A fractal method for the renormalization theory of an infinite dimensional Clifford algebra is presented and the renormalized Dirac operator is given. A fractal set K which is defined by four self similar mappings between a rectangle is introduced, which is called a self similar fractal set of Peano type. We show that the Hilbert space L2(K, dµD) with respect to the Hausdorff measure µD is regarded as the renormalization space of an infinite dimensional Clifford algebra. The concept of degrees is introduced for basis of the Hilbert space and is orthonormalized by different degrees. The obtained space is denoted by
. The following results are obtained:
(1) An orthonormal basis of
is constructed (Theorem I).
(2) Infinite dimensional Clifford algebra ClΩ(∞, C) is defined by a sequence of inclusions Ω = {ω2p-1}, ω2p-1 : Cl(2p-1, C) ↦ Cl(2p+l,C) and its representation is constructed on
(Theorem II).
(3) The derivation structures are introduced on
and the Euclidean spaces of arbitrary dimensions can be realized as subspaces of
which preserve the derivation structures (Theorem III).
(4) The Dirac operator is defined for ClΩ(∞, C) and its renormalization is given. The embedding of the Dirac operator of ClΩ(∞, C) into
is given (Theorem IV).