The current technological revolution in the development of computing devices has created a demand for a textbook on the quantum theory of the electronic and optical properties of semiconductors and semiconductor devices. This book successfully fulfills this need. Based on lectures given by the authors, it is a comprehensive introduction for researchers or graduate-level students to the subject. Certain sections can also serve as a graduate-level textbook for use in solid state physics courses or for more specialized courses. The final chapters establish a direct link to current research in semiconductor physics.
- Oscillator Model
- Atom in a Classical Light Field
- Periodic Lattice of Atoms
- Free Carrier Transitions
- Field Quantization
- Ideal Quantum Gases
- The Interacting Electron Gas
- Plasmons and Plasma Screening
- Retarded Green's Functions for Electrons
- Interband Kinetics and Excitons
- Polaritons
- Semiconductor Bloch Equations
- Optical Quasi-Equilibrium Nonlinearities
- Optical Bistability
- The Semiconductor Laser
- Optical Stark Effect in Semiconductors
- Free-Carrier Electroabsorption
- Exciton Electroabsorption
- Semiconductor Quantum Wires
- Semiconductor Quantum Dots;
- Transport Theory — Intraband Kinetics
- Appendix: Nonequilibrium Green's Functions
Readership: Solid state physicists, materials and optical scientists .
“This textbook/monograph of Haug of Koch is an important contribution to the solid-state physics literature … It serves as a compendium of intelligent analysis of a great diversity of electro-optical phenomena. This reviewer welcomes the addition to his bookcase … There is no doubt that Quantum Theory of the Optical and Electronic Properties of Semiconductors addresses an important topic and serves as a useful resource for a segment of the microelectronics community.”
Joe Pimbley
Siam Review