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Peer Review Policy

  1. Initial Screening
    Submitted manuscripts are first considered by the Editor-in-Chief to determine if they should be subjected to the review process. The review process will begin only when all three of the following conditions are met:
    • the manuscript fits the scope of the journal
    • the manuscript is likely to make a significant contribution to the field
    • the manuscript is written in a clear and readable manner

    In the case that a manuscript does not fulfill these conditions, the Editor-in-Chief will notify the Author that the submission has been rejected, providing an explanation.

  2. Peer Review
    If a manuscript fulfils the above conditions, the Editor-in-Chief invites an appropriate Editor from the Editorial Board to handle the review process, including the selection of Reviewers. A single-blind review process shall apply.

    Editors and Reviewers involved in the review process shall disclose any and all conflicts of interest resulting from direct competitive, collaborative, or other relationships with any of the Authors, and remove themselves from cases in which such conflicts preclude an objective evaluation.

    At least 2 Reviewers will be selected for each initial manuscript; less than 2 Reviewers may be selected for a revised manuscript. The peer review process is confidential and identities of reviewers are not revealed.

  3. Decision
    Once the review process has been completed, the Handling Editor studies the Reviewers' comments and makes a recommendation that is further evaluated by the Editor-in-Chief. The Editor-in-Chief will notify the Author about the decision, enclosing a copy of the Reviewers’ comments received. Reviewed articles are treated confidentially prior to their publication.

  4. Appeal
    If a paper is initially rejected, the author has the right to appeal for another review by a different referee(s). It is also possible for the author to appeal against the decision. The appeal should be submitted to the original Handling Editor and a copy has to be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief. The final ruling on whether to reverse the original decision will be made by the Editor-in-Chief in consultation with the other Editors. No fee is charged for an appeal.