Based on a re-analysis of the existing undertow models and the experimental results, a proper explicit model is proposed for computing undertow profile inside the surf zone. The model has been derived by using the eddy viscosity approach. The model is examined using published laboratory data from six sources covering small-scale and large-scale experiments, i.e. the experiments of Nadaoka et al. (1982), Hansen and Svendsen (1984), Okayasu et al. (1988), Cox et al. (1994), CRIEPI (Kajima et al., 1983) and SUPERTANK (Kraus and Smith, 1994). The present undertow model is considerably simpler than most of existing models. Although the model is simple, it shows good agreement with the experimental results above the bottom boundary layer. The calculation is so simple that the undertow profile can be calculated by using a pocket calculator.