We consider the problem of classification of links up to (2, 2)-moves. Our motivation comes from the theory of skein modules, more specifically from the skein module of S3 based on the deformation of (2, 2)-move. As it was proved in D-P-2, not every link can be reduced to a trivial link by (2, 2)-moves, for instance, the closure of (σ1σ2)6. In this paper, we classify 3-braids up to (2, 2)-moves and, we show how the Harikae–Nakanishi–Uchida conjecture can be modified to hold for closed 3-braids. As an important step in the classification we prove the conjecture for 2-algebraic links and classify (2, 2)-equivalence classes for links up to nine crossings. We also analyze an action of (2, 2)-move on Kei (involutive quandle) associated to a link diagram. We define Burnside Kei, Q(m, n), and ask for which values of m and n, is Q(m, n) finite. This question is motivated by classical Burnside problem.