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Call for Papers

Special Issues of the Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship
The JDE is a double-blind refereed journal that publishes quality articles on issues and topics concerning developmental entrepreneurship. Manuscripts can include theoretical, conceptual, empirical and case study meaningful contributions that advance our understanding of microenterprise and small business development. We especially welcome articles that critically address specific programs and efforts to increase entrepreneurship among women, minorities, and others operating under unique constraints or adverse circumstances. Program successes as well as failures provide valuable lessons for researchers and program managers. Given the broad range of readership, we value readability and practicality.

Only unpublished, non-copyrighted manuscripts should be submitted. Revised versions of papers previously published in Proceedings are acceptable, if the author has retained the copyright. Submission of a paper will imply that it contains original unpublished work and is not being submitted for publication elsewhere. Authors will be granted permission to reprint or otherwise use portions of their published papers.

The editors will rigorously pursue a policy of timely and meaningful reviews. Our goal is to provide an editorial decision within ten weeks after a submission has been received. The editor will notify the author concerning any delay if we cannot meet this goal. After initial screening, the editor will send papers to reviewers who are familiar with the main topic of the work. Upon receiving the reviewers' evaluations, the editor makes the final decision based on this material.

After a manuscript is accepted, we require the corresponding author to return a signed and binding copyright agreement to JDE. The author of an accepted manuscript is also responsible for obtaining permission to quote from copyrighted work cited in the manuscript.

If we reject a manuscript or recommend modifications and changes in the paper that are against the better judgment of the author, the author may file a letter of appeal with the editor. This letter should include a detailed, point-by-point rebuttal of the review in question. Upon examination of the letter of appeal, the editor will decide whether to send the paper, the original review material and the letter of appeal to another reviewer. In such instances, the editor bases the final decision on the third reviewer's input and the earlier reviews.

The JDE is soliciting the submission of high quality, original manuscripts. Send all submissions to the Editor:

Peter Koveos
Kiebach Center for International Business Studies
The Martin J Whitman School of Management
Syracuse University
900 S. Crouse Ave.
Syracuse, New York 13244-2130, USA