Major Reference Works |
New | Series Collections | Bestsellers | Subject |
New Titles |
Engineering |
Handbook of Molecular Beam Epitaxy of Oxide Materials (In 3 Volumes) Volume 1: Molecular Beam Epitaxy of Oxides Volume 2: Materials Characterization Methods for Epitaxial Films and Heterostructures Volume 3: Seminal Contributions to Oxide MBE Editor-in-chief: Alexander A Demkov, Volume editor: Alexander A Demkov and Scott A Chambers |
Economics & Finance |
World Scientific Handbook of Transboundary Water Management Science, Economics, Policy and Politics (In 4 Volumes) Volume 1: Cooperating Over Shared Freshwater Resources Using International Law Volume 2: Tapping Technologies: The Role of Technological Change in Transboundary Water Management Volume 3: The Role of Formal and Informal Institutions in Managing Transboundary Basins Volume 4: Transboundary Water Management Across Scales: Understanding the Domestic-International Interplay Edited by: Gabriel Eckstein, David Katz, Neda A Zawahri and Jeroen Warner |
Economics and Finance |
Effective Pandemic Response: Linking Evidence, Intervention, Politics, Organization, and Governance A World Scientific Reference on Pandemics (In 3 Volumes) Volume 1: Understanding and Controlling Pandemics: Lessons Learned from COVID-19 Volume 2: Institutions, Politics, the Organization of Public Health Systems, and Governance in Pandemic Response: Perspectives from Theory and Practical Concepts Volume 3: The Impact of Institutions, Politics, Organizations, and Governance on Pandemic Response: Jurisdictional Case Studies Editor-in-chief: Peter Berman, Volume editor: David Patrick, Ashley Larnder and Candice Ruck |
Series Highlights |
Encyclopedia of Thermal Packaging
This encyclopedia will, thus, be of great interest to packaging engineers, electronic product development engineers, and product managers, as well as to researchers in thermal management of electronic and photonic components and systems, and most beneficial to undergraduate and graduate students studying mechanical, electrical, and electronic engineering.
Latest Set
Encyclopedia of Thermal Packaging : Set 3: Thermal Packaging Applications
- Volume 1: Heat Transfer in Avionic Equipment
Encyclopedia of Thermal Packaging : Set 3: Thermal Packaging Applications
- Volume 2: Thermal Management of RF Systems
Encyclopedia of Thermal Packaging : Set 3: Thermal Packaging Applications
- Volume 3: Phase Change Materials for Thermal Management of Electronic Components
This volume is a tribute to the career of Prof. Mildred Dresselhaus.
Handbook of Porphyrin Science
Research in the area of porphyrins, phthalocyanines and related macrocycles continues to expand at a phenomenal rate with literally thousands of original articles being published every year in the fields of chemistry, physics, biology, material science and photodynamic therapy. The current volume comprehensively summarizes key aspects involved in the synthesis, characterization and use of these compounds, as well as computational methodologies for the design of novel tetrapyrroles whose structural and electronic properties are described. Each chapter is authored by an expert or group of experts in the field who were asked to write "a review for the ages" and we anticipate that what is written in this volume will remain relevant for at least the next 15 years, and possibly longer.
Latest Volume(s):
Volume 46: Modern Aspects of Porphyrinoid Chemistry
- Aromatic Pathways in Porphyrinoids by Magnetically Induced Ring Currents
by Dage Sundholm and Heike Fliegl
- Recent Advances in the Syntheses of Oxidized and Reduced Porphyrins
by Yoshihiro Matano
- Coordination Chemistry of Core-Modified Porphyrins: Structure and Reactivity
by Tamal Chatterjee, Dijo Prasannan, Prosenjit Isar and Mangalampalli Ravikanth
- The Role of Photoactive Materials Based on Tetrapyrrolic Macrocycles in Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy
by Mariana Q Mesquita, Cristina J Dias, Maria G P M S Neves, Adelaide Almeida and M Amparo F Faustino
- Potentiation of Systemic Anti-Tumor Immunity with Photodynamic Therapy Using Porphyrin Derivatives
by Catarina S Lobo, Lígia C Gomes-da-Silva and Luis G Arnaut
World Scientific Series on Carbon Nanoscience
The goal of this book series is to publish selected handbooks, graduate texts and stand-alone review monographs with specific themes, focusing on modern topics and new developments in experimental and theoretical physical chemistry and chemical physics. In review chapters, the authors are encouraged to provide a section on future developments and needs. The thematic coherence and depth of each volume in this series are what distinguish it from the several other book series already existing in physical chemistry. As such, this series should be especially useful to instructors of graduate-level courses and to graduate students.
Latest Volume(s)
Volume 9 & 10-Handbook of Carbon Nanomaterials: (In 2 Volumes)
- Volume 9: Optical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes, Part I: A Volume Dedicated to the Memory of Professor Mildred S Dresselhaus
- Volume 10: Optical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes, Part II: A Volume Dedicated to the Memory of Professor Mildred S Dresselhaus
edited by R Bruce Weisman and Junichiro Kono
This volume is a tribute to the career of Prof. Mildred Dresselhaus. |
Bestsellers |
Engineering |
Handbook Of Coastal And Ocean Engineering edited by Young C Kim (California State University, Los Angeles, USA)
This handbook contains a comprehensive compilation of topics that are at the forefront of many of the technical advances in ocean waves, coastal, and ocean engineering. More than 70 internationally recognized authorities in the field of coastal and ocean engineering have contributed articles on their areas of expertise to this handbook.
Engineering |
Handbook Of PI And PID Controller Tuning Rules (3rd Edition) by Aidan O'Dwyer (Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland)
The vast majority of automatic controllers used to compensate industrial processes are PI or PID type. This book comprehensively compiles, using a unified notation, tuning rules for these controllers proposed from 1935 to 2008.
"The handbook is an invaluable compendium for students of terrorism in the Asia-Pacific region over the past 70 years. It describes the nature and aspirations of the groups seeking to use force against both legitimate governments and innocent civilian populations, and analyses the responses of governments around the region. It will prove an essential companion for counter-terrorism experts across the region, providing accurate context against which they can understand and deal with the problem of terrorism on both a national and a cooperative regional basis. Its authors and contributors are to be commended for their comprehensive and intelligent contribution."
Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter TerrorismJ
Social Sciences |
Handbook Of Terrorism In The Asia-Pacific edited by Rohan Gunaratna and Stefanie Kam (S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, NTU, Singapore)
This is a concise and readable handbook which examines the origins of the current wave of terrorism across countries in Southeast Asia, South Asia, Northeast Asia and the Pacific, and identifies emerging trends and new forms of terror that have altered the landscape and rendered the region increasingly vulnerable to asymmetric attacks.
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