A ribbon is a smooth mapping (possibly self-intersecting) of an annulus S1×I in 3-space having constant width R. Given a regular parametrization x(s), and a smooth unit vector field u(s) based along x, for a knot K, we may define a ribbon of width R associated to x and u as the set of all points x(s)+ru(s), r∈[0,R]. For large R, ribbons, and their outer edge curves, may have self-intersections. In this paper, we analyze how the knot type of the outer ribbon edge x(s)+Ru(s) relates to that of the original knot K. Generically, as R→∞, there is an eventual constant knot type. This eventual knot type is one of only finitely many possibilities which depend just on the vector field u. The particular knot type within the finite set depends on the parametrized curves x(s), u(s), and their interactions. We demonstrate a way to control the curves and their parametrizations so that given two knot types K1 and K2, we can find a smooth ribbon of constant width connecting curves of these two knot types.