This book is divided into fourteen chapters, with 18 appendices as introduction to prerequisite topological and algebraic knowledge, etc. The first seven chapters focus on local analysis. This part can be used as a fundamental textbook for graduate students of theoretical physics. Chapters 8–10 discuss geometry on fibre bundles, which facilitates further reference for researchers. The last four chapters deal with the Atiyah-Singer index theorem, its generalization and its application, quantum anomaly, cohomology field theory and noncommutative geometry, giving the reader a glimpse of the frontier of current research in theoretical physics.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Differentiable Manifolds and Differential Forms (2,913 KB)
- Differentiable Manifolds and Differential Forms
- Transformation of Manifold, Manifolds with Given Vector Fields and Lie Group Manifold
- Affine Connection and Covariant Differentiation
- Riemannian Manifold
- Symplectic Manifold and Contact Manifold
- Complex Manifolds
- Homology of Manifolds
- Homotopy of Manifold, Fibre Bundle, Classification of Fibre Bundles
- Differential Geometry of Fibre Bundle, Yang–Mills Gauge Theory
- Characteristic Classes
- The Atiyah–Singer Index Theorem
- Index Theorem on Manifold with Boundary and on Open Infinite Manifold
- Family Index Theorem, Topological Properties of Quantum Gauge Theory
- Noncommutative Geometry, Quantum Group, and q-Deformation of Chern-Characters
Readership: Theoretical physicists.
“There are also topics one cannot find in a traditional geometry textbook, such as the cohomology of gauge groups, higher Chern-Simons theory and basic notions of noncommutative theory … I have found and enjoyed many interesting and less popularized things in the book…”
Mathematical Reviews, 1998