composition are to the original local rainforest. Consequently, the biodiversity and physico-chemical diversity of the remaining rainforests of Leyte are studied in detail. In a holistic approach, all major ecosystems connected physically, biologically or through the activity of man are included in the research.

    In field trials, more than 100 selected local tree species are tested for their performance in achieving a 3-storeyed and maximal diverse rainforest association. Crop production enriches the system through shade-requiring understorey species of Colocasia and Xanthosoma, and climbers like species of Dioscorea and rattan are attached to the faster growing trees.

    A major drawback is the scarcity of seeds from highly valued tree species due to the almost complete extinction of the lowland rainforest and to ongoing selective timber poaching which is specifically eliminating mother trees. Hence, environmental education plays a major part in the overall approach, which also includes efforts to protect seed sources and can extend to the conservation of marine sanctuaries to emphasize the interconnectedness of all island ecosystems and man's role in his coexistence with nature.

  • chapterNo Access


    Log landings and skid trails made by bulldozers during logging operations recover much more slowly than adjacent areas which were not traversed by heavy machinery. Even decades after completion of logging operations the vegetation on such areas is sparse with few or no tree species. Where logging is unplanned, log landings and skid trails can cover up to 40% of the total forest area resulting in a loss of productive forest. Therefore, artificial rehabilitation may be needed for such sites. A major constraint to both natural and artificial recovery is the poor physical and chemical properties of the soils on log landings and skid trails. Repeated use by heavy machinery results in severe soil compaction which leads to poor root development, low water availability and high rates of erosion. In addition, most of the topsoil is removed from log landings and skid trails by bulldozers during logging operations. A very high proportion of nutrients are found in the top few centimetres of rainforest soil, so removal of the topsoil exposes the very infertile subsoil. Despite these adverse conditions, it has been shown that some seedlings of some dipterocarp species can survive and grow on log landings if soil amelioration treatments are used. The various techniques available for planting and subsequent maintenance are discussed. The cost of rehabilitation ranges between approximately US$ 1,000 and US$ 1,500 per hectare.

  • chapterNo Access


    Dipterocarps cannot be successfully used as primary species in Imperata grassland reforestation. First the grass has to be suppressed by fast-growing species, which are able to provide suitable growing conditions for dipterocarp seedlings. Nitrogen fixing Paraserianthes falcataria and Acacia mangium are possible species for this purpose, but local pioneer species may have potential as well. After the fast-growing plantation has been established, successful planting of dipterocarps becomes technically possible. Intensive plantation tending has to be continued after the establishment phase. When planting dipterocarps under fast-growing nurse trees on grasslands, the species selection should be focused on species known to be adaptable to degraded soil conditions and extreme microclimate. Possible species can be found in fast-growing, light or medium hardwood dipterocarp genera, e.g., Anisoptera sp., Dryobalanops sp., Hopea sp. and Shorea sp. More information on suitable species, and their site requirements and mycorrhizal formations is needed. Plantation mixtures are more complicated to manage than the pure stands of exotics. In spite of the problems, results indicate good prospects for diversifying the species composition of forest plantations on former Imperata cylindrica grasslands. Combinations of fast-growing species and selected dipterocarps create alternatives to the exploitation of remaining natural forests. Despite the long time period needed, the method can be used both for wood production and gradual restoration of natural rainforest ecosystems.

  • chapterNo Access

    Data Analysis and Visualization for National Disabled People's Rehabilitation

    China has over 80 million disabled people. Disabled people of different types or ages require variety of rehabilitation service. For the purpose of fine management and to support government service, the database of rehabilitation was built based on the national disabled people's basic database and China's survey on disabled people's rehabilitation need. With this database of rehabilitation, we construct a data analysis and visualization system using S2SH framework in J2EE environment. We implement aids requirement regional analysis, rehabilitation institution distribution analysis and production data analysis in the system and choose Echarts to achieve data visualization.