Volume 14 -General Yang–Mills Symmetry :
From Quark Confinement to an Antimatter Half-UniverseVolume 13 -Foundations of the Hyperunified Field Theory By (author): Yue-Liang Wu (Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China )Volume 12 -Space–Time, Yang–Mills Gravity, and Dynamics of Cosmic Expansion :
How Quantum Yang–Mills Gravity in the Super-Macroscopic Limit Leads to an Effective Gμv (t) and New Perspectives on Hubble's Law, the Cosmic Redshift and Dark EnergyVolume 11 -Space-Time Symmetry and Quantum Yang–Mills Gravity :
How Space-Time Translational Gauge Symmetry Enables the Unification of Gravity with Other ForcesVolume 10 -A Broader View of Relativity :
General Implications of Lorentz and Poincaré Invariance2nd edition Volume 9 -100 Years of Gravity and Accelerated Frames :
The Deepest Insights of Einstein and Yang-MillsEdited by: Jong-Ping Hsu (University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, USA ) and Dana Fine (University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, USA )Volume 8 -Lorentz and Poincaré Invariance :
100 Years of RelativityVolume 7 -Einstein's Relativity and Beyond :
New Symmetry ApproachesBy (author): Jong-Ping Hsu (University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth )Volume 6 -Differential Geometry for Physicists Volume 4 -Special Relativity and Its Experimental Foundation Volume 2 -Geometric Methods in the Elastic Theory of Membranes in Liquid Crystal Phases Volume 1 -Yang-Baxter Equation and Quantum Enveloping Algebras By (author): Zhong-Qi Ma (Academia Sinica, Beijing, China )