Hearts are Poised Near the Edge of Chaos
Xiaohong Zhang, Zhengze Wu, and Leon Chua
New Class of Discrete-Time Memristor Circuits: First Integrals, Coexisting Attractors and Bifurcations Without Parameters
Mauro Di Marco, Mauro Forti, Luca Pancioni, and Alberto Tesi
Study of Short-Term and Long-Term Memories by Hodgkin–Huxley Memristor
L. Wen and C. K. Ong
Model Reduction for Fluids, Using Balanced Proper Orthogonal Decomposition
C. W. Rowley
Constructing Discrete Chaotic Systems with Positive Lyapunov Exponents
Chuanfu Wang, Chunlei Fan, and Qun Ding