This book provides a comprehensive overview of modern particle physics accessible to anyone with a true passion for wanting to know how the universe works. We are introduced to the known particles of the world we live in. An elegant explanation of quantum mechanics and relativity paves the way for an understanding of the laws that govern particle physics. These laws are put into action in the world of accelerators, colliders and detectors found at institutions such as CERN and Fermilab that are in the forefront of technical innovation. Real world and theory meet using Feynman diagrams to solve the problems of infinities and deduce the need for the Higgs boson.
Facts and Mysteries in Elementary Particle Physics offers an incredible insight from an eyewitness and participant in some of the greatest discoveries in 20th century science. From Einstein's theory of relativity to the spectacular discovery of the Higgs particle, this book will fascinate and educate anyone interested in the world of quarks, leptons and gauge theories.
This book also contains many thumbnail sketches of particle physics personalities, including contemporaries as seen through the eyes of the author. Illustrated with pictures, these candid sketches present rare, perceptive views of the characters that populate the field.
The Chapter on Particle Theory, in a pre-publication, was termed "superbly lucid" by David Miller in Nature (Vol. 396, 17 Dec. 1998, p. 642).
Sample Chapter(s)
Introduction (577 KB)
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- Introduction
- Preliminaries
- The Standard Model
- Quantum Mechanics. Mixing
- Energy, Momentum and Mass-Shell
- Detection
- Accelerators and Storage Rings
- The CERN Neutrino Experiment
- The Particle Zoo
- Particle Theory
- Finding the Higgs
- Quantum Chromodynamics
- Epilogue
- Addendum
- Name Index
- Subject Index
- Photo Credits
Readership: Students, lay people and anyone interested in the world of elementary particles.
"It should be remarked that the list of thumbnail sketches with pictures of particle physics personalities including contemporaries as seen through the eyes of the author is very impressive."
Reviews of the First Edition:
"Veltman's life spans the history of particle physics, from Antiparticles to Z bosons. So does his crystal clear book, which tells all you want to know about the strange sub-nuclear world and the stranger scientists that study it ... a thrilling tale about the world's tiniest things."
Sheldon Glashow
Nobel laureate
Boston University
"I must congratulate you! The book you have written is truly a masterpiece. Not only have you explained the physics of the world of elementary particles to the young aspiring student, but you have made it available to the intelligent layman. On top of that you gave it the humanity it deserves; reading this book brought me back to the most exciting period of my life in which every day brought a new discovery and we all fought for recognition. I can truly say that there is no book like this."
Melvin Schwartz
Nobel laureate
Columbia University
"Veltman's ... transparent explanations of the abstract theories of quantum mechanics and special relativity, his lucid accounts of esoteric subjects in particle physics, such as scaling, Higgs particle and renormalizability ... are very impressive. The book will interest anyone who is interested in the view of the physical world held by contemporary fundamental physicists."
T Y Cao
Boston University
"I greatly enjoyed finally reading a book that goes into the details I always wanted ... Veltman has the courage to try a deeper level about what we understand and what is simply fact ... Even if you have read books popularizing physics before, you have to read this one ..."
CERN Courier
"Veltman seamlessly combines historical and thematic descriptions of particle physics, an approach that allows the reader to appreciate how experiment and theory interrelate ... I found the book to be immensely entertaining, and I recommend it highly to anyone looking for insight into the nature of elementary particle physics."
American Scientist
"Veltman gives an excellent impression of how science works and how the desire to penetrate into the unknown is what fires the enthusiasm of scientists. He also manages to explain the most abstract intricacies of particle theory without using any mathematics whatsoever ... I can fully recommend this book to students and interested lay readers, who will gain a fascinating insight into the sub-nuclear world — from a theoretical experimental and personal point of view."
Physics World
"... the wonderful feature of the book is that it should be extremely useful to almost anyone with an interest in this field, ranging from high school students and interested laypersons to physicists in other fields. Enthusiastically recommended as an addition to any library."
"Students and lay people will find Facts and Mysteries in Elementary Particle Physics superbly enlightening."
"... students and researchers in elementary particle physics should seriously consider having this book in their personal library, partly to be able to look at the many pictures and brief biographies of their favorite elementary particle physicists, and partly to learn Veltman's incisive thinking on obscure or unsettled areas in particle physics ... there are plenty of popular books on dark matter, dark energy, black holes, and cosmology, but relatively few straightforward yet fascinating popular books on elementary particle physics, so in this sense Veltman's book is exactly what is needed." "
American Journal of Physics
"As an original scientist with decided views on matters, the author provides us with define insights into the conceptual framework and history of elementary particle physics. The whole book is enlivened by a series of vignettes, with photographs, including potted biographies of important participants in this part of science or personal recollections of them."
Mathematical Reviews
"It is perceptive, thought-provoking, and unfailingly original. The sketches of physicists who built our perception of the 'facts and mysteries' adds an appealing human touch."
Chris Quigg
Fermi National Accelerator Labs.
"All JSE readers, from the merely curious to the expert in the field of modern particle physics, should read this book ... For the layman, the book is very readable and fascinating. For the expert, it is just plain fun ... I would strongly recommend it to theoretical physics graduate students, even though they may be familiar with much of the content. Like other points of a fine jewel not seen before, Veltman's engaging style of writing will remind students of the value of looking at physics through another's well-trained eye. His style will also pique the layman's interest in the most fundamental discoveries of physics in modern times."
Journal of Scientific Exploration
"The author's clear and transparent explanation of the abstract theories of quantum mechanics and special relativity without using any mathematics makes the book very impressive ... The book also contains many thumbnail sketches with pictures of particle physics personalities including contemporaries as seen through the eyes of the author."
Zentralblatt MATH