Metrologists are increasingly being faced with challenges in statistical data analysis and modeling, data reduction, and uncertainty evaluation, that require an ever more demanding and comprehensive analytical and computational toolkit as well as a strategy for communication of more complex results. For example, conventional assumptions of Gaussian (or normal) measurement errors may not apply, which then necessitates alternative procedures for uncertainty evaluation.
This contribution, aimed at metrologists whose specialized knowledge is in a particular area of science, and whose prior study of topics in probability or statistics will have been merely introductory, provides illustrative examples and suggestions for self-study. These examples aim to empower metrologists to attain a working level of concepts, statistical methods, and computational techniques from these particular areas, to become self-sufficient in the statistical analysis and modeling of their measurement data, and to feel comfortable evaluating, propagating, and communicating the associated measurement uncertainty.
The contribution also addresses modern computational requirements in measurement science. Since it is becoming clear to many metrologists that tools like Microsoft Excel, Libreoffice Calc, or Apple’s Numbers often are in-sufficiently flexible to address emerging needs, or simply fail to provide required specialized tools, this contribution includes accompanying R code with detailed explanations that will guide scientists through the use of a new computing tool.