Aims & Scope
The aims of this journal are to provide an international forum for disseminating state-of-the-art information in the fields of Theoretical and Computational Acoustics.
The journal invites research and tutorial contributions in THEORETICAL ANALYSES AND COMPUTATIONAL METHODS related to application areas such as PHYSICAL ACOUSTICS, UNDERWATER ACOUSTICS, SEISMO-ACOUSTICS, ATMOSPHERIC ACOUSTICS, AEROACOUSTICS, STRUCTURAL ACOUSTICS, and ELASTIC/SEISMIC WAVES, among others. Topics covered by the journal include, but are not limited to: theoretical investigations, modeling and computing pertaining to underwater, underground, airborne and structure-borne acoustic radiation, wave propagation and diffraction, coupling of acoustic and seismic waves across different media, interaction between sound and structures, noise created by aircraft, vehicles and vessels, acoustic devices and metamaterials, and validation of methodologies.
The journal strives to be flexible in the type of high quality papers it publishes and their format. Equally desirable are
- Full papers, which should be complete and relatively self-contained original contributions with an introduction that can be understood by the broad computational acoustics community. Both rigorous and heuristic styles are acceptable. Of particular interest are papers about new areas of research in which other than strictly computational arguments may be important in establishing a basis for further developments.
- Tutorial review papers, covering some of the important issues in Mathematical Methods, Computational Techniques, Scientific Computing, and their applications.
- Short notes, which present specific new results and techniques in a brief communication.
The journal will occasionally publish significant contributions which are larger than the usual format for regular papers. Special issues which report results of high quality workshops or conferences in related areas and monographs of significant contributions in the Series of Theoretical and Computational Acoustics will also be published.