We have conducted research on the presence of wormholes characterized by a logarithmic shape function within the framework of exponential f(R,T)f(R,T) gravity. This gravity model is defined as f(R,T)=R+2eβtf(R,T)=R+2eβt, with ββ representing an arbitrary constant. We find that the logarithmic shape function serves as expected, providing all the necessary conditions for traversable and asymptotically flat wormholes. We have examined the solutions with three distinct sets of physical constraints placed on prpr, ptpt and ρρ. viz. Model-I: pr=kptpr=kpt with k being variable dependent on r and pt=ωρpt=ωρ with ωω being EoS parameter, Model-II: pr=ω1ρpr=ω1ρ and pt=ω2ρpt=ω2ρ with ω1ω1 and ω2ω2 being EoS parameters, Model-III: Trace is zero i.e. T=0T=0 or ρ=pr+2ptρ=pr+2pt i.e. f(R)f(R) gravity model. From Model-I, we have obtained a new parametrization for EoS parameter ω(r)ω(r) and from Model-III, we have obtained a new form of shape function b(r)b(r) in f(R)f(R) gravity theory.